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Walker County, Georgia1900 Census IndexK SURNAMESThis index was made possible through the generosity of Benton
Fletcher, who did the original transcription work and sent Sherry
Osburn the file. Because of the large number of adults living in
other households it was decided to make this an all names index of the
1900 census of Walker County, Georgia. Undoubtedly some errors have occured
in this transcription but hopefully you will find this work useful to
your genealogical research in Walker County.
The head of household for this census are in caps and are listed first and then the rest of that particular surname are in alphabetical order following them.
NAME CENSUS PAGE KEARNES, LORENZO D. 253A Kearnes, Elizabeth 253A Kearnes, Maggie P. 253A Kearnes, Sallie 253A KEARNS, BAR? 195A KEARNS, JAMES R. 195A Kearns, Ellen 195A Kearns, James J. 195A Kearns, John 295A Kearns, Mollie 195A Kearns, Sarah D. 195A Kearns, Schley 195A KEITH, GEORGE L. 221A KEITH, GEORGIA 244A KEITH, LESTER 249B KEITH, REUBEN 244B Keith, Annie L. 244B Keith, Carrie 249B Keith, Elva W. 244B Keith, Estella M. 244B Keith, John 157B Keith, Julius C. 244B Keith, Lewis P. 244B Keith, Lilie C. 244B Keith, Martha 221B Keith, Matthew E. 244B Keith, Ollie M. 221B Keith, Orpha C. 221B Keith, Pearlie B. 244B Keith, Sarah E. 244B Keith, Sophia M. 244B KELL, BYRON V. 279A KELL, CHARLEY 303B KELL, NIMROD 281B KELL, WILLIAM E. 283A Kell, Gracie 281B Kell, Lawrence 283A Kell, Lena 283A Kell, Leonard 281B Kell, Loy N. J. 303B Kell, Mary E. 303B Kell, Mattie 303B Kell, Mattie A. 279A Kell, Tennessee 281B Kelley, John 277B Kelley, Mat 144A Kelley, Robert 186B Kelley, Willie 186B KELLIR, JAMES C. 266B Kellir, Annie 266B Kellir, Aubry 266B Kellir, James 266B Kellir, Lula 266B Kellir, N???? 266B Kellitt, Jinnie 272A KELLY, WILLIAM 298A KELLY, WOODVILLE 203B Kelly, Charlie N. 203B Kelly, Clara 298A Kelly, Estelle 298A Kelly, Francis 203B Kelly, Hattie E. 298A Kelly, Joseph M. 203B Kelly, Julia 191B Kelly, Julia C. 203B Kelly, Lizzie 298A Kelly, Manda E. 203B Kelly, Minnie 191B Kelly, Olivia M. 203B Kelly, Oscar 298A Kelly, Pauline 298A Kelly, Richard 191B Kelly, Sam 191B Kelly, Shannon 191B Kelly, Will 206B KELTIN, HIRAM 266A Keltin, Carrie 266A Keltin, Dora 266A Keltin, Eskon? 266A Keltin, Hagar 266A Keltin, Jessie 266A Keltin, Minnie 266A Keltin, Nancie 266A KENDRICK, JAMES B. 269B Kendrick, Allice L. 269B Kendrick, P? 269B Kendrick, Wallice K. 269B KENEDY, GEORGE L. 144A Kenedy, Clarence 144A Kenedy, Gordon 144A Kenedy, Lizzie 144A Kenedy, Louie 144A Kenes, B. Louisa 200A KENNEDY, WILLIAM A. 200B Kennedy, Claudie 201A Kennedy, John H. 200B Kennedy, Maggie M. 201A Kennedy, Mary A. E. 201A Kennedy, Sallie 200B KENNER, SAMUEL C. 165A Kenner, Ben 165A Kenner, Daisey 165A Kenner, Fannie 165A Kenner, Lovella 165A Kenner, Mamie 165A Kenner, Nellie V. 165A Kenner, Roy 165A Kenner, Willie L. 165A KEOWN, DAVID N. 229B KEOWN, FLETCHER 233B KEOWN, JAMES 238A KEOWN, JAMES M. 230A KEOWN, JOHN 205B KEOWN, MILES 247B KEOWN, NATHANIEL G. 181A KEOWN, NEWTON 244A KEOWN, SARAH 248B KEOWN, WARREN 244A KEOWN, WILLIAM N. 237B Keown, Addie 230A Keown, Adice C. 244A Keown, Benjamin D. 229B Keown, Burl 244A Keown, Callie 247B Keown, Carry L. 237B Keown, Claricy 237B Keown, Deihl 205B Keown, Elford D. 230A Keown, Ellen 233B Keown, Eoise 238A Keown, Eugene W. 229B Keown, Fannie R. M. 181A Keown, Fleetwood 247B Keown, Florence G. 181A Keown, Gilbert G. 181A Keown, Grady 205B Keown, Homer 238A Keown, Horace M. 181A Keown, James C. 229B Keown, James H. 244A Keown, Lillian 238A Keown, Lonnie 205B Keown, Mammie 244A Keown, Marshall G. 181A Keown, Martha 233B Keown, Martha A. 229B Keown, Martha M. 230A Keown, Mary 238A Keown, mattie G. 244A Keown, Metella 240B Keown, Nancy E. 237B Keown, Nanny L. 229B Keown, Ola 229B Keown, Ola B. 244A Keown, Oscar 240B Keown, Pearl 205B Keown, Pelly D. 229B Keown, Rosa A. 244A Keown, Sarah S. 247B Keown, Savannah 205B Keown, Susan A. 244A Keown, Thomas T. 205B Keown, William 233B Keown, William 238A Keown, William H. 229B KERNS(?) FRANK 261B Kerns(?), Allise 261B Kerns(?), Almun F. 261B Kerns(?), Benjamin B. 261B Kerns(?), Mary J. 261B Kerns(?), William E. 261B KERR, SUSAN 292A Kerr, Charley 292A Kerr, Dan 292A Kerr, Nellie V. 292A Kerr, Se?? 277B KEYS, JOHN W. 177B Keys, Beulah 173B Keys, Charles 177B Keys, Ella 177B Keys, Margaret A. 177B Keys, Robert 177B KI?, JESSE R. 249A Ki?, Lord A. 249A Ki?, Luther N. 249A Ki?, Pearlie L. 249A Ki?, Rosa A. 249A KILGO, ISAAC A. 169A KILGORE, DAVID 290A KILGORE, ROBERT 301A KILGORE, WILLIAM 294A Kilgore, Annie 290A Kilgore, Arbie 294A Kilgore, Eula O. 301A Kilgore, Georgie 290A Kilgore, Gordon 294A Kilgore, John 281A Kilgore, John 290A Kilgore, John H. 301A Kilgore, Ludie A. 294A Kilgore, Margarete 301A Kilgore, Martha 294A Kilgore, Mary 290A Kilgore, Mary A. 301A Kilgore, Minerva 290A Kilgore, Minnie 290A Kilgore, Minnie 294A Kilgore, Orville 294A Kilgore, Rebecca 294A Kilgore, Ruth L. 301A Kilgore, Sarah 290A Kilgore, William 290A Kilgore, Willie 294A Killian, Leon 262A KILLIN, DOCK G. 260A KILLINGSWORTH, DOUG? 269B KILLINGSWORTH, F. 262B KILLINGSWORTH, J. 268A KILLINGSWORTH, TOM 265A KILLINGSWORTH, WILLLIAM A. 266B Killingsworth, Alvis 265A Killingsworth, Benn 265A Killingsworth, Bessie 262B Killingsworth, Callie 269B Killingsworth, Charles 267A Killingsworth, Dexter 267A Killingsworth, Ethel 267A Killingsworth, George C. 269B Killingsworth, Henry 268A Killingsworth, I??? 265A Killingsworth, James Anderson 268A Killingsworth, Jues 268A Killingsworth, Lillie 262B Killingsworth, Maggie 265A Killingsworth, Mandy 265A Killingsworth, Minnie L. 269B Killingsworth, Odis 265A Killingsworth, Ro??? 267A Killingsworth, Robert 267A Killingsworth, Roy 267A Killingsworth, Ruthey 267A Killingsworth, Sopha 266B KIMBELL, ARBY 261A Kimbell, Lula 261A KINAMON(?), JAMES 287A Kinamon(?), Auta 287A Kinamon(?), Charity 287A Kinamon(?), Frank 287A Kinamon(?), Martha 287A Kinamon(?), Nora 287A Kinamon(?), William 287A KINDOLL, SANDY D. 186B Kindoll, Angiline 186B Kindoll, Annie M. 186B KINEAD, WILLIAM 149A Kinead, John 149A Kinead, Mamie E. 149A KING, MARY A. 255A KING, THOMAS 247B King, Frank 277B King, John 155A King, John W. 247B King, Martha 247B King, Sarah C. 255A King, William 247B KINMAR, PHEOBE 280A KINSEY, DAVID L. 223A KINSEY, ELIJAH W. 217B KINSEY, GEORGE 240A KINSEY, JOHN C. 242A KINSEY, NEWTON 242A KINSEY, OLIVER 158A KINSEY, SUSAN A. 221B KINSEY, WASHINGTON 240B KINSEY, WILLIAM 244B KINSEY, WILLIAM L. 158B Kinsey, Amand 240B Kinsey, Annie B. 244B Kinsey, Annie L. 240B Kinsey, Barnie M. 240B Kinsey, Bessie M. 158A Kinsey, Blanche 158B Kinsey, Caladonia 158B Kinsey, Cara 240A Kinsey, Clara 240B Kinsey, Dedee M. 223A Kinsey, Dennis Carl 223A Kinsey, Dollie 158B Kinsey, Elizabeth 242A Kinsey, Fannie L. 223A Kinsey, Felton 242A Kinsey, Franklin G. 244B Kinsey, Fred 158B Kinsey, Georgia M. 223A Kinsey, Jackson C. 244B Kinsey, James H. 158A Kinsey, Julia 240A Kinsey, Katie 158A Kinsey, Lillie May 223A Kinsey, Livie 242A Kinsey, Lizzie 158B Kinsey, Luther 242A Kinsey, Marcus G. 221B Kinsey, Mardie H. 221B Kinsey, Margaret V. 221B Kinsey, Martha 240B Kinsey, Mary 244B Kinsey, Mary A. 240B Kinsey, Mary A. 223A Kinsey, Mattie 240B Kinsey, May L. 221B Kinsey, Minnie E. 223A Kinsey, Nellie M. 240B Kinsey, Rebeca 242A Kinsey, Robert W. 221B Kinsey, Sarah E. 221B Kinsey, Thomas H. 158A Kinsey, William G. 244B Kinsey, William L. 242A Kinsey, Willie G. 244B KIRKES, JAMES 299A Kirkes, Beulah T. 299A Kirkes, Clara 299A Kirkes, Martha A. 299A Kirkes, Mary B. 299A Kirkes, Orvin 299A Kirkes, Samuel D. 299A Kirkes, Temperance 299A KIRKLEN, ELISHA 213A Kirklen, Calarny 213A Kirklen, Joe 213A Kirklen, Susie S. 213A KIRKLIN, HIRAM P. 164A Kirklin, Blanche 164A Kirklin, Dovie 164A Kirklin, Emma P. 164A Kirklin, Harriet 164A Kirklin, Henry 164A Kirklin, Hettie 164A Kirklin, Mary 164A Kirklin, Minnie 164A Kirklin, Willie 164A KIRKPATRICK, JAMES T. 146B KIRKPATRICK, JOSEPH S. 154B Kirkpatrick, Alice M. 146B Kirkpatrick, Earl B. 146B Kirkpatrick, Harrol F. 146B Kirkpatrick, John C. 146B Kirkpatrick, Luther 154B Kirkpatrick, Maggie 146B Kirkpatrick, Maggie 154B Kirkpatrick, Mary 154B Kirkys?, Chares 276B KNIGHT, ARA 295A KNIGHT, MERRITH(?) 286A Knight, Claude 295A Knight, John 295A Knight, Mary 295A Knight, Oliver 295A Knight, Sarah 286A KNOWLES, GEORGE 259B Knowles, Annie 259B KNOX, ABNER 173B KNOX, ALEXANDER 149B KNOX, EUGENE 297B KNOX, JEETER 300B KNOX, JOHN C. 192B KNOX, WILLIAM 298A Knox, Adeline 149B Knox, Alice 149B Knox, Alice 150A Knox, Alonzo 155A Knox, Annie 298A Knox, Annie L. 192B Knox, Bertha 297B Knox, Bertie 150A Knox, Chell 149B Knox, Cicero 209A Knox, Dora 298A Knox, Henry 209A Knox, Jessie 209A Knox, John C., Jr. 192B Knox, Lee 298A Knox, Mary 300B Knox, Matilda 149B Knox, Nellie 173B Knox, Rosetta 297B Knox, Samuel E. 297B Knox, Willie C. 192B Knox, Willie M. 297B KRAYNER, JOSSIE 152B Krayner, Hallie W. 152B Krayner, Vesta 152B Kyes, Alexander 277B
1900 Walker County, GA Census
If you have any questions or comments, please write to
copyright 2001-2004 by Bill Clody This page was last modified 10 Jul 2011 |