SHERBURNE was formed from Paris, Oneida county, March 5, 1795, and its name is said to have been suggested by a member of the Legislature, who affirmed that the early inhabitants were in the frequent habit of singing the tune of Sherburne, which was a great favorite with them. It originally embraced the town of Smyrna, (Stafford,) which was taken off March 25, 1808. It was enlarged by the annexation of a small part of New Berlin in 1852. It lies upon the north border of the county, east of the center, and is bounded on the north by Hamilton, Madison county, on the south by New Berlin and North Norwich, on the east by Columbus, and on the west by Smyrna. The highest elevations are from 200 to 500 feet above the valleys of the streams. Chenango River enters the town near the north-west corner and flowing in a south-easterly direction leaves it near the center of the south border, receiving in its course through the town Handsome, Mad and Nigger brooks from the east and Pleasant brook and several smaller streams from the west.

    It is underlaid by the rocks of the Hamilton, Portage and Ithaca groups, which have been sufficiently referred to in connection with the geology of the county. The soil is chiefly a gravelly and slaty loam, but in the valleys, especially that of the Chenango, along which are fine alluvial flats, rich and fertile, a sandy loam prevails to some extent. It is well adapted both to grass and grain. When first settled the town was timbered with beech, birch, hickory, ash, elm, basswood, oak, chestnut, hemlock and maple, the latter of which furnished the early settlers with sugar. Dairying forms the chief industry, though hops are extensively raised along the river. There are five creameries and two butter factories in the town, the former of which---the creameries---are owned by White, Smith & Co., of Sherburne; and one of the latter by Skinner & Thompson and the other by Ira Palmer.

    The Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley Railroad crosses the western portion of the town, making an extensive detour to connect with Sherburne village. The Chenango canal crosses the town through the valley of the river.

    The population of the town in 1875 was 2,940; of whom 2,664 were native, 276 foreign, 2,923 white, 17 colored, 1,452 males and 1,488 females. Its area was 27,927 acres; of which 23,466 were improved; 4,457 woodland, and 4 otherwise unimproved. The cash value of farms was $1,706,375; of farm buildings other than dwellings, $211,900; of stock, $246,805; of tools and implements, $48,024. The amount of gross sales from farms in 1874 was $185,144.

    There are seventeen common and one Union Free School districts in the town. During the year ending Sept. 30, 1877, there were twenty-one licensed teachers at one time during twenty-eight weeks or more. The number of children of school age residing in the districts at that date was 848. During that year there were twelve male and twenty-five female teachers employed; the number of children residing in the districts who attended school was 627, of whom six were under five or over twenty-one years of age; the average daily attendance during the year was 375.555; the number of volumes in district libraries was 1,974, the value of which was $1,904; the number of school-houses was eighteen, seventeen of which were frame and one brick, which, with the sites, embracing 5 acres and 52 rods, valued at $2,672, were value at $14,780; the assessed value of taxable property in the districts was $1,485,972. The number of children between eight and fourteen years of age residing in this district at that date was 217, of whom 176 attended district school and 1 a private school during fourteen weeks of that year.

    Receipts and Disbursements for School Purposes:

Amount on hand Oct. 1, 1876$   142.30
       "      apportioned to districts2,375.09
Proceeds of Gospel and school lands131.76
Raised by tax2,712.89
From teachers' board219.00
From other sources289.59
    Total receipts$5,870.63

Paid for teachers' wages$4,975.19
        "     libraries89.60
        "     school apparatus7.79
        "     school-houses, sites, fences, out-
       houses, repairs, furniture, etc.
Paid for other incidental expenses450.24
Amount remaining on hand Oct. 1, 1877115.33
    Total disbursements$5,870.63

    SETTLEMENTS.---The surface of the country and the disclosures of the plow revealed to the early settlers of this town evidences of its occupancy prior to their advent, and partially indicated the character of its occupants. On the farm originally settled by Timothy Hatch, on the west side of the river, about a mile and a half north-west of the village of Sherburne, were the remains of caches, where corn had been buried; while in the field adjoining it on the north numerous arrow heads, stone chisels, hatchets and pestles have been disclosed by the plow. About four miles north of Sherburne village and one west of Handsome brook, were the remains of an embankment, constructed of coarse gravel, in the form of a horse-shoe, with the open ends towards the north. It was about four rods wide at the outer ends and seven or eight rods deep to the center of the bow. From the lowest point in the center to the highest part of the embankment, it was full twenty-five feet. Embankments extended from each extremity of the bow, that to the east fifteen or twenty rods long, terminating in a swamp and that to the west, being much longer, terminating at the foot of a hill, and nearly in range with the other, but disconnected from the main structure by an opening two or three rods wide. In front of the whole is a low, swampy piece of ground of small extent. Flint arrow heads have frequently been found in its locality. Its origin and use are not sufficiently indicated. 1

    The settlement of the town was mainly begun by a company of persons originally from Kent, Conn., who, two years after the termination of the struggle of the colonies with the mother country for independence, emigrated to Duanesburgh, Schenectady county; and being disappointed in their hopes of securing a title to the lands on which they settled in that town, they resolved to move in a body to the Chenango Valley, to the newly opened lands in the Twenty Townships. In June, 1791, Deacon Nathaniel Gray, Elisha Gray, Joel Hatch, Newcomb Raymond and James Raymond, visited these lands in the interest of the company as an exploring party, accompanied by Josiah Throop, chief of the corps who had surveyed the tract that and the preceding years. On their arrival they found that a family consisting of five men, one woman and some small children from Paris, Oneida county, had squatted a few hours previously on Handsome brook, and were occupying a bark cabin, to which the explorers were attracted by the tinkling of a bell attached to a cow which was the property of this family. There they found hospitable welcome through the night, and in the morning were regaled by their hostess with new bread and beer, both her own making. This family remained but a short time, for they had left before the return of the party. The exploring party examined the south-west quarter of the 9th township, containing 6,222 ½ acres, which they and their associates eventually bought of William S. Smith, to whom the township was patented for $1.25 per acre. They returned with a good report, and in the winter of 1792 Abraham Raymond and family settled on the tract selected. Mr. Raymond and his family remained at Norwich until spring, when they were joined by their associates, who in the meantime had increased from eleven to twenty. They were Nathaniel Gray, Newcomb Raymond, Elijah Gray, Eleazer Lathrop, Josiah Lathrop, James Raymond, Joel Hatch, John Gray, Jr., Abraham Raymond, Timothy Hatch, Cornelius Clerk, Joel Northrop, John Lathrop, John Gray, John Hibbard, Ezra 2 Lathrop,

Elisha Gray, Elijah Foster, Amos Cole and David Perry, the first eleven being those to whom the contract for the tract was given.

    During the summer and fall of 1792 the tract had been resurveyed by Cornelius Clark, and divided into twenty equal parts in such manner that each should have an equal share of bottom lands and uplands.

    During the first year of their settlement (1793,) several log houses were built, the first saw-mill erected, and a road built from the "Quarter" to the Unadilla, a distance of ten miles. This mill was located in the gulf, on the stream east of Sherburne village, about half a mile below Rexford Falls. Joel Hatch was dispatched to the nearest blacksmith shop at Clinton, to procure some necessary mill irons that were lacking. He went on horseback, following Indian paths, and returned with the irons after an absence of three days. All, except Abraham Raymond, who was the only one who had thus far brought his family in, returned in the fall for their families, with whom they came back that winter or the following spring.

    Abraham Raymond settled on the west bank of the river about midway between the river and Sherburne Hill. There he and his wife died. His children were thirteen in number, Mercy, David, Ebenezer, Abigail, John, Cynthia, Newcomb, Lodema, Electa, Joseph, Semantha and two others who died in childhood of scarlet fever.

    Newcomb and James Raymond were younger brothers of Abraham Raymond, and all were natives of Sharon, Conn. Newcomb settled on 150 acres adjoining Abraham's farm on the south, and resided there till his death in February, 1837, at the age of 89 years. He married in Connecticut the year after the close of the Revolutionary war, Mabel Gray, who also died on the homestead in Sherburne, in February, 1826. They had ten children, Sarah, Jerusha, Harvey, Irad, Alfred, Anna, Alfred, Laura, Augustine, and George B., the first four of whom were born before they came here. James Raymond settled on a farm adjoining that of Newcomb's on the south, now owned and occupied by Palmer Newton.

    Nathaniel Gray was born March 17, 1736. He returned here in the winter of 1793, and located a mile and a half north of Sherburne, and resided there till his death, June 24,1810. He had two children by his first wife, who died in Connecticut, where he married for his second wife Bethiah, widow of Benjamin Newcomb, who was born Feb. 26, 1735, and died on the same farm August 19, 1811, and who had five children by her former husband, all of whom came here. The children by his first wife were Elijah and Bethiah. Gray's second wife's children were Abraham Newcomb, James, Mercy and Hannah Raymond. The first school, which was organized for the winter, was kept at the log house of Nathaniel Gray.

    John Gray's land extended from the river east to the quarter line and included all that part of the village of Sherburne lying north of the State road now known as State street. His log house stood near the site of the Upham block, on the north-east corner of the business part of the village. He was born in Windham, Conn., in 1793 [sic], was a revolutionary soldier, and married Elizabeth Skeel, who was born in New Milford, Conn., in 1745, and died in Sherburne in 1824, aged 79. He had six children, all of whom were born in Connecticut: John, Jr., Nathaniel, Mabel, Betsey, Margaret and Reuben. John, Jr., married and settled on the river, his farm lying upon both sides of the river. His house stood on the bank ten or twelve rods from the west end of the bridge on the old State road. He was Justice here several years and Associate Judge.

    Eleazer, Josiah, John and Ezra Lathrop were brothers. Eleazer settled in the south part of the village, where General Hollis Rowland now lives; Josiah on the west side of the river, on the farm now owned by Alson Adams, where he resided till his death Feb. 28, 1854, at the advanced age of 96 years; John, in the Quarter, just north of the cotton factory, where Martin Benedict now lives, (probably,) and Ezra, two and one-half miles north-east of the village, where Theodore Adams now lives. They came from Chatham, Columbia county.

    Timothy and Joel Hatch were brothers, and the former had a large family. Timothy died June 28, 1847, aged 89, and Ruth, his wife, Nov. 6, 1848, at the same age. Joel died March 26, 1855, aged 90, and Ruth, his wife, Aug. 7, 1838, aged 71. Joel was an early Justice, succeeding John Gray in that office soon after the formation of the town. He built in 1794 the first grist-mill in town. It was located on Handsome brook, in the north part of the town. The mill-stones and irons were brought from Albany with great labor and at the expense of a three weeks' journey, by means of a sled and oxen. John Lathrop was one of the two who went after them. This mill proved a great convenience, for hitherto they had been compelled to carry their grists a distance of forty miles to Whitestown, over roads no better than Indian trails, or resort to the primitive method of reducing their grain by means of the mortar and pestle. A second mill was built at an early day by John Gilmore, close to Rexford Falls. The water was conducted to it by means of a spout passing through the roof. The road leading to it was down a small ravine from the north, running under a bridge over which the Cherry Valley turnpike passed. The ravine under the bridge has since been filled up, and no trace of mill or bridge remains.

    Joel Hatch built a machine shop on Handsome brook, a mile north of the village in 1812. He also set up the first turning lathe in the town, probably the first in the county for turning the various parts of spinning wheels. It was a primitive affair, and consisted in a cord wound around the article to be turned, with one end attached to a spring pole overhead and the other to a foot-piece. By the alternate action produced by the pressure of the foot and the spring pole the article revolved backward and forward. This contrivance was the best that was in use for many years.

    None of the Hatches are living here now. Joel Hatch, Jr., was the author of a History of the Town of Sherburne, published in 1862. He died Dec. 27, 1864, aged 73, and Melona, his wife, May 14, 1846, aged 55.

    Lorenzo Hatch, son of Timothy Hatch, was the first white child born in Sherburne. Justus Guthrie, who is also claimed to have been the first child born in the town, was born on the evening of the same day and year (1793) while Hatch was born in the morning.

    Joseph Guthrie, whom French's State Gazetteer credits with being among the first in the town, in 1792, settled on the north side of Pleasant brook, his farm extending to the river and lying in the angle formed by the river and creek, and died there, both he and his wife.

    Joseph Dixon came from Manchester, Vermont, in 1795, and settled on Sherburne Hill, in the west part of the town, on the farm now occupied by Levi N. Smith.

    Levi Follett came from Winchester, N. H., in 1798 or '9, and settled in the south part of the town of Hamilton. He removed thence within a year about a half mile south, to the north edge of Sherburne. He bought of John Watts 50 acres on lot 41, to which he made subsequent additions, and resided there till his death April 29, 1830, aged 54.

    Henry Gorton came from New London, Conn., about 1800, and settled on East Sherburne Hill. He removed thence about 1837 to North Norwich, where he and his wife died. Only one child is living, Mary Ann, wife of Andrus Pellett, in Norwich.

    Samuel Stebbins came from Hartland, Conn., in 1804, with his family, consisting of his wife, Sarah Boardman, and six children, Eleanora, Sarah, Harlow, Sophia, Melissa, and Jerusha. Mr. Stebbins came here first in 1803 and built that year the rear portion of the Medbury House on the site of which he settled, and where, in company with Bela Scoville, he kept tavern till about 1809. He died March 6, 1833, aged 74, and his wife, September 4, 1833, aged 70. He was a Revolutionary pensioner.

    Deacon Calvin Coe and Benjamin Rexford came from Middle Granville, Mass., the last of February, 1804. Deacon Coe, was born in Granville, Mass., June 9, 1781, and died in Sherburne, March 4, 1872. He was thrice married. Benjamin Rexford was born in Connecticut in January, 1776, and died July 30, 1825, aged 49. August 16, 1806, he married Mary Clark, who died April 10, 1846, aged 65. He left five sons, Benjamin F., Daniel A., Nelson C., John DeWitt, and Seneca Butts.

    Capt. William Newton was born in Colchester, Conn., Oct. 15, 1786. His father, Asahel Newton, had served several years in the army of the Revolution. He was in straitened circumstances and had a large family of children, of whom William was the oldest, and on him devolved a large share of the burden of supporting his brothers and sisters. Having learned the trade of a clothier he came to Sherburne in 1806 and work with Landon & Mills at Bullocks Mills. He took a factory in New Berlin in 1807, and went to Camden, N. Y., and worked in 1809. Aug. 22, 1810, he married Lois Butler, a native of Wethersfield, Conn., who still survives him and is living in Sherburne with Mental faculties unimpaired. Mr. Newton moved his family to Sherburne May 11, 1812, and resided here from that time till his death, which occurred August 13, 1879, at the age of 92 years. He bought twenty acres of land and in 1812 built the house now occupied by Jacob Kuhn, and near it a woolen factory, on the bank of Handsome brook, which was ready for cloth dressing in the fall of that year. The factory was burned in 1822 and rebuilt in 1823. It was again burned in the winter of 1826-7 and was not rebuilt. The house in which he resided at the time of his death was built by him in 1822. His surviving children are William Butler, Louisa N. Lathrop and Lucinda N. Buell, both widows, in Sherburne; Warren, a banker, and Isaac S., a lawyer, both in Norwich; Lucius, a farmer on the homestead in Sherburne; Hubert A., a Professor in Yale College; Albro J., a sash manufacturer in Brooklyn; and Homer G., a physician in Sherburne, but not in practice.

    Other early settlers were Jeremiah Purdy, Benjamin and Israel Ferris, Judge Joel Thompson, Jonah Poyer, John Guthrie, Stephen Kelsey, James Anderson, Richard Jackson, John Smith, Jeremy Warriner, Benjamin Lyon and Simeon Paddleford.

    Jeremiah Purdy came from Dutchess county and settled at Sherburne Four Corners, where Milton Bentley now lives, and resided there till he had become advance in years. Benjamin and Israel Ferris were brothers, though the latter settled in North Norwich, about a mile above the village, on the Dalrymple farm. Benjamin settled about a mile west of Sherburne village, where Morris Buell now lives. Judge Joel Thompson settled at Sherburne Four Corners, where Edmund Purdy now lives, and resided there till he was well advanced in years. Jonah Poyer settled at a very early day, when there were only two or three log houses in Sherburne, on the forks of the river, up which he came from Oxford. After a few years he removed to the town of North Norwich.

    John Guthrie settled on the south line of the town, and after the death of his wife Polly, who was a daughter of Abner Purdy, (April 30, 1821,) he removed to Sherburne village. Stephen Kelsey settled on the Thompson Fisher farm, in the south part of the town, and died there Sept. 9, 1807, aged 70.

    James Anderson settled in the south-west part of the town, on the farm now occupied by Roderick Fuller, where he died April 14, 1832, aged 62, and his wife, Electa Kelsey, Sept. 2, 1848, aged 74. His son Stephen also died in this town May 2, 1853, aged 55. Richard Jackson settled at a very early day at Sherburne Four Corners, where his father kept a tavern. He died in the first house north of the corners, Jan. 17, 1821, aged 67, and Sarah, his wife, Oct. 20, 1834, aged 74. John Smith settled on the Cyrus Hartwell farm, where he was killed in his door-yard by a young team, Aug. 16, 1810, aged 49. His wife, Lydia, survived him many years. She died July 14, 1854, aged 84. Jeremy Warriner and Benjamin Lyon settled at Sherburne Four Corners, where the latter died Nov. 10, 1854, aged 87, and Hannah, his first wife, May 16, 1806, aged 35, and Debora, his second wife Nov. 10, 1859, aged 80. Warriner removed to Hamilton and died there Jan. 14, 1868, aged 83. Simeon Paddleford erected in 1804 the first machine for carding wool, a mile below Sherburne village. This is said to have been one of the two first machines in the country.

    The settlement of the town was rapid and within seven years the number of inhabitants had increased to 1,282. Many of these were drawn from the localities from whence came the earlier settlers.

    The first bridge across the Chenango was built near the mouth of Handsome brook. It was designed to accommodate foot passengers only. It consisted of one large tree in width and three in length, leveled upon the upper side with a hewing ax. Stakes were driven a few feet apart near the outer edges and interwoven with withes to protect those passing over it from falling into the stream.

    TOWN OFFICERS.---The first town meeting was held at the house of Timothy Hatch the first Tuesday in April, 1795. Isaac Foote was chosen moderator, and the following named officers were elected: Orsamus Holmes, Town Clerk; Isaac Foote, Supervisor; John Hibbard, Joseph Simons, Josiah Lathrop, Assessors; Eleazer Lathrop, Constable and Collector; John Guthrie, Constable; Joseph Porter, Samuel Picket, Overseers of the Poor; Joel Northrup, Abner Calkins, James Raymond, Stephen Parker, Joseph Guthrie, Overseers of Highways; Newcomb Raymond, Pound Keeper; John Lathrop, James Guthrie, Timothy Hatch, Commissioners of Highways; Joel Hatch, Ichabod Munger, Fence Viewers.

    The following list of the officers of the town of Sherburne, for the year 1880-'81, was kindly furnished by Robert A. Kutschbach:---

    Supervisor---Levi N. Smith.
    Town Clerk---Robert A. Kutschbach.
    Justices---Isaac Plumb, Henry Allfrey, John B. Wilbur, Lester Hayward.
    Assessors---William White, Charles W. Janes, Chester Gorham.
    Commissioner of Highways---Sidney T. Dart.
    Overseer of the Poor---E. Fayette Manwaring.
    Constables---M. Graham Dietz, Stephen Benedict, J. Sheffield Smith, James Foster, Archibald Whitford.
    Collector---Archibald Whitford.
    Inspectors of Election, District No. 1---Adelbert Harrington, John O'Brien, Irving W. Davis.
    Town Auditors---Andrew Davis, Alexander Ross, Edmund Shaw.
    Sealer of Weights and Measures---Charles H. Sanford.
    Game Constable---(Not qualified.)
    Excise Commissioners---Edgar Baldwin, Frederick A. Sexton, L. Onslow Miller.

    The following list of persons in Sherburne liable to duty as jurors was made Dec. 5, 1798, and is of historic value as tending in a measure to establish the date of settlement, at least approximately. We have purposely preserved the orthography of the record: Jacob Groo, William White, Noah Hall, Reuben Davis, Jonathan Pellet, (tanner,) Abijah Rogers, Zadoc Seymour, Joel Hatch, Asa Northrup, ("Taylor.") Joseph Herrick, Josiah Lothrop, Amos Cole, John Benton, David Calkin, Elijah Gray, Orsamus Holmes, Elijah Foster, Joseph Porter, Jesse Hutchinson, Apolus Allen, Arnold Briggs, William Stover, Ebenezer Baker, David Baker, James Sherburne, Nathaniel Brown, John T. Brown, Jacob Rees, David Miller, John Rees, Nathaniel Austin, Stephen Austin, Samuel Picket, George Anderson, Daniel Anderson, Ezra Lothrop, Asa Calkin, Elisha Gray, Samuel Kelsey, Joseph Simons, Elijah Powel, Stephen Packer, Joseph Billings, Joseph Collins, (clothier,) Simeon Raxford, Joel Raxford, John Guthrie, Darias Sperry, Josiah Averil, Thomas R. Tracy, Joseph Toby, Samuel Shaw, Aaron Hutchinson, Abram Raymond, Newcomb Raymond, Cornelius Clark, Daniel Clark, Timothy Hatch, James Raymond, James Guthrie, Jr., Joseph Guthrie, Augustin Odel, Solomon Jones, Ichabod Munger, Joseph Dixon, Samuel Thompson, Josiah Purdy, (blacksmith,) Caleb Thompson, Jeremiah Purdy, James Anderson.

    Following is a list of the names of persons who have served the town in the capacity of Supervisor and Clerk from its organization to the present time:---

1795-7.Isaac Foote,Orsamus Holmes.
1798-1800.John Gray,do.
1801-2.Jesse Hutchinson,do.
1803.Joseph Simons,do.
1804, '9, '12.Joel Hatch,James Elmore.
1805-8.Joseph Simons,do.
1810-11.John Gray, Jr.,do.
1813-17.Stephen Benedict,do. Stebbins.
1827.Tilly Lynde,do.
1828.Smith M. Purdy,do.
1829-30.Milo Hunt,do.
1831-2.Tilly Lynde,Devillo White.
1833-5.James M. Cassels,do.
1836.James Thompson,Joseph Benedict. Cook.
1838.Philo Robinson,Joshua Pratt, Jr. Benedict.
1840.Devillo White,do.
1841.William Newton,do.
1842.Demas Hubbard,
1843.Clark Burnham,William Cook.
1844.Edmund Shaw,John P. Dietz.
1845-6.John Kershaw,Stephen Benedict.
1847.Richmond White,Edson G. Whitney.
1848.Whitman Kinyon,Egbert G. Upham.
1849.Robert Dart,Julius Catlin.
1850.James Pelton,John Williams.
1851.Andrus Benedict,do.
1852-3.William Briggs,do.
1854.John Kershaw,David Bresee.
1855.Walter W. Blanchard,Ira C. Owen.
1856-7.John Kershaw.John P. Dietz. Williams. P. Dietz.
1862-4.Walter W. Blanchard,do.
1865-73.Isaac Plumb,do. T. Hiller.
1878.Ephraim Moak,William C. Elsbre.
1879.Alexander White,R. A. Kutschbach.


    Sherburne is a pleasant little village with broad and handsomely shaded streets, and in some measure supplied with good substantial flag walks. It is situated a little south of the center of the town, east of Chenango River, on the line of the Utica, Chenango & Susquehanna Valley railroad. It is distant about 10 ½ miles from Norwich and five from Earlville. It contains six churches, (Congregational, Baptist, M. E., Universalist, Catholic and Episcopal) a Union Free School, with academic department, one newspaper office, (The Sherburne News 3) a National bank, a cotton factory, sash and blind factory, a carriage factory, a planing and grist-mill, a pottery, a steam saw-mill, a small foundry, three hotels, various stores, five blacksmith shops, (kept by Solomon Crowell, James Stack, George Shaw, Henry DeMarse and James Connolly) a cabinet shop, (kept by Isaac Plumb) a wagon shop, (kept by Charles Hibbard) a harness shop, (kept by H. I. Matteson) two tailor shops, (kept by John Williams and E. Caley) and a population of 902.

    The village was incorporated April 16, 1830, but the records prior to 1863 are lost.

    Following are the village officers elected May 6, 1879:---

    Trustees---Hollis Rowland, Enos A. Caulkins, Charles Todd, Ira M. Slater.
    President---Walter Elsbre.
    Clerk---Robert A. Kutschbach.
    Treasurer---Harlow P. Freeman.
    Collector---John W. Thompson.
    Constable---James A. Jipson.

    MERCHANTS.---The first merchant in the town was James Elmore. His store stood opposite the cemetery about a mile and a half north of the central part of the village, where J. R. Dennison now lives. He also kept the first inn, built the first frame house, and was the first postmaster, receiving the latter appointment from Postmaster-General Joseph Habersham in January 1801. He died April 19, 1836.

    Zaccheus W. Elmore was probably the first merchant in the village. His store stood just south of the Medbury House. He traded till within some ten years of his death, Aug. 10, 1865, at the age of 85. Elias Babcock commenced trading about the same time in a store which stood opposite the bank, and continued at intervals some twenty-five years in company, the latter part of the time, with Milo Hunt, to whom he sold shortly before his death, June 10, 1833.

    Joshua Pratt, originally from Connecticut, came from Spencertown, Columbia county, about 1800, and a year or two after commenced mercantile business in a little yellow building, which stood on the lot next north of the bank, in which he also resided. In 1809 he erected the building now occupied by the bank, and there continued the mercantile business till 1833, about which time he was succeeded by his sons Joshua and Walstien.

    Harry N. Fargo and Harvey Raymond commenced trading about 1825 or '26. Raymond soon after sold to Lyman Rexford, and Fargo & Rexford dissolved, after some two years. Fargo then traded alone till his death, April 28, 1836. Isaac Cushman and Horatio Garrett traded here a few years from about 1835. Cushman, who was a physician, soon after opened a drug store, which he kept till his death, March 25, 1850. Garrett also subsequently engaged in business with Walter P. Sexton a year or two, and afterwards with Elisha Pratt. Samuel Wheedon, who had previously carried on the harness business, commenced mercantile business about 1833, in company with

    The original of this sketch, Devillo White, of Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., was born Feb. 11, 1801, and was married to Caroline Pratt, oldest daughter of Joshua Pratt, Esq., (one of the respected pioneers of the town,) in 1824. Devillo White's early life was passed in a hotel kept by his father, and was not of a character that generally precedes a record so full of interest and usefulness as his proved to be. At the age of 23 years, after having sowed his share of the wild oats of his day, he found himself educated and qualified to assume the arduous and responsible duties of a physician, but without means to purchase his saddle-bags to begin with; but his indomitable will and determination overcame all obstacles in his pathway and he finally settled down to his life-work, resolved to succeed professionally and financially.

    After over fifty years of active practice, we find he has fully succeeded in his purpose, standing high as he does in his profession, and having amassed a fortune second to none in this section. In politics he was always a fearless and zealous advocate of the principles of the old Whig party, and afterwards was warmly attached to the Republican party, ready and eager at all times to do battle for the cause whenever opportunity presented itself. During the late war, when the country was trembling for its very existence, he gathered together all the means he could and invested the same in government securities, and even borrowed money of his more timid neighbors, who had no faith in the success of our arms, and invested as above, thus proving his loyalty to his country in her distress.

    No more forbearing or lenient creditor was ever known, and there is, to-day, many a happy and prosperous family, made so by his pecuniary assistance, and now at his advanced age, being in his eightieth year, he transacts all his own business without the aid of a book-keeper, and even finds time to attend professionally to the wants of some of his old customers.

Ravillo Hatch, now of Fayetteville. Peter I. Davidson came from Herkimer county in 1816, and engaged in the jewelry business, which he continued till 1859, when he was succeeded by his son, Charles F. Davidson, who is a native of Sherburne, and still continues the business.

    In 1822 Alexander Holmes and _______ Brown established the general mercantile business to which Messrs. Elsbre, Gladwin & Co., have eventually succeeded. They traded about two years under the name of Holmes & Brown.

    Archibald Whitford, dealer in drugs and groceries, commenced the shoe making and harness business in 1828, in company with Jesse Burlingham, with whom he continued some five years. He then formed a co-partnership with John Curtis and added tanning to the business. A few years later he started a grocery and about two years later formed a co-partnership with Thomas A. Fuller in the drug and grocery business, continuing some three years.

    Isaac Plumb, furniture dealer, a native of New York city, came to Chenango county in September, 1842, and engaged in the manufacture of chairs for Whitford Kenyon. In 1847 he commenced the furniture business in company with Horace Combs, whose interest he bought in 1850, since which time he has continued the business alone.

    In 1852, C. L. Easton bought the drug and grocery business of H. A. Poultney, who had done business several years. In 1876 Mr. Easton admitted his son C. L. Easton, Jr., to partnership and the business has since been conducted under the name of C. L. Easton & Son.

    The other merchants now doing business here are as follows: Daniel T. Hill, dealer in boots, shoes, hats, caps, furs, robes and gents' furnishing goods, who commenced business in 1862; Charles H. Sanford, dealer in hardware and stoves, who commenced business in 1867; DeWitt Reynolds, grocer, who, in 1868, bought out his father, who commenced trading some fifty years ago; Shepard & Walker, (Jesse H. Shepard and William R. Walker,) dealers in groceries and ready-made clothing, and successors to C. L. Walker and Jesse H. Shepard, by whom the business was established Dec. 1, 1872; E. G. Whitney, general merchant, who bought out F. B. Coats in 1873; Wilbur & Newman, (J. B. Wilbur and Charles Newman,) dealers in hats, caps, boots and shoes, commenced in January, 1874; Coats & Colwell, (F. B. Coats and J. N. Colwell,) dealers in boots, shoes, hats and caps, commenced in May, 1874, Mr. Coats, having been previously engaged in business from about 1850; Mrs. I. M. Slater, milliner, bought out Mrs. Sarah Hart in 1874; W. F. Place, jeweler, commenced in December, 1875; Hart & Doolittle, (C. Alonzo Hart and Frederick C. Doolittle,) general merchants, successors to White, Doolittle & Co., who established the business in July 1877; Arthur B. Coats, grocer, bought out Doolittle & Daniels April 3, 1877; and Henry and William H. Allfrey, druggists and grocers, who bought the Church Bros'. stock June 1, 1877.

    POSTMASTERS.---The first postmaster was James Elmore, who was appointed in January, 1801, and who was succeeded as early as 1805 by Sylvester Scoville, who was succeeded in 1829 or '30 by Harry N. Fargo, who held the office till his death April 28, 1836, when Alexander Holmes received the appointment, and was succeeded in 1841 by William C. White, in 1845 by Edmund Shaw, in 1849 by Elisha J. Pratt, who held the office only a few months in that year, and was succeeded in May, 1849, by Elijah S. Lyman, who held the office till 1853, when Edmund Shaw was appointed and was succeeded in 1861 by Levi N. Smith, whom he in turn succeeded, but relinquished the office a few months later to Charles A. Fuller, the present incumbent, who was appointed Feb. 25, 1867, and has held the office continuously since.

    PHYSICIANS.---The first physician was D. Lacy, who remained, however, but a short time. Dr. Asa White, a Vermont sufferer, having received a medical education in Vermont, removed from Putney in that State to the town of Bainbridge, where, about 1794, he married Sarah, daughter of Samuel Corbin, also a Vermont sufferer and an early settler in Bainbridge. About 1796, Dr. White removed to Sherburne, where he practiced will his death, Dec. 18, 1819, aged 47. His certificate of practice is signed by Joab Enos and bears date of Jan. 16, 1797, two years previous to which he had been in full practice.

    Samuel Guthrie, ______ Miles, Israel Farrell and James Sheffield were early physicians here. Dr. Guthrie was born in Brimfield, Mass., in 1781, and in 1802 emigrated to Smyrna. He removed in 1816 to Sacket's Harbor. He died in Sacket's Harbor, Oct. 19, 1843. Dr. Farrell practiced here till his death, in the fall of 1833. He settled on Sherburne Hill, two miles west of the village. Dr. Sheffield settled a mile south of Earlville, where he practiced a good many years. He died March 23, 1849, aged 82.

    Aaron B. Bligh was practicing in the village before 1828. He removed about 1831 to Oneida county. Dr. Huchins Storrs came here about 1819 and practiced till his death in 1832, a short time in company with Devillo White. Royal Ross came here from New Berlin, where his father had previously practiced, about 1823 or '4, and returned after a short time to New Berlin. George Cleveland came about 1836 and returned after a year or two to Waterville, whence he came and where he is now practicing. Squire W. Corbin, a cousin of Dr. Devillo White, with whom he read medicine, bout out Dr. Bligh and practiced four or five years. He removed to North Norwich and from thence after a year or two to Bainbridge. About 1837, John L. Kellogg came from New Hartford, where he had just completed his medical studies. After practicing two or three years he removed to Bridgewater. B. H. Marks came from Burlington some thirty-six or thirty-eight years ago and practiced till his death December 10, 1865, aged 73. He had practiced several years in Burlington.

    The physicians now practicing in Sherburne village are Devillo White, 4 Elijah S. Lyman, Ira C. Owen, Fort Van Keuren, Henry C. Lyman and Asa W. Jaynes.

    Elijah S. Lyman was born in Torrington, Conn., April 26, 1812. In 1828 his mother and her second husband removed to Sherburne. He was educated in select schools in Warren, Conn., and Sherburne, and the academy at Cazenovia. He commenced the study of medicine April 18, 1831, with Dr. Devillo White, of Sherburne, with whom, on the completion of his studies, he formed a co-partnership which continued from 1834 to 1843. He has practiced continuously in Sherburne. He attended lectures at Fairfield Medical College in 183304; and the Regents conferred on him the degree of M. D. in 1870.

    Ira C. Owen was born in Lebanon, N. Y., April 8, 1822, and educated in the academy at Hamilton. He was licensed by the Madison County Medical Society in 1865, and received a diploma from the Regents in June, 1869. He commenced practice in Sherburne in 1846.

    Fort VanKeuren was born in Rondout, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1838, and was educated at the New York University, where he was graduated in 1863. He commenced practice in New York, whence, on account of ill health, he removed to Rondout. From there after a year and a half he removed to Sherburne, where he has since practiced.

    Henry C. Lyman, son of Dr. E. S. Lyman, was born in Sherburne, Sept. 8, 1847, and educated at the academy at Clinton, and at Cornell University. He studied medicine with his father from 1869 to 1872, having during that time attended lectures at the Medical University of New York, where he was graduated in 1872.

    Asa W. Jaynes was born in Plymouth, N. Y., July 7, 1851, and was educated at Madison University. He read medicine with Dr. William H. Stuart in Earlville in 1869, and with Dr. Jay W. Sheldon, in Syracuse, from 1871 to '73. He attended lectures at the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and the Homeopathic Medical College of New York, and was graduated at the latter institution March 3, 1873.

    LAWYERS.---The first prominent lawyer in Sherburne was Roswell Judson, from Delaware county, who was admitted to practice June 10, 1835. He was elected county judge in 1847, and re-elected in 1851. He went west soon after the expiration of his judgeship.

    Francis S. Edwards practiced here a few years between 1840 and 1850.

    Ira P. Barnes, a native of Columbus in this county, was admitted June 13, 1839, and practiced here a few years about the middle of the century.

    George P. Avery, also from Columbus, was contemporary with Barnes.

    Alfred Nichols came from Earlville about the time Avery left.

    None others of prominence have located here since, except those now practicing here. They are Delos L. Atkyns, Charles A. Fuller, Stephen Holden and Robert A. Kutschbach.

    Delos L. Atkyns, was born in Pharsalia in this county, Sept. 30, 1840, and educated in the district schools of his native town. He commenced to read law in 1862 with Rexford & Kingsley, of Norwich, with whom he completed his studies. He was admitted in May, 1865, and commenced practice that year in Sherburne, where he has since continued.

    Charles A. Fuller was born in Edmeston, Otsego county, Aug. 17, 1841, and educated in the district schools of his native town and the academic department of Madison University. He was graduated from the Albany Law School in the spring of 1865.

He commenced practice in Hamilton in June of that year, with E. H. Risley, leaving in the spring of 1866 for Sherburne, where he has since continued.

    Stephen Holden was born in South Hartwick, Otsego county, April 26, 1832, and educated at the Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, Delaware county, where he prepared for college and was graduated from Yale college in 1857. He commenced the study of law in August, 1861, at Watertown, N. Y., and was admitted the following May. He commenced practice in October, 1866, at East Worcester, N. Y., May 25, 1871, he removed thence to Sherburne where he has since practiced.

    Robert A. Kutschbach was born in Gotha, Prussia, Oct. 4, 1854, and emigrated with his parents to Columbus in this county in 1860. He received an academic education in Sherburne, and commenced the study of law in that village Sept. 1, 1873, with D. L. Atkyns, with whom he remained three years. He was admitted in January, 1876, and commenced practice that year in Sherburne.

    MANUFACTURES.---H. Ross & Co.'s Steam Cotton Mills, were built in 1863 by a stock company organized in 1862, with a capital of $80,000, which was increased in 1864 to $100,000, which is the present capital. The first president was Hector Ross, who held the office till, and was sole owner of the establishment at his death, July 24, 1872. The present proprietors are the heirs of Hector Ross. They employ about one hundred persons, about two-thirds of whom are females. The building is a three-story brick structure, 164 by 60 feet. It contains some 8,000 spindles. About 46,000 yards of cotton cloth are manufactured per week. Connected with the mills is a store, in which a general stock of merchandise is kept. It was built at the same time as the mills and enlarged in 1878.

    Walter F. Blanchard is the proprietor of an extensive sash, door and blind manufactory. The business was established in 1847, by Walter F. Blanchard and Whitman Kenyon, who carried it on in company till 1853, when Mr. Blanchard bought his partner's interest, and has since carried it on alone. The original buildings erected here stood above the present ones, near the cotton mill, on the opposite side of the canal, and were burned Oct. 5, 1868. The present buildings were erected in 1868, and the machinery put in and the business resumed the following spring. The machinery is propelled by a forty horse-power engine. The business requires a capital of about $40,000, and gives employment to some forty men in the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, molding, brackets, stair-work, &c.

    C. Hart & Son's Pottery was established in 1841 by James Hart and his son Charles, who came from Fulton. James Hart and his son carried on the business nine years, when Charles went to Ogdensburg. In 1858 Charles returned to Sherburne and took the business off the hands of his father who retired. April 1, 1866, Charles admitted his son Nahum to partnership, and the business has since been conducted under the name of C. Hart & Son. They employ seven hands and manufacture all kinds of stone ware. The clay used in its construction is obtained from South Amboy, N. Y. The value of the annual product is about $6,000.

    S. W. Lobdell & Co., (William E. Davis,) are the proprietors of the Sherburne Steam Flouring, Custom and Plaster Mills, which came into their possession Jan. 21, 1874. They were built in 1863, by White, Gridley & Co., (Alexander White, John T. Gridley and Stephen W. Lobdell). They also manufacture cheese boxes, and furnish stock for them, and are dealers in all kinds of lumber, shingles, coal, salt and lime. The machinery is propelled by a forty-seven horse-power engine. The business requires a capital of some $23,000, and gives employment to some fifteen persons during eight months of the year, and five the remaining four months.

    M. Palmer Newton, George Pulver and Michael Farland are now (November, 1879,) erecting a wooden building, 30 by 70 feet, two stories high, with a wing 16 by 30 feet, for a steam saw, grist, cider and lath mill. They bought in August, 1879, of Edgar G. Baker, and tore down the saw-mill built by him about 1872 or '73, which stood about eighty rods south of the depot.

    Caulkins & Bennett, (Enos Caulkins and George Bennett,) employ from two to six men in the manufacture and repair of carriages. The business was commenced some six years ago by Enos Caulkins. Mr. Bennett became his partner in 1877. They made twenty-four carriages and wagons in 1878.

    White, Smith & Co., represent an extensive manufacturing interest in butter and cheese. They own twenty-three factories in Chenango, Madison and St. Lawrence counties, viz: five in Sherburne, two in North Norwich, four in Smyrna, one in Georgetown, two in Hamilton, three in Lebanon, three in Nelson, and three in St. Lawrence county. They received in 1878, 28,228,501 pounds of mil, from which they made 705,713 pounds of butter and 47,340 boxes of cheese, averaging about 40 pounds to the box. The business was commenced in 1869 by A. White and H. L. Smith. In 1876 M. D. Botsford was admitted to partnership, and the firm name, which was previously A. White & Co., became White, Smith & Co.

    BANKS.---The Sherburne National Bank was organized May 4, 1865, with a capital of $100,000, (all paid in) in shares of $100 each. The charter continues twenty years from its organization, and permits an increase of capital to any sum not exceeding $200,000.

    May 4, 1865, Joshua Pratt, Walter Elsbre, William Cook, Alonzo D. Gorham and Henry T. Dunham were elected directors; Joshua Pratt being chosen President, Walter Elsbre, Vice-President and Henry T. Dunham, Cashier. By-laws were adopted and it was voted to collect 25 per cent. of the capital stock in thirty days, and the remaining 25 per cent in sixty days. At this time 50 per cent. had been paid in. The second installment of capital stock, $25,000, was paid May 30, 1865; the third and last, $25,000, July 1, 1865. Business was commenced July 4, 1865, in the building now occupied.

    The directors elected Jan. 14, 1879, were Joshua Pratt, Walter Elsbre, William Cook, Alonzo D. Gorham and Henry T. Dunham. There has been no change in the official management since the organization.

    Jan. 9, 1866, the first dividend, of three per cent. was ordered. July 10, 1866, and Jan. 14 and July 9, 1867, dividends of four per cent. were ordered; Jan. 7, 1868, and subsequently to the present time, semi-annual dividends of five per cent. have been ordered.

    Report of the condition of the Sherburne National Bank at the close of business, Oct. 2, 1879:---

Loans and discounts$   73,827.71
U. S. bonds to secure circulation100,000.00
U. S. bonds on hand52,800.00
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages35,299.00
Due from approved reserve agents53,930.23
Due from State banks and bankers3,709.23
Real estate, furniture and fixtures3,749.48
Current expenses and taxes paid1,083.48
Checks and other cash items209.60
Bills of other banks2,958.00
Fractional currency (including nickels)43.76
Specie (including gold Treasury certificates)2,495.00
Legal-tender notes10,000.00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasury (5
       per cent. of circulation)

Capital stock paid in$100,000.00
Surplus fund50,000.00
Undivided profits14,104.79
National bank notes outstanding80,980.00
Individual deposits subject to check59,501.94
Demand certificates of deposit39,727.11
Due to other National banks534.95

    HOTELS.---The first tavern in the village was kept by Dr. Asa White on the corner where the Presbyterian church now stands. The first tavern on the site of the Medbury House was built in 1803 by Samuel Stebbins, who kept it in company with Bela Scoville till about 1809. That building forms the south-west part of the present hotel, the main portion of which was built by U. T. Harvey. The present proprietor is William L. Daniels, who purchased a half interest in the J. G. Smith property in April, 1877, and the remaining half interest of H. B. Griswold, in June, 1879. The Hopson House was built by L. R. Hopson while the Chenango canal was in process of construction, (1834-'6,) and was kept by him for several years at different times. It is now kept by W. W. Gillson, who leased the property of N. G. Hopson, June 1, 1879. The American House was built in 1872, by James Hinman, for a tenant and boarding house. In 1876 L. D. Hopson, the present proprietor, bought the property and converted it into a hotel, and has since kept it as such.

    SHERBURNE FIRE DEPARTMENT.---The first recorded meeting was held at the house of Linus R. Hopson Oct. 12, 1850, by the "Sherburne Fire Engine Company." Ira P. Barnes was called to the chair and B. W. Fay appointed secretary. A constitution and by-laws were then adopted and the following named officers elected: Isaac Plumb, Foreman; Deloss Burch, First Assistant Foreman; George Y. Knapp, Second Assistant Foreman; Byron Marks, Secretary; Sidney L. Starr, Treasurer.

    This company was disbanded June 7, 1858, and another organized under the same name June 9, 1858, of which T. H. Matteson was elected Foreman; L. N. Beers, First Assistant Foreman; L. D. Burch, Second Assistant Foreman; F. R. Lyman, Secretary; and D. C. Bresee, Treasurer. The constitution and by-laws of the former company were adopted. This company was disbanded August 2, 1858; and a third company was organized under the same name and by-laws April 20, 1859. The new engine house seems to have been built in 1868. In 1874 a new engine was purchased in Boston.

    Torrent Hose Co. was organized Jan. 14, 1875. Feb. 1, 1875, the engine company adopted the name "Torrent No. 1," and on that day new rules and regulations were adopted by Torrent Engine Co. No. 1, Torrent Engine Co. No. 2 and Active Hose Co. No. 1.

    Officers elected Jan. 6, 1879: Torrent Fire Engine Co. No. 1---Charles Hart, Chief Engineer; Charles H. Sanford, Assistant Engineer; M. H. Fish, Foreman; Alfred Wilcox, First Assistant Foreman; William Crowell, Second Assistant Foreman; William C. Elsbre, Secretary; Adelbert E. Calkins, Treasurer; Palmer Avery, Janitor. Torrent Engine Co. No. 2---Isaac Plumb, Foreman; B. F. Matteson, First Assistant Foreman; D. Reynolds, Second Assistant Foreman;

    In the town of Sherburne, and near the village of the same name, Chenango county, is a locality known as the "Quarter," taking its name from the fact that it comprises one-quarter of the town. Here is located a thriving little manufacturing and trading settlement. By far the greater part of the life and prosperity of this place are due to the business capacity and the energy of the man whose portrait appears above.

    Hector Ross was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1811. His father's name was John Ross, who was a molder, living in Greenock. His mother's maiden name was Isabel Melville. She was also a native of Scotland, and came to this country in the year 1844. With her came also two brothers of Hector Ross---William and George, and one sister, Bell, all residents of Binghamton.

    When Hector Ross first came to this country, in 1837, he landed in Canada, where he was employed for a brief time in a foundry. Leaving the Dominion, he crossed to Charlotte, and from there went to Rochester, walking the distance, as he was entirely out of funds. Finding no employment in Rochester, he started on foot eastward, but found nothing to do until he reached Brownell's mills, in Oneida Co., where he worked one day, during the absence of one of the hands, who was known as a hand mule spinner. Thence he went to New Berlin, Chenango county, expecting to find employment in one of the two mills located there. Again he failed, but with characteristic perseverance, he went on to Morris, Otsego county, where he began work as a hand mule spinner in a cotton factory. He received for his services about $18 per month, and he worked faithfully in that place for twenty years. For the last six years of this long time of service Mr. Ross had full charge of the mill. It was there that he gained the practical experience and acquired the foundation of that large business capacity that enable him in after years to gain so much success as a manufacturer.

    In the early part of his service in Morris, in the year 1838, Mr. Ross was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Edwards, of that village. Her parents were of Welsh nativity, and came to this country in 1806 or '7. Mrs. Ross was born in 1814.

    Leaving the mill where he had been so long employed, Mr. Ross returned to New Berlin, where he, with his brother Daniel and William Clinton, purchased the cotton mill there located. Subsequently the Brothers purchased Mr. Clinton's interest, and in the spring of 1859 Mr. Ross sold his interest to his brother. He then bought a fine farm within the corporation limits, erected a large house, contemplating the future devotion of his time to agriculture.

    Becoming again imbued with a desire to enter the manufacturing business, he sold out his farm property and went to Sherburne, in 1861. There he, with great energy and success, soon enlisted sufficient capital for the erection of an extensive cotton mill at the Quarter. The planning, furnishing and general over-sight of the erection of this mill was place in care of Mr. Ross, and the work was accomplished in the most thorough and successful manner. The first brick of the mill chimney, 108 feet high, was laid by Alexander Ross, the eldest son, on his birthday, June 25, 1862, the first breaking of ground having occurred on the 1st of April preceding. The first brick of the mill itself was laid by Hector Ross on his birthday, May 6, of the same year, on the south east corner of the building. The mill was 163x46 feet, three stories high, with boiler house, 51x23 feet, and an ell 57x26 feet. The office was 42x22 feet. So energetically was the work pushed that the first cotton was run through the mill on the 23d day of December of that year. Moreover, during the same year, Mr. Ross built six dwellings, one store, a large storehouse, a blacksmith shop, a barn and 186 rods of picket fence. It will readily be seen that he was a busy man. His business enterprise and his liberal foresight almost revolutionized the Quarter, giving it its present appearance of thrift.

    For a time Mr. Ross managed the mill in the interest of the stockholders, but he finally purchased the entire mill property, which was left at his death, July 24, 1872, in a prosperous condition, to his family.

    A person who was well acquainted with Mr. Ross, thus writes of him at the time of his death:---

    "Mr. Ross possessed the rare gift of accomplishing large results with little display of activity. While everything was moving on with celerity and precision under his hands, he never seemed to be busy or in a hurry. His judgment in business affairs was seldom at fault. He was prompt and liberal with his means in all matters of public utility, and never stinted his sympathy or means in cases of private suffering. It will be long before the void made by his death will be completely filled."

    Mr. Ross was the father of ten children, six of whom are now living. We have already mentioned Alexander as the eldest son of Hector Ross. To him was left, by the death of his father, the full management of the large business. Alexander Ross was born in Morris, Otsego county, June 25, 1845, and removed to Sherburne in 1862, where he has since lived.

    This mill, which is now under the control of Alexander Ross, is the largest manufacturing establishment of any kind in Chenango or Madison county. It now manufactures prints exclusively, employing one hundred hands and manufacturing annually 2,250,000 yards. The goods stand high in the markets, and are sold mostly in New York city.

    The machinery of the mill is run by about 160 horse power, and is complete in every detail. In addition to this branch of business, Mr. Ross runs a first-class retail store, in which is his private office. The direction of his large business interests is characterized by the same traits of energy, foresight and capacity evinced by his father, with still more of modern progressiveness and liberality. To his present large and prosperous business interests much of the thrift of the village is due.

Charles White, Secretary; W. F. Blanchard, Treasurer. Active Hose Co. No. 1---Charles Sanford, President; Stephen Holden, Vice-President; R. P. Kutschbach, Secretary; Nahum Hart, Foreman; H. I. Matteson, First Assistant Foreman; Charles Waters, Second Assistant Foreman; Charles A. Hart, Treasurer.

    The equipment of the Department consists of two engines, two hose carts and 1,000 feet of hose.

    The Sherburne Union School was organized in the spring of 1847, by uniting the two districts in the village and the districts north and south of it. The first school meeting was held in April, 1847. The first trustees were Benjamin Skinner, Andrus Benedict and E. S. Lyman. John P. Dietz was chosen clerk and served as such several years. The first teachers were Catharine Tuttle, principal, Abby Hayward, daughter of Dr. Hayward, of Columbus, and Harriet Marks, daughter of Dr. Marks, of Sherburne. J. W. Mandeville succeeded Miss Tuttle as principal after one term and remained a year and a half. Others who served as principal were I. Fayette Pettibone, Isaac B. Collins, ______ Loomis, Miss Sophronia Beebe, Russell Alcott, Willard Race, George P. Cushman, Devillo W. Harrington. That organization was continued under the rate bill till the organization of the Union Free School, as District No. 7

    Union Free School of Sherburne.---Nov. 27, 1866, Isaac Plumb, J. M. Collwell, W. H. Lucas, T. B. Carpenter, J. M, Jenkins, A. McKay, P. G. Dietz, A. Whitford, T. H. Matteson, F. B. Coats, A. D. Gorham, D. C. Reynolds, H. Rowland, N. Hopson, S. J. Abbott, P. J. Hunt, E. S. Lyman, Amos Beebe, C. B. Weaver, C. S. Waters, F. Van Keuren, A. Hartman, T. Coats and J. Reynolds signed a call for a meeting of the persons qualified to vote in District No. 7 in Sherburne for the purpose of determining whether a Union School should be established therein, pursuant to an act relating to public instruction passed May 2, 1864. Dec. 6, 1866, Charles Hart, John Ames and T. H. Matteson, trustees of said district, gave notice of a meeting for that purpose to be held in the school house in said village, Monday, Dec. 17, 1866. At that meeting it was decided by a vote of 62 to 24 to establish such a school. The following persons were then elected trustees to form a Board of Education: H. T. Dunham, A. R. Gladwin and C. A. Fuller for three years, E. S. Lyman, Charles Hart and John Ames for two years, and Henry Allfrey, I. C. Owen and James Colwell, for one year. At a meeting of the Board at the Office of C. A. Fuller, Dec. 25, 1866, H. T. Dunham was elected President, C. A. Fuller, Clerk, Joshua Pratt, Treasurer, Amos Beebe, Collector, and T. H. Matteson, trustee to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Colwell. The school opened with three teachers, Devillo W. Harrington and Misses Merrihew and Mead, the former and latter of whom had been previously employed in the Union School.

    Nov. 15, 1870, it was decided by a vote of 60 to 2 to build a new brick school house at a cost of $9,500. Feb. 20, 1871, a proposition from H. Allfrey to build a new school house for $8,200 was accepted. Feb. 22, 1871, $463 was added to the contract price for building the school house in consequence of changes in the plans, and it was decided that the building be completed Dec. 1, 1871. March 8, 1871, it was decided to purchase of D. White for a building site for a school house, the lot west and south of his burial lot for $1,000, and the trustees were authorized to dispose by sale of the old school house and site, which they sold to E. W. Walker, reserving its use until the new one was built.

    Aug. 19, 1872, the proffer of the regents to designate this one of the schools to instruct a teachers' class was accepted.

    June 29, 1868, it was decided to engage L. Dembinski as principal in place of Mr. Harrington. July 7, 1875, Stanley Field was engaged as principal, and Aug. 1, 1877, Eugene Bouton was engaged and continues to fill that position.

    Receipts and disbursements during the year ending Sept. 30, 1879:---

Balance on hand Oct. 1, 1878,
$    317.35
Amount of public school funds
       apportioned to district,

Amount raised by local tax,
Tuition bills of non-resident pupils,
Subscriptions, donations, legacies, &c.,
    Total receipts,

Paid for teachers' wages,$2,122.50
       "     school apparatus,2.00
       "     insuring school house,160.87
       "     furniture22.28
       "     fuel and preparing same for use162.22
Paid for building fires, sweeping, and
       otherwise cleaning school house,
Paid for incidentals,21.88
Amount remaining on hand Sept. 30, 1879,206.58

    The number of teachers employed and teaching at the same time for 28 weeks was five; the number of weeks school taught during the year, 39; the number of children of school age who, while residing in the district, attended school some portion of the year, 196; the number of children of school age who, while residing in other districts, attended school some portion of the year, 58; the average daily attendance of children of school age residing in the district while attending, 133.8, and those residing in other districts, 22.1; the number of volumes in the district library, 1,203, the estimated value of which was $1,000; value of school house site, $1,625; of building, $10,000; the assessed valuation of all property taxable in the district, both real and personal, $507,078.48. The building is of brick, of modern design, and heated by steam. The furniture is of the best kind.

    From the report to the Regents for the year ending July 24, 1879, we gather the following, relative to the academic department:---

The present value of academy lot and buildings is$11,625.00
    "       "             "    library1,000.00
    "       "             "    philosophical apparatus374.00
    "       "             "    other academic property700.00
    "       "             "    academic property$13,699.00

    Receipts and disbursements for the year ending July 24, 1871:---

From tuition collected or considered collectable$ 196.63
    "     apportionment from literature fund20.78
    "     donation for purchase of Fitz terrestrial globe12.00
    "     local taxes1,560.59


For salaries of teachers$1,390.00
    " repair of building or other property
       belonging to academy
For fuel and other incidental expenses226.00
For purchase of books and apparatus24.00$1,790.00

    CHURCHES.---The Duaneburgh colonists who settled this town arrived on the afternoon of Saturday, in March, 1793, and the second Sabbath following their arrival they met and inaugurated religious services which have been continued to the present time. July 6, 1794, Nathaniel and Bethiah Gray, Elijah and Sarah Gray, Abraham and Betsey Raymond, Timothy and Ruth Hatch, Elisha and Patience Gray, Josiah Lathrop, Eleazer Lathrop, Mabel, wife of Newcomb Raymond, Ruth, wife of Joel Hatch, Melissa, wife of James Raymond, and Ezra Lathrop and Mariam, his wife, were formed into a church by Rev. Mr. Campbell, a missionary, and denominated the First Congregational Church in Sherburne. 5 Nathaniel Gray and Abraham Raymond were chosen deacons. The former was the generally acknowledged father of the church. For thirteen years he was their leader and minister, except on occasions when missionary help was present, which was very seldom.

    At an early day a large and commodious school house was built in the Quarter and was ordinarily used by this church as a place of worship. In 1803 a church edifice was built on what was then called "Robinson Hill," and though unfinished was used for religious purposes. It was soon felt that the location did not accommodate a majority of the people, and accordingly the work of moving it was commenced in the spring of 1810. When it arrived at the Quarter a delegation of people forbid its being taken any further south, and the opposition was so strong that it stood there upon its rollers till the autumn of that year. The village people refused to do anything unless it was moved to the village. It was finally agreed to move it to where it now stands, about midway between the Quarter and the village. With the increasing demand for a church in the village a site was bought in 1856 and the present church edifice erected the following year. It was dedicated in 1858. About this time the old church, with its historic associations, was sold to the Catholics.

    The first minister employed by the people was Rev. Nathan B. Darrow, who labored with them about a year; but they had no settled pastor previous to 1806. During these early years the church was supplied occasionally by missionaries from eastern churches.

    The society connected with this church was organized March 15, 1798, as The First Congregational Society of Sherburne, and Joel Northrup, Abraham Raymond, John Gray, Nathaniel Austin, Ely Marsh and Orsamus Holmes were elected trustees.

    The following have been successive pastors of this church, and those whose names are marked with a * were installed:---

Rev. Roger Adams* from August, 1806-07
   "    Abner Benedict* ""       1811-13
   "    John Truair* ""       1815-20
   "    I. N. Sprague* "June 7, 1825-34
   "    Henry Snyder "------
   "    George E. Delavan* "1837-40
   "    Mr. Blodgett "------
   "    J. C. Brown* "1842-43
   "    A. C. Tuttle* "1844-53
   "    Oliver Bronson "------
   "    A. McDougall* "Feb., 1854-60
   "    E. Curtiss "1860-67
   "    Samuel Miller "1867-74
   "    James Chambers "August, 1875---

    There have gone from this church eleven licensed preachers, viz: Eleazor Lathrop, Watson Adams, L. S. Rexford, William Robinson, N. Smith, B. Gray, J. W. Fox, S. Carver, J. Copeland, H. Lee and S. Curtis. It sent to the foreign field one female missionary, Mrs. Amelia Little, daughter of William Newton, who died suddenly before entering upon her expected labors. Sept. 12, 1879, W. N. Chambers was ordained by this church and set apart to the foreign missionary work.

    The number of members Aug. 31, 1879, was males 95, females 148, total 243. The number of families in the congregation was 120; the number in Sabbath school, of which H. F. Dunham is superintendent, 150; the value of the church $8,000, and parsonage, $2,000.

    The contributions of the church to benevolent causes during the year was as follows:---

Home Missions$211.15
American Missionary Association115.51
A. B. C. F. M.448.83
American Congregational Union35.94
Other Charities107.92

    During Rev. Amos C. Tuttle's pastorate the anti-slavery excitement culminated and about forty who favored the abolition of slavery, withdrew from the church and formed The Free Church of Sherburne, commonly known as the "Abolition Church," which had an existence of only three or four years.

    The Baptist Church of Sherburne.---The Baptists residing in Sherburne village and vicinity commenced holding meetings in the academy in that village in March, 1836, and employed Mr. Ewell, a student of Hamilton Theological Seminary, to preach for them. July 2, 1836, they convened in the academy for the purpose of forming a church conference. A. H. Burlingame was chosen moderator and E. C. Wheeler clerk. A church covenant was adopted and signed by Charles Lewis, John Benton, Willard Stebbins, Ezra Race, Sylvester Benton, Carloss Benton, Horace Eaton, Hendrick Bresee, E. C. Wheeler, Calvin Locke, H. B. Hale, John Benton, Jr., Clarissa Eaton, Mary Bresee, N. J. Benton, Sophronia Benton, Amy Foster, Jane Wheeler, Deborah Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Susannah Rogers, P. B. Reynolds, Betsey Race, Eleanor Locke, Abigail Stebbins, Maria Shaw and _______ Marsh, who, having received the consent of their respective churches were constituted members of this. July 16, 1836, articles of faith were adopted. Oct. 7, 1836, a council convened in the Congregational church, and after some alterations and additions to their articles of faith and covenant, admitted them to church fellowship. Elder J. S. Swan was appointed to preach the introductory sermon, Elder A. Wheelock, to address the church, and Elder J. Corwin, to present the right hand of fellowship.

    Nov. 12, 1836, Elder J. Corwin performed the rite of baptism on Betsey Benton and Fanny Stafford, and broke bread to the church for the first time.

    The church was incorporated as the Sherburne Village Baptist Society, Dec. 3, 1836, and Willard Stebbins, Charles Lewis, Horace Eaton, Ezra Race and Ira Wright were elected trustees.

    Their church edifice was commenced in 1837 and finished in 1838, at a cost of about $2,300. Services were held previous to that time tin the academy. April 23, 1837, C. H. Slafter was hired to preach for eighteen shillings per Sabbath. March 31, 1838, it was voted to hire Daniel H. Gillette for the year. He was dismissed May 19, 1839. August 25, 1839, it was voted to extend a call to E. E. L. Taylor for one year, at a salary of $300, his salary to commence when he was ordained and devoted his whole time to the church. He commenced his labors the first Sabbath in August, 1839. March 15, 1840, a call was given Rev. S. P. Way, who commenced his labors March 22, 1840. Aug. 22, 1841, it was voted to call Elder Crain, but the records do not show whether he accepted. Dec. 6, 1842, it was voted to invite Rev. Alba Gross to preach the ensuing year, commencing the second Sabbath in December, 1842. Charles B. Post was ordained pastor of this church Dec. 3, 1845. Aug. 12, 1848, it was voted to call Leonard Ilsley to ordination. Rev. Nelson Mumford became the pastor in the early part of 1849. He labored with them five years. Nov. 25, 1854, the church resolved to make an effort to secure the services of Rev. S. M. Ferguson, who served them till 1856. After Mr. Ferguson left the pulpit was supplied mostly by students from Hamilton till March, 1858, when a call was given Rev. J. M. Ferris, who commenced his labors as pastor the first Sabbath in April. His resignation was accepted Dec. 22, 1858. The pulpit seems to have been supplied by students from this time till March 19, 1862.

    July 26, 1862, the Church voted to call Rev. T. K. Brownson to the pastorate. August 20, 1864, the committee were instructed to engage Elder Jones to supply the pulpit one-half time for the present. Feb. 19, 1867, voted to invite Rev. A. M. Bennett to continue as pastor for one year from the succeeding April. Elder Brown commenced a brief pastorate April 1, 1869. Rev. J. L. Bennett became the pastor some time in 1870. His resignation was accepted Jan. 31, 1872.

    Rev. D. D. Brown succeeded Mr. Bennett in the pastorate some time in 1872. He united with the church by letter in October of that year, and was dismissed by letter September 28, 1873. He was followed, but at what time does not appear, by D. P. Pope, who was ordained by this church September 15, 1874. He remained but a short time however. The present pastor is George Burnside, who became the settled pastor in 1876, but had supplied the pulpit for two years previously while living at Earlville.

    In the summer of 1876 the church was repaired at a cost of about $1,500. Meetings were held in the meantime in the Universalist church. In 1877, a rear addition was built at like cost.

    The present number of members is 193; the average attendance at Sabbath school, 130.

    The church has licensed one person to preach---Thomas Dunham, April 8, 1843. The following named persons have been elected deacons: Solomon VanWagner and Charles Lewis, October 7, 1836; Ezra L. Race, October 13, 1849; Joseph Smith; Orrin Hendee, January, 1871; Isaac Heady, November, 1872; Cyrus Merrihew, (for one year) Oct. 12, 1878.

    The First Society of the M. E. Church in Sherburne Village was organized at the village school-house March 4, 1839. Elders James P. Backus, and Ebenezer Coleson were then the ministers in charge of the society and were chosen to preside at this meeting. Alfred Skinner, Silas Ames, Solomon Cushman, Gray P. Beers and Nathan T. Geere were elected trustees. How early the Methodists in Sherburne became an organized force we are unable to state. An organization was effected March 6, 1834, under the ministry of B. G. Paddock, named The First Society of the M. E. Church in Sherburne, and Hermon VanVleck, Benjamin Eaton, Cyrus M. Dow, Joseph Sexton, and Alfred Skinner were elected trustees; but it seems to have had but an ephemeral existence.

    March 18, 1839, Alfred Skinner, Silas Ames and Garry P. Beers were chosen a building committee. Their house of worship seems to have been built that year, for Dec. 18, 1839, it was resolved to rent for one year "one-half the slips in the chapel." Feb. 13, 1877, it was decided to repair the church and add a session room, and $4,461.17 was raised for that purpose.

    May 6, 1873, it was resolved to purchase of Daniel and Palmer Newton, Silas and John Ames and A. Cook what was known as the "parsonage property," and May 14, 1873, the whole amount was pledged.

    The records of the society are meager, and do not show the succession of pastors.

    The Berean Society of Universalists in Sherburne was organized Aug. 25, 1849, at a meeting of the friends of Universalism, convened in the brick school-house, situated east of the academy in the village of Sherburne, which had been previously purchased by them to be used as a house of worship. Rev. James S. Sherburne was appointed moderator, and Isaac Plumb secretary. Prayer was offered by Rev. Alfred Peck, after which Rev. C. L. Shipman presented for consideration the draft of a constitution, which, after some discussion, was adopted. E. S. Lyman was then elected clerk, and Labin Howard, Alberto Sabin and Hiram Briggs, trustees. It was resolved to request the fellowship of the Chenango Association of Universalists and Rev. J. S. Sherburne and E. S. Lyman were appointed delegates to represent this society at the next meeting of the Association.

    Jan. 8, 1853, Isaac Plumb was elected clerk, a position which he has held to the present time.

    In April, 1856, the society purchased the edifice owned by the Free Church of Sherburne for $900, and in the same month and year they sold to Linus R. Hopson for $240, the house and site they had till then occupied. In 1877, the church was repaired at an expense of $1,476.34, and was rededicated Aug. 22 and 23, 1877, Rev. Daniel Ballou preaching the dedicatory sermon.

    Previous to June, 1879, no church but simply a society organization existed. At that time thirty-eight individuals, "feeling that church organization and membership are important helps to purer lives, signified their desire to form such a relation in a Universalist church in Sherburne."

    July 12, 1879, Vashti Brooks and Jennie O'Brien were baptized by immersion by Rev. Daniel Ballou. This is the first baptism recorded in the church. July 13, 1879, the first observance of communion is recorded, Albert C. Parker and T. G. Lamb, "acting as stewards and deacons."

    August 24, 1879, the church adopted a constitution and by-laws, and a confession of faith and covenant. Article 1 of the constitution denominates it the First Universalist Church of Sherburne.

    The present number of members is about fifty.

    The following have been pastors. Those whose names are italicized were settled as such: Revs. Tomlison, Shipman, Cargill; Gilman, Robert, Queal, B. S. Hobbs, Payne, Austin, Porter, E. M. Lester, F. B. Peck, Boughton, A. G. Clark, Cone, Wm. DeLong, Daniel Ballou, James Ballou, T. D. Cook, Lansing, Bennett and Canfield.

    Christ's Church in the Village of Sherburne, (Episcopal,) was organized at a meeting held in the school-house in Sherburne village June 7, 1828, over which Rev. Russel Wheeler presided. Thomas Kershaw and H. N. Fargo were elected wardens, and Asa Foote, Reuben Davis, Amasa Skinner, Alexander Holmes, Alson Upham, Peter I. Davidson, David Skinner and Jonathan Thayer, vestrymen. The first male members were Thomas Kershaw, H. N. Fargo, Amasa Skinner, Asa Foote and Ezra Griffin.

    Their church edifice was built in 1831, at a cost of about $2,500, including bell. Among the contributions toward that object were $500 each from Trinity Church, New York, and John Watts, of that city, and $100 each from Amasa Skinner, Thomas Kershaw and H. N. Fargo.

    The first rector was Rev. Edward Andrews, who was engaged to officiate one-fourth of the time for one year, from Sept. 1, 1828. In 1832, Rev. John W. Woodward supplied the parish one-half of the time. In August of that year Rev. Liberty A. Barrows was employed as rector one-half of the time. By a subsequent arrangement he continued to serve the parish until 1838, when he resigned. He was succeeded in January, 1838, by Rev. Thomas J. Ruger, who occupied the pulpit six months. In June, 1839, Rev. Thomas Towel filled the vacancy. In February, 1842, Rev. Liberty A. Barrows was re-called, and continued till 1846, when he resigned. In May, 1846, Rev. W. D. Wilson became the rector and continued such until 1850. He was succeeded May 8, 1850, by Rev. Levi H. Corson, who remained four years. During his rectorship, June 19, 1850, the records of the church and Society were burned. The foregoing facts were mostly gathered by him. Rev. Thomas Applegate succeeded to the rectorship in July, 1854, and resigned Oct. 1, 1855. Rev. G. L. Foote commenced a two years' rectorship April 1, 1856. In May, 1858, Rev. Joshua L. Burrows became the rector and served them as late as 1862. During the first year of his rectorship the church numbered 70 communicants, and 58 families, containing 130 adults and 50 children. 6

    St. Malachi Church, (Catholic,) at Sherburne, was organized about 1858, by Father Brady, who died in Norwich about 1861. Their house of worship was purchased in that year of the Congregational Society for the sum of $800. It was refitted and afterwards repaired during Father McNulty's pastorate.

    The mission at Sherburne was established about 1847, by Father James Hourigan, now of Binghamton, who officiated as pastor about two years. He was succeeded by Father Roach, who served them a like period; and Father McCallan, who continued his labors with them till 1854, since which time they have been ministered to by the priests who have officiated at Hamilton. They have never had a resident pastor. They have about 350 members. Their church edifice was dedicated in 1858, by Cardinal John McClosky, then Bishop of Albany.

    Earlville and Sherburne Four Corners are situated, the former in the north-west and the latter the south-west corner of the town. Notice of the former will be found in connection with the town of Hamilton, in which about two-thirds of the village lies; and the latter, which is situated in four towns, in connection with the town of North Norwich.

    REXFORD FALLS.---At his death March 27, 1875, Nelson C. Rexford, a son of the pioneer, Benjamin Rexford, devised to the town the falls property on Mad brook, about a mile east of Sherburne village, on the road from Sherburne to Columbus, including some three or four acres extending along the banks of the stream. February 15, 1876, the town accepted the devise and resolved to designate the falls as Rexford Falls. The falls are about seventy-five feet in height. Below them the steep, rocky banks of the stream rise to a height of nearly a hundred feet and form a narrow romantic gorge. At the foot of the falls is a strong sulphur spring, the waters of which have been used beneficially for cutaneous diseases. A hotel known as the Sherburne Spring House, and kept by Charles Reynolds, was built in 1876 by the present proprietor, adjacent to the falls, for the accommodation of those who wish to spend a season in the locality and enjoy the benefit of the springs. When further improved it will be a delightful resort for picnic and excursion parties.

    MANUFACTURES.---On Handsome brook, about two miles above Sherburne, is a grist-mill owned by James Kershaw, whose father James Kershaw, built it at an early day. It contains two run of stones. On the same stream (which, at this point, has a fall of some five feet,) two miles above the Kershaw Mill, is a grist-mill owned by Walter Furman. It contains two run of stones, which are propelled by water from the creek, which has a fall of about twelve feet. The original mill on this site was built at an early day, and was rebuilt by the present proprietor in 1875.

    WAR OF THE REBELLION.---The record of the legislative action taken by this town with reference to filling its quotas during the late war is too meager and incomplete to possess any historic value in that connection. From other sources, however, we learn some of the results of that legislation. The town of Sherburne furnished in aid of the suppression of the Rebellion 236 soldiers and 20 seamen, 49 of whom were natives of the town; 1 ranked as Assistant Surgeon, 3 as Captain, 9 as Lieutenant, 1 as Sergeant Major and 13 as Sergeant; 176 enlisted for three years, 12 for two years, 8 for one year and 9 for nine months. They were distributed among various organizations as follows: 1 each in the 3d, 23d, 62d, 71st, 101st, 131st, and 144th, 2 each in the 85th and 161st, 4 each in the 26th, 44th, 76th and 157th, 5 in the 149th, 7 in the 176th, 9 in the 17th, 28 in the 61st, and 47 in the 114th infantry regiments; 5 in the 8th, 8 in the 10th, 1 each in the 11th and 14th, and 6 in the 20th cavalry regiments; 2 each in the 3d and 7th, 14 in the 1st (light,) 3 in the 2d, 7 in the 4th, 3 in the 5th, 1 in the 8th, and 2 in the 14th (heavy) artillery regiments; 2 in the 7th and 13 in the 8th Independent Batteries; 2 in the 2d mounted rifles and 1 each in the 8th Wisconsin artillery, 1st Michigan and 13th Iowa infantry regiments.


6received a townbountyof$   100.00

1 - Hatch's History of the town of Sherburne.
2 - Died Oct. 17, 1830, aged 70; Betsey, his wife, Oct. 22, 1851, aged 80.
3 - See page 109.
4 - See Portrait and Biography.
5 - It is erroneously claimed that this was the first church organized in the county.
6 - This sketch is prepared from Hatch's History of the town of Sherburne and the Record of the Incorporation of Religious Societies in Chenango County, the latter of which corrects some errors contained in the former. We have not been able to learn the subsequent history of the church.
Transcribed by Mary Hafler - May, 2006
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