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Walker County, Georgia1900 Census IndexN SURNAMESThis index was made possible through the generosity of Benton
Fletcher, who did the original transcription work and sent Sherry Osburn the file. Because of the large number of adults living in other households it was decided to make this an all names index of the
1900 census of Walker County, Georgia. Undoubtedly some errors have occured
in this transcription but hopefully you will find this work useful to
your genealogical research in Walker County.
The head of household for this census are in caps and are listed first and then the rest of that particular surname are in alphabetical order following them.
NAME CENSUS PAGE N????, MARY J. 266A NAPIER, HARDEN W. 217A NAPIER, NATHAN C. 187B Napier, Alice 187B Napier, Caroline 187B Napier, Emma 187B Napier, Julia 187B Napier, Julia S. 187B Napier, Mary A. 217A Napier, Nathan C., Jr. 187B Napier, Sallie M. 217A Napier, Samuel A. 217A NASH, JAMES W. S. 183A Nash, Elizabeth N. 183A Nash, James W. J. 183A Nash, Maggie M. 183A Nash, Moses 301A Nash, Thomas P. 183A Nash, Tyre J. 183A NATHERS, SIMPSON A. 146A Nathers, Carrie A. 146A Nathers, Dora B. 146A Nathers, Gordon 146A Nathers, Mary 146A NATION, ADOPHAS 246A Nation, Emma 246A Nation, Pearl R. 246A Nation, Robert L. 246A Nation, William 246A NATIONS, ELIZA 213A NATIONS, EUGENE 226A NATIONS, GEORGE W. 226A NATIONS, MANCE 226A NATIONS, WILLIAM 213A Nations, Cappie A. 226A Nations, Full? 226A Nations, John B. 169A Nations, Lear 226A Nations, Mary J. 226A Nations, Rend R. 213A Nations, Tenny M. 213A Nations, Thomas 226A Nations, William 213A NAVE, CALVIN 193A NAVE, JAMES 160A NAVE, JESSE 176A NAVE, WILLIAM 176B Nave, Annie 193B Nave, Arthur 160A Nave, Belle 160A Nave, Burch 193B Nave, Catherine 176B Nave, Charlie 176B Nave, Clarkie 176A Nave, Earl 176A Nave, Ethel 160A Nave, Ethel 176A Nave, Gordon 176B Nave, Jennie 160A Nave, John 160A Nave, Katie 160A Nave, Lizzie 176B Nave, Mamie 160A Nave, Mary 160A Nave, Nina 193B Nave, William 176B NEAL, ABRAHAM A. 255B NEAL, CHARLIE 199A NEAL, MA??? 262B NEAL, REECE B. 257A Neal, Abraham P. 255B Neal, Arrie 199A Neal, Atticus E. 257A Neal, Dora 262B Neal, Ella 199B Neal, Emma 262B Neal, Henry 199B Neal, James 278B Neal, John C. 255B Neal, Luther 262B Neal, Mary 255B Neal, Mary 199B Neal, Mary A. 255B Neal, Mary F. 257A Neal, Mattie L. 255B Neal, Pearl 199A Neal, Reece M. 257A Neal, Tom 199B Neal, William 262B Neal, William P. 251B Nebhet, Mary M. 152B NEEL, EDMUND 157B Neel, Charity 157B NEELEY, WILLIAM H. 193A Neeley, Annie 193A Neeley, Clara L. 193A Neeley, Corine A. 193A Neeley, Lee D. 193A Neeley, Maude M. 193A Neeley, Minnie S. 193A Neeley, Raymond G. 193A Neeley, Sarah 193A Neeley, William R. 193A NEELY, BEN 189B NEELY, ROBERT E. 177A NEELY, SYLVANIA A. 177A Neely, Alfred F. 189B Neely, Edna 177A Neely, Francis 177A Neely, Ira 177A Neely, Josephine 177A Neely, Laura 177A Neely, Mamie L. 189B Neely, Mary 177A Neely, Nellie 177A Neely, Plumben N. 189B Neely, Sallie 177A Neely, Sallie 189B Neely, Tom H. 189B Neely, William S. 177A Neighbors, Oscar 291A NELLY, WILL 206B NELSON, RICHARD 296A Nelson, Asa 296B Nelson, Edna 296B Nelson, Jane 296A Nelson, Mary 288B Nelson, McDuffie 296A Nelson, Shannon 296A Nelson, William 296B Nelson, William 278B Nesby, William 155A NEWBY, JACK 266A Newby, Far? 266A Newby, Henary 266A Newby, King M. 266A Newby, Lidie 266A Newby, Olivie 266A Newby, Tim Thomas 266A NEWSOME, EDWARD 149A NEWSOME, FURMAN 190A Newsome, Allen 190B Newsome, Amanda 149A Newsome, Arrie 190B Newsome, Brady 149A Newsome, Charlie 190B Newsome, Edward 149A Newsome, Julius 190B Newsome, Lark 149A Newsome, Lyda 149A Newsome, Mildred 190B Newsome, William 141A Newsome, Willie 190B Newton, Arnold 142B NICHOLLS, BERRY 156A Nicholls, Haly 163B Nicholls, Minnie 163B Nicholls, William J. 157B NICHOLS, W. ARTHUR 185A Nichols, Alice 185A Nichols, Clarra 156A Nichols, Gordon L. 185A Nichols, John W. 185A Nichols, Julia B. 185A Nichols, Lillie 156A Nichols, Mary L. 185A Nickleson, Annie 271A NIPPER, WILLIAM 294A Nipper, James C. 294A Nipper, Luther O. 294A Nipper, Molly 294A Nitchel, Addie M. 202A Nitchel, Carrie L. 202A Nitchel, Fannie 202A Nitchel, Mary R. 202A Nitchel, Nancy V. 202A NITE, BENJAMIN F. 152A Nite, Bertie A. 152A Nite, Carl C. 152A Nite, Hester J. 152A Nite, Ida M. 152A Nite, Martha L. 152A Nite, Martitia 152A Nix, Calvin A. 204B NOBLE, JOHN C. 181B Noble, mary 181B Nobles, Mary 142A NOBLETT, JAMES M. 181B NOBLETT, JOHN M. 181A Noblett, Alonzo 181B Noblett, Amanda 181A Noblett, Clifton 181B Noblett, John 181A Noblett, John 181B Noblett, Olphelia 181B Noblett, Samuel 181B Noblett, William 181A Nops?, Joff 278B Noris, Bob 276B NORMAN, JOSEPH 251A NORMAN, THOMAS 254B NORMAN, W??? 293B Norman, Amanda 293B Norman, Catherine 254B Norman, George 278B Norman, Lula J. 251A Norman, Mattie 254B Norman, Richard 254B Norris, Herschel B. 166B North, Thomas (Tom) 205A Norton, Dora S. 246A Norton, Ida J. 246A Norton, Jamie 246A Norton, Margaret 246A Norton, Martha A. 246A Norton, Nancy N. 246A Norton, Robert A. 246A Norton, William J. 246A NUCKOLLS, AN? 243B NUCKOLLS, JOHN 243B NUCKOLLS, LaFAYETTE W. 246B Nuckolls, Alexander M. 246B Nuckolls, Anderson 243B Nuckolls, Annie 243B Nuckolls, Belle 243B Nuckolls, Clarence 243B Nuckolls, Frank 243B Nuckolls, Laura 243B Nuckolls, Lillie 243B Nuckolls, Mary E. 246B Nuckolls, Mary L. 246B Nuckolls, Myrtle R. 246B Nuckolls, Nelia A. 246B Nuckolls, V? N. 246B Nuckols, Essie 230A NUNNALLY, WILLIAM J. 141A Nunnally, Clarke Lee 141A NYMAN, LUCY 177B Nyman, Angie 177B Nyman, Birdie 177B Nyman, Samuel 177B
1900 Walker County, GA Census
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copyright 2001-2004 by Bill Clody This page was last modified 10 Jul 2011 |