Fourteenth Annual Report

of the


Dairyman's Association,

Held At

Richland Center, Wis., January 26, 27 and 28, 1886.

List of Members For 1886.

A.Craig, R. B., Sun Prairie.
Cobb, B. B., Sun Prairie.
Adams, H. C., Madison.Campbell, ---, Bellevue, Ia.
Akey, L., Twin Bluffs.Cross, F. T., Madison.
Allen, H. B., Richland Center.Carswell, G. J., Lone Rock.
Allwood, E. A., Loyd.Carswell, J. H., Lone Rock.
Andrews & Burnap, Dubuque, Ia.Cody, Wm., Lone Rock.
Arnold, L. B., Rochester, N. Y.Collins, C. B., Lone Rock.
Alvord, H. E., Mountainville, N. Y.Crago, John, Richland Center.
Armsby, H. P., Madison.Clark, H. J., Richland Center.
Austin, Geo. A., Neillsville.Cass, W. T., Ithaca.
B.Crumbecker, A. M., Richland Cen.
Carswell, T. E., Richland Center.
Carswell, Nathaniel, Lone Rock.
Black, James A., Muscoda.Chandler, Geo., Lone Rock.
Brown, A. T., Kings Corners.Cushman, J. B., Viola.
Brown, Wm., Sextonville.Chadsey, Ablert, Sharon.
Bills, A. E., Richland Center.Chadsey, Ailison, Sharon.
Beard, J. C., Muscoda.Carswell, E. A., Mt. Sterling.
Burnham, N. L., Bear Valley.Crow, Willis, St. Nazianz.
Brainard, L. C., Lone Rock.Caswell, E., Ingersol, Canada.
Bancroft, J. C., Lone Rock.Curtis, D. W., Fort Atkinson.
Brainard, C. C., Dixon.D.
Beckwith, A. N. D., Lone Rock.
Brown, H. C., Woodstock.
Burnham, O. J., Richland Center.Davis, Wm. T., Sheboygan.
Bennett, G. E., Richland Center.Davis, C. W., Ithaca.
Banor, W. C. S., Richland Center.Dilly, N. E., Chicago, Union Line.
Bowie, W. J., Richland Center.Dehart, J. L., West Lima.
Bowie, F. P., Richland Center.Davis, Jacob, Ithaca.
Bumes, T. S., Richland Center.Dixon, Wm., Dixon.
Brown, C. N., Richland Center.Dickenson, Wm., Pine Knob.
Bailey, H. T., Richland Center.Downs, D. L., Richland Center.
Bunell, J. G., Richland Center.Dosch, W. H., Richland Center.
Black, J. Q., Lone Rock.Decker, A. J., Fond du Lac.
Button, A. H., Lone Rock.E.
Bennett, J., Lone Rock.
Bellington, ---, Lone Rock.
Brown, Walter, Sextonville.
Brag, E. H., Viola.Elston, A. C. V., Mequon.
Buck, G., Muscoda.Ellsworth, W. W., Dixon.
Bull, Geo. W., Chicago, (Merchants'
Bridgeman, Pat., Big Hollow.
Brace, C. E., Dixon.
Brainard, J. C., Dixon.Fargo, F. B. & Co., Lake Mills.
Boyce, John N., Richland Center.Foster, L. W., Lone Rock.
Boyd, John, Chicago, 199 Lake st.Frednickson, Andrew, Spring Gr'n.
Beach, C. R., Whitewater.Fiske, M. F., Twin Bluffs.
Bush, Mrs. W. E., Sparta.Fish, H. Z., Richland Center.
C.Fish, T. B., Richland Center.
Fargo, C. F., Richland Center.
Farnum, H. J., Ring's Corners.
Clark, J. H., Richland Center.Favill, Stephen, Delavan.
Curtis, T. D., Syracuse, N. Y.Fogo, W. M., Richland Center.
List of Members.ix
G.Lester, Chas., Orion.
Laton, Mrs. C. V., Line Rock.
German, John, Ithaca.M.
Glasier, H. W., Richland Center.
Glossell, L. H., Jefferson.
Greenback, C., Bear Valley.Morrison, W. H., Madison.
Gotham, M. W., Gotham.Monrad, J. H., Chicago, Ill.,
     17 Dearborn street.
Goodrich, L. D., Lone Rock.
Gould, John, Aurora, Ohio.Morton, G. J., Richland Center.
H. Miller, T. M., Muscoda.
Morgan, Dan, Spring Green.
Misslick, A., Reysville.
Hagerty, J. H., Mt. Sterling.Miller, C. T., Gotham.
Hamilton, J., Richland Center.Maxwell, Josiah, Lone Rock.
Hines, J. M., Woodstock.McCollem, L. R., Twin Bluffs.
Hoard, W. D., Fort Atkinson.McCorkill, J. C., Twin Bluffs.
Hoak, Geo. O., Ithaca.McKee, J. L., Richland Center.
Hatch, A. L., Ithaca.McKee, R. N., Richland Center.
Hatch, C. A., Ithaca.Murphy, Dan., Loyd.
Hendricks, S., Buck Creek.McCann, Isaac, Richland Center.
Hillman, Wm. J., Richland Center.McCutchen, R. F., Whitewater.
Hoskins, Dan., Richland Center.Manghan, Michael, Edmond.
Hart, T. M., Richland Center.N.
Harter, Andrew, Lone Rock.
Hull, J. L., Viola.
Hefner, S., Muscoda.Noles, W. H., Norway, Iowa.
Hoener, M., Muscoda.Neefe, F. J., Muscoda.
Harris, Geo. B., Spring Prairie.Noles, J. H., Dixon.
Howard, J. B., Richland Center.O.
Hill, Wm., Richland Center.
Hanning, J. D., Richland Center.
Holcomb, A. L., Dixon.Oschner, A. L., Lone Rock.
Henry, W. A., Madison.
Harris, J. B., Antwerp, N. Y.P.

J.Philips, A. J., West Salem.
Jenkins, J. H., Indianapolis, Ind.Pallar, Frank, Gotham.
Johnson, David, Hillsborough.Panks, H. M., Black Earth.
Joslin, Wm. H., Richland Center.Payne, Chas., King's Corners.
James, G. D., Richland Center.Pickard, John, Richland Center.
Johnson, A., Cazenovia.Patter, Chas., Viola.
James, Mrs. D. G., Richland Center.Parfery, A. C., Richland Center.
James, Norman L., Richland Cent'r.Q.

Kimball, W., Union Center.Quinn, D. J., Neptune.
Knickerbocker, J. H., Palmyra.R.
Krauskop, Wm., Gotham.
Klinger, O., Richland Center.
L.Robinson, D. C., Mauston.
Richards, Martin, Bear Valley.
Rodger, J. A. C., Milwaukee.
Rizer, John, Boaz.
Loyd, T. A., Indianapolis, Ind.Reynolds, J., Lone Rock.
Loomis, S. B., Lone Rock.Rundecker, R., Viola.
Lumensbush, F., Richland Center.Rowe, David, Lime Ridge.
Looessy, Thomas, Spring Green.Robertson, Mrs. E. S., Viroqua.
Lincoln, Abel, Neptune.S.
Long, A. H., Richland Center.
Leybrand, J. W., Richland Center.
Leybrane, R. C., Richland Center.Smith, Hiram, Sheboygan Falls.
Lee, A. C., Gotham.Smith, John R., Lloyd.
Loomis, S. B., Lone Rock.Smith, Frank M., Ithaca.
Loomis, H. K., Sheboygan Falls.Smith, J. A., Cedarburg.
xList of Members.
Smith, J. M., Green Bay.Turner, Frank, Richland Center.
Sipper, Thomas, Richland Center.Tracy, C. N., Bear Valley.
Stow, W. D., Madison.Thomas, J. M., Dixon.
Senn, John, Fountain City.W.
Stoll, John J., Fountain City.
Schutz, Theodore, Rockbridge.
Sharp, James, Orion.Warner, John, Ithaca.
Staples, E., Sandusky.Ward, J. E., Sandusky.
Scholl, P., Richland Center.Waskins, J. W., Bear Valley.
Shaw, Wm., Lloyd.Waterman, A. D., Bear Valley.
Sippy, Frank, Neptune.Wallis, John, Lone Rock.
Sherman, Geo., Richland Center.Winterbum, B., Dixon.
Smith, J. E., Lone Rock.Webley, J., Lone Rock.
Southard, R., Dixon.Warner, J. P., Twin Bluffs.
Salisbury, John, Neptune.Winn, J. S., Richland Center.
Scott, J. T., Richland Center.Ward, J. L., Sandusky.
Simmons, J. L., Viola.Webber, M. C., Mt. Vernon.
Smith, E. M., Madison.Wagner, W. J., Viola.
T. Wait, Elmer, Sharon.
Waddell, W. A., Sextonville.
Travers, Henry, Woodstock.Wilson, J. C., Muscoda.
Turner, G. H., Sextonville.Y.
Taylor, H. N., Lone Rock.
Teasher, Joihn, Mt. Vernon.
Thomas, J. M., Lone Rock.Young, Jacob, Muscoda.

Contributed by Andy Bartelt, June 2003.
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