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Walker County, Georgia1900 Census IndexE SURNAMESThis index was made possible through the generosity of Benton
Fletcher, who did the original transcription work and sent Sherry Osburn the file. Because of the large number of adults living in
other households it was decided to make this an all names index of the
1900 census of Walker County, Georgia. Undoubtedly some errors have occured
in this transcription but hopefully you will find this work useful to
your genealogical research in Walker County.
The head of household for this census are in caps and are listed first and then the rest of that particular surname are in alphabetical order following them.
NAME CENSUS PAGE EA??(?), JAMES M. 265A Ea??(?), Allie V. 265A Ea??(?), Bamon 265A Ea??(?), Emma 265A Ea??(?), Gracie 265A Ea??(?), Julia 265A Ea??(?), Minnie 265A Ea??(?), Mudie Bell 265A Eaker, Alexander 145A EARLE, LAURA 291A Earle, Mary 291A Earley, George 277A EARLS, ELIAS 213A Earls, Cora 213A Earls, James 213B Earnest, Edward 150A Easalon, Ollie 154A Eason, Electa 299A Eason, Samuel 301A EASTLAND, MARK (MARCH) 158A Eastland, Amanda 158A Eastland, Ceila 158A Eastland, Mabel C. 158A Eastland, Mary B. S. 158A Eastland, William C. 158A Eastling, Willie 299B EATON, JAMES A. J. 167B Eaton, Edgar J. H. 167B Eaton, Mary A. 167B EAVES, WILLIAM P. 142B Eaves, Arthur 142B Eaves, Millie C. 142B Eaves, Nora E. 142B Eaves, Robert B. 142B Eaves, Sarah E. 142B Eaves, Susie A. 142B ECHOLS, BLAKE(?) 141A ECHOLS, LIZA 184A ECHOLS, MARIAH 186B Echols, Alice C. 186B Echols, Beula 184A Echols, Clary 184A Echols, Ellen 141A Echols, Frank F. 141A Echols, Gertrude 184B Echols, Mary 184A Echols, Mary B. 186B Echols, Mary E. 141A Echols, Mattie L. 141A Echols, P?ke 186B Echols, Robert 186B Echols, Samuel 184B EDGE, JEFFERSON T. 229A EDGE, JOHN 229A EDGE, WESLEY B. 166A Edge, John E. 166A Edge, Laura 229A Edge, Lucinda 166A Edge, Lucindy 229A Edge, Lucindy M. 229A Edge, Thomas A. 229A EDMONDSON, NATHANIEL? 225B Edmondson, Josiah 225B Edmondson, Samuel J. 225B EDWARDS, DAN 223B Edwards, Andrew 217B Edwards, Bessie 224A Edwards, Clarence 224A Edwards, Dewey 224A Edwards, George 269B Edwards, Myrtle 224A ELDER, DAVID G. 141A Elder, Beaulah L. 141A Elder, Carrie 141A Elder, Carrie L. 141A Elder, John G. 141A Elder, Mary L. 141A Elders, Robert E. 162B ELESBERRY, BENJAMIN 237B Elesberry, Mary A. 237B Elesberry, Nancy E. 237B Elesberry, Sarah E. 237B ELLENBURG, MARGIE 188B Ellenburg, Annie 188B Ellenburg, Lonzo 188B Ellenburg, Spencer 188B ELLIOTT, JAMES A. 161B ELLIOTT, THOMAS H. 161B ELLIOTT, WILLIAM 221B Elliott, Blanche 161B Elliott, Clarke 161B Elliott, Jennie 161B Elliott, Lucinda B. 221B Elliott, Lucretia 221B Elliott, Margaret 221B Elliott, Martha J. 161B Elliott, Paronia B. 221B Elliott, Ray 161B Elliott, Thomas 221B Elliott, William 221B Elliott, William E. 161B ELLIS, ALBERT L. 161A ELLIS, ALEXANDER 289B ELLIS, ANDREW 258A ELLIS, ED H. 269A ELLIS, GEORGE 153A ELLIS, GEORGE W. 268A ELLIS, JAMES 210A ELLIS, JAMES H. 267B ELLIS, JAMES L. 258A ELLIS, JESSE 161B ELLIS, JOE 262B ELLIS, JOHN C. 150A ELLIS, JOHN T. 161A ELLIS, JOHN W. 150A ELLIS, JOSEPH T. 201B ELLIS, LEE A. 161B ELLIS, MON??? 267B ELLIS, ROBERT 295A ELLIS, THOMAS 161B ELLIS, THOMAS T. 161A Ellis, Alice 295A Ellis, Alwieda 161A Ellis, Arlena E. 150A Ellis, Bascomb F. 258A Ellis, Beaula 153A Ellis, Birthie 268A Ellis, Bryant 153A Ellis, Burl 150A Ellis, Clarence 161B Ellis, David J. 258A Ellis, David L. 258A Ellis, Dora M. 258A Ellis, Dovie M. 201B Ellis, Earl 267B Ellis, Earl J. 289B Ellis, Ellen 201B Ellis, Ellie N. 201B Ellis, Ellin W. 258A Ellis, Etta P. 289B Ellis, Frank H. 289B Ellis, Frank T. 201B Ellis, Fred 258A Ellis, George E. 150A Ellis, Grace 161B Ellis, Henry 262B Ellis, Herman W. 161B Ellis, Ietta 289B Ellis, James C. 289B Ellis, James C. 150A Ellis, Jesse 150A Ellis, Jessie 210A Ellis, Julie E. 269A Ellis, Laura B. 161A Ellis, Lena 161A Ellis, Leola 210A Ellis, Lisa 268A Ellis, Lloyd 161B Ellis, Louella 161B Ellis, Lucy 201B Ellis, Lucy N. 162A Ellis, Lurinda 161A Ellis, Maggie N. 161A Ellis, Malinda 176A Ellis, Mamie A. 150A Ellis, Maniae M. 258A Ellis, Manual 267B Ellis, Margaret 262B Ellis, Martha J. 150A Ellis, Martha M. 289B Ellis, Martin L. 162A Ellis, Mary 267B Ellis, Mary 153A Ellis, Mary E. 161B Ellis, Mary J. 258A Ellis, Mary M. 267B Ellis, Mary M. 201B Ellis, Matilda 273A Ellis, Mattie 161B Ellis, Mattie 210A Ellis, Maude E. 201B Ellis, Millie 295A Ellis, Minnie C. 161B Ellis, Nancy 295A Ellis, Nancy E. 258A Ellis, Nora A. 258A Ellis, Octavey 258A Ellis, Rockie Z. 150A Ellis, Ron 267B Ellis, Sarah 268A Ellis, Sarah M. 150A Ellis, Thomas C. 258A Ellis, Walter J. 258A Ellis, Washington J. 258A Ellis, William 161A Ellis, William H. 258A Ellis, Willie 161A ELLISON, AUGUST 288B ELLISON, FREDERICK 215B ELLISON, HENRY T. 265B ELLISON, JACK 260A ELLISON, MINERVA 145A Ellison, A. A. 215B Ellison, Amanda E. 288B Ellison, Augustus L. 288B Ellison, B. F. 215B Ellison, Ben Harrison 265B Ellison, C. W. [Mrs.] 265B Ellison, Charles W. 265B Ellison, Ed 265B Ellison, Frank W. 288B Ellison, James 287A Ellison, Louisa 265B Ellison, Mary A. 215B Ellison, Samantha 145A Ellison, Will 277A Ellison, Winnie 288B Ellison, Zilla 288B Ellrod, James M. 159B Ellrod, Sallie 159B ELSBERRY, JOHN 244A Elsberry, Delilah 244A Elsberry, Lanora M. 244A Elsberry, Walter R. 244A Elsberry, William H. 244A EMMERSON, FRANK 163B Emmerson, Richard 159B Emmerson, Richard 163B Emmerson, Vestie 163B EMORY, ROBERT 144B Emory, Abie 144B England, Eliza J. 180B England, William 179A English, Joe C. 276B Eslick, Montgomery C. 143A Eslinger, J. Wesley 196A ESPY, BARTON 244A ESPY, JAMES 147A Espy, Addie 244A Espy, Britten E. 244A Espy, Carrie 147A Espy, Charley 244A Espy, Eliza 147A Espy, Gordon 244A Espy, Herman 147A Espy, John 244A Espy, Mary L. 244A Espy, Rowland 244A Espy, Tennie 244A EUBANKS, WILLIAM E. 151A Eubanks, Avery C. 151A Eubanks, David G. 151A Eubanks, patience B. 151A Eubanks, Thomas E. 151A EVANS, A. W. 271B EVANS, JAMES W. 246A EVANS, JANE 243A EVANS, RI? 249A EVANS, WILLIAM 262A Evans, Amanda 303B Evans, Arther 271B Evans, Benf? 271B Evans, Bessie G. 262A Evans, Boyed 262A Evans, Caroline N. 303B Evans, Claud 246A Evans, Clyde C. 262A Evans, Eliza 246A Evans, Emily 271B Evans, Georgia A. 249A Evans, Hannah 249A Evans, Harvy 277A Evans, Henry A. 229B Evans, James H. 249A Evans, Jessie 249A Evans, John 277A Evans, Julia 249A Evans, Lon 249A Evans, Lou A. 292A Evans, Mammie 246A Evans, Marion B. 303B Evans, Mary 262A Evans, Mary A. 201A Evans, Millie 249A Evans, Minnie B. 246A Evans, Myrtle 303B Evans, Nancy D. 243A Evans, Pelley 249A Evans, Rich 276B Evans, Susan 249A Evans, Wallace 303B Evans, Willie B. 262A Evarey, Hollie 277A EVATT, EMILINE 202B EVATT, JOHN 279A EVATT, RICHARD 282B Evatt, Alexander 282B Evatt, Emma 282B Evatt, Frank 282B Evatt, Georgia E. 177B Evatt, Henry 282B Evatt, Mary L. 282B Evatt, Mattie 279A Evatt, Minnie 282B Evatt, Myrtle 282B Evatt, Sisley A. 279A Evatt, William E. 177B EVERETT, AMOS 244B Everett, Gracie L. 244B Everett, James B. 244B Everett, Sammie 244B EVERIDGE, JOHN 279A Everidge, Clarisy 279A EVERIGE, JOSEPH 279A Everige, Carl 279A Everige, Emma 279A Everige, Fletcher 279A Everige, Frank 279A Everige, Laura 279A Everige, Lula 279A Everige, Mary E. 279A Everige, Maude 279A Everige, Not Named 279A Evett, Mattie 211A EVITT, ALFRED M. 281A EVITT, CHARLES 284A EVITT, CHARLEY 284A EVITT, EMELINE 294B EVITT, WILLIAM 283A Evitt, Alfred L. 281A Evitt, Annie 283A Evitt, Charles M. 283A Evitt, Cora L. 281A Evitt, Earnest 284A Evitt, Elexena 284A Evitt, Elmore 284A Evitt, Ida 284A Evitt, John 284A Evitt, Laura 284A Evitt, Lonnie 284A Evitt, Mary 284A Evitt, Mary 283A Evitt, Mary L. 281A Evitt, Ruth 284A EZELL, ALFRED 180B EZELL, SAMUEL 178A EZELL, TOM E. 272B Ezell, Addie 272B Ezell, Arther 272B Ezell, Clara 180B Ezell, Columbus B. 178A Ezell, Dorcas E. 178A Ezell, Eliza 180B Ezell, Emma 180B Ezell, Fannie 272B Ezell, Forest R. 178A Ezell, Frank 178A Ezell, Margaret 178A Ezell, Mary 272B Ezell, Mary A. 178A Ezell, Oliver 272B Ezell, Ollie 178A Ezell, Paul 180B Ezell, Samuel 180B Ezell, Samuel L. 178A Ezell, William 272B
1900 Walker County, GA Census
If you have any questions or comments, please write to
copyright 2001-2004 by Bill Clody This page was last modified 10 Jul 2011 |