Chapter 15 - The Medical Profession.

    As to who was the first disciple of Galen and Hippocrates to locate in the pristine days of Richland county's history, has been a work of much difficulty to gather, but a desire for historical accuracy, and a diligent research in the annals of the past, have developed the fact that, Dr. Hartshorn has the honor of being the pioneer of that profession. He came into Richland county as early as 1848 from Illinois and settled at what was then called Gage's (later Law's) ferry, on the Wisconsin river. He remained until 1850 or 1851, when he left for parts unknown.

    Dr. Henry McNelly was the second physician to locate within the limits of Richland county. Dr. McNelly was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1821. In 1830 he removed with his parents to Clinton Co., Ind. In 1843-4 he studied medicine, and until 1849 he practiced in Indiana. July 4, 1849, he started for Wisconsin, and in August of the same year he located in Orion, Richland county. Here he remained many years, practicing his profession, but moved to the village of Richland Center in 1861 and remained there a short time, removing from thence to the southern part of the county again. He is now in Dakota.

    Dr. D L Downs located at Orion in February, 1850. That place remained his home until December, 1858, when he removed to Richland Center, where he still lives. He has been a very prominent man in all public affairs; has held various offices of trust and is the present county judge.

    Dr. Jacob Brimer came to the county during the year 1850, locating at Orion, where he remained until the fall of 1873, when he removed to Richland Center, and has continued to reside there ever since, in the practice of his profession.

    Dr. Charles B Pierson located at Richland City in 1851, where he remained until 1865. He was assistant surgeon of the 38th Wisconsin Infantry during the late unpleasantness. He now resides at Spring Green, Sauk Co., Wis., and is a gentleman of culture and a physician of much prominence.

    Dr. Bailey located at Sextonville, and Dr. L Nichols at Richland City, and Dr. Sippy near Ithaca, during the year 1853. In 1854 Dr. LeRoy D Gage came to Richland Center as the postmaster, but practiced the profession of medicine at the same time. He was the first physician in the village in point of time. He remained at that place until August, 1870, when he ended a useful and valuable life by commiting suicide.

    Dr. Byers also made his appearance in the county during 1854, locating at the county seat, where he remained until 1858, when he, thinking to better his condition, moved to Baraboo.

    In the same year a Dr. Carpenter settled at the town of Rockbridge.

    Dr. Wallace located at Richland Center during the fall of 1855, but staid (sic) in the county but about six months.

    In 1856 Dr. Drewett came to Richland Center but remained only until the next spring.

    Dr. Henry Priest came to Richland Center in 1857, and remained there until 1862, when he returned to Greencastle, Ind., from whence he had come. During the same year Dr. Castle located at Lone Rock, and Dr. O H Wood at the Center. The latter gentleman remained in the county some years; was a surgeon in the 23d regiment of Wisconsin Infantry, during the Rebellion; removed to Missouri on its close, and was killed by a railroad accident near Brookfield, Mo., March 1, 1881.

    A Doctor McLane, located at Richland Center in 1856 or 1857, but on account of poor health was compelled to give up practice, after about six months, and left the county.

    Dr. E W Beebe was a very prominent physician who made his appearance at the county seat during the year 1859. Here he remained until 1864 when he went to Evansville, and in 1879, removed to Milwaukee. He is now noted as one of the most eminent specialist physicians in the State, treating all diseases of the eye and ear.

    Dr. W W Stewart came to the Center in 1863, staid (sic) but one year and returned to Loyd. He is now located at Lake Shetock, Wisconsin.

    Dr. A W Bickford, made his debut in the county at Richland Center in 1864 and has continued in constant practice ever since. The doctor is well known as a very public spirited citizen and has been a member of the village board and held other offices, and is now traveling in California for the benefit of his health, which has suffered by a too close application to the most arduous of professions.

    Dr. McIntosh became one of the physicians of Richland Center in 1863, and remained for some time.

    Dr. G R Mitchell, now a resident physician came to the Center in 1869.

    Dr. H J Wall first located in the village of Richland Center in the fall of 1875, and the present moment still finds him there, enjoying a lucrative practice.

    Dr. J E Marsh came to the Center in April, 1882, remained about six months and then left. He is now located at Medford, Wis.

Town of Bloom.

    The town of Bloom in 1884 had five physicians; Drs. O Houts, Mrs. Field and Adam Shambaugh, located at Spring Valley; and Drs. J H Helm and A B Cole, who are located at West Lima.

    Dr. O Houts is a native of Richland county, born Nov 11, 1852, in the town of Orion. He has always been in the county, and is among the best of the medical profession. In 1869 he commenced reading medicine with Adam Shambaugh, commenced practice in the town of Forest the year following, where he remained until 1880, when he removed to Spring Valley, where he is now located, and deservedly has a lucrative practice. In 1876 he was married to Anna Shambaugh, who was born in 1851. They have had two children --- Virtner, who died in 1879, and G W J, now one year old. In 1880 Mr. Houts attended the Bennett Medical College, of Chicago, from which institution he is a regular graduate. His parents, Levi and Sarah Houts, are among the pioneer settlers of Richland county, now living in the town of Orion, and are mentioned more at length in the history of that territory. The doctor now has a pleasant location in Spring Valley, and is fully engaged in the practice of his chosen profession; has the respect and confidence of the public generally.

    Adam Shambaugh, one of the early settlers, of Richland county, was born Feb. 12, 1817, in Cumberland Co., Penn., where he resided five years, when his parents removed to Montgomery Co., Ohio, and resided there until 1826; thence to Fountain county, and remained only three years; thence to Tippecanoe Co., Ind., where he learned the joiner's trade, and received his schooling. He studied arithmetic eleven days, and grammar seven days. This constituted his school education; yet by perseverance and industry, Mr. Shambaugh has acquired for himself a good education. In 1854 Mr. Shambaugh moved to Boone Co., Ind., where he engaged in merchandising two years and then removed to Richland Co., Wis., and first settled in the town of Forest, and entered 120 acres of land on section 2, which he sold in 1857, and removed to the town of Bloom, and there engaged in farming, merchandising, preaching and practicing medicine. Mr. Shambaugh has a complete stock of drugs, also a one-half interest in a dry goods and general store, in company with A. Householder. Mr. Shambaugh was married in 1850 to Sarah Shambaugh, who was born Dec 22, 1825, in Perry Co., Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Shambaugh have one child --- Sarah A., who is now the wife of Dr. O. Houts. Mr. Shambaugh has been a member of the United Brethren Church for the past fifty years and has been preaching for the past thirty-five years, and has practiced medicine since 1856, since he came to Richland county. Mr. Shambaugh has converted over 2500 persons to a belief in religion; and has been a great benefactor to the people of Richland county, in many ways. He has taken one family paper fifty years in succession.

    Dr. John H Helm was born Sept 7, 1842, in Delaware Co., Ind. He lived in his native county till 1857, then removed to Warren county. He lived there for two years, following farming; thence to Atica, Fountain county, and clerked in a grocery store in 1859; thence removed back to his native county, in the spring of 1860, farming till June. He then went back to Atica, and stayed till the spring of 1861, when he moved back to his native county. He began going to school, in Granville, Ind., his birth-place; remaining there till March, 1862, when he went to Muncie. He attended school, till the last of June. He worked at farming, plowing corn till wheat harvest came, and then followed harvesting until about July 8. Mr. Helm then enlisted in the 84th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, was promoted to the rank of 1st sergeant, and honorably discharged in 1865. He began to read medicine Sept 2, 1865; reading till the fall of 1866, when he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend a course of lectures on medicine, reading with Dr. John C Helm. In the spring of 1867 he began the practice of medicine in his birthplace, practicing one year; then farmed two years, and in the spring of 1870, resumed his practice till Sept 28, 1870 when he went to New York city to attend medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated Feb 21, 1871. He then returned to Granville and continued his practice another year. He then removed to Eaton, in the same State, and remained two years; thence to Muncie, and lived one year thence to Anoke, and remained another year, when he returned to Muncie, stopping about eighteen months; thence came to his present location in the town of Bloom, where he has a remunerative practice. He was married in 1866 to Naoma Powers who was born in Henry Co., Ind., in February, 1843. They have three children -- Isaac C, Mark and Arthur C.

Town of Dayton.

    Dr. E S Garner, who was located in the village of Boaz, was the only representative of the medical profession in this town, in 1884.

Town of Eagle.

    In 1884 the medical profession was represented in the town of Eagle, by Dr. Marcus W Haskell, who was located at Eagle corners, and Dr. George Miller of the eastern part of the town.

    Dr. George Miller, son of William and Charlotte (Dawson) Miller, was born in Anderson Co., Ky., Jan 10, 1818. he was but eleven years old when his pioneer life began in Clinton Co., Ind., where his parents had moved. Here he assisted his father in clearing a farm and made his home until 1840, when he was married to Julia Ann Widner. He had previously learned the cooper trade and continued to work at that in Clinton county, until 1851. He then came to Richland county, and settled in town 9, range 1 west, now known as the town of Eagle. His father had given him a piece of land on section 23, and he purchased another tract on section 24 and there erected a log house. Here he continued to work at his trade in connection with farming until 1862, when in July he enlisted in the 25th Wisconsin, company B, and went to Minnesota, where the regiment remained until winter; then went south. His health was not good and he was assigned to duty in the field hospital, where he was general superintendent. He was discharged July 16, 1864, from Harvy hospital, Madison, and returned home. He was unable to do any manual labor for more than a year, but continued the study of medicine which he had taken up before the war. His experience in the hospital had been a great help to him, and soon after his discharge he commenced practice, and as a physician has been quite successful. He is of the eclectic school. His wife died a few days before he was discharged, leaving six children, --- William H, Rachael M, Hannah J, Samuel, Lafayette and Lydia. His second wife, to whom he was married Aug 3, 1865, was Sarah B Blackledge, who was born in Tippecanoe Co., Ind. She left two children, one of whom is now living --- Woodford. His third wife, to whom he was married Aug 30, 1874, was Margaret Wey, widow of Nathan Beebe. She was born in Preble Co, Ohio, Sept 2, 1844. She was married to Oscar H Dilley, June 16, 1872, by whom she had one child -- Maggie Myrtle.

Town of Forest.

    In 1884 the only representatives of the medical profession in this town were Drs. R H DeLap and J Goyer, both located at the village of Viola.

    R H DeLap, one of the prominent physicians of the county, was born in Green Co., Wis., in 1846. When he was eight years old, his parents moved to Grant county, where they lived about four years; then they moved from place to place, his father being a member of the West Wisconsin Conference of the M E Church. In 1862 he enlisted in the 33d Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged in 1865. On returning home, he began the study of medicine, under Dr. E DeLap, of Boscobel, Wisconsin, studying with him one year, then moved to Viroqua, where he continued the study of his profession under Dr. E W Tinker for three years. He then began practicing at Viroqua, remaining there two years, then moved to Viola, where he was the first physician to settle in the village. Dr. DeLap graduated at the medical college in Keokuk, Iowa, having attended two courses, and is well qualified to practice his chosen profession. He is a member of Southwestern Medical Association, and is one of the board of censors for the same. He was married in 1870, to L Kate Tinker, daughter of Dr. E W and Mary Tinker. Mr. and Mrs. DeLap have three children --- Mary M, Carrie and Robert H. Dr. DeLap now owns a house and two lots in the village of Viola, and once acre of ground in section 19. He has been justice of the peace for eight years, has a good reputation among his fellowmen, and is a representative of the best class of Richland county citizens.

    Joseph Goyer, MD, is a native of Bartholomew Co., Ind. In 1826, his parents removed to Putnam county, of same State, where he lived till 1836, when his parents removed to Warren Co., Ill.; remained there till 1837; thence to Henry county, of same State; remained there till 1847, and removed with his parents to Bureau Co., Ill., where he studied medicine two years, after which he attended medical lectures at the Indiana Medical College, of Como, Ill., for a portion of a term. He then went to Rock Island, Ill., where he began the practice of his profession; remained till 1853, and removed to Big Rock, Scott Co., Iowa; bought a store and stocked it with drugs and general merchandise, and practiced his profession for two years; returned to Rock Island, remaining there till 1859, then went to California; returned in 1860, and in 1862 enlisted in the 89th regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was wounded at the battle of Stone River, Tennesee, in 1862, through left shoulder and right hip; taken prisoner and re-taken in same battle. Was discharged in 1863, and returned home. In 1864 went to Tomah, Monroe Co., Wis., where he practiced till 1876; from thence to Viola, Richland county, where he now resides. Dr. Goyer owns a house and three lots in the village. He was married to Ann Amelia Goddard, in 1855. She died in 1865, leaving two children --- George M and Julia L. He was again married in 1866, to Carrie E Bradley. She was the mother of five children, four living --- Iola E, Nettie M, Charles B and Marcus A. Fannie R died in 1870.

Town of Henrietta.

    Dr. J B Hitchcock, of Woodstock, represented the medical profession in this town in 1884.

    J B Hitchcock, MD, is the only practicing physician in the town of Henrietta. He located at Woodstock in 1880. He is of the homeopathic school, and received his diploma from the State University of Iowa. He is the son of Jason and Polly (Hurd) Hitchcock, and was born in Boone Co., Ind., Feb 12, 1849. When he was but eleven months old his father died; his mother continued to live in Boone county until 1853, when she came to Richland county in company with her parents, who settled in the town of Orion. One year later she was married to William Collins, and settled in the town of Henrietta; remained there two years and then returned to Orion. Here the subject of this sketch grew to manhood, receiving his early education in the district school, supplemented by two terms at the high school in Sextonville. When he was twenty-two years old he bought a tract of land in the town of Orion, and engaged in farming, occupying his leisure time in study. In the winter of 1878-9, he went to Iowa and entered the medical department of the State University, at Iowa City. In the spring of 1879, he came to Woodstock and commenced practice, returning to Iowa in the fall to complete his course of study in the State University. He received his diploma in March, 1880. He then returned to Woodstock, purchased a house, and has since followed his chosen profession at this point. He was married in 1872 to Melissa, daughter of Hezekiah and Sally (Marsh) Jones. They have two children --- Neva E L and Dennis A B.

Town of Ithaca.

    In 1884 the medical profession was represented in this town by Drs. Asa McCollum and Miss Ada Lamson, who were located at Sextonville, and Dr. Osman Cass, who was located on section 19.

    Osman Cass, MD, was born in the town of Stanstead, Province of Quebec, Canada, June 26, 1826. He was the son of a farmer and his younger days were spent in assisting his father and going to school. At the age of nineteen, he went to Lowell, Mass., and engaged in a woolen mill, the Middlesex corporation. He remained there but a few months and returned to Canada. He purchased land and improved a farm in the town of Clifton, where he resided until 1854. He started, in the spring of that year, for Richland county to visit his brothers who had preceded him here. Being pleased with the country, he concluded to make it his home. He spent the summer with his brother, Colby. In the fall he went to Pine river and worked with his brother James in his mill, and in the spring of the year following, moved with him to Ithaca. He soon after entered land on section 21, on which he lived one year, then sold out and purchased land in section 20, where he remained about a year. He then again sold out and bought his present farm, which is pleasantly located on section 19, town of Ithaca. It is well watered by Willow creek. He has erected good frame buildings and has a pleasant home. He has been twice married --- first to Julia Cass, March 11, 1846. She was born in Stanstead county, Province of Quebec, Canada, Aug 18, 1827, and died June 6, 1846. His second wife was Harriet Hicks, a native of Sherbrooke county, born June 8, 1830. They are the parents of three children --- Emma, Ella and Lydia. Dr. Cass has always been an extensive reader and careful student. In selecting reading matter, he has chosen those books which would give him the greatest amount of useful information, making a specialty of medical works. About 1870, his health failing, he employed a number of physicians, but they failed to relieve him. He then decided to begin the practice of medicine, with himself for a patient. He was successful in recovering his health, and since that time has continued to practice that profession and been generally successful. As a citizen he enjoys the confidence and respect of all good citizens.

Town of Marshall.

    Dr. Hugh Morrow, who was located on section 13, was the only physician in Marshall in 1884.

Town of Orion.

    In 1884 the representative of the profession in this town was Dr. Truax, who was located at the village of Orion.

Lone Rock.

    Dr. R L Telfair was the only physician located at Lone Rock, in 1884.

    R L Telfair was born at Cairo, Green Co., NY in 1832. His father, William Telfair, G was also a physician, and a native of Scotland; he was educated in the City of Edinburg, and came to the United States at the age of about twenty-five years, and was for forty years a practicing physician of Cairo, in the Catskill mountains of New York. He came to Richland county in 1855, and lived at Sextonville till his decease, in 1857. His wife still lives at Sextonville. Dr. R L Telfair began the study of medicine with his father, at the age of sixteen years. He graduated at the Albany Medical College, Dec 27, 1853. He married Theresa C Dexter, born at Cairo. They have two surviving children --- Bronson A, now a student of medicine, born at Cairo, NY, Jan 11, 1854, and Robert L, Jr., born August, 1877. They lost their second son, Frank A, who was a student of medicine and a fine physician. He was fatally poisoned in the dissecting room of Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill., and died in May, 1881, aged twenty-one years and ten months. He had nearly completed his medical course.

Richland Center's Physicians in 1884.

    In 1884 the medical profession was represented in Richland Center by Drs. Jacob and B F Brimer, G R Mitchell, H J Wall, F P Casey and M Lovering.

    Jacob Brimer, MD, located on section 21, Orion, in the spring of 1850, and as he has given his attention to the practice of medicine since that date, he is now the oldest resident physician in the county. He now resides on section 2, Orion, but has an office at Richland Center where he can be consulted each day. Dr. Brimer is a native of the State of New York, born in Rensselaer county on the 15th day of August, 1815. He was left motherless when but a small child, and he then resided with Elisha Bovee, with whom he removed to Cayuga county and ten years later to Eire county where he helped till the soil. A few years subsequently he removed with the family to Boone Co., Ind. He there prepared himself for the medical profession, and in 1850 came to Wisconsin. He was elected county treasurer in 1852, serving four years, and at various different intervals has held local offices. Dr. Brimer is plain and unassuming in his manners, has a large office practice, and is highly respected. His wife was formerly Elizabeth McMannis. They have reared seven children --- John N, Sarah Ann, William M, Benjamin F, Jacob B, Mary E and Harvey B.

    Dr. Benjamin F Brimer is a son of Dr. Jacob Brimer and he was born in Boone Co., Ind., Jan 20, 1849. He came with the family to this county, and at an early age commenced the study of medicine with his father as preceptor. He also attended medical lectures at the Bennett College of Chicago, and since 1872 has given his entire attention to his profession. He has principally an office practice and makes a specialty of treating chronic diseases. Dr. Brimer is also interested as partner in the drug business of Dr. J Brimer & Sons. In November, 1878, he married Anna M Humbart. She is a daughter of William Humbart. Dr. Brimer is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

    J N Brimer, druggist, of the firm of Dr. J Brimer & Sons, was born in Boone Co., Ind., Feb 23, 1841. He came with his parents to Richland county, helped till the soil and for about nine years worked in the Ash creek woolen mills. In 1873 he became a member of the above named firm, and since 1874 has had charge of the business. In October, 1863, he married Anna Miller, daughter of Campbell Miller. They have two daughters --- Edith and Maggie. Mr. Brimer is a member of the IOOF.

    G R Mitchell, MD, represents the homeopathy school of the medical profession and may well be called one of the leading physicians of the county. He located at Richland Center in 1873 and is meeting with marked success. He was born in Rock Co., Wis., March 19, 1848. His parents were C J and Charlotte Mitchell. The father now resides at Evansville, Wis. G R Mitchell received an academic education and in 1869 commenced the study of medicine with Dr. E W Beebe, of Evansville (now of Milwaukee), as preceptor. In 1871 he entered the Hahneman College, at Chicago, where he attended until the spring of 1872. He then attended the Homeopathic College of Detroit, Mich., graduating at that institution in June, 1872. He then had charge, as principal, of the schools at Albany, Green Co, Wis., from whence he came to Richland Center. Dec 25, 1872, Dr. Mitchell united in marriage with Laura E Dodge, daughter of Dr J Dodge, of Green county. They have two children --- Nellie and Fred. The doctor is a member of the M E Church, also of the Temple of Honor.

    H J Wall, MD, is a native of Ithaca, NY. He was born July 12, 1843. His father, John Wall, was a native of Bristol, England, and a merchant tailor. The subject of this sketch received an academic education and in 1858 commenced the study of medicine with his brother-in-law, Enos Canfield, and attended medical lectures at Geneva, NY. In 1862 he enlisted in the United States service, where he remained until June, 1865. He then returned to his native State and read law. In 1866 he went to Minnesota, and in 1868 commenced the practice of medicine with Dr. E M Moorhouse, of Owatonna, Minn. In 1870 he went to Fort Atkinson, Iowa, and in 1875 came to Wisconsin and has since been located at Richland Center. In the spring of 1880 Dr. Wall graduated at Rush Medical College of Chicago and is well qualified for the important profession which he is following. In 1869 he was married to Cora F Plato, of Rock county. They have two daughters --- Katie and Jennie. Dr. Wall is a member of the American Medical Association, chairman of the board of censors of the Southwestern Wisconsin Medical Association; a member of the GAR, and a Mason. In politics he is a democrat and served as a member of the democratic State central committee of Minnesota, and has acted in a like capacity in the State of Wisconsin.

    F P Casey, MD, located at Richland Center, in April, 1882. He is a graduate of the University of Buffalo, NY, and consequently entitled to the confidence granted him by the public. He was born in Sandusky City, Ohio, April 29, 1857, and early in life commenced the study of medicine. Dr. Casey is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Town of Richwood.

    In 1884 this town had four representatives of the medical profession: Drs. R M Miller, of Port Andrew; O Ross, J C Wright and J T Coates, of Excelsior.

    Dr. R M Miller visited the county in 1849, and with his brother, L N Miller, as partner, established in 1851 a general store at Port Andrew. But Dr. Miller did not bring his family until the spring of 1852. He then settled at said place and gave his attention to the practice of medicine, which in those days was very hard on a physician, as the country was but sparsely settled and there being no roads, the making of long trips was very tedious. In 1854 his property was destroyed by fire. In 1859 he started a drug store at Boscobel, and run the same one year. He then spent one year in Canada. Returning home he assisted Capt. Rowley to recruit a company of men for the United States service, and went with them to Racine, expecting to enlist himself, but one day while driving under a leaning tree on a side-hill, his wagon slipped and so crushed his body between the wagon and tree as to fracture every rib, and he was thus unable to leave the house for one year, and when he was again able to walk about, he found that he was two and a half inches less in height than when he was injured. He again resumed practice. But in 1872 he found himself well advanced in years and in poor health, and thus retired from practice. He never took much interest in politics, although he served as justice of the peace for over twenty years, and never had a case appealed from his docket. R M Miller was born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, in 1811. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and a contractor and builder by occupation. Mr. Miller assisted his father until nineteen years of age, then went to New Orleans. Three years later he went to Galena, Ill., where he continued the study of medicine, which he had commenced with Dr. John Watson in New Orleans, with A T Crow & John Stukle & Johnson, preceptors in Galena. He afterward opened a store at Shellsburg, where he was the first merchant of the place. He was also the first merchant at Mifflin, Iowa county. In 1837 he married Elizabeth Phlager. She was a daughter of George Phlager. She was born at Fort Snelling, Minn., in June, 1821, and was thus the first white child born in that State. They reared twelve children, seven of whom were living in 1883 --- Alva G, Augusta, Frank D O, Nathan B, George F and Minnie B. Dr. Miller has been a member of the IOOF, since 1840; he joining lodge No. 5, Galena, Ill., the second year of its organization. After coming to Wisconsin, he became a member of Eureka lodge, No. 73, Muscado.

    J C Wright, MD, a leading physician of Richland county, son of I J and Catherine Wright, was born in Richland county, March 19, 1859. He attended the common schools until thirteen years of age, then took a three years' course at Muscoda. He went with his parents to Tennessee, and while there took a scientific course at the Edwards Academy, at Greenville. Returning to Muscoda, he was engaged in the drug trade a short time, then roughed it in Dakota one season. He commenced the study of medicine with Dr. G F Gay as preceptor. He afterwards entered the Rush Medical College, where he graduated in 1882. He commenced practice at Excelsior soon after leaving college. He was employed by the board of health in 1883, and served as secretary of the Southwestern Wisconsin Medical Association. Dr. Wright is a well qualified physician and deservedly has a remunerative practice. Being a cautious and affable gentleman he has a good many warm friends. Although young in years, his growing practice indicates his professional ability, and a future of prosperity seems before him.

Town of Sylvan.

    Drs. Luke Dean and E S Stebin represented the medical profession in this town in 1884, the former being located near Sylvan Corners, and the latter on Mill creek.

Town of Willow.

    In 1884, the only medical practitioner located in this town was Dr. E P Kermott, of the village of Loyd.

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