THE reader will better understand the design of this book when I state that it owes its origin to a very simple though not a trivial circumstance. A few years since the ladies of one of our village congregations started an Art enterprise to assist in the removal of an oppressive church debt; in which idea was included the plan of publishing daily, for a brief period, a small paper, as an advertising medium. I was invited to fill a column of each issue in a series of reminiscences which might be interesting to young people---particularly to the students of the Seminary. In compliance with this request, and with the hope of showing my sympathy with the laudable financial scheme inaugurated, and of entertaining and benefitting those into whose hands the papers might fall, several of the chapters in Part I. of this volume were from time to time published, which not only attracted more favorable notice than I had anticipated, but, from influential sources, the desire was expressed that the series should be extended.

    Thus, not long thereafter, several personal sketches of departed worthies, with whose acquaintanceship I had been favored, and whose names were closely identified with the early history of the Seminary and the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cazenovia, appeared in other periodicals. When, however, a few months since, the plan of publishing a volume was formed, with the earnest desire to do good to those who are, or who hereafter may be inmates of the School (and especially those who have in view the Gospel ministry), I not only added to the number of the memoirs, but made places for topics of a more miscellaneious yet practical character; with the prayer that by the blessing of God, while the latter class shall find in these chapters examples, hints, and suggestions that will more or less encourage and help them, all classes of readers may look with favor on my honest, my con omore endeavor to advance the cause of Christian education in general, and the best interest of Cazenovia Seminary in particular.

L. A. E.

    CAZENOVIA, April 1884.





I.My first Visit to Cazenovia1
II.My second Visit5
III.My Fellow-students, and how we Fared10
IV.Miscellaneious Seminary Experiences15
V.My Seminary Oration20
VI.My third Visit27
VII.My Trusteeship in Cazenovia Seminary35
VIII.Rev. Nathaniel Porter, the pioneer Principal44
IX.Professor Augustus William Smith53



I.Rev. Charles Giles63
II.Rev. George Gary72
III.Rev. Fitch Reed, the pioneer Pastor77
IV.Rev. John Dempster81
V.Rev. Zachariah Paddock86
VI.Rev. George Peck90
VII.Rev. Josiah Keyes94
VIII.Rev. Nelson Rounds98
IX.Rev. Andrew Jackson Crandall102
X.Rev. Charles D. Burritt110
XI.Rev. Daniel W. Bristol117
XII.My Pastorate in Cazenovia128
XIII.My Pastorate in Cazenovia [continued]136



I.Mrs. Sarah E. Marvin145
II.Mrs. Sarah E. Marvin [continued]153
III.Rev. Seth Mattison159
IV.Rev. George Harmon165
V.Rev. George Harmon [continued]169
VI.Apostolic Preaching172
VII.Apostolic Preaching [continued]177
VIII.Apostolic Preaching [continued]182
IX.A Sad Case188
X.The Art of Winning Souls to Christ192
XI.The Art of Winning Souls to Christ [continued]200
XII.Rev. Francis Hawley208
XIII.President Lincoln on his Knees212
XIV.Soldiers Welcomed Home218
XV.Robert Newton Eddy225
XVI.My Alma Mater as it is235

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