Alexander Sires died at the residence of F M Stewart, in Henrietta, on the 11th of April, 1869, aged about seventy-three years. Mr. Sires was one of the first settlers in the northern part of Richland county. He laid out the village of Siresville, now Woodstock, and it was first named after him.
E P Young, one of the pioneers of Richland county, died at Richland Centre on the 24th of June, 1870. E P Young was of Quaker parentage. He was born in the State of New Jersey, in 1798. When about eleven years of age he emigrated with his parents to the then "far west," and settled in Knox county, Ohio. Here he continued to reside until 1852, when he removed to Richland City, Wis. Three or four years later he came to Richland Centre, where he spent the evening of his days. When about thirty years of age, under the ministry of that eminent divine, Rev. James Scott, he united with the Presbyterian Church, and for nearly forty years, at Frederickstown, Ohio, at Richland City and Richland Centre, he was a ruling elder in the house of God. He held the respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends, and his death, while not unexpected, was sincerely mourned.
On the 11th of December, 1870, John Worth, an old and highly esteemed resident of Ithaca, died.
David Jaquish died at the residence of his son in Madison, in April, 1875. Mr. Jaquish was a pioneer and a veteran. He has served as a soldier in the war of 1812. For over twenty years his home was in Richland county, at the time of his death, being a resident of the town of Ithaca. He was eighty-three years old.
On Saturday, May 22, 1875 D A Johns, of the town of Eagle, after getting into his wagon to drive home from Richland Centre, was taken with an apoplectic fit. He was carried home the same evening insensible and died the following day, May 23, 1875. Mr. Johns was seventy-seven years of age, and had been a resident of Richland county for twenty-two years. He was an industrious peaceable citizen, much esteemed by his neighbors and acquaintances for his social qualities and uniformly upright life. He left an aged wife and several children. Thus passed to his rest another of the pioneers of Richland county, whose industry had provided a good home for his family, and left an example worthy of memory and imitation.
Died -- on the 30th of August, 1875, Michael Ghormley, one of the oldest settlers in the town of Henrietta, aged seventy-nine years. He left a wife in her eighty-sixth year, one son, James Ghormley, and many other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was beloved by all who knew him. He was noted for his piety and Christian example, and died as he lived -- a Christian.
Morris Sexton died in the town of Buena Vista, March 1, 1876, of paralysis, aged sixty-two years. Mr. Sexton was a native of the State of New York. He came to Wisconsin in 1849, and made a settlement at what is now known as the village of Sextonville, the place being named in honor of him as its founder. He erected and opened the first house of public entertainment on the Black river road north of the Wisconsin river. There his native energy and enterprise found ample opportunity for development in making improvements, laying out roads and inducing emigration. Being well adapted to pioneer life, he seemed much attached to its excitements and highly enjoyed its various duties and responsibilities, and secured the confidence and esteem, by his uniform kindness and liberality to the needy, of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Though past the meridian of life, he still fondly cherished the remembrance of his pioneer experience and as infirmity and reverses had cast a shade over his prospects he naturally sought sympathy with nature in the hope of finding again some of the bright days of his pioneer life, and in 1873 he removed to Barron county in the northwest part of the State. About three weeks before his death Mr. Sexton came here in company with his wife to visit his old home and many friends. Here his health which had been for some time impaired, entirely failed, and, as stated, he died on the 1st of March.
During the early part of September, 1876, the following pioneers died: -- Alexander Chisholm, and Mrs. M Copenheifer, of Fancy Creek, and Willis P Breese, of Orion.
Miles Randall died in the town of Willow, Jan. 9, 1877, aged fifty-seven years. Mr. Randall was one of the early settlers of the county, having moved here with his family in 1855. He had been an invalid for seven years previous to his death, and had not been able to even feed himself.
Henry B DeHart, of the town of Bloom, died on the 3d of January, 1877, aged seventy years. Mr. DeHart had been a resident of the town of Bloom for about twenty-two years, having with his family located there when it was a wilderness, and had cheerfully borne the burdens incident to pioneer life. He was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. He left a mother-in-law, eighty-one years of age, and three sons.
Jacob Simons died at his residence near Sairs mills, July 14, 1877, aged eighty-five years. "Father" Simons, as he was called, was born in the State of New York. He came to Wisconsin in 1842 and became a resident of Richland county. He had been a professor of religion for sixty-three years, of the Disciple Church. He was a consistent Christian, lived what he professed, and died in the assurance that his work on earth was well done. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. His funeral took place at Woodstock and was conducted by Rev. G G Hamilton.
John C Davis, another one of the pioneers, died in the town of Rockbridge, Oct. 14, 1877, aged fifty-one years. Mr. Davis resided in this county for over twenty years. In 1864 he went into the army, was assigned to company K 17th Wisconsin regiment, and went with Gen. Sherman in his march to the sea. While in the service he contracted a disease from which he never recovered and which was evidently the cause of his last sickness and death. Mr. Davis was much esteemed by a very large circle of friends and acquaintances.
William H Downs died Nov. 5, 1877. Mr. Downs was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1819, and had only such opportunities of education as the new country afforded at that time; but these he improved to the best advantage. He made choice of the carpenter and joiner's trade as his occupation, and in early life he settled at Bellefontaine, Ohio, and resided there while he remained in that State. In 1855, in company with a number of other families (most of whom are still residents here), he came to this county with his family, and located where Richland Center now is, and took an active part in all the improvements and interests of the growing town, which at times seemed destined to struggle hard for even a subsistence, but in all these trials and hardships he was always actively engaged for the general good, hopeful and cheerful. In 1861, when the War of the Rebellion was inaugurated and a call was made by President Lincoln for volunteers to preserve the Union, Mr. Downs was among the first to enroll his name to defend the flag of our Nation and perpetuate our constitutional compact. He was assigned to the 25th regiment of Infantry, in which he soon received the appointment of quartermaster, in which capacity he served about three years, much to his own credit and the general satisfaction of the regiment, showing excellent qualification for the office. In the second year of the war he consented that his only son should enroll his name as a volunteer, and was received as a drummer; but Eddie's career was only a few months, for he died in camp quite suddenly from some disease which seemed not to be fully understood by the surgeons. This was a sad and heartfelt bereavement to the family, and especially to Mr. Downs --- a sacrifice which he laid upon the altar of his country that few could appreciate, a sacrifice of priceless value, and doting parents only could realize its magnitude. The loss of his only son and the long exposures of camp life were obviously preying upon the health and constitution, which had until then seemed to be proof against all hardships, and it was necessary to seek for rest and some recuperative process to sustain life, and he accordingly returned to his home, but he never seemed to regain that strength of body and vivacity of mind which were so peculiar to him in former years. The seeds of disease were evidently sown in the constitution, which medical skill could not eradicate. The community was greatly startled and thrown into profound sorrow Monday, Nov. 5, 1877, at the news that one of the oldest and most prominent citizens had passed away very suddenly while sitting in his chair. While it was well known that he was in feeble health, and that he might pass away at any time, none anticipated that his disease would culminate so suddenly. But two days before his death he was about as usual. He seemed to realize his feeble condition greater than did any who surrounded him, for in his memorandum of the previous Thursday he wrote: "My last day at the office." And true enough it was the last! Some years before, he had a partial stroke of paralysis, from which he never fully recovered, and since which time he had been subject to bad spells. Mr. Downs has held several offices of trust, with honor to himself and profit to his fellow citizens. For some years he held the office of postmaster in this village, and soon after his return from the army he was elected as justice of the peace, not more by the sympathies of his fellow citizens than a conviction of his unquestioned integrity and qualifications for the discharge of the duties of the office, which he held until his decease. In the several relations of life Mr. Downs was much esteemed. As a neighbor he was kind and obliging; in his friendships, true and charitable; in his family, considerate and indulgent. His home was a sanctum of rest. Though not a member of any particular Church, he was a firm and consistent believer in the doctrines and promises of Christianity, and often expressed a consoling prospect of that better life where sorrow, disease and death never reach the happy spirits of the redeemed. His funeral was largely attended. The interment was conducted by the Masonic order, with its usual services and ceremonies, as he was for many years a worthy and esteemed member of that ancient and honorable fraternity.
Jacob Krouskop died at the residence of his son-in-law, J L R McCollum, in Sextonville, Feb. 7, 1878. One by one the old land marks of the county passed away. Jacob Krouskop was born in one of the eastern States in 1800. He passed the most of his early life in Bellefontaine, Ohio, from whence he came, in the spring of 1851, with a large family to Richland Co., Wis., and settled at Sextonville. With characteristic energy, he erected a saw-mill there, the first in that region, and soon afterward a grist mill. In speaking of him, Rev. J E Irish, who had known him since his first settlement in Wisconsin, said:
"At that time the entire region where Richland Centre now is, was an unbroken wilderness. Bringing with him the experience and fruits of a laborious life in Ohio, Mr. Krouskop was prepared to lay more broadly the foundation of a goodly estate here, and the result has been far more satisfactory than has fallen to the lot of most men. His prudence and sagacity, together with that of his faithful wife, who lingers on the shore behind him, were crowned with ample success.. His enterprising sons and sons-in-law, known far and near as successful business men, have continued to seek his counsel in his declining years.
"Mr. Krouskop has been a member of the M E Church for over half a century. On his removal west, he united his religious fortunes with the feeble society at Sextonville, with which he has ever since been connected. His aid and counsel have always been of value. Not of a very demonstrative nature, yet in the social meetings with his brethren his heart often melted with tenderness as he talked of Jesus, and his power to save. His last sickness was short and painful, but with an unfaltering trust in Jesus' blood, he went hence.
"The funeral was an occasion of great interest and was attended by a very large concourse. The circle of relatives alone was large enough to nearly fill the church, while the citizens turned out en masse to testify their respect to his memory. The writer was called from a distant field of labor to preach the sermon, having been an acquaintance of the family since their first settlement in the State.
"Father Krouskop was laid to rest in the peaceful cemetery among the hills, side by side with some of his kindred who had passed on before him, and in near proximity to others with whom he had often worshiped in this changing world. Together, we trust, they now rejoice before the throne."
Zachariah Hale died in the town of Orion, on the 6th of March, 1878, aged fifty-three years. The deceased was born in Marion Co., Ind. He came to and cast his lot with friends in Richland county in 1856, and resided here until the time of his death. His amiable disposition and unflinching integrity gained for him many friends. He left a large circle of relatives to mourn his loss.
Martin Banker died in the town of Rockbridge, on the 14th of March, 1878, aged eighty years. Mr. Banker was another of the pioneers of the county, having settled here in 1853.
Capt. J G S Hayward, an old, well known and prominent citizen of Richland county, died at his home in the town of Eagle, on the 3d day of May, 1878. Mr. Hayward was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1819. He emigrated to Wisconsin in 1854, and settled in the town of Richwood, now Orion. He soon after removed to and settled in the town of Eagle, where he lived until the time of his death. He was one of the most useful and highly esteemed citizens. "The death of so good a man is always to be regretted." Mr. Hayward was ever ready to help all the interests, either public or private, in his neighborhood. He embraced the faith in Christ in 1843, and since that time he has exemplified the Christian life, which enabled him to bear his afflictions without a murmur, and to meet death without a struggle. He left a wife, two children and five grandchildren to mourn his loss.
Daniel Householder died at his home, in the town of Bloom, in August, 1878. Mr. Householder had lived in Richland county almost a quarter of a century, coming here from Ohio in about 1854. At the time of his death he had reached the extreme old age of ninety-nine years.
Henry J Smith died in the town of Richland, on the 30th day of September, 1878, aged fifty-nine years. He died of a cancer, after lingering and suffering intensely for eight months. Mr. Smith was one of the early settlers of the county, having settled here in 1851. He was an industrious, peaceable and respected citizen, and his memory will be long cherished by his many friends.
Joshua Ewing died in the town of Sylvan, Jan. 26, 1879, of heart disease, aged seventy years. Mr. Ewing was born in Maryland; but he came west at an early day and settled in Richland county. He was a member of the Methodist Church for nearly half a century, and was a man who held the respect and esteem of all. He left a large family to mourn his loss.
On the 29th of January, 1879, in the town of Rockbridge, Morris Freeman died, aged seventy-six years. Mr. Freeman was born in Herkimer Co., NY, where he remained until 1846, when he came to Wisconsin and settled for a time in Waukesha county. In 1855 he removed to Richland county with his family, and located in the town of Rockbridge, where he lived until the time of his death. He raised a family of six children, five of whom survived him. As a neighbor, a friend and a worthy citizen, he was much respected, and, as was said in his obituary, "as he leaves us, we feel deeply that another land-mark and pioneer of the county has passed to that land from whence no traveler returns."
On the 6th of April, 1879, Thomas Kinney died at his residence in Richland Center, on the 6th of April, 1879, aged seventy-seven years. Mr. Kinney was one of the early pioneers of Richland county. He was born in Nova Scotia in 1801. He moved to Canada West in 1838, to Waukesha Co., Wis., and to Richland county, where he has since lived, in 1853. He left an aged companion and several grown children. He was a highly respected citizen.
Cornelius McCarthy, an old citizen of Richland county, died at his home in the town of Henrietta, on the 14th of September, 1879. Mr. McCarthy was a resident of the county for twenty-seven years. During the war he served with distinction in the army, and was severely wounded in the battle of Bayou Cache, Arkansas.
Martin Munson, aged sixty-two years, died at his residence in the town of Akan, Oct. 21, 1879, after having been confined to his bed for over two months. He was born March 1, 1817, in Norway; emigrated to this country in 1849, and in 1850 settled in the town of Akan, Richland county, where he lived until the time of his death. His early days here were a life of toil and hardship. Accompanied by two other families, they drove their teams as far as Port Andrew, and from there carried their household goods, including stoves, some seven or eight miles, as it was impossible to drive the team through the woods. His death was widely regretted. He was held in high esteem not only by his own countrymen but by all who knew him.
William W Garfield died at his home in the town of Henrietta, on the 25th of October, 1879, aged seventy-two years. Mr. Garfield was a native of Vermont, but came west at an early day, settling with his family in Richland county in 1853. He was a man of sterling integrity and worth, in every walk of life which he trod.
The Richland County Republican, in announcing the death of Joseph Benton, Sr., a pioneer, which occurred July 14, 1880, makes the following expressive remarks:
"The old citizens of Richland county are fast passing away. Within the past three or four years a very large per cent of the early settlers of the county have passed to that other and brighter shore. The latest death which we have been called upon to announce, is that of one of the best men who ever crossed to America's shore --- Joseph Benton, Sr., who died at his residence in the town of Marshall, July 14, 1880, after a protracted illness of twelve months, who had reached the ripe age of seventy-seven years and two months. Mr. Benton was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, April 20, 1803; emigrated to America in 1834, settled in Ohio, and lived there until 1855, when he removed to Wisconsin and settled on Fancy creek, town of Marshall, Richland county, where he resided until the time of his death. He was one of the early pioneers of the county, and contributed his means and energy to develop the resources of the county, and contributed his means and energy to develop the resources of the county. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and died with the hope of a better life beyond the confines of time. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. M. Leonard. A large concourse of his neighbors followed him to his last resting-place, thereby showing their appreciation and respect for his memory. He leaves three sons and one daughter, and an aged widow, to mourn their irreparable loss."
"John Fogo, one of the pioneer settlers, and a well-known citizen died at his home on Fancy creek, on Friday, Sept. 1, 1876. Mr. Fogo was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1799, and was at the time of his death about seventy-seven years of age.
"He received the elements of a good education in the parish school, which he attended until twelve years of age. He was then apprenticed as a weaver, and while learning his trade he enjoyed, among other means of improvement, free access to the parish library, of which he made good use, storing up its contents in a memory wonderfully retentive. Gifted with a mind of extraordinary capacity, which was thus cultivated to the highest degree, and in the broadest sense of education, at that period he laid the foundation of his great knowledge of history, both ancient and modern, which remained with him until the day of his death.
"He came with his parents to America in 1820, and settled in Columbiana Co., Ohio, and was among the early pioneers in that section. At the time of his settlement in Ohio, it was a new and wild country --- the foot-prints of the savage were barely cold.
"He removed to Wisconsin in 1853, bringing with him a large family of young children, and settled on Fancy creek, where he has ever since resided, and again passed through the labors and struggles incident to opening up a new country. He was preceded in his settlement on Fancy creek by only three or four families. From that time he has been well known in the county. By his neighbors he was honored and beloved, and he was held in great esteem by all who knew him. He has repeatedly been honored by his fellow-townsmen with many offices of honor and trust. He aided in the organization of the town of Marshall; was its first chairman, which office he held for sixteen years consecutively, always being elected without opposition.
"During his whole life he has been a constant attendant upon the preaching of the gospel in the Presbyterian Church, in which he was born and baptized. In that Church he has been a member in full communion for a number of years past. He always had a firm conviction in the divine inspiration and truth of the Scriptures, and believed in their inculcations, in order to sustain pure society and a prosperous government. In the close of life, by faith in God, through the Scriptures, he found submission to the Divine will, with peace and joy. Mr. Fogo was remarkably genial in his disposition, and his society was highly prized by those who delight in conversation that is intelligent and full of information. Many persons have enjoyed his company for an hour, or hours in a very pleasant and profitable manner.
"He leaves to mourn his loss, a companion, with whom he lived nearly half a century. Also eight sons and daughters, all of whom, except one living in Minnesota, are settled in families in the neighborhood, and were around his dying bed.
The deceased was a great sufferer for the past few years, but his final end was free from pain and suffering. He passed away as calmly as the falling asleep of an infant.
"Thus has passed away, at the ripe age of nearly four score years, another of our early pioneers --- a man whose honesty and integrity was religion, and whose greatest heritage to his descendants is his exemplary life and untarnished honor." ---[ From the Richland county Republican and Observer.
In the Republican and Observer of Feb. 10, 1881, appears the following item which explains itself: -- "We notice an announcement of the death of W P Furey, who will be remembered by the older residents of the county, as the founder of the first democratic paper published in the county --- The Democrat. This paper, we believe was established in 1859, and was published for about a year. The senior editor of the Republican and Observer, W M Fogo, set his first type under the direction of Mr. Furey. After he left here he went to Darlington, from there to Iowa and thence back to Pennsylvania, his native State. For years we had lost track of him. Following is the notice of his death referred to:
"We regret to announce the death of William P Furey, of Altoona, Penn., which occurred at San Antonio, Texas, in January, 1881. Mr. Furey was originally from Mauch Chunk, Penn., and was a printer by trade. He came west in 1858, and worked for a short time in Darlington, in a printing office which was started there before it was made the county seat. During the winter of 1858-9 he went to Warren, Ill., and worked for a few months in what is now the Sentinel office, and it was while there we first became acquainted with him. He afterward married a sister of Rev. Mr. Safford, now of Darlington. After remaining a number of years in the west he went back to Pennsylvania and engaged in the publishing business at Altoona. About a year ago his health began to fail, being attacked by that dread disease consumption. A month or two ago, accompanied by his wife, he went to San Antonio, Texas, hoping that the salubrious climate of that part of the country might prove beneficial to him, but he had hardly reached the place before the grim messenger called for him." --- (Platteville Witness, Feb. 3, 1881.)
Jonathan Totton, one of the old settlers of the town of Marshall, died quite suddenly on Feb. 14, 1881. Mr. Totton was born in Washington Co., Penn., in March 1802, and was therefore nearly eighty years of age at the time of his death. He removed to Ohio at an early day, and in 1855 came to Richland Co., Wis., and settled on Fancy creek where he remained until the time of his death. Mr. Totton had been a member of the Disciple Church for over forty years. He was a very conscientious, upright and honest citizen, and highly esteemed by his neighbors and friends.
Isaac McMahan, an old citizen of the town of Bloom, died March 14, 1881, after a painful illness extending over a period of three years, of cancer. Mr. McMahan was born in Ohio, and at the time of his death was seventy-four years of age. He was truly a pioneer of Richland county, having removed here and settled in the town of Bloom in 1853.
Myron C Pease, an old and esteemed citizen of Richland Center, died of typhoid pneumonia, on the 18th of April, 1881. Mr. Pease was born in Weston, Vt., April 17, 1842. He came to Richland Center with his parents in 1857, and resided here until the time of his death. In 1864 he was married to Emma, second daughter of C W Huntington, and his widow and two children survive him. The Republican and Observer in speaking of his sad death said: "Mr. Pease has been actively identified with the business interests of Richland Center, ever since he has been old enough, and has pushed steadily forward mastering the small details as well as the more comprehensive affairs of a large and growing business. For a while he was associated with his brothers in the retail trade, but afterwards engaged in the wholesale notion business for himself, for a number of years. At the time of his death he was traveling for a Chicago wholesale house. The same warm, generous, impulsive nature, which as a school boy made all who knew him, love and admire him, was manifested in his associations; for with advancing years his genial qualities became broader and deeper until it became almost an unwritten law in the business and social circles in this community that Myron C Pease was the soul of honor. Ever ready with a kindly word, or his purse, he was never appealed to in vain for a good cause. To his family and friends and indeed to all, this character was like sunshine, and by its truth and brightness, it was a guide. To all men he was the same and to those who were in trouble or in need and appealed to him, he gave good counsel and what assistance was needed, for his was a helping hand."
Samuel Davis, an old and honored citizen of the county, died at his home in the town of Ithaca, April 17, 1881, of paralysis of the heart, aged eighty-one years. "Father" Davis, as he was usually called was born in Washington county, Penn., Oct. 27, 1799. He moved to Wayne Co., Ohio with his parents at an early day, and in March, 1845 removed to Indiana. He removed from that State to Wisconsin, arriving at Spring Green, June 13, 1855, and during the same year he moved to Willow creek, Richland county, where he resided until the time of his death. Father Davis was a good neighbor and an honorable citizen.
Mrs. Thomas Mathews, one of the very earliest settlers in the county died at her home in Orion on the 23rd of August, 1881. Mrs. Mathews was born in Illinois in 1825, and came to Wisconsin in 1839. In 1840 she was married to Thomas Mathews, who survives her, and in 1842, they settled in Orion, where they have since lived.
William Recob, an old and respected citizen of the town of Eagle, died on the 9th of September, 1881, of paralysis, with which he had been afflicted for over four years. Mr. Recob settled in the town of Eagle in 1854. When the call was issued for volunteers at the breaking out of the Rebellion, Mr. Recob was among the first to respond, and left his home and family, like thousands of others, to save his country and government. He served his term faithfully, and received an honorable discharge. He was present at the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox, and received injuries from which he never recovered, but the effects continued to increase on him with advancing age until he was rendered entirely helpless, and continued so until death relieved his sufferings. His funeral was attended at Pleasant Hill church by a large number of sympathizing friends. The services were conducted by Rev. John Walworth, the sermon being founded on Job xix., 24-25, the text chosen by the deceased.
Randolph L. Carver, postmaster at Port Andrew, was found dead at the water's edge of the Wisconsin river. The facts elicited at the coroner's inquest, in regard to his death, were substantially as follows: Mr. Carver arose early in the morning, ate his breakfast, waited upon several callers at the postoffice, talked with several persons, and was apparently in usual health. He was last seen alive walking toward the river with an ax in his hand. In less than ten minutes afterward his son saw a railroad tie floating in the water. He went down to get it out, and found his father lying with his feet in the water -- dead. Others saw him at almost the same instant. The verdict of the jury was that he died of heart disease. Mr. Carver was an old and respected citizen. He settled at Port Andrew in 1854, and was postmaster for over twenty years. He was always obliging in the discharge of his official duties, and was ever willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He was fifty-eight years old. He left a wife and three children to mourn his sudden death.
David Wallace, an old citizen of Lone Rock, died quite suddenly on Nov. 13, 1881. Mr. Wallace was born in Iroquois, Canada, June 10, 1800. In 1821 he was wedded to Lydia Hitchcock, from which union sprang up a family of ten boys and two girls, all of whom survived him. In 1849 Mr. Wallace brought his family to the United States, locating in Ohio, where they resided until 1853, when they came to Richland Co., Wis. In 1865 the wife and mother died, since which time the old gentleman had resided with his son, John Wallace, of Lone Rock.
German Tadder, an old citizen of Richland Center, died on the 18th of November, 1881, aged sixty-four years. Mr. Tadder was one of the earliest settlers of the county, having come here in 1851 and settled on Fancy creek. At the outbreak of the war in 1861, he joined, upon its organization, the company known as the Richland Plowboys, and which afterwards became company D, of the 11th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He remained with the company until compelled by disease to get a discharge, and took part with the regiment in the campaign in Missouri and Arkansas, in the summer of 1862. After his discharge he returned home and again took up the pursuits of civil life. For a number of years prior to his death he was unable to do any kind of labor, owing to disease and infirmities. He was an honest man --- lived respected and died regretted.
The following is a list of the pioneers who died during 1881: William Akin, William Recob, Myron C Pease, Mrs. Thomas Whitcraft, Mrs. John Fogo, Mrs. Clarisa Shannon, Amos Poff, German Tadder, R L Carver, C W Jones, Elizabeth Allen, Ann Finnegan, Emma M Harter, Mrs. Samuel McMillan, Almeda E Gress, Samuel Davis, Mrs. H H Barnard, Dama Dewey, Peter Welsh, Mrs. W F Lewis, Mrs. Dighton Chesemore, Helen Conable Aldrich, Prudence Hart, Sarah Brightman, Henry Dillon, Lodema T Ketcham, Mrs. T J Graham, Mrs. Thomas Mathews, S N Thompson and Mrs. Samuel Fries.
The death of John Coumbe, the first settler in Richland county, occurred at his home in Port Andrew, on May 2, 1882.
James Weldy, an old and respected citizen of the town of Eagle, died May 16, 1882, aged about seventy years.
B P Plato, an old and honored citizen of Wisconsin, died at Richland Center, August 1, 1882, aged sixty-nine years.
Alden Haseltine, an old citizen of Richland county, died at his residence in the town of Rockbridge, on the 10th of February, 1883. Mr. Haseltine was born in the State of Vermont, in 1808. He came to the county at a very early day, and located in what is now the town of Rockbridge. He was always enterprising and active in all the interests and improvements of his own town and the county generally, and held various positions of public trust and responsibility.
Samuel McMillan died at the home of his son, Joseph McMillan, in the town of Orion, Feb. 10, 1883, at the ripe old age of eighty years, after a short illness. His death was mourned by many relatives and friends. Mr. McMillan was born at Conococheague, Penn., April 21, 1803. He moved with his family to Richland county in the spring of 1855 and settled in the town of Orion, where he resided until the time of his death. He followed farming as an occupation, but did the blacksmithing of his community for many years. His aged and estimable partner in life passed to that other shore ten years in advance of him. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan reared a family of four sons and five daughters. Two sons were killed in the army; one has since died, and the other, Joseph, is still a resident of Orion. The daughters are --- Mrs. James McClaren, Mrs. John Rue, Mrs. Joseph Privott and Mrs. S Sherman, of the town of Orion; and Mrs. D E O Bird, of Dakota.
Andrew Lewis, one of the pioneer settlers of the town of Richland, died very suddenly, Oct. 4, 1883. Mr. Lewis was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Sept. 25, 1823. He removed to Jefferson Co., Ohio, when young, where, in 1852, he was married to Sarah A Vanpool. He lived two years in Belmont Co., Ohio, and then removed to Richland county, where he remained until the time of his death. He left a wife, twelve children, eight grandchildren, seven brothers and sisters and many kind friends to mourn his death.
James Collins, another pioneer settler of Richland county, died at his home on Ash creek, Oct. 16, 1883.
Caleb Waggoner died at the residence of his brother, Dr. Joseph Waggoner, in Ravenna, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1883. He is noticed elsewhere at length.
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