Cortland Observer
1825 - 1829
Commencing with Vol.1 #1, published by M.A. KINNEY, printed in Homer
28 Sep 1825
At Friendship, Allegany co. on the 9th inst., Mr. Harry HAYDEN, formerly a resident of this town, leaving a wife and two children. "The circumstances of his death, (says the Baptist Register,) are singular. He, with a Mr. HILL, went out to shoot pigeons in the afternoon, and as they were coming out of the woods, into the open fields towards home, having been unsuccessful, two pigeons lit within shot. Mr. HAYDEN fired, one fell, the other settled away into the woods. He pursued it in haste, and got out of sight of Mr. HILL, who after waiting a while, and calling several times, heard a gun go off at a considerable distance, supposed that Mr. HAYDEN was pursuing his game and came in. Night came on. Mrs. HAYDEN became alarmed, and the neighbors went in search of him. About 11 o'clock they found him a few rods from the field, where he had left Mr. HILL, cold and dead. He appears to have died [---y?]. His gun lay across his bowels. An inquest was held on the body, and the verdict was "a natural death." He had been subject to faint turns and dizziness."
[Died] At Seneca Falls, Mrs. STEPHENS, mother of Hon. Luther F. STEPHENS, Esq. in an advanced age.
5 Oct 1825
Fatal Accident - On the 29th ult., Almira, [eldest?] daughter of widow CROUCH, of this [town?], aged 13 years, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun. The piece had been left within reach of children, loaded with shot. A little lad took it up; it soon discharged, and the whole contents entered the head of the girl, who was sitting nearby, which instantly terminated her existence.
At Enfield, (Conn.) on the [13?] of August, of a consumption, Mrs. Dorothy HAYDEN, formerly of this village, aged 33 years.
[Died] At Scipio, Cayuga co., on the 23d ult., Dea. Samuel SEWARD, aged 59.
[Died] In this town, on the 1st inst., an infant child of Mr. Prosper CRAVATH.
19 Oct 1825
In this town, on the 12th instant, Mr. Amasa BOWEN, aged 41 years.
[Died] On the 13th inst., William, the youngest son of Mr. Heman STEBBINS, aged 13. This is the second son the afflicted parents have followed to the grave within a few weeks; and we learn that the only surviving son and child, is dangerously ill.
[Died] In Lansing, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Margaret BACON, wife of Mr. George BACON, aged about 24.
26 Oct 1825
In this town, on the 24th inst., an infant child of Mr. Roswell STEBBINS.
2 Nov 1825
In this town, on the 24th ult., Mr. Edmund MALLERY, for the last two years Treasurer of the county, aged 70 years.
[Died] At Sparta, on the 29th of Sept., Gen. Daniel SHAYS, the military leader of the insurgents in Massachusetts, in the years 1786-7, in the 84th year of his age.
9 Nov 1825
In this town, on the 4th inst., Mrs. GAMEL, aged 70 years.
[Died] On the 5th, James, the only Son and child of Mr. Heman STEBBINS, aged 17. Thus, within a few weeks, have these parents been bereft of three promising children, by the cruel hand of death. The objects of their dearest hopes and affections - those to whom they would naturally look for aid and condolence in their declining years, have all successively been removed to the land of silence, and they are now left childless and alone. How mysterious are the ways of Providence!
16 Nov 1825
Deacon Asa BENNET is no more! He departed this life on the 9th inst., in the 48th year of his age. He has left an affectionate wife and 3 children. His funeral solemnities were attended on the 11th, by a numerous assembly, convened to pay the last tribute of repect to the remains of one whom they highly esteemed, and whoes death they deplored. The deceased had previously requested Elder Thomas PURINGTON, of Truxton, to preach his funeral sermon, with this injunction, That he should preach Christ and not Deacon BENNET. With this request the Elder complied, and elivered on the occasion an appropriate discourse, from 1st Cor.i.23 - "We preach Christ crucified."
The character and worth of the deceased are so well known, that a very minute detail of his virtues would, in this place, be inexpedient; but some public and respectable notice is due to his memory, and will doubtless meet the wishes of his numerous friends.
Deacon BENNET has been an inhabitant of this town for about 20 years; during which period, he has uniformly sustained the character of an honest and respectable citizen. He was industrious and economical in business, punctual to his engagements, enterprising and persevering in his undertakings, sound in judgment, grave and civil in his deportment, and so affable and familiarin his manners as to render his society inviting and pleasant. He was often appointed to places of trust, in town and society concerns, the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and punctuality. But the most excellent part of his character is yet to be noticed. He early in life made a public profession of religion, and ever adorned his profession by a concistency of character; showing his faith by his works. His pious, but tempered zeal in the cause of his Divine Master, prompted him to constant activity in duty; especially in times of revivals of religion, in which he always appeared to take a deep interest. Such were the qualifications which rendered him one of the main pillars in the Baptist church, of which he was a member, and by which his loss must be most sensibly felt. He was a friend to the benevolent operations of the day, and especially in the circulation of the Scriptures among the destitute, and was an efficient member in the society formed for that purpose, in this county.
In his last sickness, with which he lingered for more than a year, his Christian character shone with peculiar lustre. For him death had no terrors. In the fore part of his illness, his mind was somewhat clouded; but those clouds were soon disipated, and he became calm and tranquil, his soul being stayed on God. In this calm and placid state of mind he continued; enjoying more and more sensible
manifestations of the divine presence, until the closing scene; when with joyful anticipations of that
heavenly felicity on which he was about to enter, he fell asleep.
14 Dec 1825
In Locke, on the 8th inst., John, son of Deacon Ebenezer ANDREWS, aged about 17 years.
[Died] In this town, on the morning of the 13th inst., Widow ----- FISK, aged 78.
21 Dec 1825
In Portland, chautauque co. on the 30th ultimo, Mr. Thomas G. ATWATER, brother of Mr. Ezra and Asa G. ATWATER, of this town, aged 29 years.
4 Jan 1826
In this town, on the 16th ult., Miss Rhoda, daughter of Mr. Timothy PRICE, aged 22 years.
[Died] In Truxton, on the 26th ult., Mrs. Sophronia, wife of Dr. Arabert SMITH, aged 22 years.
11 Jan 1826
In this town, on the evening of the 31st ult., Mrs. Joanna, wife of Capt. John COLE, aged 45.
18 Jan 1826
In Preble, last week, Mrs. THOMPSON, wife of Dea. Philip THOMPSON.
25 Jan 1826
In Cortland Village, on the 23d inst., Daniel J. BETTS, Esq. Attorney at Law, aged 26 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 23d inst., Mr. ---- ALLIS, aged 58.
1 Feb 1826
In Ithaca, on the 18th ult., Mrs. Miranda GEAR, wife of the Rev. E.G. GEAR, in the 26th year of her age.
In Genoa, Mrs. WILBER, wife of Mr. William WILBER.
In Lansing, William GOODWIN, Esq., one of the earliest settlers of that town, aged 82 years.
In Junius, Mr. John WHEELER, aged 20.
In Clyde, Mr. Charles ROBERTS, of Junius, in his 26th year.
In Fayette, Miss Sally BECHMAN, in her 15th year.
8 Feb 1826
In this town, on the 3d inst., an infant child of Mr. Nathan OWEN.
22 Feb 1826
In this town, on the 17th inst., a child of Mr. Erastus SHERMAN, aged 2 years.
1 Mar 1826
In this town, on the 25th ult., of consumption, Mr. John J. JEWET, son of Mr. Salmon JEWET, aged 25 years.
For a period, we believe, of about 14 months, he had been confined and languishing under this distressing disease. He however endured his sufferings with unusual patience and fortitude. Towards the close of his illness, he expressed a hope in the merits of the Saviour, and departed with a confident assurance of a glorious immortality.
8 Mar 1826
In this town, on the 28th ult., an infant child of Mr. Zebina HANKS.
[Died] On the 3d inst., Mrs. GRIFITH, wife of Mr. Jonathan GRIFFITH, aged 61 years.
[Died] In Covert, Miss Melana, daughter of Elisha DELANO, in the 25th year of her age.
[Died] In Lansing, Widow SHAW.
15 Mar 1826
In this town, on the 8th ult., Mr. John VanHOESEN, aged 56 years.
[Died] In Lansing, on the 1st inst., Mr. John COLEMAN, a revolutionary pensioner, in the 77th year of his age.
[Died] On the 6th, widow MINER, in the 87th year of her age.
22 Mar 1826
In this town, on the 15th instant, Mr. John A. FREER, aged 57 years.
[Died] In Locke, on the 14th inst., of consumption, Mr. Elisha ROOT.
29 Mar 1826
In this town, on the 23d inst., Miss Sophia PERKINS, aged 32.
[Died] In Otisco, Mrs. THAYER, aged 64.
5 Apr 1826
In this town, on the 29th ult., Mr. Philip CUMMINGS, aged 80.
12 Apr 1826
In Fabius, on the 4th inst., of consumption, Miss Betsey JONES, daughter of Mr. David JONES, of this town, aged 25 years.
This young lady united in her character many of those qualities which are an ornament to her sex. Possessed of a mild and cheerful disposition, and cultivated mind and manners, she could not fail to secure the esteem of her associates, and of the circle in which she moved. To these qualities, it is believed, may be added that of sincere friend and follower of Christ. She had been, for several years, a member of the Congregational Church in this place, evincing the sincerity of her profession, by a
corresponding life and conversation. Towards the close of her illness, which was peculiarly severe, her mind became tranquil - all her previous doubts and fears were dissipated, and she was enabled to anticipate the moment of her dissolution, as the moment that would usher her into the presence of her God and Redeemer, to go not more out forever. Her remains were brought to this place, and the funeral attended on the 6th inst. A sermon was delivered on the occasion by Rev. J. KEEP.
[Died] In Cortland Village, on the 9th inst., Mr. Henry BURNS, aged 37. The funeral was attended in the village of the 10th - Sermon by Rev. A. BENNET.
[Died] In this town, on the 10th inst. Mrs. CADY, aged 77.
19 Apr 1826
In Locke, on the 8th inst., Mr. Isaac WOODRUFF, in the 74th year of his age.
[Died] In this village, on the 16th, an infant child of Mr. James W. TAYLOR.
[Died] In this town, on the 17th, Mrs. MILLER, wife of Mr. Thomas MILLER, aged 30.
26 Apr 1826
In this town, on the 21st inst., Miss Daphne, daughter of Mr. John HUBBARD, aged 14 years.
10 May 1826
In Cortland Village, on the 30th ult., an infant child of Mr. Eleazer CARPENTER. The same day, an infant child of Samuel S. BALDWIN, Esq.
31 May 1826
In this town, on the 21st inst., Mrs. WILLIAMS, wife of Mr. Ambrose WILLIAMS, aged 70.
[Died] In Otisco, on the evening of Tuesday the 16th inst., Mr. Elisha COWLES, aged about 25. He was an amiable young man, and had but lately completed his studies for the ministry. His untimely death will be much lamented by a numerous circle of friends and connexions.
5 Jul 1826
In this town, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Susan, wife of Mr. Mark WOODRUFF, aged 33 yers.
[Died] At Reading, Hamilton co. Ohio, on the 24th May last, Theodore F. ELDER, from the state of New York. He has relations living at Port Watson, Cortland co.
19 Jul 1826
In this Villge, on the 16th inst., Hiram, a promising son of Mr. William HEBBERD, aged 8 years.
[Died] In New-Haven, recently, Miss Lydia, Daughter of the Widow Anna TOWNSEND. Some of the relatives and acquaintances of Miss TOWNSEND, we believe, reside in this town.
2 Aug 1826
In Ithaca, on the 21st ult., Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. John BAKER. On the 22d, Mr. John P. BOLTON.
[Died] In Danby, Maj. Richard BRUSH, one of the earliest settlers of that town.
9 Aug 1826
In this town, on the 4th inst., Mrs BAKER, wife of Mr. Kasson BAKER, aged 39 years. The same day, a Daughter of Mr. Henry HERRICK, aged 12.
[Died] In this Village, on the 5th, Miss Ruth HAWLEY, aged 22.
16 Aug 1826
In Sandusky county, Ohio, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Susannah BAKER, widow of John BAKER, formerly of this town.
[Died] At his residence in Genoa, Cayuga co., July 12, in the 71st year of his age, Gen. John TILLOTSON, a soldier of the Revolution.
23 Aug 1826
In this town, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Waity BOWEN, wife of Mr. Irn BOWEN, aged 32 years; and on the 17th, his infant child, aged 9 months. The mother and infant were deposited in one coffin, and the funeral solemnities attended by a numerous train of mourning relatives and friends.
A few months since, Mrs. BOWEN became a hopeful subject of renewing grace. When confined upon a bed of sickness, she evinced the reality of the change, and the excellence of that religion she had espoused by an unshaken confidence in the Redeemer, and an entire resignation to the Divine Will. Though racked with pain and disease, not a murmer escaped her. The hand that afflicted, sustained her - the Being that wounded, poured into her bosom the rich balm of consolation and peace.
[Died] On the 21st, of typhus fever, Mr. Heman STEBBINS, aged 62. It will be recollected, that the children of Mr. STEBBINS, three blooming youth, were, long since, removed in quick succession to the tomb. The mother and the wife now looks upon the graves of her household. The dearest earthly objects of her affections have passed away, and she is left alone. In the language of the weeping Prophet, she may say: "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow."
6 Sep 1826
In this village, on the 1st inst., a child of Mr. Asa HOAR, aged about 8 months.
13 Sep 1826
In this town, on the 9th inst., in the family of Mr. Jonathan TISDALE, Reuben CHANDLER, aged 13.
[Died] At Syracuse, on the 30th ult., of typhus fever, Mr. John GARRISON, formerly of Preble, in this county, aged 41. On the 2d inst., of the same disease, Mrs. Azubia GARRISON, consort of the deceased, aged 42.
20 Sep 1826
In this town, on the 12th inst., a child of Mr. Samuel WADSWORTH, aged 6 months
[Died] On the 14th inst., a child of Mr. Chester HOAR, aged 9 months.
27 Sep 1826
In this village, on the 20th inst., Mrs. Mary BISHOP, relict of Mr. Eleazer BISHOP, aged 60 years. She became a member of the Baptist Church, in this town, at its organization, and has ever evinced a strong attachment to the cause of her Redeemer. Confiding in His atoning sacrifice, and consoled by His presence, she viewed the approach of death with calmness and resignation, and departed with a joyful hope of glorious immortality.
[Died] In DeRuyter, on the 25ht inst., Miss Elcina, only daughter of Rev. Alfred BENNET, of this village, aged 14.
[Died] In Preble, on the 18th inst., Elizabeth, Daughter of Elijah B. MOREY, aged 15 months.
4 Oct 1826
In this town, on the 23d ult., an infant child of Mr. SCUDDER. Recently, an infant child of Mr. GOODWIN.
[Died] In this Village, on the 27th ult., Miss Minerva BURNET, aged 20 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 2d inst., Miss Betsey, daughter of Mr. Joseph TRUESDELL.
11 Oct 1826
In this town, on the 4th inst., a child of Mr. BENEDICT.
[Died] On the 5th, Mr. Asahel HORTON, aged 40 years.
[Died] In this village, on the 5th, a Daughter of Mr. Lester ROYCE, aged 9.
[Died] In this town, on the 8th inst., Fidelia, Daughter of Deacon John PRICE, aged 8.
Note: Our friends will do us a great favour by forwarding the deaths that occur in the remote parts of the town. It is our wish to insert the whole, as no other record is kept, and we frequently find it extremely difficult to ascertain them. Marriages we shall expect as a matter of course.
18 Oct 1826
In this town, on the 2d inst., a child of Mr. Abram NEFF, aged 10 months.
[Died] On the 4th, a child of Mr. Harvey FAIRBANKS, aged 18 months.
25 Oct 1826
In this town, on the 20th inst., Mrs. WATERMAN, aged 58 years.
[Died] At Woodbury, Mr. Samuel MOODY, under extraordinary circumstances. We are informed that he fell into the river at that place, and was taken from the water a short time after, apparently dead, and efforts were made to resuscitate him; but these proving ineffectual, every one concluded that the vital spark had fled, and arrangements were made for his interment - the grave was dug, and his remains were clothed with the ususal habiliments of death; when he suddenly came to life, and rising up, exclaimed with an oath, that he was not dead yet, and should live the period of two years! but the anticipations of the unhappy man were not realized in this particular, for after the funeral arrangements had been countermanded, and his grave filled, he swooned, and in fact died.
1 Nov 1826
In Cortland Village, on the 26th ult., Franklin, son of Mr. Asahel LYMAN, aged 6 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 31st ult., Mr. Jonathan DRESSER, aged 44 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 14th, a daughter of John G. COY, aged 3 years.
8 Nov 1826
In this town, on the 3d inst., a child of Mr. BUCHANON, aged 2 years.
[Died] At Auburn, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Flavia, wife of Rev. Noble D. STRONG, formerly Principal of Cortland Academy, aged 26 years.
22 Nov 1826
In this town, on the 16th inst., Mrs. FAIRCHILD, aged 61 years.
[Died] In this village, on the 17th, an infant child of Mr. David DEVOE.
[Died] In this town, on the 17th, eldest daughter of Mr. Liman RICE, aged 13.
[Died] The same day [17th], Mr. Bishop KINNE, aged 31.
[Died] On the 20th, after a lingering illness, Mrs. JONES, wife of Mr. David JONES, aged 54.
20 Dec 1826
In this town, on the 13th inst., an infant child of Mr. C. VANDERLYNE.
[Died] In Preble, on the 14th, Mr. Teunis VanCAMP, in the 70th year of his age.
[Died] In N.Y., recently, Mr. Chester FLEMING, son of Mrs. FLEMING, of this village.
27 Dec 1826
In Cortland Village, on the 19th inst., an infant child of Mr. Orville ELDRED.
[Died] In Willet, on the 12th inst., of the dropsey, Mrs. Electa PRESTON, wife of Mr. Samuel PRESTON, aged [36 or 56].
10 Jan 1827
In Cortland Village, on the 7th inst., Mr. Richard BISHOP, aged 47 years.
[Died] In Mansfield, Conn., on the 27th ult., Mrs. Mary BENNET, mother of Rev. Alfred BENNET, of this village, aged 74.
31 Jan 1827
In this town, on the 29th inst., Mrs. BOIES, wife of Mr. Samuel BOIES, aged 68 years.
7 Feb 1827
Suddenly, in this town, on the 2d inst., Mr. Sherman FAIRCHILD.
14 Feb 1827
In Cortland Village, on the 12th inst., of consumption, Mr. Dan SMITH, recently the Editor of the Cortland Journal, aged 23 years.
21 Feb 1827
Distressing Casualty. - Mr. Rufus CHAFEE, son of Mr. Isaac CHAFEE, of this village, was killed in a saw-mill, in the town of Hume, Allegany county, on the 30th ult., aged 29 years. He had been engaged in removing ice from the water wheel, in order to set the mill in operation, which had been for several days frozen up. When a little distance from the wheel, the gate was suddenly hoisted, and the mill set in motion; and, it is supposed, that in attempting to move, he fell, and sliding under the crank, was crushed, and instantly killed. His neck, and five of his ribs were broken, and his face, and many parts of his body, were dreadfully mangled.
To the family, and particularly the aged parents, this melancholy providence is attended with peculiar aggravations. On this son they were mainly depending for their support; and they were in daily expectation of his arrival to remove them to Allegany, where he had purchased a piece of land, and made preparations for their comforatable subsistence, during their declining years. He is taken from them, and their pleasing anticipations are blighted.
It may be gratifying to the friends of Mr. CHAFEE, to state, that since his removal to that place, he had become a hopeful subject of renewing grace.
In this village, on the 19th inst., an infant child of Mr. P.S. MOFFITT.
7 Mar 1827
In this village, on the 5th inst., an infant child of Mr. Stephen SWEET.
21 Mar 1827
In this town, on the 17th inst., a child of Mr. HAMMOND, aged 18 months.
28 Mar 1827
Suddenly, in this town, on the 20th inst., Mrs. Sally HANNAHS, wife of Mr. Richard HANNAHS, aged 31 years.
[Died] On the 25th inst., a child of Mr. James GAMEL, aged 3 years.
4 Apr 1827
In this town, on the 28th ult., a child of Mr. William W. LUCAS, aged 3 years.
[Died] On the 29th ult., Mrs. HUBBARD, wife of Mr. Joel HUBBARD, aged 41 years.
[Died] On the 1st inst., an infant child of Mr. Wm. BARTLIT.
11 Apr 1827
In this town, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Esther ATWATER, wife of Mr. Ezra ATWATER, aged 50 years, leaving a husband and 9 children to mourn their loss. During her illness, she evinced the excellence and value of the religion she had long professed, by the quiet serenity, which arises, only from confidence in God, through the mediation of the Son, and entire resignation to the Divine Will; and she calmly bid adieu to her weeping family and friends, with a firm hope of a blessed immortality.
25 Apr 1827
In Albany, on the 29th ult., Mr. Sylvester WADSWORTH, son of Mr. Reuben WADSWORTH, of this town, aged about 44 years.
[Died] In this Village, on the 19th inst., a Daughter of Mr. Hiram BLISS, aged 8 years.
2 May 1827
In this town, on the 28th ult., Miss Susannah FISK, aged 45 years.
[Died] In Preble, the same day [28th ult.], Mrs. Huldah SKINNER, aged 77.
9 May 1827
In this town, on the 7th inst., a child of Mr. TOPPIN, aged 2 years.
23 May 1827
In this town, on the 21st inst., Mr. George W. PERKINS, aged 26 years.
30 May 1827
In this Village, on the 26th inst., a child of Mr. [?] SENTER, aged 2 years.
[Died] On the 27th, Mrs. Dorcas RAYMOND, aged 28 years.
6 Jun 1827
In this town, on the 30th ult., Mr. Wm. ALMA, aged [?]
[Died] At the Dwight mission station, Arkansas Territory, March 3d, Mrs. Sophronia, wife of Mr. Asa HANCOCK, formerly of this town.
13 Jun 1827
In this town, on the 6th inst., Mr. Abel OWEN, aged 85 years.
[Died] At Griggs' Port, Cayuga co., on the 3d inst., Mr. Wilks RATHBUN, aged 18 years.
27 Jun 1827
In this town, on the 25th inst., Mrs. Susannah STRONG, at the advanced age of 90 years. She had long been a professed follower of the Redeemer; and during her illness, which was particularly painful, she was enabled to place her entire confidence in Him, and to meet the approach of death with resignation and tranquility.
11 Jul 1827
In this town, on the 5th inst., Mrs. NOBLE, wife of Mr. Quartus NOBLE, aged 28 years.
18 Jul 1827
In Utica, on the 8th inst., of the whooping-cough, LaRue Perrine, only son of Mr. B.B. DRAKE, formerly of this place, aged 4 years and 3 months.
1 Aug 1827
In Rochester, on the 15th ult., Mr. Samuel EATON, jr. aged 20 years; and on the 16th, Mr. Justus P. BLAIR, aged 19, both recently from Cortland Village. They left there last spring, for the purpose of obtaining employment in mercantile houses in Rochester. They had accomplished their object, and the prospect before them was bright and animating, when they were suddenly removed to another state of
existence, leaving a numerous circle of friends to mourn their loss. How frail and uncertain is the
tenure, by which our life is held!
8 Aug 1827
In Preble, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth MASON, wife of Elijah MASON, Esq., aged 64 years.
A cancerous humour afflicted her for nine months - paroxysms of the disease were frequent and extremely distressing; but her support from the power of divine grace was marked and distinguished. She was favoured with discoveries of the divine character and government, especially of the fulness and richness of the plan of salvation in the gospel, which was enrapturing. - She was enabled, during her sickness, to address, with great plainness, warning to both Saint and Sinner, and has left the best testimony to the reality of the Christian religion. "Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord."
With his first wife Mr. MASON lived 25 years and 10 months; and with his second, now deceased, 25 years, 5 months and 12 days.
[Died] On the 4th, Mrs. Polly CARRINGTON, aged 35.
15 Aug 1827
In this town, on the 9th inst., a child of Mr. Elisha GROW, aged 1 year.
[Died] In Albany, on the 6th inst., Henry Martyn, aged 18 months, son of the Rev. William BACON, recently from Cortland Village.
29 Aug 1827
On the 24th, Mrs. SPENCER, wife of Matthias SPENCER, aged 76.
[Died] In Virgil, on the 26th, Mr. Nathaniel KNAPP, formerly of this town, aged 51.
[Died] In this town, on the 13th, a child of Mr. VanEPPS.
5 Sep 1827
In Mansfield, (Conn.) on the 21st ult., Mr. Asa BENNET, father of Rev. Alfred BENNET, of this village, in the 76th year of his age.
19 Sep 1827
In Wadsworth, Ohio, on the 25th ult., Mrs. Melissa, wife of Mr. Cyrus CURTIS, and daughter of Mr. John C. FRISBEE, of Scott, in the 22d year of her age.
28 Sep 1827
In Virgil, on the 20th inst., Mr. Benjamin GLAZIER, aged 77 years.
[Died] At Sempronius, Cayuga county, Walter WOOD, Esq., aged 62.
12 Oct 1827
In this town, on the 30th ult., Mr. Harvey VEILL, aged 37 years, leaving a wife and 7 children to lament their loss.
[Died] In Dryden, on Sunday last, Mr. Isaac HYLES. At the races in this town, on the 3d inst., he engaged as a rider, was thrown from his horse at the second turn, and sustained an injury which terminated his life, thus adding another to the long catalogue of casualties, resulting from the degrading and wicked practice of horse-racing.
26 Oct 1827
In the town and county of Butler, Penn. on the 2d inst., on his return from the state of Ohio, Mr. Horatio N. GILL, late of the town of Preble, in this county, aged 22 years.
16 Nov 1827
In this town, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Harriet H. MILLER, wife of Dea. Daniel MILLER, and daughter of Nathan HALE, Esq., deceased, of Goshen, Conn.
15 Feb 1828
In this town on the 5th inst. Mr. George MARSHALL, aged about 40 years.
29 Feb 1828
In this village, on the 27 th inst., Miss Percyette RICHERSON, aged 19 years.
7 Mar 1828
In Farmersville, Cattaraugus co., on the 23d ult., Mr. Curtis CARPENTER, aged 64 years, formerly a resident of this county. About three weeks previous, he sustained an injury by the falling of a tree, which occasioned his death.
28 Mar 1828
In this town, on the 23d inst., Mrs. AVERY, wife of Mr. Elisha AVERY, aged 40 years.
11 Apr 1828
In Southampton, Mass. on the 31st ult., Mrs. Achsa LYMAN, wife of Mr. G.C. LYMAN, and sister-in-law of the Editor of this paper, aged 26 years.
18 Apr 1828
In this village, on the 12th inst., a son of Mr. Ephraim BROWN, jr. aged 1 year.
[Died] In this town, on the 15th, an infant child of Mr. Jason FARR.
[Died] In Ithaca, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Lovina SMITH, widow of the late Dan SMITH, of Cortland village, aged 26 years.
[Died] In Truxton, on the 16th inst., very suddenly, Mrs. Polly VINCENT, wife of the Hon. Charles VINCENT, aged 54 years, 1 month, & 18 days. She was the mother of 13 children; an amiable and affectionate wife; a kind, cheerful, and prudent mother; a sympathizing, and benevolent neighbor. Her examples of hospitality were seldom excelled. In her death, the family sustain an irreparable loss: and she, though dead, will long live in the memory of the circle of her numerous acquaintance. - [Communicated.]
25 Apr 1828
In this town, on the 11th inst. Mrs. Sally MASON, wife of Mr. Jonathan MASON, aged 61 years.
[Died] On the 18th, Mr. Noah CARPENTER, aged [59?]
2 May 1828
In this town, on the 25th ult., Miss Lucinda FISK, aged 41 years.
[Died] On the 26th Miss Nancy DAY, aged 46.
[Died] On the 30th, widow Miriam KINNE, aged 84.
16 May 1828
In this town, on the 10th inst., Mr. Samuel HOAR, aged 81 years. Mr. HOAR was among the earliest settlers of this town, and one of the fourteen who constituted the Congregational Church in this place, at its formation, - of which he has been an exemplary member.
23 May 1828
In this town, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth GLEASON, aged 40 years.
30 May 1828
In this village, on the 22d inst., of consumption, Mr. Benedict SMITH, aged 36 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 17th, Mr. Anthony BROWN, in the 74th year of his age.
13 Jun 1828
In this town, on the 7th inst., a child of Mr. Alvin STEBBINS, aged 16 months.
11 Jul 1828
In this town, on the 5th inst., a daughter of Mr. William CUMMINGS, aged 2 years.
18 Jul 1828
In this town, on the 12th inst., widow JOHNSON, aged 88 years.
25 Jul 1828
In this town, on the 21st inst., Mr. Asher GRAVES, in the 63d year of his age.
[Died] On the 20th, a child of Mr. Cornelius WELCH, aged 1 year.
[Died] On the 23d, Francina, daughter of Mr. Joseph HOAR, aged 7 years.
1 Aug 1828
In this village, on the 27th ult., Miss Elvira, daughter of Mr. Elizur KINNEY, and sister of the Editor of this paper, aged 18 years.
[Died] On the 31st, Miss Celinda HENRY, aged 44.
8 Aug 1828
In this town, on the 2d inst., a child of Mr. David BURR, aged 2 years.
[Died] In Locke, on the 3d inst. Mr. Harvey B. OATMAN, formerly of this village, aged 22.
15 Aug 1828
In this town, on the 12th inst., widow HUBBARD, aged 90 years.
[Died] In Cortland village, on the 14th inst., Mr. Elisha AVERY, aged 44.
22 Aug 1828
In Sempronius, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Bathsheba HOTCHKISS, wife of Mr. Abner HOTCHKISS, of the state of Ohio, while on their way to visit connexions in this place, where they formerly resided, aged 51 years. Her remains were brought to this village, and the funeral solemnities attended on the [18th?].
[Died] In this town, on the 7th, an infant child of Mr. Elliot MASON.
[Died] In this village, on the 17th, a child of Mr. James TAYLOR, aged 1 year.
[Died] In Cortland village, the same day [17th], a daughter of Mr. Samuel HOTCHKISS, jr. aged 2 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 17th, a son of Mr. Franklin B. BLODGET, aged 2 years.
[Died] In this village, on the 20th, Sarah, daughter of Mr. Noah R. SMITH, aged 6 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 21st, Mr. Truman DOWD, aged 40 years.
29 Aug 1828
In Cortland village, on the 21st inst., Pamelia Nelson, daughter of J.L.WOODS, Esq. aged 3 months.
[Died] In this village, on the 22d, Jacob Henry, son of Mr. Augustus HITCHCOCK, aged 13 months.
[Died] In this town, on the 23d, Miss Lucina, daughter of Mr. Nathan ROWLEY, aged 22 years.
[Died] In Locke, on the 25th, Mr. Nathan LEGG, aged 68.
[Died] In Cortland village, on the 25th, a son of John THOMAS, Esq., aged 2 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 27th, a child of Mr. HOUSE, aged 1 year.
5 Sep 1828
In Painesville, Ohio, on the 11th ult., Mr. David H. MANROSE, formerly of this town. [Please see the paper dated 19 Dec 1828 - MES]
[Died] In this town, on the 28th, a child of Mr. Harvey FAIRBANKS, aged 1 year.
[Died] In this village, on the 29th, a child of Mr. Michael M. SWEET, aged 2 years.
[Died] In Truxton, on the 30th, Mr. Alonzo P. BLISS, brother of Mr. Hiram BLISS, of this village, aged 21.
[Died] In this village, on the 31st, Mr. Seth SHAW, aged 65.
[Died] In this town, on the 1st inst., Mr. Nathaniel GROW, aged 84.
[Died] On the 2d, a daughter of Mr. Oren BOWEN, aged 2 years.
12 Sep 1828
In this town, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Mehitabel ABBOTT, wife of Mr. Ephraim ABBOTT, in the 41st year of her age.
[Died] The same day [3d inst.], a son of Mr. Ebenezer CORWIN, in his 2d year.
[Died] In Cortland village, on the 31st ult., an infant child of Mr. SIMONS.
[Died] In this town, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Minerva ADAMS, wife of Mr. John D. ADAMS, age 29.
[Died] On the 7th, a child of Mr. Daniel KINNE, aged 1 year.
[Died] In this village, on the 8th, Mrs. STREETER, wife of Mr. Josiah STREETER, aged 32.
[Died] On the 10th, a child of Mr. Oren STIMSON, aged 1 year.
19 Sep 1828
In this town, on the 14th inst., a son of Mr. Henry S. BEEBE, aged 4 years.
[Died] On the 15th, Miss Dolly MAY, daughter of Col. Eleazur MAY, aged 28.
[Died] On the 17th, a son of Mr. Josiah STREETER, aged 13 months.
26 Sep 1828
In this town, on the 14th inst., Lucy NYE, a daughter of Mr. William NYE, aged 4 years.
[Died] On the 15th, a child of Mr. Henry DOTY, aged 2 yrs.
[Died] In this village, on the 22d, Deacon Peter HITCHCOCK, aged 74. Dea. HITCHCOCK was among the first settlers in this town. From an early period in life, he maintained the character of a consistent and faithful follower of the Redeemer. At the formation of the congregational church in this place, he became a member, and was chosen one of the first deacons. In his last illnes, his confidence in God was unshaken, and his death quiet and pleasant.
[Died] At Middlebury, Portage county, Ohio, on the 30th ult., Capt. Horatio HOWARD, merchant, of the firm of H. & H.A. HOWARD, of that place, formerly of Preble, in this county, aged 33.
3 Oct 1828
In Middlebury, Portage county, Ohio, on the 18th ult., Mr. Harvey Alonzo HOWARD, merchant, of the firm of H. & H.A. HOWARD, formerly of Preble, in this county, aged 30 years.
[Died] In Solon, on the 20th ult. Nathaniel EMERSON, Esq. aged 82 years, a patriot of the revolution, and for fifteen years in succession an active member of the legislature of New-Hampshire, his native state. - (Com.)
10 Oct 1828
In Cortland village, on the 21st ult., Henrietta, infant daughter of John THOMAS, Esq.
[Died] In this town, on the 8th, of consumption, Mr. Moses CLAP, son of Mr. Cyrus CLAP, aged 21 years. He made a profession of religion at 12 years of age, lived an exemplary Christian, and died in the triumph of faith.
17 Oct 1828
In Locke, on the 12th inst., Mr. Ephraim CARD, aged about 30 years.
[Died] In this town, on the 13th inst., a child of Mr. Thaddeus PALMER, aged 8 months.
24 Oct 1828
In this town, on the 22d inst. Mr. Darius WEBB, aged 86 years.
[Died] On the 23d, Mrs. Belinda DEVOE, wife of Mr. David DEVOE, aged 21.
31 Oct 1828
In this town, on the 27th inst., Mrs. PECK, wife of Mr. Lewis PECK, aged 26 years.
7 Nov 1828
In this village, on the 4th inst., Miss Semantha TAYLOR, aged 22 years.
14 Nov 1828
Died - In this town, on the 8th inst, a child of Miss Achsa LEWIS, aged 8 months.
28 Nov 1828
Died - In Rochester, on the 20th inst., of pleurisy, Mr.Thomas MORGAN formerly of Brimfield, Mass. and for a short time a resident of this village, aged 40 years.
In the death of Mr. MORGAN, says the Rochester Advertiser, society has sustained a loss. He was an individual possessed of many private virtues, an eminent and scientific mechanic, and a long one of most worthy inhabitants of our village. His best panegyric, is the esteem of his fellow-citizens, which he had when living, as he has their regret when dead.
19 Dec 1828
"The Dead Alive."
David H. MANROSE, Jr. who taught a school in this village the past season, and left some three months since, under the pretence of visiting his wife's relatives, but in fact to elude his creditors, went to Wooster, in the State of Ohio, from which place a letter was received by his friends announcing his death. Letters of administration were taken out, 'right or wrong,' upon his estate. The suddenness and total improbability of his death, as related in his own letter, together with other suspicious circumstances, caused an inquiry to be made into the subject, which disclosed a scene of villainy, unparalleled in the annals of crime. To defraud his creditors and abandon his wife and child, he bereft himself of character, home, and every thing dear to a man of honor; and to cap the climax of his turpitude, became the trumpeter of his own death.
A correspondent in Wooster, under date of the 15th September, thus describes his person,which is here inserted that he may be known, DEAD OR ALIVE. "He is from 25 to 30 years old, light hair and fair complexion, probably five feet ten or eleven inches or perhaps six feet in height, with an artificial right foot, and walks tolerably well with a cane." And in a subsequent letter, of the 7th October, he further states, "That he left Mount Vernon and would probably, before stopping, go as far as Cincinnati and perhaps New Orleans, to which place he talked of going on leaving Wooster."
Printers of public newspapers in this State, and particularly in Ohio and New Orleans,would confer a benefit upon the community by noticing the above transaction. Under the cloak of religion, he being himself a professor, aided by manners rather prepossessing, he is capable of doing much mischief. FOR A DEAD MAN!
Friday, December 26, 1828
Death by Fire. - A Mr TIDD, who resides in the sounth part of this town, was so severely burnt week before last, as to cause his death on the 14th inst. He had been engaged in tending a coal pit, and went to sleep upon some straw in a temporary shed adjoining, with which the fire communicated; and the unfortunate man awoke too late to save himself from the flames. He has left a wife and several small children.
2 Jan 1829
Died -
In this town, on the 31st. ult., John, son of Mr. David WRIGHT, aged 2 years.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
June - September, 2006
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