Submitted by Mary Jane Zimmerman Susannah H. Medlock…………. Hancock Cnty Deed Book K, pages 115, 116, & 117 GA Archives - Drawer 106 Box 53 (Microfilm) Between water marks and smears, this film was very difficult to read and is of poor quality as was the printer. In addition it is particularly strange to find such a document in a Deed Book. Mary Jean Zimmerman July 10, 2000. Know all men by these presents that I, SUSANNAH H.
MEDLOCK of the county of PITTSYLVANIA & State of VIRGINIA have made and
ordained constituted & appointed & by these presents do constitute &
appoint JOSEPH SANFORD of HALIFAX County VIRGINIA my true and lawful attorney
for me in my name, but to my side ,to all demand, sue for, recover &
receive, all and every such property as is left me by my Grand father CHARLES
MEDLOCK of the State of Georgia, Warren County by will.
To wit negroes ADAM & EVE & EVE’S increase; the hire of said
negroes since I was of age the twelfth day of November, eighteen hundred &
eleven (Nov 12 1811)^as well as arrears of kind From GEORGE MEDLOCK dec., executors EZEKIEL SMITH & MRS. MEDLOCK, widow of GEO. MEDLOCK dec. who had the hiring of the same negroes aforesaid & for the now payment of the same hires or arrears of hires or any part thereof , or ___ not delivering up the negroes & their increase aforesaid, to enter a presentation against the executor & executrix aforesaid & cause the same to be disposed of accordingly to law, and upon delivery of said negroes ADAM, EVE & her increase & upon payment of said ___a ___ ___ thereof for me in my name. To give acquaintances and discharge for the same & the moneys so by him received immediately thereupon to pay over to me or my representations or to my order & further to do & execute all & every, any other lawful act & acts needful for the receiving recovering & obtaining of said negroes ADAM, EVE, & her increase and hire in arrears now due or to grow due for the principle or any part thereof, but to me and for my use as aforesaid as fully & effectually to all intends & purposes as if I were personally present, hereby ratifying & confirming whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done or about the premises. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal this 16 day of November for 1812. SUSANNAH H. MEDLOCK < seal> Test: Wm Yancy Geo X Dodson (his mark) Labor Walters [Note: ^ & ^ indicate an insert into the text after the clerk had completed his copying]
VIRGINIA PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY At a quarterly court held for Pittsylvania County the 16th day of November 1812. The within letter of attorney was presented in court and proved by the oath of WILLIAM YANCY and GEORGE DODSON two of the subscribing witnesses to be the act and deed of the within named SUSANNAH H. MEDLOCK and by the court ordered records. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office this 17th day November in the year aforesaid. ####SEAL#### WILL TUNSTALL VIRGINIA PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY To Wit~ I DAVID HUNT presiding Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that WILLIAM TUNSTALL whose name is subscribed to above certificate was then and is now clerk of the court of said county that the said certificate is in due form and that full faith and credit is due and ought to be given to all his official acts as such whatsoever. Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of November 1812. D. HUNT %%%%%SEAL%%%%% REGISTERED the 15th December 1812 PHIL S. SIMMS, Clk of Court (EX) HANCOCK COUNTY GEORGIA |