I wonder, I wonder, if the departed spirits of those who have labored in this field for 100 years are cognizant of the movements of today in this house of God. I wonder if they see, if they hear, and listen---voices that have been familiar to you and to me may be heard. We have night visions of their faces, it may be that they are hovering about this sacred shrine, interested more than we understand, in the services of this house and these hours.
A few names have been mentioned, many names have been suggested, especially to those of you who have been members of the church longest. What an army of men and women have put off the armor! Why, the city of the dead in this town contains more of the members of this church than the pews! Their bodies are yonder, mouldering back to the kindred element, "earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to ashes." But they are not on the hillside---they are yonder, standing on the sea of glass, and about the great white throne, with harps in their hands and singing anthems to God. And what they have earned, they are receiving as their just reward yonder, beyond the mists, beyond the clouds, beyond the seen into the world unseen.
I cannot tell you how sad I have been today as I have sat here amid these scenes. About 18 years ago I left you, and men and women in the prime of life when I left have come into the congregation today, bent over and gray. Their hearts, doubt not, are as young as when I left, but their bodies are bent over towards the earth and in another decade, or 18 years, they will have gone where Father Bennett and others of whom we all think, and those of whom we do not think, have gone---to be with them.
The one thought that presses itself upon my mind after listening to Mr. Howell's historical sermon and Dr. Calvert's address is that in all these years, beginning with Father Bennett, men of god have stood in the pulpit and men of God have sat in the pews---men who have lived as if they had some special mission. They struck hard against sin, and I believe the great need here and everywhere is just a conception of the enormity of sin. Higher criticism and the ifs and isms will assume their proper place when men are persuaded of the fact that sin in the one thing God cannot look upon; and as soon as the minister preaches this and the people acknowledge it, so soon will there be the old-time revival. The trouble with us today is that we are trying to excuse sin, trying to paint it over---trying to guild it and make it respectable, and we re forgetting the demand the church has upon us; we are spending our evenings in the club and everywhere but in the house of God. I believe there are men and women willing to do as much as ever, but the one great need today is the inculcating of the principles taught by Father Bennett. Men believed then that a man who was not saved was eternally lost and they taught it. I would not frighten a soul into the kingdom, but I would hold up the truth just as the Bible teaches them. Sin is the one great curse and ever has been.
Two years ago, I went over to California. I had read about the Spanish moss but had never seen it. It grows up the trunk of the trees as a vine, then it creeps on up the limbs to the very ends of the branches until it entirely smothers, it strangles and finally kills the tree. The natives call it "death moss". And sin is the death moss. It comes into our lives little by little and takes fast hold of us and unless we kill it, it by-and-by strangles and smothers and kills. We want men and women growing up to know that God hates sin and cannot look upon it with any pleasure.
If this sort of a doctrine is taught, men will have some backbone. Of what use would a man be without a backbone or without any bones in his body? What we want is men and women with bones, muscles, sinews in working harmony and put into use. Do you know what gave us such an exhibition at the death of President McKinley? The world never saw anything like it before. It was not because he was our President. It was because of the character of the man. I was in Madison Square when the clock ticked the hour. Every train on the elevated roads stopped, all the street cars stopped, every carriage in the street stopped---even the bicycles stopped, and the riders dismounted, men raised their hats and bowed their eyes to the earth, and men who were not accustomed to singing joined in the hymn "Nearer, My God, to Thee," while teardrops coursed down their cheeks. The world never saw anything like it. It was not be cause a President died; we have had Presidents die before. It was not because he was assassinated; we have had Presidents assassinated before. But because a man who was spotless in his life, who was a true husband, an exemplary man in his home---it was because such a man with character that was fitting for us to envy had died. There never was such an exhibition and it was all because he had imbibed the principles taught in the church of the living God.
These 100 years have marked a great advancement in the history of this church. It may be we are not, some of us, consecrated to the service of the church as we should be but Christianity would be more powerful with you and with me, and with those outside of the church, if you and I preached and believed and lived the doctrines taught to them by the fathers. Character is the thing, after all. And what we want is to come into communion with these truths that they shall become a part of us. I would like to speak longer to you, but after listening to Dr. Calvert's words, I want to take my part away and I want you to take your part-so I will close. It will not be long before we shall go up yonder where we shall see with clearer vision than we see now. You remember what Alice Carey said:
Take this for granted, one for all--- There's neither chance nor fate, And to sit and wait for the stars to fall Is to wait as the foolish wait. The laurel longed for you must earn, 'Tis not of the things men lend. And tho' the lesson be hard to learn, The sooner, the better, my friend. |
In the year 1885, the young people of the church, feeling inspired doubtless by the results which had been made manifest from the banding together and the closer cementation of the interests and relationships of the young people of other churches throughout the country, felt drawn to organize themselves into a society for spiritual growth and the furtherance of the kingdom of Christ. This society was called the Young People's association. But later on, on Oct. 12, 1886, they changed the name to The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, thus allying themselves with the then youthful, but rapidly growing organization of that name.
From June 30, 1889 to April 13, 1892, however, the society reverted to the form of the original society, merely calling themselves the Young People's Society. But in April, 1892, they again adopted the pledge and constitution of the Y.P.S.C.E., since which time they have faithfully tried to live up to the spirit and letter of the pledge and to govern themselves by the constitution.
The society has been of great spiritual and material aid to the church, aside from developing the young people in the Christian life. Among many of the specific things done, they helped liberally to lift an old church debt, beautified the chapel of the church with a new carpet, aside from furnishing the room with a piano, which has greatly assisted in the good singing of not only the society itself, but also of the Sunday school and of the mid-week prayer-meetings. They have also provided a water motor for the pipe-organ in the church auditorium, have assisted a theological student in this country, sent aid to a boys' school in China, furnished a room in the Theological seminary at Hamilton, N.Y., and since the year 1895, have paid the traveling expenses of a native Burman evangelist. In 1900 the society supported a native preacher named Saya Timothy in Rangoon, Burma. Since January 1st, 1901, they have helped bear the expense of our missionary, Mr. W.T. Elmore, who is laboring for the cause of Christ at Ongole, India.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary society is 21½ years old. In the records, there is a 20 years' history of the organization from which I quote:
At the meeting of the Cortland Baptist Association held at Groton, 1879, a number of ladies from the First Baptist church of Cortland were present and listened to an address by Miss Susie Haswell, telling of her work among Burman women, of their great needs, ignorance of medical treatment and their great spiritual darkness. Two of the ladies, Mrs. H.M. Slafter and Mrs. J.L. Gillette, were strongly impressed buy Miss Haswell's words and convicted of their own ignorance and lack of interest and obedience to the great commission, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
At that time there was no organized circle in the Cortland church and these ladies made a covenant that by personal effort they would try to interest others and organize a circle. They felt that such ignorance in regard to missions was a shame to any body of Christian women.
Results---The following March30, 1880, a meeting was called to organize a Woman's Foreign Mission Circle whose object should be to aid the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society in the Christian elevation of women in foreign lands. The following sixteen ladies became charter members: Mrs. Frank S. Capen, Mrs. E. P. Slafter, Mrs. Lewis Viele, Mrs. Lottie T. Corlew, Mrs. E. P. Sumner, Mrs. Randolph Beard, Mrs. Asa Gates, Mrs. Oscar Purington, Mrs. Beman S. Conger, Mrs. G. W. Bradford, Mrs. Norman Chamberlain, Mrs. J. L. Gillette, Mrs. Thomas Darby, Mrs. Chauncey Keator, Mrs. James W. Putnam and Miss Emily E. Cole.
Officers elected: President, Mrs. James W. Putnam, (she made an able and efficient officer); Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas Darby; Secretary, Mrs. E. P. Slafter; Treasurer, Miss Emily R. Cole. Miss Cole was a teacher in the Normal school, loyal to our society and many dollars besides her dues found their way into our treasury. Four of the charter members have passed over the river. Mrs. Sumner, after the death of her husband, removed to Frankfort, Mich., but annually sent her membership dues to this Circle. She died in Winfield, Kas. Mrs. Thomas Darby, Mrs. Viele and Mrs. Corlew were warm supporters of missions.
Meetings have been held monthly, some times in the church parlor, some times at the homes of our members, and some times by request at the bedside of "shut-ins". There have been seasons of discouragement, but for the last fifteen years the interest manifested has been highly gratifying and while organized unselfishly for the interest of foreign missions, the reflex blessing as been greater than the bestowed.
From a literary point of view, the society is fortunate in having so many talented women who have been willing to aid in developing the studies. Missions in China, Japan, Assam, Burma, India, Africa, Brazil, and the Islands of the Sea, have been studied and the brave self-sacrificing lives of the missionaries noted. Poems and music have been interspersed with gleanings from mission fields, nor is this all, the devotional exercises have grown sweet and spiritual.
The Home Mission was combined with the Foreign Society for a year and a half.
The office of President has been filled by Ladies Putnam, Brigham, Sornberger, and for the last eleven and half years, Mrs. Randolph Beard has given faithful service. Every member will testify to their appreciation of her work. Five Secretaries have served the Circle: Mrs. Helen Slafter, fourteen years, Mrs. F. D. Reese, Mrs. E. H. Wilson, Mrs. G. E. Chambers, and Miss Mina Bates. Five have held the office of Treasurer: Miss Cole, Mrs. Frank S. Capen, Mrs. G. W. Bradford, Mrs. E. O. Richard and Mrs. F. D. Reese.
There have been faithful collectors, solicitors for the Helping Hand, program committees and many who have helped with voice, pen and prayers to make the organization a success. Eighteen life members have been made: Mrs. Curtis R. Harmon, Mrs. G. W. Bradford, Mrs. Frank Haskins, Mrs. T. Tillinghast, Mrs. Beman S. Conger, Mrs. E. P. Slafter, Mrs. Mary Head, Mrs. R. Beard, Mrs. J. L. Gillette, Mrs. Florence Reese, Mrs. E. H. Wilson, Mrs. W. N. Tower, Mrs. G. H. Brigham, Mrs. Asa Gates, Mrs. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Florence Cordo, and Mrs. L. Lowell.
Fifty years ago, the women of the church aided the Foreign Missions and sent boxes valued at $70.38. Several years before the organization of the society, $30.25 was sent to the missionary rooms at Boston, which sum was forwarded to Burma to be used toward educating a native girl, called Jennie Tower, after the wife of our pastor. The whole amount of contributed is $2,022.85.
The present membership is ninety. The officers are Mrs. R. Beard, Pres.; Mina Bates, Sec'y; Mrs. F. D. Reese, Treas.
The two members who worked so earnestly to organize this circle now rejoice in its prosperity.
Dr. Gordon said---"Forget not that your first and principal business as a disciple of Christ is to give the gospel to those who have it not. He who is not a missionary Christian will be a missing Christian when the great day comes for bestowing the rewards of service."
The doors have been thrown open to missionaries as never before. Consecrated workers are awaiting the means to carry them to foreign lands. What a tremendous responsibility is resting upon Christian stewards.
As the poet said---
"Go in faith, thou silent weeper, Sow the precious gospel seed; Thou shalt come a joyful reaper; Souls thy harvest, heavenly thy meed, Faithful laborer, Go, and sow the gospel-seed." |
The "Ladies' Church Aid and Sewing Society" of the First Baptist Church of Cortland was organized under the name of "Ladies' Aid Society" of the Baptist Church of Cortlandville in 1851. At that time it was largely a benevolent society. Women's Mission Circles had not then been organized.
Its object was to aid in disseminating the Gospel and providing for the wants of the needy. The first officers were Pres., Mrs. Harlon Buell; Vice Pres., Mrs. Wm. Curtis; and Sec'y and Treas., Mrs. H. A. Bowen. The names of sixty-one ladies are given as charter members, only five of whom are now living. Names of thirty-two gentlemen are given as charter members, only four of whom are now living. The society resolved, after supplying home necessities that the funds be devoted to the Grand Ligne Canadian Mission. Two boxes valued at $70 are reported as sent, also supplies to Mr. Livermore of Rochester, a university student. In these early days, a pastor's wife was judged by her ability to preside and plan wisely for such an organization, and it was the greatest honor the ladies could confer to make her their president. This honor has been given to others during the last thirty years, and the pastor's wife wisely relieved of so heavy a burden. Accordingly in 1854, Mrs. H. A. Bowen, the wife of our pastor was made president.
You will pardon me if I give you a brief sketch of this woman of culture---a fine scholar, an artist with pencil and brush, a musician---she played the melodeon while our present Mr. Katline was the chorister. In invention, she excelled. A patch-work quilt, pieced to represent the "Garden of Eden" which took the premium at the County Fair, was designed by her, and was a wonder to all who saw it. Portraits of Elder Bowen and wife painted by herself, hang on the wall of our Sunday school room. No monument marks their resting place, in the Skaneateles cemetery.
At this period, details of work are very meager and from what I gather, interest low. In March 1867, it was organized as a "Sewing and Dime Society",---object to raise funds for church purposes.
In 1871 at a meeting of this society, it was voted by gentlemen and ladies present, that we build a new church, and the first collection for that purpose was taken. Then came the tug of war and our sisters showed what metal they were made of. There was an object to work for. In every legitimate way, they raised money---oyster and chicken pie suppers, a "New England Kitchen" held in the new hardware store of Chamberlin and Smith, from which $300 was realized, fourth of July dinner, and in various ways were successful in raising a great deal of money. Baptists, it is well known, are very independent people both in church government and in personal relations. So during this high pressure period, there were strong differences of opinion, but thanks to the wise leadership of Mrs. Norman Chamberlain, our president, we went safely through the rapids. Special mention should be made of the gift of $500 from Mrs. Chauncey Keator for the purchase of carpets. The society also bought the cushions, marble top table, pulpit chairs, and communion set.
During this time, but little outside work was done. In 1882, the name was again changed to A.W.T. Society. I would say these mystic letters mean the "All Work Together Society." Come with me and I will show you our present plan of work. This room is the ladies' parlor and work room. There stands one sewing machine, here are our work cupboards, with large shelf on top for cutting and basting work. Those ladies are engaged in preparing and basting work to be sent to the schools for the freedman. Some are tying comforts, others are quilting and some are making aprons and bonnets and other article for sale. Some are packing barrels to send to our missionaries, fire sufferers in Michigan, Jacksonville, Fla., or Home for the Friendless in New York. It has just been voted to pay that poor sick woman's rent. A committee is appointed to visit a family and see that the children have proper warm clothing for the winter. These rooms adjoining are our new toilet rooms paid for by the society. Next is our kitchen---this large dish cupboard lined with tin that no poor church mouse may nibble in. Large drawers that hold our table linen. All the work of the society.
Supper is ready. Six large tables are laid with snowy linen and bright silver. Smell the delicious aroma of the coffee. Don't the food look tempting and make you hungry?
Two meetings were held without any supper---the receipts were only seventy cents, proving without a doubt that a society without a supper is a decided failure, in numbers as well as financially---three being present at one meeting and nine at the other. Ten-cent suppers are given once a month. Money has been raised by such unique social as a banquet given by the Blues of the Young Men's club and the Ladies' Aid society. "Orange tea", "Flags of all Nations", "Dollar social", "Measuring party", "Weight social", "Mystery tea"< etc. In 1890 the Home mission society united as Church Aid and Home Missions society." In 1900 they separated and the name is again "Church Aid and Sewing Society."
We strive to cultivate Christian friendship among our people, promote social welfare in our community, work for every good cause in our church and help supply the needs of our city.
Statistics---One book of records has been lost, but from what we gather, we find the total amount of cash received in Ladies' Aid society since its organization in 1851 to be $6,406.92.
Number of barrels packed by the Aid society for our Home Mission Society, 51, valued at $1,063.07.
Miscellaneous barrels, 19---$894.31.
Total number of barrels---70.
Present officers are---President, Mrs. E. H. Wilson; Secretary, Mrs. E. O. Perry; Treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Beard.
Almost from the organization of the Aid society in 1851 to the present time missionary work has been carried on by the women of the church. Barrels of clothing have been contributed and sent west and south to aid wherever the workers reported the greatest need.
In 1889 the Ladies' Aid and Home Mission society was organized, and while the work was done by all, as before, and with the same officer, yet there was a closer alliance with the general society and the membership dues were sent to Chicago and record made there of goods sent to different parts of the home mission field. A district line of study was taken up, but no separate program meetings were held until Aug. 27, 1900, when the Woman's Baptist Missionary society was organized. A new constitution was adopted, new officers were elected and meetings held each month for the dole purpose of studying the needs of the different fields and to pray for the work and the workers. The society has prospered since the separate organization was effected.
The present officers are:
President---Mrs. H.M. Slafter.
First Vice-President---Mrs. G.W. Bradford.
Second Vice-President---Miss Anna Lull.
Secretary - Mrs. Wm. Pearson.
Treasurer - Mrs. W.H. Clark.
This society was organized August 12, 1898 by Miss Lizzie Hyatt of Boston. It is a society for girls and young ladies, and its object is to help support women and children on foreign fields. This circle has grown from a membership of four to thirty in the three years since it organization. Meetings are held twice a month, once for a program and once for work.
During the short period of its existence, this society has raised nearly $125.00 in money, besides giving over thirty dollars worth of supplies in missionary boxes and in local charity. It has been the means of creating much missionary interest and intelligence among the young ladies of the church.
The first president was Mrs. J. F. Bosworth, the second Miss Jessamine A. Ellsworth, and the present officers are: Mrs. R. M. Eastman, president; Miss Marie Morton, vice-president; Miss Amy Gale, secretary, and Miss Harriet Robinson, treasurer.
Letters were read from sons in the ministry, other Christian workers, absent members and former members. Rev. Frank S. Wilkins, D. D. of Gloucester, Mass., Mrs. Ella Brainard Whittaker of Boston, Mass., Rev. James M. Hutchinson of Amsterdam, N.Y., Rev. W. L. Bates of Deposit, N. Y., Rev. C. J. Greenwood of Meriden, Conn., and Rev. Edgar R. Hyde of Turners Falls, Mass., responded by letter.
All the living pastors were present except for Rev. Wm. M. Kincaid, now pastor of the Central Union church, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Rev. Thomas Goodwin now living at Jenkintontown, Pa., at the advanced age of 86 years. These two former pastors wrote letters which were more than welcome, though they did not arrive till after the Centennial week, The Cortland church was Mr. Kincaid's first pastorate.
Mrs. Ella Brainard Whittaker, now superintendent of the Primary Department in the Sunday school of Ruggles street Baptist church, Boston, Mass., having charge of three hundred children and thirty teachers, was baptized here by Elder Wilkins. She graduated from the Cortland Normal school, taught in Binghamton, and was later a missionary of our Home Mission board in Columbia, S. C.
In 1886, Melissa Aldrich Tribolet was a member here. She went as a missionary to Bassein, Burma.
1. A. BROWN was mentioned in Associational Minutes of 1834 as a licentiate.
2. REV. SAMUEL S. DAY, founder of the Telugu Baptist Mission at Nellore in 1840, was born in North Canada and graduated from Colgate university and was also a student in the Hamilton seminary. He was ordained in this church Aug. 24, 1835. He was buried in Homer, N.Y.
3. CHARLES M. TURNER was licensed July 14, 1855, and is now living at Dighton, Mass. At the advanced age of 79 years.
4. J. R. VROOMAN is mentioned in Associational Minutes of 1865 as a licentiate.
5. REV. FRANK L. WILKINS, D. D., (son of Rev. A. Wilkins, pastor '64 to '69) was converted here during the meetings of Evangelist Earle. He was baptized Nov. 14, 1868, licensed in Canandaigua, N.Y. in 1872, ordained in the Second church in Auburn, N.Y. in 1879, and was its pastor for six years. He was the pastor of the Calvary Baptist church in Davenport, In., for six years and editor of the Baptist Union, and now pastor of the First Baptist church of Gloucester, Mass., and has been for five years.
6. REV. J. R. CALVERT, D. D. of New York City, editor of "Examiner." He was converted here January, 1868; baptized here April 10, 1870, by Elder Wilkins; licensed here March 20, 1875; and ordained by the Calvary church, New York City, in 1880. For fifteen years he has been president of the Baptist State Convention and is now one of the editors of "The Examiner."
7. REV. JAMES M. HUTCHINSON, now pastor of the First Baptist church of Amsterdam, N.Y., was baptized in the same pastorate on Jan. 24, 1869; was licensed in 1880 by the First church of Rockford, Ill.; ordained in 1881 at Burlington Flats, N.Y.; and was graduated from Hamilton seminary in 1886. He has been pastor at Waterville, Utica and Newburg, N.Y.
8. OSCAR D. PURINTON is now pastor at Cooperstown, N.D. He was licensed Feb. 18, 1871, and was ordained March 9, 1882.
9. REV. WILLIAM L. BATES, now pastor at Deposit, N.Y., was converted during the pastorate of Rev. W.N. Tower. He was baptized by him March 5, 1871; licensed here May 27, 1886, during the pastorate of Dr. Cordo; graduated from Hamilton seminary; ordained at Moravia, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1888, Dr. Cordo preaching the ordination sermon. He was pastor there for twelve years.
10. REV. C. J. GREENWOOD, now pastor of the Main street Baptist church of Meriden, Conn., was baptized here February, 1883, and was licensed here Sept. 5, 1884.
11. Rev. David Smith was ordained here Oct. 1, 1884. He was graduated at Hamilton seminary and went to Burma as a missionary.
12. W. A. Kling was licensed July 2, 1889.
13. Rev. Edgar R. Hyde, now pastor at Turners Falls, Mass., joined this church by letter in 1889. He was graduated from Colgate university and seminary and was ordained at Owego September, 1900.
14. Ure Mitchell licensed February, 1891.
15. Rev. G. C. Jeffers, pastor of First Baptist church of Alliance, Neb., was licensed Sept.1, 1892.
Rev. W. T. Elmore has never been a member of this church, but he is pastor-at-large, being our church missionary at Ongole, India.
After the roll call Tuesday afternoon Rev. J. B. Calvert, D. D. of New York spoke as follows:
It has been a very great joy to me to be here at this roll call service this afternoon and last evening. I am almost afraid to rise to speak for I hardly know where to begin or how to continue or where to end. So many sweet memories have been recalled by these testimonies; so many delightful scenes have come back to me which I have tenderly dwelt upon that I am very thankful that I have been here on this anniversary occasion. As to myself, I may say it will be thirty-two years next April since I was baptized into the fellowship of this church. I was baptized, as I told you on Sunday night, by Rev. A. Wilkins down by the old red mill. And as I came up out of the water, Mrs. Wilkins led the company there present in that sweet song, "Oh, Happy Day, that fixed My Choice". And it seemed to me then that that moment and day were the happiest of my life. My sister Mary was baptized at that time. I was brought up in a Christian home and under the influence of the church. I did not confess Christ until two winters before my baptism, but I had known what it was to love the church and to love Christ. I have always been thankful for the influences that were around me in my childhood and had led me to love Christ, His house, His people and His day, the influences that make one strive to be useful and helpful, active and earnest, for his fellowmen. It seems to be that no one has more to be grateful for than I have---for all of these precious influences, all these helps that I have had all my life to keep me in the way, to build me up and make me a follower of Christ.
I was very glad to hear the letter read from Dr. Wilkins. His conversion occurred about the same time as mine. We entered college at the same time and roomed together for three years in Rochester. It is a great joy for us all to know that one whom we knew so well here as a boy has been such an active, successful worker for Christ during all of these years. There has, however, been a tinge of sadness to me over this anniversary because of the absence of my dearest friend Duane, (James Duane Squires) who would have rejoiced greatly with us if he could have been here today. My first thought when converted was of him. Soon afterwards he was converted. Many of you perhaps remember when we two were bout the only young people who attended the prayer meetings of the church at that time. How wonderful were his testimonies of his love for Christ! He went to Rochester to college a year later than Dr. Wilkins and myself and then to New York a year after my going there. He was for ten years the successful superintendent of the Calvary Sunday school in New York and a most earnest and efficient worker in the Calvary church. It seems as though his early death cut off a life full of usefulness and promise and yet it cut off a life that was ripe for the Master. I am very grateful for that friendship and for all the memories that come back to me so tenderly and vividly today. I gladly bear testimony to his splendid service, his noble example, sublime courage and heroic faith and to his triumphant death. Most precious are those early friendships of life. I have felt that these friends who have gone on before must be very near to us today. I believe they are deeply interested in this Zion and in it success. The frequent mention of the names of the sainted ones has led me to think of the wonderful roll call in the early church. This service should be an inspiration to us as we go from this place. Let us consecrate ourselves a new at this time to Christ's work. Let us fill our places in the church more regularly, have more faith in God, and in His truth and be more zealous in all our work so that shall be able to respond with joy to that great roll call on high.
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