Married. SHOLES - HAWLEY - In Cortland, Dec. 23d, 1869, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Stephen SHOLES to Miss Maria E. HAWLEY, both of Marathon.
Married. REAS - FRANK - At the residence of the bride's father, Jan. 2d, by the Rev. A.J. LENT, Mr. John H. REAS to Miss Anna FRANK, both of Harford Mills.
Married. SAMSON - DeBARR - At the residence of Mr. Wm. ALVORD, in this village, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Barclay SAMSON of Noble county, Indiana, to Miss Rhoda M. DeBARR, of Cortland.
Married. DEXTER - BENEDICT - At the residence of the bride's mother in this village, on the 27th ult., by Rev. J.M. BENEDICT, Mr. Clark H. DEXTER, to Miss Nettie BENEDICT, all of Cortland.
We join with their many friends in sincere wishes for their future health and happiness.
Married. KIRBY - CUDWORTH - On the 1st inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Wm. D. KIRBY, of Bainbridge, to Hattie J. CUDWORTH, of Cortland.
Married. COLE - HUNT - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph A. COLE to Miss Maria HUNT, all of Marathon.
Married. SWEET - WEST - At the residence of Peter EATON, Jr. Esq., in Willett, on the 2d inst., by Peter EATON, Jr. Esq., Mr. Amos SWEET to Miss Cynthia WEST, all of the above place.
Married. SEARS - DYKE - At the residence of the bride's father on the 3d inst., by Rev. J.D. BARNES, Mr. Geo. Alonzo BARNES, of Homer, to Miss Addie G. DYKE, of Spafford.
PALMER - HUNTER - In this village, at the Baptist church, on the 10th inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Irving H. PALMER, Esq., to Miss Maggie A. HUNTER, all of Cortland.
A young, but hard-working and promising lawyer; a genial warm-hearted and wholesome companion, we feel unusual pleasure in welcoming friend Irving to the upper and higher rank of life. Formerly connected with Cortlandville Academy, and, since it commencement to the end of last term, with the Normal school, Miss HUNTER has endeared herself to her associates, and to the scholars and their parents especially. Beloved and respected by all who know them, the warmest congratulations, and the heartiest wishes for their future happiness are extended to the newly married pair.
Married. ROSS - ZINTZ - In this village on the 19th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, August Wm. ROSS, of Homer, to Miss Terressa Charlotte ZINTZ, of Sweden.
Married. TANNER - KETCHUM - At the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W.H. BATES, Feb. 3d, 1870, Mr. Edward Lemon TANNER to Miss Julia Loretta KETCHUM, both of Blodgett's Mills, N.Y.
Married. HARKNESS - BRAYTON - In this village on the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J.H. BARNES, Mr. John L. HARKNESS to Miss Eliza BRAYTON of the former place.
Married. PECKHAM - SMITH - At the residence of Mr. S.M. BENJAMIN in this village, on the 24th of February, by the Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Albert H. PECKHAM, of Virgil, to Miss Lydia A. SMITH of Cortland.
Married. HILL - PHETTEPLACE - In this village, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Mr. James D. HILL, of Lapeer, to Miss Clarrissa E. PHETTEPLACE, of Marathon.
Married. GRAHAM - SMITH - In Homer, Tuesday evening, Feb. 22d, by Rev. A.M. LAKE, Mr. Charles GRAHAM, of Cortland, to Miss Mary SMITH, of Homer.
Married. SPEAR - GREENMAN - In Truxton on Sunday, February 27, at the house of the bride's brother, by the Rev. William PIKE, Lyman F. SPEAR Esq., of DeRuyter, to Miss Ann GREENMAN, of Truxton.
Married. GRIDLEY - STEVENS - At the Cortland House, in this village, on the 2d inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Irving H. GRIDLEY, of Virgil, to Miss Mary STEVENS, of Solon.
Married. BUTTERFIELD - SHULTZ - At the residence of the bride's father, March 6th, 1870, by the Rev. Geo. A. J. LENT, Mr. Charles H. BUTTERFIELD, of Hunts Corners, to Miss Martha E. SHULTZ, of Harford, N.Y.
Married. STOUT - SMITH - In Cortland, March 22, 1870, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Jerome W. STOUT, of Groton, to Miss Mary E. SMITH, of McLean.
Married. JARVIS - WHITE - At the home of the bride in this village, on the 29th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Grove E. JARVIS, to Miss Mary F. WHITE, both of Cortland.
Married. JOHNSON - CHAPLIN - By Rev. H. LYMAN, Feb 7th, in Virgil, Clinton C. JOHNSON to Sarah Ella CHAPLIN, daughter of Walter CHAPLIN, Esq.
Married. DORWARD - LEECH - By the same [Rev. H. LYMAN] in Virgil, March 30th. Albert D. DORWARD to Mary Clarissa LEECH.
Married. BAUM - DANN - By the same [Rev. H. LYMAN], April 3d, at Marathon, James N. BAUM, merchant, to P.G. DANN.
Married. COPELAND - SMITH - By the same [Rev. H. LYMAN], April 3d, at Marathon, George W. COPELAND to Martha SMITH.
Married. WATSON - GRIFFIN - On the 12th inst., in this city, by the Rev. J.D.ADAMS, Mr. F.G. WATSON and Miss Clara GRIFFIN, both of Truxton, Cortland county.
Married. CARR - AYERS - In McGrawville, by Rev. W.H. BATES, April 20, 1870, at the residence of the bride's mother, Eugene L. CARR, and Miss Julia E. AYERS.
Married. WOODWARD - BECKWITH - At Malloryville, Sunday, May 8, 1870, by Rev. Edwin R. WADE, Mr. C. L. WOODWARD, of Cortland, and Miss Georgia BECKWITH, of Dryden.
Married. PECKHAM - SUGGETT - At the home of the bride, May 26th, by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Charles A. PECKHAM to Miss Rosanna SUGGETT, both of this village.
If for no other reason, the unusually generous manner in which the printer was remembered by Mr. & Mrs. C.A. PECKHAM, would induce us to extend to them our sincere congratulations. May their future be as free from care as heart could wish.
Married. GROVER - KARR - In Whitesboro, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. T.W. GOFF, May 224, 1870, by the Rev. S.B. GREGORY, Mr. Eugene M.
GROVER to Miss Alma G. KARR, both of Syracuse.
An acquaintance of many years with the bridegroom, who is a brother printer, has fully made known to us the excellent qualities of his mind and heart, and prompts us to extend to him and his bride our most cordial wishes for their future happiness.
Married. SODERGREN - MALMBERG - In this village on the 2d inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Carl Ludwig SODERGREN, of New York, to Miss Emelie MALMBERG, of Cortland.
Married. RICHARDSON - BARNES - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 1st day of June, 1870, by the Rev. S.H. HOWE, Lloyd E. RICHARDSON to Miss H.E.
BARNES, all of Cortland.
Lloyd and Hannah, we wish you oceans of happiness and joy in the journey you have just commenced. May the state of matrimony prove to be the finest state you ever lived in. May the cares of life fall lightly upon you and find you prepared for them, and may the large circle of friends you now have, never be lost.
Married. TRIPP - SQUIRES - at Marathon at the home of the bride's father, on Wednesday, the 15th inst., by Rev. H. LYMAN, Daniel R. TRIPP to Margaret SQUIRES, daughter of William SQUIRES, Esq.
Married. NICHOLS - OSTROM - In Syracuse, on the 28th ult., by Rev. S.B. CANFIELD, D.D., Prof. Edward P. NICHOLS, of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, to Emma A., only daughter of the late Smith OSTROM, Esq., of Syracuse.
Married. PHILLIPS - HOWLAND - At the M.E. parsonage in this village, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Lewis P. PHILLIPS to Miss Addie HOWLAND, both of Center Lisle, N.Y.
Married. BRIDGEFORD - GROVER - At the bride's home in this village on Tuesday, July 12, by Rev. G.S. WHITE, Mr. Will C. BRIDGEFORD to Miss Julia GROVER, eldest daughter of the late major A.J. GROVER
Married. TAYLOR - ANDERSON - At the residence of the bride, Newfield, N.Y., June 17th, 1870, by the Rev. Jas. C. SMITH, Mr. C.C. TAYLOR, of Cortlandville, to Mrs. Alvira ANDERSON, of Newfield, Tompkins Co.
Married. FITCH - SMITH- On the 21st instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Syracuse, by the Rev. Charles A. STODDARD, of New York, assisted by the Rev. Dr. CANFIELD, Charles Elliot FITCH, of the Standard, and Louise Lawrence, eldest daughter of Charlotte L. and the late Thomas A, SMITH.
Married. LIVINGSTON - CHANDLER - In Pitcher, July 24th, by R.P. CHAPMAN, Esq., John LIVINGSTON, of Cincinnatus, and Mrs. Almiry CHANDLER, of Pitcher.
Married. BEEBE - RUMSEY - In Canandaigua, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. ALABASTER, Mr. Ira E. BEEBE, of West Bloomfield, and Miss Mary E. RUMSEY, of Homer.
Married. BEERS - WADSWORTH - In Groton, August 16th, 1870, by Rev. G.H. BRIGHAM at his residence, Mr. David C. BEEBE, to Miss Helen M. WADSWORTH, both of Cortland.
Married. DICKINSON - HARRINGTON - In Homer, August 10th, 1870, by Wm. ANDREWS, Esq., Franklin P. DICKINSON, of Groton, to Miss Almira M. HARRINGTON, of McGrawville.
Married. DWIGHT - RICE - In Smithville, on the 7th inst., by Rev. James C. NIGHTINGALE, Mr. Charles DWIGHT, to Miss Delia RICE, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. WATERS - WILLETT. - At the residence of the bride's parents, September 5th, 1870, by the Rev. A. WILKINS, George L. WATERS to Helen WILLETT, all of Cortland.
With many bright expectations for future happiness do George and Helen launch out together on the voyage of life. With peaceful waters their journey can but be pleasant wherever fate may will it. We congratulate them in the consummation of those vows which will ever bind them together as one. In after years wherever duty shall lead them, the best wishes of their many friends will follow them. May the cares of life deal lightly with them; may Heaven bestow upon them her choicest blessings, giving her assurance that the union here, so sacredly made, is carefully preserved by divine influences of that better world.
Married. HATCH - THORPE - In Cortland, on the 14th inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Henry O. HATCH, of Michigan, to Miss Ellen F. THORPE, of Binghamton, N.Y.
Married. GOTENBERG - WOODRUFF - In Cortland, on the 20th inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Michael GOTENBERG to Miss Angie WOODRUFF, both of Texas, Cortland Co.
Married. RUSH - HAIGHT - In New York City, on Monday, Sept. 12th, by Rev. Dr. CHAPIN, John RUSH, of Brooklyn, to Miss Ida M. HAIGHT of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. BRADFORD - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. W.D. TAYLOR, of Mansfield, Pa., Mr. Wm. H. BRADFORD, of Cortland, to Miss Damie F. SMITH, of Sullivan, Tioga Co., Pa.
Married. JOSLIN - NORWOOD - In Harford, on the 25th of Sept. 1870, by the Rev. Geo. A. LENT, Mr. Judson JOSLIN, of Owego, N.Y. to Miss Lottie R. NORWOOD, of Dryden, N.Y.
Married. SEAMAN - ROWE - In this village, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Isaac SEAMAN, of Groton, to Mrs. Mary ROWE, of Virgil.
Married. HATFIELD - MOURIN - At the Cortland House, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Wm. N. TOWER, Mr. Fred A. HATFIELD, of Summerhill, to Miss Kate L. MOURIN, of Homer.
Married. MILLS - SKEEL - At the home of the bride, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Monroe MILLS, of Fabius, Onondaga county, to Miss Ella M. SKEEL, of Virgil.
Married. ATCHISON - SMITH - In DeRuyter, on the 15th inst., by A.V. BENTLEY, Esq., Mr. Robert ATCHISON, of Solon, to Miss Alzina SMITH of McGrawville.
Married. MALLERY - GARDNER - At the M.E. parsonage, in this village, Oct. 23d, by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Charles MALLERY to Miss Jennie GARDNER, both of Dryden.
Married. PALMER - ROSE - At the residence of Mrs. SWEETLOVE, South Cortland, Oct. 26th, by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, John A. PALMER to Miss Eliza ROSE, both of Cortland.
Married. MORE - PIKE - At the home of the bride in this village, Oct. 26th, by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Henry M. MORE, of Roxbury, Delaware county, to Miss Sarah PIKE, of Cortland.
Married. SPOOR - HINE - At the home of the bride, in this village, on the 5th inst., by Rev. W.N. TOWER, Mr. Hamilton D. SPOOR to Miss Annie HINE, all of Cortland.
Married. DeCOUDRES - HART - In McLean, on Thursday evening, Oct. 27th, by Rev. J.V.C. NELLIS, Mr. William F. DeCOUDRES, of Dryden, to Miss Mary C., daughter of the late John P. HART, Esq., of the former place.
Married. BURLINGAME - DRISCALL - In Greene, Oct. 2d, by Rev. J.H. SAGE, Mr. Samuel E. BURLINGAME, of Willett, to Miss Em. D. DRISCALL, of Greene.
Married. SEEBER - SMITH - At the M.E. parsonage, in Pratt's Hollow, N.Y., Oct 25th, 1870, by the Rev. Wm. J. MILLS, Mr. James H. SEEBER, of Freetown, to Mrs. Jane E. SMITH, of Texas Valley, Marathon, N.Y.
Married. RICE - BREWER - In Homer, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Wm. N. TOWER, Mr. Melvin A. RICE, of Cortland, and Miss Melissa E. BREWER, of Homer.
Married. TOWER - BABCOCK - In Homer, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Wm. N. TOWER, Mr. Chas. TOWER, and Mrs. S.M. GATES, both of Homer.
Married. TROTT - BABCOCK - In Homer, Nov. 9, 1870, by the Rev. Mr. CORNELL, Mr. J. Winslow TROTT, of Niagara Falls, to Miss A. Callie BABCOCK, of Homer.
Married. STRONG - BRADLEY - Nov. 3, 1870, in Tarr Farm, Venango Co., Pa., by the Rev. J.S.LYTLE, Mr. Charles F. STRONG, of McLean, Tompkins Co., N.Y. to Miss Mary A. BRADLEY, of the former place.
Married. CHRISTMAN - HOLDRIDGE - In Hamilton, N.Y., at the residence of the bride's father, Nov. 10, 1870, by Rev. W.R. BROOKS, Mr. Eaton CHRISTMAN, of Virgil, N.Y., to Miss Helen HOLDRIDGE, of Hamilton.
Married. DODD - ALLEN - At Canastota, Nov. 30th, at the residence of Dr. V.W. MASON, by the Rev. B.G. BENEDICT, Rev. Henry M. DODD, pastor elect of the Presbyterian Church of Manlius, and Miss Ella ALLEN, late of Great Barrington, Mass.
Married. DORAN - LAMB - By Rev. A. CLEGHORN, D.D., on the 30th ult., at the residence of Freeman WHEELER, Esq., in the township of Rutland, LaSalle Co., Ill., Mr. Albertus DORAN, of Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Clara A. LAMB, of Ottawa, Ill.
Married. TWISS - JARVIS - At the M.E. church in this village, on the 13th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, assisted by Rev. G.S. WHITE, Mr. William Harvey TWISS, of Topeka, Kansas, to Miss Julia F. JARVIS, of Cortland.
The bride is well known as the daughter of postmaster JARVIS, and we take pleasure in joining in the earnest congratulations, and wishes for her future happiness, which have been so freely bestowed on one so generally well-esteemed.
Married. RICHOLSON - MEHAN - On the 16th of November, in the Catholic church at Ottawa, Ill., by the Rev. Father TERRY, Samuel RICHOLSON, Esq., of Ottawa, to Miss Etta MEHAN, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. UTLEY - CLARK - At the residence of Col. A. GREENE, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Wm. N. TOWER, Mr. D.E. UTLEY to Mrs. A.T. CLARK, all of Cortland.
Married. FREEMAN- HOLMES - At Taylor, Dec. 27th, by Rev. J.H. BARNUM, Mr. Albert E. FREEMAN, of Truxton, to Miss Viola H. HOLMES, of Taylor.
Married. BIRDLEBOUGH - HOLMES - At the same time and place [Taylor, Dec. 27th], and by the same [Rev. J.H. BARNUM], Mr. Lucian BIRDLEBOUGH, of German, to Miss Ella L. HOLMES, of Taylor.
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