The Cortland County Democrat
5 Jan 1883
Died. McDANIELS - In Spafford, N.Y., Dec. 24, 1882, Mrs. John McDANIELS, in the 90th year of her age.
Died. UTLEY - In Homer, Dec. 24, 1882, Mrs. Helen Augusta UTLEY, aged 58 years.
In Cortland, January 3d, 1883, Hon. William H. SHANKLAND, aged 79 years.
It is with deep regret that we are called upon to announce the death of the Hon. William H. SHANKLAND, which event occurred at his residence in this village, Jan. 3d, 1883.
Judge SHANKLAND filled for several years a prominent position as Judge of our highest courts, the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals in this state, both of which positions he filled with marked ability and dignity. He will be long remembered as a genial christian gentleman. A noble manliness was softened by benignity and this was the prominent and most striking aspect. No one could look into that benevolent face and not read the transparent simplicity, the whiteness of the soul within.
In manner he was a gentleman of the old school; urbane, gentle, deferential, he was a man to be loved, to be reverenced, to be remembered. He leaves a widow and three children, one of whom, his son, and until within a few years his law partner, had the sad privilege of ministering to him in his last hours.
12 Jan 1883
Died. WHITE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1883, Willie Merritt WHITE, aged 17 years.
Died. Mc'KEVITT - In Cortland village, Jan. 7, 1883, of heart disease, Mr. Hugh McKEVITT, aged 61 years.
Died. FALK - At his residence in Virgil, Jan. 1, 1883, Mr. Daniel FALK, aged 72 years.
George BLOWERS, "the fat boy" of Taylor, died on Tuesday, Dec. 26th, aged 17 years. He weighed, in health, 288 pounds.
Cincinnatus Register.
Died. - At Cortland, Jan. 3, 1883, Hon. Wm. H. SHANKLAND, aged 78 years.
The news of the death of Judge SHANKLAND did not come upon us with any such shock of suddenness as death sometimes comes to us. He had been in feeble health for two or three years, and for several months his condition had been such that it would have been no great surprise to many to have heard of his death at any day. But so long had he been identified with this town in its various interests, and so long had he been known in our community as an honest and esteemed citizen, neighbor and friend, that his passing away from us deserves some more extended notice than just the bare announcement of his death.
Judge SHANKLAND was born of Scotch parentage in the town of Broadalbin, Fulton county, N.Y., Feb'y 26, 1804.
He received a good Academic education at the Pompey Hill Academy. Directly after leaving the academy he went to Cooperstown, N.Y., and studied law for some time in the office of Judge CAMPBELL. Subsequently he returned to Pompey Hill and continued his legal studies in the law office of Daniel GOTT.
In 1827 he went to New York city for his examination for admission to the bar. Being admitted to practice at that time he came to Cortland some time that same year and commenced the practice of his profession. He at once took a high position at the bar in this county and in the adjacent counties. His marked industry and perseverance, close attention to his profession, unswerving fidelity to his client's just interests, thorough preparation of his cases, sound legal judgment and perfect integrity, soon secured him the confidence and esteem of all who knew him and brought him a large practice even though there were several gentlemen in the Cortland county bar at that time with whom he had to compete, who were men of marked ability and who afterwards rose to eminence in the legal profession.
In February, 1829, Mr. SHANKLAND, while yet only a young boy rising and promising attorney, married Miss Lucia E. CLARKE at Delphi, town of Pompey, Onondaga Co., N.Y. Mrs. SHANKLAND died in Syracuse in June, 1862, leaving three children - two daughters, one the wife of Hon. Chas. ANDREWS, judge of the Court of Appeals, and the other the wife of W. D. DUNNING, Esq., of Syracuse, and one son, Wm. H. SHANKLAND, Jr., now of Albany and Deputy Clerk of the Court of appeals.
At one time early in his legal practice Judge SHANKLAND was a Justice of the Peace for the town of Cortland, and was afterward elected District Attorney for Cortland county.
At the first election after the change in the constitution of the state which made the office of Judge in our higher courts elective, he was elected Justice of the Supreme Court of the 6th district. At the expiration of his first term of six years, he was reelected, and consequently served for twelve years in that office, which he filled with eminent ability, unquestioned integrity and unsullied honor. Of all who were his associates upon the bench of the Supreme Court only one now survives him, Judge Hiram GRAY, of Elmira.
Nearly all of Judge SHANKLAND's active private life was spent in Cortland. Only during his terms as Justice of the Supreme Court, when official duties seemed to require it, did he reside elsewhere. Then he resided for a time in Ithaca and afterwards in Syracuse. But as soon as he retired from office he returned to Cortland, which he always regarded as his home. He took a lively interest in all that pertained to the best interests of out town, while his name and his fame gave distinction and added honor to her name. For ten years he was Warden of Grace church of this place and always a liberal giver of his means and his services for her support.
At the time of his death he was President of the Cortland Rural Cemetery Association.
Judge SHANKLAND married for his second wife Mrs. Lucy LEAL, of Honesdale, Pa., in 1864, who survives him.
So lived and so passed away from this world a truly noble and worthy man, an honor to his profession, and ornament and a benefactor to the community in which he lived. R.
Sudden Death.
Mr. Hugh McKEVITT, a well known and highly respected citizen of this place died suddenly of heart disease, at his residence on Port Watson street, last Sunday. He attended services at St. Mary's Church in the evening, although not feeling very well.
Upon returning home he complained of a pain in the region of the heart, and sat down upon the couch. A few moments afterwards, his daughter heard something fall against the window and turned around just in time to see him breath his last. The funeral was held on Tuesday, and was largely attended.
19 Jan 1883
C. E. BURDICK, a native of Scott, and some years ago a clerk in the store of E. F. PHILLIPS, of Homer, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor at his home in Brooklyn, on the 30th ult. Mr. BURDICK was 51 years of age, and was well known in dry goods circles in New York. It is supposed, from letters written just previous to committing the act, that he was laboring under temporary aberration of mind.
Died. PERKINS - In Virgil, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1883, of dropsey of the heart, J. Casper PERKINS, aged 67[?] years.
Died. LOW - In Virgil, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1883, of heart disease, Peter D. LOW, aged 65 years.
26 Jan 1883
Died. OWEN - In Bloomington, Ill., Jan. 9, 1883, Mrs. Charlotte G. OWEN, widow of Dr. Robert C. OWEN, formerly of Homer, aged 74 years.
Died. COATS - In Homer, Jan. 9, 1883, Lucy, relict of Alanson COATS, aged 83 years and 9 days.
Died. IVES - At his residence, in Homer, Jan. 14, 1883, Mr. William IVES, aged 77 years.
Died. COBB - In Homer, Jan. 13, 18-2 [sic], of typhoid pneumonia, Sophia Marieth, wife of C.C. COBB, aged 76 years.
2 Feb 1883
Mr. Asel F. WILCOX, who died recently in Syracuse, was brought to this village for burial on Tuesday last. He was a former resident of this town.
Died. DEVOE - In Homer, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1883, Mrs. Jeremiah DEVOE, aged 70 years.
Died. COBB - In Homer, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1883, of pneumonia, Mr. Cushman C. COBB, aged 78 years.
9 Feb 1883
Died. ADAMS- In Cincinnatus, Jan. 26, 1883, Mrs. Potter ADAMS, aged __ years.
Died. HACKETT, In McGrawville, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1883, Arlie B., infant daughter of Frank J. and Maggie HACKETT, aged 2 months and 18 days. The remains were taken to Truxton for interment.
Died. LEWIS - At the residence of her daughter, Maria KIZER, Dec. 29, 1882, Mrs. Caroline LEWIS, widow of Thomas G. LEWIS, aged 78 years and 6 months. The deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. BOYD - In Taylor, N.Y., Jan 26, 1883, Julia A. BOYD, aged 64 years.
Died. DODGE - In McGrawville, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1883, Mr. Artemas DODGE, aged 85 years.
Died. RAYMOND - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1882, of consumption, Mr. W. H. RAYMOND, aged 65 years.
Died. UNDERWOOD - In Virgil, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1883, of heart disease, Mr. Eliab UNDERWOOD, aged 67 years.
Died. ROGERS - In McGrawville, N.Y., Jan. 30, 1883, Mrs. Almira ROGERS, aged 77 years.
The types made us say last week that the remains of Asel F. WILCOX, of Syracuse, formerly of Cortland, had been brought to this place for burial. We should have said Asa H. WILCOX instead.
Died. - In Taylor, at midnight, January 26th[?], of typhoid pneumonia, Julia A., daughter of Col. John and Electa Bacon BOYD.
The Col. is remembered as a good citizen - stately, refined, genial. Fearing God and zealous to do good to man. Rearing up his children in the way they should go. Mrs. BOYD as cultivated, social, kindly. - Their hospitable house was seldom without guests from the vicinity. Their numerous relatives on both sides found it pleasant to come from their numerous city abodes to gaze on the primeval forests that skirted the fields kept so smooth and green by the careful farming of the Col.
In this household Julia was the central one of a family of nine children. With the desire and ability to make life pleasant to others, her life was naturally active and useful, and always as happy as the light of hope and the sunshine of youth could make it. No likeness of her exists, but she is remembered at eighteen on her return from school at Albany, as beautiful, with a fine form, brilliant complexion, a high white forehead shaded by dark hair; clear blue eyes and a peculiarly sweet expression of the whole countenance, to which was added a most charming manner.
Soon after her school life was over she received an injury from the breaking of the carriage in which she was riding, of which little notice was taken at the time, the attention of the family being absorbed by an elder brother who was dying of consumption. By her over exertion in caring for him, her injury resulted in a spinal affection making her an invalid for the remainder of her life, forty-four years. From the first attack, in which her life was despaired of, she so far recovered as to be able to ride when placed in a carriage, and after illness increased she could sit in an easy chair part of the day. For the last thirty years the only change she could endure was from a recumbent to a sitting position in her bed. During all this period she seemed peculiarly liable to attacks from fevers and other acute diseases from which she suffered greatly. During all this time she continued to perform as far as her strength permitted the duties assumed by her in health. Exerting an influence for good over the inmates of the house; over the children, kindred and strangers who grew to man and womanhood under its roof. Firmly but gently she guided to manhood the child confided to her by her dying sister. He lived to do her honor and leave a grateful remembrance of her love and care in the hearts of his children. She continued her reading, to amuse herself with embroidery, making many beautiful gifts for her friends, and embelished the home with the works of her hands.
Her thoughts and feelings never centered on herself. Her sick-bed was but the point from which she looked abroad over the world. Seeing all things in a clear light, in their true proportions. Taking an interest in all that interested or concerned others. Thinking of or for them, her practical good sense never failed to see and advise for the best in the common affairs of life, while her intuitive perception was appealed to as an unerring standard of right and wrong. She never pained her friends by gloom or despondency; never was irritable, repining or exacting; never received as her due the attentions of others, but was gratefully appreciative of any favor bestowed, and was to the last solicitous for the comfort of those who watched over her. Always cheerful, gentle, considerate, with a pleasant smile and word for all, the room became the gathering place for the family and friends. She could find amusement in the small incidents of every-day life. Always agreeable, she could entertain and amuse her guests and often surprised them with the variety of her information and by flashes of wit and humor. She loved all things beautiful in nature or art. They were accepted by her as gifts of God to be enjoyed. Thus was it given to her on the last night of her life to look beyond the earth and see "beautiful things." It was her unwavering trust and faith in God, the spirit of love, that illuminated her life and enabled her to forget herself in her desire to make others better and happier. It was the influence of the higher atmosphere in which she lived that all felt who entered her presence. It became at once a reproof and a benediction. We cannot think the fate others would have found so hard to bear, was nothing to her. That what would have been long and weary days and nights of pain, often of acute suffering, were passed by her unfelt. That the frail human spirit was not often tried to the uttermost to maintain the cheerful submission she felt to be a duty. It was due to this self conquest that she was able to say as it drew to a close, "do not think my life has been unhappy. It has been a pleasant one to me. Every one has been so good to me."
Of the family at home when her illness began, six members have passed from earth. One brother made his home in the west, one brother only remained with her, and a cousin who was as a sister. Julia had been for many years the guide and director, "the heart of the home." Always there, with sweet and gentle face. Her unfailing love to greet with kind and pleasant words, to counsel and console.
Until her last illness she had always said, "you need have no apprehension I shall recover." In the last she only said, "it will be pleasant to pass away," and to console her brother, "it is better for me to go first."
In her last hour after a seeming sleep she said "I have had such a lovely vision, and to think it should have been given to me! To me!" "What was it?" "I cannot tell you, it was the spirit of the Lord." "Thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee." Thus he gave "His beloved sleep."
The large number who paid her the last tribute of respect responded in heart to the eloquent words of him who spoke of her influence for good over the entire community. All knew and loved her. Her burial was emblematic of the life she had past. The warm sun of the 31st of January shone from the blue heaven over fields of wintry snow. Upon the casket the cross, covered with flowers - the victor's palm above the sweet face within.
Blodgett Mills.
The funeral of Mr. Wm. RAYMOND was held at the house on Tuesday the 30th, Rev. Mr. ANNABLE, of Cortland, officiating.
16 Feb 1883
Died. LANSING - In Truxton, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1883, Almira, wife of Alexander LANSING, aged 51 years.
Died. POTTER - In Scott, N.Y., Feb.6, 1883, of consumption, Lavancha D., wife of Bourdon H. POTTER, aged 40 years.
Died in Lapeer on the 11th inst., Mrs. Zachariah PRICE aged 82 years. With the exception of a few years back Mrs. PRICE has been a resident of Virgil. Having known the deceased from our boyhood days, she having lived just across the road from the school house which we always attended and in return for acts of kindness done and advice given we offer this as a testimonial to a good christian woman.
Mrs. PRICE was of Revolutionary stock, being the daughter of Deacon RYAN who was a soldier in that war and drew and occupied a six hundred acre land grant in this town, raising a large family of which deceased was the last to die. She experienced religion when very young and has been a member of the Baptist church, of this place for many years. She was married to Mr. PRICE sixty- five years ago and has raised a large family, eight of whom with her husband survive. Four of the family reside in the western states, one in Ithaca, one in Alleghany county, Mr. David R. PRICE in this town and Mrs. Horace B. JOHNSON in Lapeer, where the funeral services were held on the 13th inst., the body being brought to this place for burial.
The following is the family record:
Children | Born |
Nancy A. PRICE | March 30, 1819, | Virgil. |
David R. PRICE | Sept. 20, 1820, | " |
Daniel J. PRICE | May 14, 1822, | " |
Catharine PRICE | May 3, 1824, | " |
Matilda A. PRICE | April 14, 1826, | " |
Jacob O. PRICE | Oct. 20, 1828, | " |
Minerva PRICE | March 5, 1831, | " |
Alburtus PRICE | Aug. 3, 1833, | " |
Adelmer PRICE | April 10, 1835, | " |
Licetna PRICE | Jan. 24, 1837, | " |
Charles PRICE | June 3, 1839, | " |
Marriage and Residence
Catherine PRICE and Jedediah RAYMOND, Dec. 30, 1841. Fairville, Iowa.
Nancy PRICE and Hanniah WILCOX, June 15, 1843, Etna, N.Y.
Daniel PRICE and Lodusky JOHNSON, Sept. 12, 1844, Lapeer, N.Y.
David PRICE and Deborah HUTCHINGS, Dec. 25, 1844, Virgil, N.Y.
Minerva PRICE and Alvin ROBINSON, May 15, 1853. Danville, Ill.
Jacob O. PRICE and Elvira BRADLEY, Oct. 13, 1855, Friendship, N.Y.
Alburtus PRICE and Louisa BROGDEN, Nov. 13, 1856. Leroy, Mich.
Licetna PRICE and Ambrose SHEARER, Nov. 1858. Otisco, N.Y.
Charles PRICE and Amy LABAR, Nov. 26, 1866. Ithaca, N.Y.
Adelmer PRICE and Esther BRACKETT, Sep. 1860. Birch Cooley, Minn.
Catharine RAYMOND, June 3, 1859, aged 35, at Fairville, Iowa.
Licetna SHEARER, March 11, 1865, aged 27, at Orisco, F.Y.[sic]
Nancy WILCOX, April 14, 1868, Aged 49, at Etna, N.Y.
Elizabeth PRICE, Feb. 11, 1863, aged 81, at Lapeer, N.Y.
Last Sunday night, Mrs. Rebecca HOFFMAN started to go to Wm. PARKERSON's, a distance of about one-half mile, and lost her way. She was thinly clad, and the snow being deep in the woods, she became weary and exhausted and sat down to rest. She was found frozen to death.
23 Feb 1883
Died. ANDREWS - In McLean, Feb. 8, 1883, Mary L., wife of Dudley ANDREWS, aged 64 years.
Died. KETCHUM - At the residence of her son-in-law Edward TANNER, at Blodgett's Mills, of consumption, Feb. 13, 1883, Mrs. Laura L. KETCHUM, aged 60 years.
Died. PHILLIPS - In Homer, Feb. 9, 1883, Mrs. Freelove PHILLIPS, aged 86 years.
Died. TOPPING - In Homer, Jan. 30, 1883, Zidania L., wife of W.B. TOPPING, aged 46 years.
Died. LAMENT - In Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1883, Amanda FOOTE, relict of the late Hiram A. LAMENT, aged 70 years. Burial from her late residence on Tompkins St., to-day (Friday) at 2 P.M.
Died. TURNER - In Cortland, Feb. 22, 1883, Captain Charles TURNER, aged 87 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 87 Tompkins Street, Monday at 3 P.M. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
Died. DARBY - In Cortland, Feb. 22, 1883, Thomas DARBY, aged 80 years.
2 Mar 1883
Died. ALBRO - In Cuyler, Feb. 16, 1883, of cancer, Mrs. George W. ALBRO, aged about 50 years.
Died. HOWE - In Summerhill, Feb. 20, 1883, Laura A. wife of John A. HOWE, aged 47 years.
Mrs. William PATTEN died in Lapeer, on Friday last, being something over seventy years of age. Mrs. PATTEN has resided in Virgil until one year past, her maiden name being Nancy CRAWFORD. Funeral on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS, of the M.E. Church, officiated. Messrs. CRAIN and CURTIS, of this place, were in attendance as undertakers.
Here and There
It is reported that the town of Summerhill has had over forty-five cases of measles, three of them proving fatal, Irving Van BUSKIRK, aged twenty, a son of Cornelius VanBUSKIRK, Miss Addie, daughter of Calvin ATWOOD, aged twenty-seven, and Elihu HARE, aged thirty-two. The two former were teaching school when taken with the disease. Groton Journal.
9 Mar 1883
Died. WASHBURN - At the residence of Mr. H.B. LORD, 106 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1883, after an illness of eight days, Mrs. Mariana A. WASHBURN, of San Jose, Cal., wife of the late Dr. Charles E. WASHBURN, of Fredonia, N.Y., and daughter of Judge E. C. REED, of Homer, N.Y.
Died. KENNEY - At Truxton, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1883, Harriet N., wife of Amos L. KENNEY, aged 56 years.
Died. MAYBURY - In Solon, N.Y., on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1883, Mr. Charles E. MAYBURY, only son of E.B. MAYBURY, aged 22 years.
Died. FANNING - In Preble, N.Y., March 4, 1883, of consumption, Mr. John H. FANNING, aged 22 years.
Mr. Charles KINNEY died at the residence of Mr. Eliah WOODWARD of this town on Sunday last, aged nearly sixty. Funeral on Tuesday.
16 Mar 1883
Died. RICE - In Cincinnatus, March 1, 1883, of pneumonia, Chauncey RICE, aged 45 years.
Died. WARREN - At South Hill, Tompkins County, March 6, 1883, Eliza WARREN, relict of the late Rev. Ira D. WARREN, aged 75 years. The remains were brought to Cortland for burial last week Thursday.
Died. SINES - In Solon, N.Y., Feb. 23, 1883, Mr. John SINES, aged 71 years.
Died. SWAN - In McGrawville, N.Y., March 3, 1883, Grove A. SWAN, aged 5 years.
Died. STEVENS - In Solon, N.Y., March 4, 1883, John STEVENS, aged 75 years.
Died. BLANCHARD - At Blodgett's Mills, March 6, 1883, of pneumonia, Mrs. Kate BLANCHARD, aged 36 years.
Died. HOLLISTER - In Cortland, on Saturday, March 10, 1883, Mabelia C., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. HOLLISTER, aged 8 months and 14 days.
Died. DYER - In Willett, March 7, 1883, Clarence B., only son of Elbert J. DYER, aged 17 years.
Died. FREER - In Cortland, March 12, 1883, Jane L. FREER, aged 77 years.
23 Mar 1883
Died. WAGNER - In Cincinnatus, March 11, 1883, Miss Adelphia WAGNER, aged 23 years.
Died. KEATOR - In Cortland, N.Y., March 19, 1883, Chauncey KEATOR, in his 69th year.
Died. POPE - In Cortland, N.Y., March 17, 1883, of pneumonia, Seth POPE, aged 69 years.
Died. KNAPP - At Pompey, N.Y., March 15, 1883, Mrs. Harry KNAPP, mother of Mrs. Randolph BEARD, of this place.
Died. ECCLESTON - In Solon, N.Y., March 17, 1883, Mr. George W. ECCLESTON, aged 90 years.
Died. ELDRIDGE - In Syracuse, N.Y., March 18, 1883, Mrs. Elvira ELDRIDGE, aged 71 years.
Funeral and burial at McGrawville, N.Y.
Died. HENRY - In Cortland, N.Y., March 12, 1883, after a brief illness, Mary Frances, youngest daughter of Dr. A. G. and Mary F. HENRY, aged 2 years 5 months and 22 days.
Died. BELL - At East Homer, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1883, after an illness of three days, Robert BELL, aged 45 years.
Died. REAS - In Virgil, N.Y., Sunday, March 18, 1883, Maria REAS, widow of the late John REAS, aged 85 years and 10 months.
Death of Geo. W. Haight.
Mrs. HAIGHT Arrested, Charged With the Murder of Her Husband -- An Inquest to be Held To-Day.
Geo. W. HAIGHT, who was mysteriously shot while in bed at his home in DeRuyter, three weeks ago, died at 10:30 A.M. yesterday. Mrs. HAIGHT was arrested two or three days since, by Deputy Sheriff MOOCHLER, on the charge of assault with intent to kill, and has been in charge of an officer since her arrest. It is said that when arrested she was preparing to go to Philadelphia to live. The examination has been set down for Saturday, but owing to the death of her husband a new warrant will be issued, charging her with murder. She takes her arrest very coolly. Considerable excitement has been aroused by a statement that poison has been found in a coal bin at Haight's house. An inquest will be held to-day, at 11 A.M.
Probably Fatal Accident in Homer.
While Mr. William SHIRLEY of Homer was working on the roof of Mr. A. GILKERSON's new foundry in that place Wednesday afternoon, he fell to the ground and sustained injuries which his physicians fear will prove fatal. He struck his head, fracturing the skull at the base of the brain and injuring the spine. He has been insensible from the time of the accident to the hour of our going to press. Mr. SHIRLEY is a brother of Henry F. SHIRLEY of this place and for some years past has been constable and Deputy Sheriff. He is a worthy citizen and a very efficient officer.
30 Mar 1883
Mr. John REESE died Sunday evening, March 18th, aged nearly eighty-six years. Deceased was married about sixty-six years ago, and has raised a family of seven children, of whom Hiram and Philo REESE and Mrs. Ransom BROOKS live in the town of Cortland, Mrs. Nancy THAYER in Wisconsin; Jerome P. and A. D. REESE are residents of this town. Mr. REESE and his wife moved in this town about sixty-three yeas ago, when the country was new, and shared the hardships incident to the times, and have lived within a mile of the village until about fourteen years ago, when they moved to town, Mr. REESE dying shortly after. Mrs. REESE has kept up her residence since in her house until about one year and a half ago her failing health obliged her to break up her establishment and depend on the care of others, and not wishing to leave the village, her friends secured a home for her with Mrs. Sylvester CRAIN, in whose care she has been until Mrs. CRAIN was taken sick, when Mr. E. A. CRAIN's family have cared for her, and at whose house she died. The funeral services were held on Tuesday, at 1 o'clock. Deceased was well liked by her neighbors and beloved by her family. She was, as we understand, a member of the Presbyterian Church of this place for over forty years, and leaves an unblemished record.
The body of Mr. John JOINER was brought here for burial on the 14th inst. Deceased lived in Babcock Hollow, but has been a resident of this town for many years, and was nearly 81 years old, and leaves five children, Truman, of Wis., Horace, of Harford, Mrs. John TILLOTSON, Mrs. Cornelius VEEDER, and Oren JOINER, of this town. Mr. JOINER was a man who enjoyed the esteem of those who knew him.
Hannah R., wife of Isaac B. BLOOMER died the evening of the 21st., aged seventy-three years. Deceased was born at Saratoga Springs 1810; was married to Mr. BLOOMER about fifty years ago and has raised a family of ten children, six of whom are living. Some days before she died she expressed a premonition of death, and although her health has been poor for forty years she was in usual health until about twenty minutes before her death, which was caused by some disease of the heart. In Mrs. BLOOMER's death the M.E. church loses one of her oldest members, she being one of the first conversions after the formation of the society and has been a faithful christian woman for over fifty years.
Funeral services at the residence on Saturday last, Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS officiating.
A Bullet in the Brain.
A special correspondent of the Syracuse Herald writing to that paper from Homer, under date of the 26th inst., recalls the case of Henry NORTON, of Scott, who received a ball in the brain while in the army, a full account of which was given in the Democrat some four or five years since. We copy what the correspondent says:
The article in the Sunday Herald, in regard to James MURRAY's carrying a bullet in his brain for more than six years, recalls the case of henry NORTON, of Scott, Cortland county, who was shot in the head at the first battle of Gettysburg, and was left for dead on the field. He regained consciousness and was taken to the hospital, and an unsuccessful exploration was made for the bullet. The wound closed, and, with the exception of some headache, he regained his health and was discharged. For several years he pursued his business as a harness maker in Scott, but being troubled with increasing headaches, an operation was performed. The skull was trepanned and the bullet was found and extracted. The wound closed in a few days, the patient making a good recovery. The bullet was in Mr. NORTON's brain ten years, three months and twenty days.
[Sorry: that's not an obituary!]
There is a very long article on the autopsy and inquest of/for George HAIGHT, which I will not report, but it is in the newspaper dated 30 March 1883. It does mention that Mrs. Haight's first husband Mr. EDGERTON, died and was buried at sea.
6 Apr 1883
Fatal Accident.
On Wednesday afternoon March 21st a fatal accident occurred in the town of Locke. Morton ALLEN and his son Henry, have for some time been cutting timber on the place formerly owned by the late William GREEN, but now owned we believe by Mr. COGGSWELL. While at work there on the afternoon above named we understand that a falling tree struck Morton ALLEN and crushed him to the ground, killing him almost instantly. Mr. ALLEN was a gentleman about seventy years of age and had lived in the towns of Locke and Groton, where he was widely known and respected.
A little son of Merrit CARR, 3 years old, was buried last Friday. He died from a putrid form of diptheria, and has one or two more quite sick.
It is reported here that Wm. NIVER, of Cazenovia, formerly of Homer, died Tuesday morning. Mr. NIVER was a partner of Mr. Joseph WATSON, and has many friends in this place. It is thought that his body will be brought here for interment.
Died. GREENMAN - At the residence of his son, H.B. GREENMAN, near Blodgett's Mills, March [23?], 1883, Benjamin GREENMAN, aged 72 years.
Died. LAMPHER - At his late residence in Freetown, N.Y., March 27, 1883, Mr. Leonard LAMPHER, aged 56 years.
Died. ROWE - At the residence of her son Perry ROWE, in McGrawville, March 28, 1883, Mrs. Eleanor ROWE, aged 87 years.
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, N.Y., March 28, 1883, Mr. James KINNEY [sic], aged 66 years.
Died. NEGUS - In Truxton, N.Y., March 30, 1883, Miss Polly NEGUS, aged 30 years.
Died. PARSLOW - At Union Valley, N.Y., March 31, 1883, Alta PARSLOW, in the 18th year of his age.
Died. SMITH - In Homer, March [5?], 1883, at the home of his son, Solomon SMITH, in the 91st year of his age.
Died. PECK - In Fairview township, Iowa, March 29, 1883, Clayton H., infant son of Charles L, and Hattie D. PECK, aged 8 months and 27 days.
Died. OLIVER - At Little York, N.Y., March 30, 1883, Fannie A., wife of Charles OLIVER, and oldest daughter of H. W. BLASHFIELD, aged [20?] years.
13 Apr 1883
Died. OLDS - At her late residence in McGrawville, N.Y., April [3?] 1883, Mrs. Eliz OLDS, aged 70 years.
Died. GARDINER - In Marathon, N.Y., April 8, 1883, Henry GARDINER, aged 85 years.
Died. PERRY - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jane M. MAYBURY, in this village, April 8, 1883, Mrs. Susan PERRY, widow of the late Oliver PERRY, of Taylor, aged 83 years.
Mary M. NORTON, mother of L. P. NORTON of this place, and widow of deacon Edwin NORTON, formerly of Scott, died recently at the residence of her son Marcus, at Des Moines, Iowa, aged 76 years.
Mrs. Polly BALLOU died on the 3 inst., aged 88 years. Funeral on the 5th, Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS officiating. The family are represented in town by Myron BALLOU, Mrs. Garrison LOW, Mrs. William TERPENNING. Mrs. BALLOU was a near relative of the celebrated Universalist Divine of that name.
Here and There.
L. J. LARABEE, Esq., of Cincinnatus, died suddenly at his home in that place, last Tuesday. Mr. LARABEE was proprietor of the extensive cutter works in that place, and at the time of his death was County Court stenographer.
20 Apr 1883
Died. LARRABEE - At his residence in Cincinnatus, April 19, 1883, of heart disease, Mr. Lyman J. LARRABEE, aged 59 years.
Died. SHELLINGER - In Kenney Settlement, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Elisha KING, March 20, 1883, Mrs. Olive SHELLINGER, wife of the late Elias SHELLINGER, of Truxton, in the 78th year of her age.
4 May 1883
Elijah Boyce Crushed to Death.
While Elijah BOYCE, who has been in the employ of the Syracuse, Binghamton & New York railway some five or six years, was coupling cars in the yards in this city on Sunday last, his foot got caught in the frog, and being unable to extricate it, the wheels passed over him, crushing in the side of his chest and mangling his body in a horrible manner. He was thirty-five years old and leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss. His remains were taken to Truxton where they were buried Tuesday.
- Syracuse Saturday Night.
Died. HUNTINGTON - In Homer, Feb. 23, 1883, Harriet A., wife of W. S. HUNTINGTON, in the 39th year of her age.
Died. CORWIN - In McGrawville, N.Y., April 21, 1883, Julia, wife of Cortland E. CORWIN, aged 71 years.
Died. VAN BERGEN - At her residence in Tully, N.Y., April 21, 1883, Mrs. Charlotte A. VanBERGEN, in the 84th year of her age.
Died. CLARK - In Scott, April 20, 1883, Mrs. Gershom CLARK, aged 75 years.
Died. MABIE - At Syracuse, April 23, 1883, of consumption, Phebe, wife of Aaron MABIE, aged 64 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Killed in New York.
A truck driven by Benjamin NICHOLS for John G. Lightbody & Co., ran down an aged man at Sixth avenue and Forty-second street yesterday morning. The man died in Roosevelt Hospital. In an inside pocket of his coat was a letter addressed to Joel S. BRUSH, South Kortwright, Delaware county, N.Y. - New York Sun, April 28th.
Mr. BRUSH was well known in this county, and especially in this village where he had relatives. In fact, we believe he has for the past fifteen years spent as much of his time here as he had in Delaware county. He was an industrious, sober, intelligent citizen, who had many friends who will be pained to learn of his sudden death. When in this county, he usually made it his home with the family of the late Judge Jas. COWAN, about two miles east of this village.
11 May 1883
Died. REED - In Ithaca, N.Y., May 1, 1883, at the residence of his son-in-law, Judge Edward O. REED, formerly of Homer, aged 90 years.
Died. SMITH - In this town, April 25, 1883, Mr. Anson SMITH, aged 68 years.
Died. TAYLOR - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., April 30, 1883, Mrs. Mary A. TAYLOR, aged 24 years.
18 May 1883
Died. JONES - In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of his father, James JONES, May 7, 1883, Charles A. JONES, lately of Wilkesbarre, Pa., aged 32 years.
We clip the following from the Wilkesbarre Record of Thursday, May 10th, concerning the funeral of Mr. Charles A. JONES, who died on the 7th inst, at the residence of his father in this village:
Yesterday afternoon the remains of our former esteemed townsman, Charles A. JONES, Esq., were consigned to their last resting place in the Hollenbeck Cemetery. The body was conveyed to this city from Cortland, N.Y., his late home, on the 4 o'clock train on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Road. At the eastern end of the bridge the remains were met by the cortege from this city, and the funeral was taken charge by the Dieu Le Veut Commandery, K.T. The procession was headed by the Ninth Regiment Band, followed by the members of the battalion under command of Col. KECK. Landmark Lodge, F. & A.M., of which deceased had been a member, sent a very strong delegation of its members. A very large number of the friends of the deceased, outside of the societies, were present, the cortege being one of the largest ever seen in the city.
25 May 1883
Miss Jeannette McFARLAN, sister of John McFARLAN, Esq., of this place, died suddenly in Amsterdam Wednesday morning. The remains will be brought to this place for burial to-day.
The funeral of the late Dr. WHEELOCK was largely attended by his many friends and relatives, who together mourned his early departure. His funeral occurred last Thursday, at his residence on Elm avenue, Rev. M. Z. HASKINS officiating. His remains were consigned to Glenwood cemetery.
Died. PARKER - In Kingston, Ulster county, N.Y., May 7, 1883, John M., only son of Hon. Alton B. and Mary L. PARKER, and grand son of John Brooks PARKER, late of this town, aged 7 years.
Died. GALLAGHER - At South Cortland, April 28, 1883, Charles J., only son of John and Sarah GALLAGHER, aged 18 years and 8 months.
Go not far into that land of light,
A little while by the golden gate;
Lest that we lose you out o' sight.
Wait, our darling, wait.
Died. GIBSON - In Cuyler, N.Y., May 10, 1883, of consumption, Emogene, wife of Andrew S. GIBSON, aged 29 years.
Died. CARTER - In Cortland, May 18, 1883, Arthur B., son of Albert and Antoinette CARTER, aged 18 years and 10 months.
Died. KELSEY - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., May 15, 1883, Eliza, wife of Rev. Alvin KELSEY, in the 84th year of her age.
Died. BURLINGAME - At Willett, N.Y., May 17, 1883, of ideopathic anemia, Bertha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ogden BURLINGAME, aged 8 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mrs. KELSEY, wife of Rev. A. KELSEY, died at her home in this place on Tuesday, the 15th inst., aged 83 years. The funeral was held at the house on Thursday, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Mr. JONES, of Syracuse, officiating. The remains were taken to Cortland for interment.
1 Jun 1883
Died. HOWES - In this village, on Tuesday morning May 29, 1883, Josie BURDICK, wife of Charles H. HOWES, and daughter of Joseph H. BURDICK, of Syracuse, aged 33 years.
A Short Biographical sketch of the Life and Writings of George W. SAMSON.
George Washington SAMSON, only surviving son of Capt. Simon and Deborah C. SAMSON, (of Revolutionary memory,) was born in Plymouth, Dec. 27, 1781. Married at Plymton, 1805, Hannah C. SHAW, who was born in Middleborough, Sept. 17, 1782, daughter of John SHAW. At an early age, he followed the example of his father and betook himself to a sea-faring life. His first voyage was to Charleston, South Carolina, in the sloop Nancy, commanded by Capt. Elkanah COOK, in 1796. At the time of the great fire, which consumed nearly four hundred buildings, so abundant was the flow of Rum and Molasses, (all on fire) into the dock, that it became necessary to remove the shipping into the stream; the harbor resembling a lake of fire. In 1800, he sailed for England. The vessel was captured by a French cruiser, (the LaLoir, of 14 guns,) in the English Channel and the crew were carried into the port of Brest. From Brest he was taken through the country under an escort of gens d'armes, and being confined in prison every night, he saw the inside of 13 different prisons. On arriving at Nantes, the American Consul, (Peter F. DUBREE,) procured his release. After his release, he sailed to various ports in Spain, Portugal, France and England. In 1802 and 1803, he went as mate of the Brig Apollo, and visited many of our Southern ports and the West India Islands. After experiencing many of the vicissitudes of a sea-faring life, he retired to the farm in Plympton, left to him by his father.
In 1812, he removed to Homer, Cortland Co., N.Y., of which town he was an early settler, being the first settler on Lot No. 19 said town. He was an inn-keeper many years; owning and occupying several different hotels within the county. The first one kept by him, he erected in 1826 and 1827, half way between Cortland and Truxton villages, called "Mount Etam." The last one he kept was "Samson's Temperance House," in Homer village, which he sold to his son, J.M. SAMSON, in 1852, and retired from active business. He had an extensive reputation as a landlord, entertaining his guests with his good-humored conversation and even with his poetic productions. He had been a rum-selling landlord, but on change of purpose, he slung up over the center of his bar, an empty decanter, bottom up cork out, calling it his Monitor, with the following lines attached:
A landlord once, from a mere banter,
Tipped up his sparkling full decanter;
But mark! the spirit of the cargo
Soon laid on him a snug embargo.
After a sleep of almost death,
The landlord waked quite out of breath;
And rubbing up his watery eyes,
In plaintive accents thus he cries:
"Is this the way you cut your caper,
Thus to put out life's glowing taper;
And lay me here on my Beam-ends,
As bad as dead to foes and friends?
For many years he was an active and efficient supporter of the cause of Temperance. Such was the esteem in which he was held by the Temperance community, that the first lodge of Good Templars organized in Homer was called the Samson Lodge of Good Templars. After a long and eventful life, he died at Homer, N.Y., Feb. 4, 1868.
8 Jun 1883
Died. CORBIN - In Harford, Saturday, May 26, 1883, Mr. Joseph CORBIN, aged 84 years.
Died. TARBLE - In Marathon, N.Y., June 3, 1883, Mr. Daniel TARBLE, aged 87 years.
Died. BOLSTER - In Marathon, N.Y., June 4, 1883, of typhoid pneumonia, Seth M. BOLSTER, of Cincinnatus, aged 56 years.
Dr. LANING who had practiced medicine in McLean for fifty-three years, died at his home in that village last week.
The funeral services were held at the Baptist church on Sunday last.
Harford Mills.
Mr. Joseph CORBIN was buried Tuesday May 29th funeral services were held at the church in Harford the sermon which is said to have been a very able one, was preached by a Universalist minister by the name of BALLOU. Mr. CORBIN was about 84 years old and has lived in this town for many years.
Mr. Walter HOLDEN died very suddenly at the residence of his son Mr. S. N. HOLDEN in Harford Monday June 4th. Mr. HOLDEN is an old resident of this town, but for some years past has resided in the town of Newark, Tioga Co. He leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this vicinity by whom he was highly esteemed. We understand he was about 80 years of age.
15 Jun 1883
The death of A. H. SLAYTON occurred at his late residence in this place, on Sunday last. Mr. SLAYTON had been for some time past a sufferer from dropsy. Two operations had been performed upon him, but death at last ended his sufferings. His remains are to be taken to Ohio.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Marathon, N.Y., June 8, 1883, Mr. Charles M. RICHARDSON, aged 52 years.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Fargo, Dakota Ter., Saturday, June 2, 1883, of small pox, J. Leroy RICHARDSON, brother-in-law of A. L. COLE, and for many years a resident of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. NOTTINGHAM - In Cortland, N.Y., June 9th, 1883, George D. NOTTINGHAM, aged 52 years.
Died. TAYLOR - In Cortland, May 28, 1883, at the residence of her son Deloss TAYLOR, Mrs. Marhima Talbot TAYLOR, wife of the late Dea. John TAYLOR, of Truxton, aged 85 years and 6 mos.
Mrs. TAYLOR was born in Putney, Vt. In 1827, she with her husband moved to Truxton, where she resided until his death, which occurred in 1859. Mrs. TAYLOR leaves three sons[sic] and one daughter; William, residing in Concord, Minn., Daniel, residing in Solon, Charles, residing in Truxton, Deloss and Malvina, residing in Cortlandville.
A Card.
East River, June 8, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. BOSWORTH and family hereby tender their mutual grateful thanks to their kind neighbors and friends and especially to their old and tried Truxton friends who have cheerfully volunteered their valuable and constant services and sympathy, and furnished all needed assistance during the protracted and final sickness and at the death and burial of their mother, the late widow of John FRY deceased; and also to the Baptist church of Truxton for their appropriate music rendered both at the house and at the church; and also to Mrs. John J. MURRAY, Mrs. W.M. REYNOLDS, Willie, Freddie, and Ollie MURRAY and Baxter and Myron REYNOLDS for their combined floral offering consisting of three of the most costly, beautiful and elaborately wrought pieces ever exhibited at a funeral held at Truxton.
Mr. Martin LUCE died on Tuesday the 29th inst., funeral at the Presbyterian church. The body was taken to Cortland for burial.
Mrs. John RICHARDS died on the second of June, funeral sermon by Rev. Mr. WAY the 4th.
22 Jun 1883
Died. LOVELAND - In New York city, June 4, 1883, Mr. Samuel LOVELAND, in the 84th year of his age.
Mr. LOVELAND was formerly a resident of Cortland, and was the father of Mrs. Elias CRANDALL.
Died. WATKINS - In Cincinnatus, June 6, 1883, Mrs. Jennie WATKINS, aged 20 years.
Died. TANNER- In Cortland, June 19, 1883, Abram T. TANNER, aged 43 years and 7 months.
Mrs. Wellington ELLSTER died on the 13th inst., of consumption, aged 20 years. Funeral services at the M.E. Church, the 15th inst. Sermon by Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS.
The funeral services of an infant child of Mr. CHRISTMAN, living near Babcock Hollow, were held at the Baptist Church, on the Sabbath.
29 Jun 1883
Died. HOBART - In Homer, June 16, 1883, of dropsy, Mr. William HOBART, aged 49 years.
Died. HARDY - In Homer, Friday, June 15, 1883, of membranous croup, Johnny, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HARDY, aged 2 years and 2 months.
Died. COPELAND - In Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., June 7, 1883, Mr. C. W. COPELAND, aged 69 years.
Died. UTLEY - In Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., June 17, 1883, Mr. Lester UTLEY, aged 81 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. UTLEY, father of Mr. David UTLEY, and Mrs. A. SKEELE, died at the residence of the latter, on Sunday, the 17th inst.
Funeral at the house, on Tuesday. The remains were taken to East River for burial.
6 Jul 1883
Died. [illegible] of her sister, [illegible] 1883, Mrs. Anna A. PIERCE, aged 25 years. [SEE FOLLOWING: "A CARD."]
A Card.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. SMITH extend their thanks to their friends and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy and assistance at the funeral of their niece, Miss Anna A. PIERCE. Also to the pall-bearers, choir, and ladies that furnished the floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. SMITH
Truxton, June 22, 1883
13 Jul 1883
Died. BRYANT - In DeRuyter, June 14, 1883, Katherine Bennett BRYANT, wife of the late J. S. BRYANT, of Truxton, aged 66 years.
Died. SANDERS - In Homer, N.Y., July 10, 1883, Jacob SANDERS, aged 84 years.
Died. COREY - In Homer village, July 5, 1883, Melissa, widow of the late David COREY, aged 78 years.
Died. HEBERD - In Homer village, July 5, 1883, Augustus E. HEBERD, aged 75 years.
Died. RANDALL - In Cortland, N.Y., July 9, 1883, Mary T., wife of William P. RANDALL, aged 61 years.
Died. LIVERMORE - In Freetown, N.Y., July 5, 1883, at the residence of A. DEARMAN, Mr. Cyrus LIVERMORE, of Smithville, N.Y., aged 44 years.
Died. ALLEN - In Watkins, N.Y., July 5, 1883, Mrs. Mercy ALLEN (formerly Mercy LEONARD) aged 89 years and 10 months.
The subject of the above notice was born in Wilburham, Mass., Sept. 4, 1793, and was for many years a resident of Taylor in this county. She was for 72 years a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Judge D. L. FOLLETT and wife and Albert F. GLADDING, of Norwich, N.Y., were in Cortland last Tuesday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. P. RANDALL.
Chas. S. THOMAS, Esq., of the New York Custom House has been in town the past week. He was called here by the death and burial of his mother Mrs. Wm. P. RANDALL.
Mrs. Henry S. RANDALL, of Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. BEAN, of Binghamton, and Mrs. E.F. THOMAS, of Philadelphia, Pa., were in Cortland on Tuesday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. P. RANDALL.
Here and There.
The death of Mrs. William P. RANDALL, which occurred on the 9th inst., is one which will awaken a sense of loss in all our community. The gentle dignity and the tender courtesy, shown in every relation of her social and domestic life were so expressive of loving interest and real kindness, that every one must feel a sense of personal bereavement in her death.
20 Jul 1883
At about 10 o'clock last week Wednesday evening, Miss Anna DOUGLASS, second daughter of Mr. William O. DOUGLASS, formerly of Cortland, was drowned in the Susquehanna river at Binghamton. Miss DOUGLASS and Albert MANIER, son of Jas. W. MANIER, the latter well known in this place as a former student in Cortlandville Academy, were riding in a boat on the river after an early tea. The elder sister of Miss DOUGLASS and Samuel DUNHAM, son of Rev. Mr. DUNHAM of that city, were in another boat, and in company with them. After rowing up the river for some distance, they were caught in a heavy rain storm, and were obliged to go on shore to obtain shelter. The storm continued for some time, and made them late home. When they had arrived to within a few rods of the landing place, Miss DOUGLASS proposed to take the oars, and in the attempt to change seats the boat was capsized, throwing both occupants into the water. Young MANIER could not swim, but succeeded in turning the boat back and got hold of Miss DOUGLASS, but the boat again turned over. MANIER clung to the bottom of the boat and attempted to assist Miss DOUGLASS, but all his efforts were unavailing. The parties in the other boat rowed to their assistance, but did not arrive in time to be of any service. The cries of the young people brought several citizens upon the scene, and young MANIER was released from his unpleasant position. The body of Miss DOUGLASS was not recovered until near midnight. Mr. DOUGLASS was traveling in the West, but arrived home before the funeral, which was held on Saturday last, and was attended by a large circle of friends and relatives, who deeply sympathize with the remaining members of the bereaved household.
Appropriate and impressive memorial services were held in the Baptist Church on the following Sunday, in memory of the deceased, who was a devoted member of the Sabbath School, and of two other of her companions, who belonged to the same school with her. The numerous floral tributes at the funeral and the church bore unmistakable evidence that the community had sustained no ordinary loss.
Hon. George H. ARNOLD, born December 25th, 1838, died July 14th, 1883.
Last Saturday afternoon the community was startled by the intelligence that Mr. ARNOLD had passed away. Strong and robust in appearance - in the prime of his life - a picture of health - it could hardly be realized that he was dead. Mr. ARNOLD was violently attacked about eight weeks since with typhoid pneumonia, which eventually resulted in an acute disease of the heart, causing his death.
Mr. ARNOLD was born in Truxton, December 25th, 1838. Here he passed his boyhood days, receiving a fair education at the local schools. During the summer of 1861, at the commencement of the war, he enlisted in the 44th Ret. N.Y. State Volunteers, "Ellsworth's Avengers," and marched to the front. The regiment was placed in the 6th Army Corps, under FitzJohn PORTER, and passed through the terrible seven days battles with McCLELLAN, on the peninsula. He was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, Antietam and Gettysburg, and numerous other battles of less importance. Serving three years, and nearly through the war, he returned in the fall of '64, and engaged in the drug business at Truxton, remaining there until 1870, when he removed to Homer, purchasing an interest in the Tisdale flour mills. Here he remained but a short time, but removing to Cortland, he bought a half interest in the drug business, then conducted by Isaac W. BROWN, in Cortland. He continued in partnership with Mr. BROWN for about two years and then, taking his interest, conducted the business very successfully in his own name until the spring of 1882, when he sold the drug stock to Messrs. JOHNSON & BARNEY.
Mr. ARNOLD was elected to the Assembly in 1878, and represented Cortland County in the Legislature of 1879.
Securing an interest in the Cortland Wagon Co., he assumed the control of the Cortland Omnibus Co., and was gradually but surely placing it in the front rank of our local manufacturing interests, when he was prostrated by his last sickness.
In his business life he was candid and straightforward - reliable at all times, he was a man to be trusted - a man to be respected. Accomplished in the social and domestic virtues; useful and honored as a citizen; patriotic and devoted to duty, as men count age, he had many years of usefulness before him; but view it as we may, his life was well shaped and rounded.
He leaves a wife and an adopted son.
20 Jul 1883
Died. BINGHAM - In McGrawville, N.Y., at the residence of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Matilda BINGHAM, July 16, 1883, Johnson BINGHAM, in the 91st year of his age.
Died. CORWIN - In Cortland, N.Y., July 13, 1883, Marietta K., wife of A. B. CORWIN, aged 30 years.
Died. ARNOLD - In Cortland, N.Y., July 14, 1883, Hon. Geo. H. ARNOLD, in the 45th year of his age.
3 Aug 1883
Died. WILSON - In Truxton, N.Y., July 10, 1883, Mrs. Horace WILSON.
Died. TOPPING - At East Homer, N.Y., July 9, 1883, Mrs. Daniel D. TOPPING, aged 79 years.
Died. BENNETT - At East Homer, N.Y., July 6, 1883, Edith, daughter of Charles BENNETT, aged 6 years.
Died. CORNWELL - In Cortland, July 8, 1883, Mrs. Catherine Albridge CORNWELL, aged 72 years.
Died. ETZ - At his home on Pendleton street, in this village, July 21, 1883, of typhoid fever and heart disease, Fred C. ETZ, aged 21 years and 9 days.
Died. WADSWORTH - At his home on Fitz Ave., in this village, July 28, 1883, of blood-poisoning, Mr. Ela WADSWORTH, aged 54 years.
Died. BLODGETT - At the residence of her son, Mr. H. C. BLODGETT, in this village, July 28 1883, Mrs. Nancy BLODGETT, aged [?8] years.
Died. JOHNSON - At her residence on Groton Ave, in this village, July 28, 1883, of consumption, Mrs. Charles JOHNSON.
Taken Suddenly Ill.
Just as we go to press we learn that Clinton T. RINDGE, of this place, was taken quite seriously ill on Wednesday evening, and that he came near doing himself serious bodily harm from temporary aberration of mind. His health has been poor for some months past.
Later. - Since the above was in type we learn that Mr. RINDGE died about 11 o'clock last night. The funeral will be held at his late residence near the County House, tomorrow, (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock.
10 Aug 1883
Died. FISH - At his residence in Cincinnatus, N.Y., July 30, 1883, E. Duell FISH, aged 78 years.
Died. RINDGE - At his residence in East River, Aug. 2, 1883, Clinton T. RINDGE, aged 58 years.
Death of Mr. Clinton T. Rindge.
Last week we announced the death of Mr. Clinton T. RINDGE, of this place, which occurred just before we went to press. A friend and neighbor of the deceased furnished us with the particulars which we print below:
"Mr. RINDGE retired Wednesday evening of last week in apparent good health and spirits. About 4 o'clock the following morning groans were heard proceeding from his room. His son went immediately to his room and found him in a frenzied state with a deep wound extending half way around his arm, severing arteries and veins; his bedding saturated with blood; a pocket knife by his side. He was cold and pulseless at the wrist. His wound was dressed as soon as the physician arrived. Stimulants were administered but he continued to sink until 11 o'clock P.M., when he ceased to breathe. Mr. RINDGE was reared and lived on the old homestead, being the third generation that had lived there. Leaving his son Edwin on the farm, he moved to Cortland last spring, but was staying on the farm a few days assisting his son in haying. Mr. RINDGE was widely known having held town offices a number of years and being very social and pleasant in his intercourse with his neighbors, and thoroughly honest in all his dealings, his loss will be keenly felt. He was a benevolent man - never following but always leading - contributing largely of his ample means to the needy or to his church, and it was a sad day to the large circle of friends and neighbors as they took a last look at the remains of one who had lived a life-time among them. Rev. Geo. H. BINGHAM officiated at the funeral services. He leaves a daughter and two sons. His wife died in the spring of 1882. The deceased was 58 years of age.
Niles Allen Kinney.
Niles Allen KINNEY died at his home in this city, at 4 A.M., to-day, after an illness of about four weeks. Mr. KINNEY was born in Scott, Cortland county, in 1851. He was graduated at Homer Academy and Cazenovia Seminary, and at the Albany Law school in the class of 1876. After graduating, he became a partner in the law firm of Hewitt & Kinney, at Keeseville, Essex county, remaining there three years, when failing health compelled him to retire from the firm. He then came to this city, occupying his farm on the outskirts of the city, where he improved somewhat in health, and again turning his attention to business, opened an office in the city, but soon relinquished it to accept a position on the Herald, nearly a year ago.
Four weeks ago to-day, Mr. KINNEY left his desk in the city room of the Herald office to take a vacation for one week, at the end of which time he expected to be able to resume his duties. He was then ill, but hoped that rest would restore his health. He left his house, we think, but once afterward, and that on the following Sunday. He was never able to return to the office. Brief funeral services will be held at the house, No. 38 Burnet street, on Wednesday, at 7:30 A.M., and the body will be taken to Homer at 8:50 A.M., for burial. - Syracuse Herald, Aug. 6.
Harford Mills.
Freddie RICH, aged fourteen years, son of C. L. RICH, of Richford, treasurer of the S.C. R.R., was drowned in the Owego creek near Richford, on Wednesday, the 1st of August, while fishing. Freddie was subject to fits and it is supposed he was taken with a fit and fell into the creek. The water was only 20 inches deep where he was found.
17 Aug 1883
Mrs. Faitha ELLSTER, widow of Gideon ELLSTER, died on the 5th inst., aged 83 years and one week. Deceased was born in Otsego Co., has been a resident of this county for about sixty years and was the mother of ten children, seven of whom are still living and were present at her funeral on the 8th, inst., at the Baptist church, of which the deceased had been a member for many years. Having known her for many years we can say of her, that she grew old gracefully, enjoyed the confidence of friends, and the love of her children, who tender their thanks to friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness during her sickness, death and burial.
Died. STEBBINS - In Homer, July 16, 1883, Mr. Warren STEBBINS, aged 78 years.
Died. GALPIN - In Moravia, Aug. 2, 1883, Mr. Sheman [sic] GALPIN, aged -- years. Deceased was for many years a resident of Homer.
Died. CRITTENDEN - In Marathon, N.Y., August 12, 1883, Cora, daughter of Leroy CRITTENDEN, aged 17 years.
Died. CARLEY - At Loch Muller, Essex Co., Aug. 11, 1883, of consumption, Mercy A., wife of C.C. CARLEY, of Marathon.
Died. DOLPHIN - At East River, Aug. 14, 1883, Esther, wife of John J. DOLPHIN, aged 33 years.
One of the few that we are only reconciled to part with on condition that we may be worthy to join her in the happy future.
Funeral was held at 9 A.M., Wednesday, at her late residence in East Homer, from St. Mary's church, Cortland, at 11 o'clock A.M.
Died. SHERWOOD - At Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1883, Mrs. Sarah A. SHERWOOD, aged 63 years.
24 Aug 1883
Died. RICHARDSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1883, of typhoid fever and pneumonia, Hannah E., wife of Lloyd E. RICHARDSON, and daughter of E. BARNES, aged 40 years.
Died. McVEAN - At East Virgil, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1883, Alexander McVEAN, aged 82 years.
Died. BLISS - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1883, Mr. Horace BLISS, aged 78 years.
Alexander McVEAN, Esq., who died in East Virgil last Monday, had been a Justice of the Peace of that town for 37 years. He had three years yet to serve of the term for which he was last elected.
31 Aug 1883
Died. HAYES - In Solon, N.Y., Aug. 22, 1883, Philip HAYES, aged 47 years.
Died. NEWCOMB - In Willett, N.Y., Aug. 16, 1883, Mr. Samuel NEWCOMB, aged 76 years.
Died. ANTHONY - At Scott, N.Y., Aug. 27, 1883, Rufus ANTHONY, aged 92 years.
Died. DICKINSON - In Syracuse, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1883, Moses A. DICKINSON, aged 57 years, 2 months and 25 days.
Last Friday, Mary, the only daughter of William SWEET, of Scott, was drowned in Hayes' mill pond, in that town. She, with other children, were running out on a board that projected over the water, when she lost her balance and fell into the pond, which was about ten feet deep. The cries of the other children attracted Mrs. SLOCUM, who threw one end of a strap into the water, but she was too far gone to lay hold of it. Nearly fifteen minutes elapsed before help came and the child was removed from the water. She was nine years old, and remarkably bright, of her age.
7 Sep 1883
Died. ROGERS - At Elmira, N.Y., Aug. 27, 1883, Mr. J.H. ROGERS, aged 63 years.
Mr. ROGERS was a brother of Mrs. O. HITCHCOCK and a former resident of Cortland.
The announcement of the death of John TWENTYMAN, on the 20th ult. grated harshly upon the ears of our citizens. Mr. TWENTYMAN, in social life, was one of the most genial of men, and was always a true and steadfast friend. He always did earnestly what came to his hands, and was conscientious and fearless of the results. His good deeds are held in grateful remembrance by the entire community. Thus, one by one the veterans pass away. Their good works have made our country what it is. Let us bear them in grateful remembrance, emulate their examples, and continue to succeeding generations that which they have bequeathed us. In his death Truxton has lost one of its best citizens, and the deep hold he had upon the hearts of the people was amply attested in the unusually large attendance at his funeral. Rev. Mr. ZARTMAN, of East Homer, officiated.
14 Sep 1883
Manly HOBART, an old and esteemed resident of Homer, died at his late residence about 1 1/4 miles north of the village, on Friday evening last from pneumonia. He was sick but a few days. He was taken with chills while at church Sunday the 3rd inst., and it was with difficulty that he could be removed to his home, when Dr. DANA of Cortland was summoned and pronounced the case one of pneumonia. The deceased leaves four daughters, all of whom are married viz; Mrs. George DANIELS, Mrs. Lyman HEBERD, Mrs. Charles SKINNER and Mrs. J.N. KNAPP, to mourn the loss of an earthly parent. A vast circle of friends and relatives mingled their tears with those of the bereaved family and feel that they have lost a firm friend and a noble citizen. The funeral services were held at the house at 2 o'clock Monday and at the Congregational church of which he was a deacon, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON officiated. His remains were interred in Glenwood cemetery. As a manifestation of esteem as a citizen, all places of business were closed during the funeral services.
James FENNER buried his child last week. It had been sick for sometime.
Mrs. Susan HAMMOND, wife of Thomas HAMMOND, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Adin GLAZIER, on the 3rd inst. aged 64 years. Deceased was a member of the Free Will Baptist church, the pastor of which, Rev. Mr. SCHOONOVER, officiated at the funeral on the 5th instant. We can say of our deceased relative that she was a woman whose example was worthy of imitation.
Died. WITHEY - At her home in Solon, Aug. 27, 1883, Clara L. WITHEY, aged 23 years.
Died. MORGAN - At the residence of P.W. BLODGETT, in Lapeer, September 7, 1883, John MORGAN, aged 64 years.
Died. FORD - In South Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1883, Mrs. Serepta FORD, aged 73 years.
Died. HOBART - At Homer, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1883, of pneumonia, Manley HOBART.
Died. GREENWOOD - At McGrawville, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1883, Grace L., only child of Carter J., and Minnie A. GREENWOOD, aged 14 months.
Died. HAMMOND - At Virgil, N.Y., Sept. 3, 1883, Mrs. Susan HAMMOND, aged 61 years.
Died. ARMSTRONG - In Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1883, Nellie A., infant daughter of Homer S., and Katie B. ARMSTRONG, aged 4 months.
The mother of the deceased was formerly Miss Katie SMITH, of Cortland.
21 Sep 1883
Died. WALSWORTH - At the residence of Geo. SPENCER in Cincinnatus, Sept. 18, 1883, of old age, Mrs. Delia WALSWORTH, aged 86 years.
Died. SULLIVAN - In Homer, Sept. 9, 1883, of brain fever, Thomas SULLIVAN, aged 19 years.
Died. BUCK - In Groton City, Sept.16, 1883, Ada, daughter of Orson S. and Maria BUCK, aged 16 years.
Died. FREEMAN - In this village, Sept. 18, 1883, Laura B., wife of Samuel FREEMAN, aged 66 years.
Died. RECKARD - In this village, Sept. 16, 1883, Mrs. Lydia RECKARD, aged 84 years.
The deceased was the wife of Mr. Israel RECKARD, a brother of Geo. W. RECKARD.
28 Sep 1883
Mrs. Laura B. FREEMAN, wife of Mr. Samuel FREEMAN of this village, was born at Truxton, Cortland county, N.Y., January 28th, 1816, and died at her residence in Cortland Sept. 18th, 1883, in the 67th year of her age.
Mr. and Mrs. FREEMAN were united in marriage at Truxton in 1836. In the year 1864 they came to Cortland where they have since resided. Their family consisted of two children, a son and a daughter, one of which, Mrs. Ellen J. RACE, still survives.
The son, Mr. Frank W. FREEMAN, died suddenly in Sept., 1869.
Very early in life Mrs. FREEMAN embraced the religion of Jesus Christ and before her marriage was baptised and united with the Baptist church in her native village.
Her christian life has been practical, sound in faith, and consistent and even in its course. Her sickness came unexpectantly, for she had always been of a vigorous constitution and her sufferings were severe and prolonged, but she endured with sweet submission, and christian fortitude. Her faith brightened as the clouds lowered, and in holy triumph she passed away leaving a precious testimony with all who knew her of the hope she had cherished for nearly a half century. She leaves a large circle of friends bereaved.
Cortland, N.Y. W.H.A.
Died. LYON - At Cincinnatus, Sept. 23, 1883, Mrs. Sarah LYON, widow of Luther LYON, aged 68 years.
The remains were taken to Delphi for interment. Deceased was an aunt of J. M. SAMPSON and J. D. SCHERMERHORN of this place.
Died. HOBART. In Medina, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1883, of apoplexy, George W. HOBART, aged 66 years.
Mr. HOBART was the oldest son of the late Asa HOBART, and a native of Cortland county.
5 Oct 1883
McNISH - In So. Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 14, 1883, Jennie N., wife of Daniel McNISH, aged 24 years.
When the early frost comes, taking from the toiler his hopes of a grateful harvest, there seems to be nothing offered for the loss but the beauty of the fading forest leaf whose life has
been destroyed by its stinging blight.
When death comes to our homes, taking away our loved ones, we feel there is nothing left us but the fond recollection of their virtues and the beauty of their lives.
It was a fit time for death to come to the fair one that but a day ago they bore away to her rest - when the untimely frosts had tinges the forest leaves with the beauty of decay, emblem of
her so soon to pass away.
Who that looked upon that beautiful face, so pure, so sweet in the repose of death, that did not feel hers was a blessed immortality.
A touch of the artists pencil can change the expression of his subject from sorrow to joy. But what art can change the look of agony in the final hour to that angelic expression impressed upon
it in the supreme moment of dissolution by the enraptured spirit before its final departure, evidence of the happiness she felt would be hers in the life beyond.
It is human to weep and mourn. To the aching hearts so suddenly cleft, Hope in her shining venture, come to hide the grim visage of Despair.
There is no death, she did not die,
The spirit is a living gem,
We knew the fragile casket must
Be broken and return to dust
Before the precious jewel rare,
That had been enshrined there,
Could enraptured homeward fly,
To sparkle in his diadem.
So. Cortland, Sept. 17, 1883.
Died. WIGGIN - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1883, Mrs. Flora H. WIGGIN, daughter of Mr. Rodney SEAMAN, of DeRuyter, aged 26 years, 2 months and 25 days.
Died. GOODYEAR - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1883, Dr. Franklin GOODYEAR, in the 63d year of his age.
Died. ROBERTSON - In Marathon, Sept. 21, 1883, Chas. ROBERTSON, aged 16 years.
12 Oct 1883
Died. NEWCOMB - In Willett, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1883, Mrs. Pluma NEWCOMB, wife of Curtis S. NEWCOMB, aged 38 years.
Died. STILES - In Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N.Y., after a short illness of 3 days, Arthur H., only child of Arvine and Adah STILES, and grandson of Henry STAFFORD, aged 11 months.
Too fair for earth, a fit emblem for heaven.
Died. SMITH - In Marathon, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1883, Albert F. SMITH, aged 43 years.
Died. MILLS - In Cortland, Sept 27, 1883, Mrs. Margaret MILLS, aged 68 years.
Died. SANDERS - In Cortland, Oct. 10, 1883, Darius SANDERS, aged 72 years.
Funeral from his late residence, No. 82 Tompkins Street, Friday, at 2 o'clock P.M.
Killed at Swartwood.
Last Monday a young man by the name of George SPRING, who has been in the employ of the Cortland Omnibus Company for a year or two past, took passage on a freight train on the U., I. & E. railway for Elmira. While going down the steep grade at Swartwood the train ran away and SPRING was asked to help set the brakes. He had set the brakes on two box cars when he came to a wood car which he attempted to board, but fell to the ground in the attempt, evidently striking on his head. It is supposed that his foot must have became entangled in something as he had apparently been dragged for some distance. When discovered the top of his head was literally torn off and he was otherwise badly bruised.
On Tuesday Mr. Glenn A. TISDALE of the Omnibus Company went after the body which was brought to this place and sent to his home in Triangle, Broome county on the afternoon of the same day.
We understand that SPRING had concluded his engagement with the Omnibus Company and started for Elmira in search of employment, only to meet an untimely and violent death. The railway company and its employees rendered all assistance possible to Mr. TISDALE while on his mournful errand, and they are absolved from all blame for the unfortunate accident.
19 Oct 1883
Died. WILLIS - In Truxton, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1883, Mrs. Edna E. WILLIS, aged 26 years.
Died. LEWIS - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1883, Margaret LEWIS, aged 77 years.
Died. ARNOLD - At the residence of her brother, Dr. F. R. AINSWORTH, in Addison, Steuben Co., N.Y., Oct. 14, 1883, Carrie M. ARNOLD, widow of the late Hon. Geo. H. ARNOLD, aged 38 years.
The death of Seth DOUD occurred last Saturday at the residence of his son Harlan P. in this village. For some time past Mr. DOUD had been confined to the house although for the last five years he had not been out of it much. He had attained the age of 83 years. The funeral was held Monday at 10 o'clock A.M. at the house. Rev. W. D. FOX conducted the services.
26 Oct 1883
The Late Darius Sanders.
Darius SANDERS was born in the town of Newport, Herkimer county, N.Y., November 1822, and died at his home in Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 10th, 1883, aged 72 years.
Mr. SANDERS came to this township with his parents, when about three years old and has spent the balance of his life within its bounds. He was the ninth of ten children, all of whom, save one, were living two years since. He was married to Miss Caroline ROWLEY in 1837. Four children, two sons and two daughters were born to them; the sons, Charles E. and Wilber, survive him. The first Mrs. SANDERS died in 1862 and he married for his second wife Miss Celia M. ROWLEY, sister of his first wife, who is left to mourn his departure.
In early life Mr. SANDERS followed the business of weaving coach lace in this village. After some years he purchased a farm at South Cortland, and gave his time principally to farming until he retired and returned to this village to spend the remainder of his life.
Mr. SANDERS was awakened under the ministration of Rev. W. W. NINDE (of precious memory), and undoubtedly met with a change of heart. But he was extremely diffident and shrunk from the public avowal of that faith and witheld himself from the fellowship of the church, though in sympathy with its doctrines and usages. He was thoughtful and sound in the doctrines of the Bible, especially the fundamental principles of salvation through Jesus Christ. That he suffered in his personal experience from this morbid timidity, he undoubtedly would have confessed. It is a very common fault of which I would warn you all this day. His religious sentiments fully avowed would have made his a power for good in the community.
Socially Mr. SANDERS was tender, kind and affectionate to all, especially in his family. He loved children and children loved him. He was a man who in business was diligent and upright; always eating bread of his own earning and having a portion for the needy. He had not outlived his usefulness, but was still helpful and vigorous until within a few months of his decease. It was hard to realize he was an old man. He came to realize finally that his end had come and talked freely of his departure. He charged his children in respect to his temporal affairs and the distribution of his estate and then requested them to pray for him. He expressed a comfortable hope of meeting the friends beyond the river and passed quietly away. His departure is a bereavement to all who knew him. The links are dropping out, but in heaven let us look for a rewelding of the golden chain, and immortal felicity.
Harford Mills.
Jacob McDARGH, of Harford, died Friday the 19th, after a long and painful illness. Mr. McDARGH was an old inhabitant of this town and had seen much of the stormy side of life, and now as he steps from the shadows into the sunshine of eternal day, he will certainly appreciate the glorious change.
The funeral of the late Mary SCOFIELD (spinster) aged 83 years, took place at the residence of Henry SCOFIELD, Dryden, N.Y. on Monday Oct. 1, 1883, the Rev. Cyrus L. OFFER of Virgil officiating.
The spacious house was filled to overflowing with relatives, neighbors, and friends, from far and near, both extremes of life, old age and childhood being well represented. Conspicuous among those were two brothers, nearly as aged as their departed sister; yet whose erect forms, and firm steps give promise of even more protracted lives.
The deceased became a member of the Presbyterian Church many years since; but for some time past has been physically disabled from attendance upon public ordinances. She however sought and found in her Bible (her constant companion), in private communion with her God and savior, and in the fellowship of her many loved ones each recompense for what might otherwise have proved amore serious deprivation.
Coming with her father to Dryden in 1802, she continued with him until his death since when she had occupied and worked the farm almost to the last, with pleasure and profit; attributing her longevity and good health largely to this fact. A generous friend to all, she was beloved by all, making this closing scene of her earthly pilgrimage very much like that of the good Dorcas of old. Acts IX 36-43.
Died. FULLER - At Union Valley, Oct. 10, 1883, of consumption, Mary FULLER, aged 32 years.
Died. GOODELL - In McGrawville, Oct. 12, 1883, P. Elizabeth, wife of Jefferson GOODELL, aged 63 years and 11 months.
2 Nov 1883
Died. WHEAT - At the residence of her son-in-law, Jerome J. WOODRUFF, in Homer, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1883, Mrs. Saloma B. WHEAT in the 78th year of her age.
Died. ELDREDGE - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1883, at the residence of his grand-daughter, Mrs. W. H. TWISS, Joseph Starr ELDREDGE, in the 89th year of his age.
Died. BRADFORD - In Syracuse, Oct. 21, 1883, Dr. George W. BRADFORD, aged 87 years, formerly of Homer.
Dr. BRADFORD was one of the leading physicians of Homer where he practiced his profession for many years. He had represented this County in the Assembly and also served two terms in the Senate. Funeral services will be held from the Brick Church in Homer, to-day, Friday, at 1 o'clock.
Died. HUBBARD - At his residence in this village on Thursday morning, Nov. 1, 1883, Jonathan HUBBARD, in the 71st year of his age. Funeral on Saturday at 2 P.M.
Rev. Cyrus L. OFFER, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this place, died on the 23d inst., aged sixty-five years. Funeral services at the church on the 25th inst. Rev. J.L. ROBERTSON, preached the sermon. Deceased was born in England; had been active in the ministry for forty years; was a man of good talents, and although a resident of this town for only a short time, he had formed a large acquaintance and was highly esteemed. The body was placed in a vault in Cortland, and will be taken to Carlisle, Schoharie Co., for burial.
Mrs. Mary Brown McKINNEY, wife of John McKINNEY, Jr., died at her home in McLean, on the 28th ult., aged 32 years. The remains were brought to this place for burial on the 30th. Rev. E. R. WADE, of McLean, officiated.
Jeremiah BEAN, Esq., a wealthy citizen of Binghamton, formerly of Cincinnatus, died at his home in the former place last Monday. Many friends from this county attended the funeral services on Wednesday.
Death of Jonathan Hubbard.
Jonathan HUBBARD, notice of whose death appears in another column, was born March 27th, 1812, in the first frame house built in this village, which stood at the corner of Main and Court streets, where The Bank of Cortland block now stands, and was, at his death, the oldest resident born in the village. Mr. HUBBARD was educated at Geneva (now Hobart) College. Among his classmates were Hon. Charles J. FOLGER, Secretary of the Treasury, and Ex-Governor Doolittle of Wisconsin. He was all his life engaged in the banking business, and was the cashier of the Randall Bank during its entire existence. Mr. HUBBARD leaves a widow and five children, all of whom were present at his death bed. He was a highly respected citizen and his familiar face will be missed from our streets.
9 Nov 1883
A Sad Accident.
Last Tuesday forenoon Reane THOMPSON, the seventeen year old son of A. P. THOMPSON, of McGrawville, went out gunning. His ammunition gave out and he returned to the village for more, which he procured and at about 1 o'clock left the village going west on the highway leading towards Cortland. A short distance from McGrawville there is a high bank on the north side of the highway, where sand has been taken for building purposes. On the south side of the road is a smaller bank, from the top of which is a steep bank leading down to the creek. He put his gun over the fence on this bank, with the muzzle toward him, and was soon after seen to take hold of the gun and pull it towards him. The gun was discharged in some manner and the charge of shot entered his left breast, killing him instantly. The wound made was large enough to permit the insertion of a man's hand, and the top of the heart was completely blown away. A young man by the name of SALISBURY, who was near by and who saw him fall, went to him at once but found him lifeless. Assistance was procured and the body was taken to the residence of his mother in McGrawville, and Coroner C. E. BENNETT, of this place was called, who at once attended, accompanied by Drs. JEWETT, of Cortland, and HENDRICK, of McGrawville. Upon investigating the facts it was thought unnecessary to hold an inquest, as it was perfectly plain how the young man met his death.
16 Nov 1883
Died. WOOD - At Cortland, Oct. 28th, 1883, Eva, wife of W. H. WOOD aged 23 years. Eldest daughter of John RICHARDSON of Freetown.
Died. REILLY - In Marathon, Nov. 10th, 1883, Owen REILLY, Jr., aged 18 years.
Died. LATHROP - In Harford, Nov. 9th, 1883, of enlargement of the brain, little Hellena May, only daughter of George N. and Mary E. LATHROP, aged 5 months and twelve days. Funeral services conducted by Rev. I. L. FLETCHER.
Died. FINN - In Solon, Oct. 14, 1883, of heart disease, Thomas FINN, aged 76 years, 6 months and 12 days.
Jeremiah BEAN, long a well-known and highly esteemed resident of this county was buried from his home in Binghamton on the 31st of October.
During the 18 years of his residence in that city, he added much to its business and social life, and was one of the most public spirited of its citizens. The many present at his funeral from this and other counties and from the city, felt that they had lost a friend indeed. The silent gathering, the silent form, were in sad contrast to the ever warm welcome of the genial host to that hospitable mansion. All felt the appropriateness of the Scripture read from the 13th chapter of St. Matthew, and the truth of the remarks of the Rev. Mr. TAYLOR, as he spoke of him who was gone as the friend and benefactor. Of kindness as the chief characteristic. Not alone the christian charity ready to receive and comfort the distressed, but also the every day social kindness, that took delight in adding to the pleasure of others, in enjoying their happiness. Each could recall some instance. It had marked the pathway of a long, honorable, active business and social life. The impression left by that life was that of a conscientious, whole souled, warm hearted man who had striven to do his duty in the world. Whose energy, good sense and business capacity had insured the financial success which had enabled him to fulfil his desire to aid others in the struggle of life. To do good as he had opportunity, that to him was never wanting.
Faithful, devoted, affectionate father, husband, friend. Thou wouldst have made happy all mankind. The world is the better for thy presence. Blessings follow thee, friend to the friendless,
father to the fatherless. Peace unto thee, rest, joy, forevermore! Thou hast heard the welcome of the King to "the kingdom prepared for thee from the foundation of the world."
Death of Peter E. N. Decker.
Peter E. N. DECKER, Esq., formerly a well known citizen of this county, died at his home near Newark Valley, Tioga County, on Sunday morning last, from an injury to his spine, caused by a fall from a ladder upon which he was ascending on Saturday last to make repairs upon the roof of his barn. Mr. DECKER was born in the city of Hudson, was 68 years old, and was one of the most genial and friendly of men. He removed to Harford Mills, Cortland county, where he lived several years and raised a family, and where his wife died. Six or seven years ago he moved to Kansas, and returning about a year ago, buying a place and settling two miles above Newark Valley, where he died. Wherever he was known, he had warm friends, by whom his death will be lamented. His funeral was held at his late residence at ten o'clock Tuesday morning.
HAYES - At Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 14, Mrs. Harriet N. HAYES, wife of George W. HAYES, in her 65th year.
She leaves a husband, two sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. She bore a long and painful illness with christian patience and submitted to the will of God. She was an example of christian character and principles of religion for nearly fifty years of faithfulness as a wife and mother, and we would say, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their labor and their works follow them."
23 Nov 1883
Died. SHARES - At the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. S. P. MILLER, in Homer, Nov. 14th, 1883, Moses SHARES, aged 85 years.
Died. BAMFORD - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 8th, 1883, Ann BAMFORD, widow of the late Charles O'LEARY, aged 53 years.
Died. McDARGH - In Harford, Cortland county, N.Y., Oct. 19th, 1883, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Frank MARICLE, Jacob McDARGH, aged 70 years.
He was formerly a tide-pilot on the Susquehannah river.
Lancaster papers please copy.
Died. DECKER - At Berkshire, Tioga Co., N.Y., Nov. 11th, 1883, Peter E. N. DECKER, aged 65 years.
Died. ROWLEY - At Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 20th, 1883, of heart disease, Moses ROWLEY, aged 69 years. Funeral this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence.
John FOSMER, of this place, died last Wednesday night, after a lingering illness. His funeral services were held at his late residence, last Friday, at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Chas. BIGSBY, of this place, had a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday, and another on Thursday, which resulted in his death on Friday at 2 o'clock. His funeral occurred at his residence, on Monday, at 2 o'clock.
30 Nov 1883
Died. PIERCE - In Blodgett's Mills, Nov. 29, 1883, Ida J., only daughter of S. B. and Nancy M. PIERCE, aged 32 years. Funeral on Saturday at 11 A.M.
Mrs. Robert LANG, whose illness has been frequently reported by us in the columns of the Democrat, died on the 21st, of dropsy, aged 65 years. Funeral at the M.E. church on the 21st inst. Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS preached an appropriate sermon. Deceased was born in Freetown, and was an estimable woman, and the M.E. church, of which she had been a faithful member for about sixteen years, has suffered a severe loss. The funeral was attended by a good representation of the church besides a large number of friends among which we noticed two sisters of the deceased, Mrs. Alonzo GATES of Cortland, and Mrs. Isaac SHERMAN of Blodgett's Mills. Deceased was the mother of five children, four of whom reside with their father, and Mrs. Ransom HILLSINGER, warden of the Insane ward of the alms-house. We offer our sympathy to the afflicted family.
A man by the name of John BROWN died very suddenly in Harford last Saturday and was buried at the expense of the town in the Virgil cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Undertaker CRAIN having charge of the body.
7 Dec 1883
Died. CULVER - In Cuyler, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1883, of quick consumption, Reuben CULVER, aged 30 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
John R. JEROME, E. B. and Mrs. Romelia MAYBURY and families, of Solon, also R. R. MAYBURY and family, of Marathon, were here on Saturday, at the funeral of Ida J. PIERCE. Also P. PIERCE, Mrs. E. PIERCE, and Elwin MERRICK, of Homer, Marvin BURNHAM, Lucian BURNHAM and family, and others from East Homer.
Ida J. PIERCE died at the residence of her parents, Nov. 29, in her 32nd year, of aneurism and heart disease. She has the most of her life been in poor health and for the last few years been under the care of the doctor.
Mrs. MAYCUMBER, mother of Miss Hattie MAYCUMBER and Mrs. Fannie PETERS, died last Sunday morning at her residence in this village.
14 Dec 1883
Died. MERRILL - At Maine, Broome County, N.Y., Monday, December 10, 1883, Mr. Philander MERRILL, aged 88 years. Deceased was the father of Mrs. C. FISHER of this town.
Died. WHITNEY - In Cortland, Dec. 7, 1883, at the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph P. PRICE, Mrs. Lydia Gates, widow of the late James H. WHITNEY, in the 85th year of her age.
Died. LAWN - In Cortland, Dec. 3, 1883, of congestion of the lungs, Ellen LAWN, aged 44 years.
Died. TRIPP - In Harford, Dec. 5, 1883, Daniel A. TRIPP, aged 79 years.
Died. BIGELOW - In Homer, N.Y., Nov. 29, 1883, Mr. Amasa BIGELOW, aged 76 years.
Died. BUCK - In Homer, N.Y., Dec. 4, 1883, of general debility, Mrs. Adelia M. Fitch, wife of Mr. Charles BUCK, aged 27 years.
Harford Mills.
Mr. Daniel TRIPP, of this town, died Wednesday, Dec. 5th, aged 79 years. Mr. TRIPP moved into this town nearly fifty years ago. He had become widely known among a large number of friends and acquaintances. He was a kind and exemplary neighbor and perhaps we can give no better idea of his noble and consistent character than to mention that he has reared a large family of children, all of whom have grown to honorable manhood and womanhood. In politics he was a Democrat.
"But the night dew that falls, though in silence it weeps,
Shall brighten with verdure the grave where he sleeps;
And the tear that we shed, though in secret it rolls,
Shall long keep his memory green in our souls."
21 Dec 1883
The remains of Mrs. Oliver GLOVER, who died in Des Moines, Iowa, will be brought to Homer to-day (Friday) on the 2:30 P.M. train for burial.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mrs. Clinton SHOLES died, last Friday morning, Dec. 14th, aged 54 years.
Died. SHOALS - In Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1883, Hannah, wife of Clinton SHOALS, aged 54 years.
Died. BRAMAN - In Cortland, Dec. 17, 1883, Jennie, aged 17 years.
Died. PECK - At the residence of her son-in-law, Noble L. BABCOCK, of Cuyler, Nov. 28, 1883, Mrs. Polly PECK, widow of Abraham THOMAS, aged 68 years, 10 months and 28 days.
Died. RICE - In Cortland, Dec. 14, 1883, Lizzie E., only child of Frank and Ida RICE, aged 5 years and 10 days.
Fatal Accident.
A sad accident happened in Delphi, on Monday, the 10th inst. Burdette HAYES, of Cutler Hill, was at the Cardner mills to have some grinding done, and while inspecting the machinery which had recently been placed in the mill, his clothes were caught in some of the gearing, and before he could be extricated, he was so badly hurt, that he died within two hours after. His remains were taken to Cuyler Hill, on Wednesday, the 12th inst., for interment.
- DeRuyter New Era.
28 Dec 1883
Died. BRAMAN - In Cortland, Dec. 20, 1883, Minnie BRAMAN, aged 20 years.
Died. KINNEY - In this village, Friday, Dec. 14, 1883, Mrs. Fanny KINNEY, aged 80 years.
Died. HATFIELD - In this village, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1883, Parthenia L. HATFIELD, aged 60 years.
Died. SILVERNAIL - In Cortland, Dec. 23, 1883, Mrs. Adella SILVERNAIL, wife of Benjamin SILVERNAIL, aged 78 years.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
Oct, Nov 2007
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