The valley of the Pine river, in the western part of the town, is very fertile and contains many fine farms. The northern part of the town is hilly but well adapted to grazing. The greater part of the eastern portion of the town is included in Bear creek valley, which, with its tributary, the Little Bear creek valley, forms one of the finest farming regions in the State.
The principal streams that traverse the town are Pine river and Bear creek. The former rises in Vernon county. It enters the town of Buena Vista by way of section 7, town 9, range 2 east, and flowing nearly due south, makes confluence with the Wisconsin river on section 31. Pine river is the most important stream that flows through Richland county. In this town its average width is seventy feet. Bear creek rises in Sauk county. It enters the town of Buena Vista from Ithaca, by way of section 11, town 9, range 2 east, and flows nearly south to the center of section 35, thence southwesterly to enter the Wisconsin river on section 4, town 8. One of its tributaries, Little Bear creek, enters the town on section 24, from Sauk county, and flows west to join Bear creek on section 23.
The ridges in the northern part of the town were originally heavily timbered; the principal varieties were white and black oak. West of Pine river there was a heavy growth of timber consisting principally of elm, basswood, oak, black walnut, butternut and ash. The valley of Bear creek was also covered with timber of the varieties mentioned, but the growth was not as heavy as that west of Pine river.
Two lines of railway pass through this town, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad and the branch to Richland Center.
The first settlement within the limits now comprising the town of Buena Vista, was made in the fall of 1845 by Robert and William McCloud. They emigrated to Wisconsin from Hardin Co., Ohio, in 1844, and stopped with their families in the village of Muscoda. In the fall of 1845 Robert McCloud located a farm on the east bank of Bear creek, the northeast quarter of section 35, now owned by Rev. S B Loomis. He began improvements at once. At the same time his brother, William McCloud, located a farm about one half mile further south. In the spring of 1846 they removed their families to the new homes, from Muscoda.
In the fall of 1846 Israel Janney and his brother Phineas came to this town. Israel located on the west half of the northwest quarter of section 34 on land which is now owned by R L Moore, James Moore and Leonard Button. Phineas Janney located on the west half of the northeast quarter of section 28, town 9, range 2 east, land now owned by D B Young.
The following, from the pen of Israel Janney, graphically describes their settlement:
"In the fall of 1846 my brother Phineas and myself, with our families, left Logan Co., Ohio, for Wisconsin, and on the 27th day of September we crossed the Wisconsin river with our families in an Indian canoe, about one mile above the mouth of Bear creek, at a point since known as Hurst's ferry. Before crossing the river, we found it necessary to send our teams back by the way of Highland and Dodgeville to Helena. At this point there had been a shot tower erected, and the company operating this tower owned a flat boat for their own convenience, and they were engaged to ferry our teams across the river. We were landed on the north bank of the river near where Spring Green is now located, and traveled across the prairie to Bear creek. I mention these facts to show the inconvenience of traveling in the early settlement of the county."
In the spring of 1847 William Janney, a brother of Israel, located on section 34, where J W Briggs now lives. The next settler in the town of Buena Vista was Amos Mercer, who also came in the spring of 1847. He was from southern Illinois. He settled on the west half of the southeast quarter of section 28, town 9, range 2 east, on the farm now owned by A Harter. Mr. Mercer is a prosperous farmer of Sauk county.
In the summer and fall of 1848 there were a number of locations made in this town. Delos Matteson, J W Briggs, Samuel Long, Jonathan Ingrum, E B Beason, Jonah Seaman, (Mr. Seaman came with the McClouds in 1845, but returned to Illinois, and came back again in 1848.) I H Wallace (proprietor of Richland city), C W Morris, George Reed, Nathaniel Wheeler, who bought out Phineas Janney; J W Coffinberry, who settled on section 30, but soon after removed to Richland City. William and Cyrus Kline settled on the northwest quarter of section 23, and the north half of the northeast quarter of section 22, town 9, range 2 east, on what is now known as the Eaton farm. John P Smith settled this year on section 22, on the farm now owned by Charles Daley. Emanuel Wallace, a brother of John Wallace, of Lone Rock, also came in 1848 and settled on section 14, on the farm now owned by Susan Halsey. B J Hopkins located on sections 24 and 13, on land now owned by A Davis and Levi Runyan. Moses Brown and Sterling McKinney located this year on section 36, on land now owned by L V Loomis and Edmond Meade. Brown is in Chippewa county, this State; McKinney is dead. Other early settlers, George L Dyke, Stroud, Luther Evans, Holland Allen, Elias Thomas, George Woodard, Edmond Meade, on section 25, where he now lives, John Daley. A man named Perrine located on section 12, town 8, range 2 east, in 1851. He sold to the railroad company the plat of Lone Rock village. He had several grown sons, one of whom was Dr. Perrine. A singular fatality attended this family, five of who m died soon after coming here. The family removed to Minnesota.
The first marriage in this town was that of Edwin Erwin and Elizabeth McCloud, the latter a daughter of Robert McCloud. The ceremony was performed in 1850 by Rev. Nathaniel Wheeler. The couple now reside in Texas.
The first death in the town was that of Philip H Miller, which occurred Nov. 19, 1846. He was twenty-seven years of age, a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (McCloud) Miller. He died of fever induced by exposure in hunting. The remains were buried on what is now the farm of Hon. L G Thomas, but were afterward removed to the cemetery at Sextonville.
The second death in the town was that of Mrs. Sarah J (Miller) Janney, a sister of Philip Miller, which occurred March 21, 1847. She was the wife of Phineas Janney.
Another early death was that of Adelbert H Briggs, son of J W and Melissa Briggs, which took place March 7, 1849. The child was three and a half years old.
The first school in Buena Vista was taught by Mrs. Emily Matteson, wife of Delos Matteson, in the summer of 1850. The school was kept at the residence of Mr. Matteson.
The first school house in the town was a log building erected on the northeast quarter of section 32, in 1849. Margaret Ingram was the first teacher here.
The first sermon was preached by Elder Nathaniel Wheeler, in the fall of 1848, at his residence.
There are four postoffices in the town of Buena Vista. The first established was at Richland City and a history of it will be found elsewhere. The history of the Lone Rock postoffice is also given in its proper place.
The second postoffice in the town was established in 1854, with Moses Brown as postmaster and the office at his house on section 36. It was on the mail route from Sauk City to Prairie du Chien. This office was discontinued at about the time the postoffice at Lone Rock was established.
Dixon postoffice was established in June, 1880, with Mrs. Helen Eaton as postmistress. The office is located on section 22. It was named in honor of William Dixon.
Gotham postoffice is located at Richland City station. It was so named in honor of Capt. M W Gotham, who has been postmaster since the establishment of the office in July, 1882.
The town of Buena Vista is well supplied with schools, and educational facilities here are equal to any of the towns in Richland county. There are five districts and two joint districts. The total number of children of school age in the town is 340; of which the average attendance is 272.
District No. 1 includes Richland City. It has fifty-eight children of school age. The building is a frame one in good condition.
District No. 2 is usually called "Young's district," and has thirty-four pupils. The building is a frame structure located on the southeast quarter of section 29, which was built many years ago. In early days this was known as the "Friendship school house."
District No. 3 includes the village of Lone Rock.
District No. 5 has a building located on the northeast quarter of section 19, and has a school population of thirty-seven. The building is an old frame edifice, which was erected a number of years ago.
No. 6 is a joint district; including territory in the town of Orion. The school house is a neat frame building located on section 28. That part of the district in Buena Vista has a school population of twenty-eight.
District No. 8 has twenty-five pupils. The school house is a small red frame building located on section 23.
District No. 10 has a neat frame building located on section 35. The number of pupils in the district is thirty-four.
No. 1 joint embraces but little territory in Buena Vista, only four pupils belonging to this town. The school house is located in the town of Ithaca.
There are two public burial places now in use in the town of Buena Vista. One is located on the northwest quarter of section 34. This cemetery was laid out in the fall of 1853. The first burial was that of Lucius Tracy, who died April 6, 1854. There are others buried here who died in the town at an earlier date and were removed here from other burial places. Among the latter is Eliza, wife of John Seaman, who died Oct. 15, 1853. She was accidentally shot by William McCloud. The other public burial place is known as Lone Rock Cemetery, and is situated on the northwest quarter of section 12.
The first burial place in this town was on the farm of Robert McCloud, and the first burial was that of Philip H Miller. This was used as a public burial place for some years, but most of the bodies have been removed to the two cemeteries mentioned. Another early place for the burial of the dead was at Richland City; but burials at this place have also been discontinued. Another place of burial was on the farm of Abijah Davis on the northwest quarter of section 3. L G Thomas has also a family burial place on his farm.
The town of Buena Vista was so named at the suggestion of Mrs. J W Briggs. The name, Buena, had been suggested, it is said, by a returned Mexican soldier, who had probably become somewhat familiar with Spanish names during his army experience in Mexico. Mrs. Briggs suggested that the name would be incomplete simply as Buena, and thought that Vista should be added. Her suggestion was followed, hence the present name of the town.
The eastern part of the town of Buena Vista includes Bear Creek valley, which is one of the finest sections of country to be found in the State of Wisconsin. From the point where Bear creek enters the town to its place of exit into the Wisconsin river, includes a distance of about six miles. The average width of the valley is about one mile. In the early history of the town wheat and other cereals were grown in great abundance; but for a number of years this valley has been devoted extensively to grazing and dairying.
There are two cheese factories in this valley, within the limits of the town of Buena Vista, which do an extensive business. L G Thomas is the pioneer in the cheese making business in the State of Wisconsin. He began in 1865, and for many years did an extensive business.
In 1867 George Carswell and his brothers, John H and Nathaniel, began the manufacture of cheese, using that year the milk of about 100 cows. They ran a private dairy till 1873. The business was conducted for a number of years by George J Carswell & Son, J A Carswell being associated with his father in the business. That is still the style of the firm, Fred E Carswell being the junior member. The present factory was erected in 1882. This is one of the most complete factories to be found in the State. The size of the building is 24x45 feet; its full capacity of cheese is 1500 pounds per day. It is furnished with all the modern improvements, and its facilities for rapid and excellent work is not excelled. During the year 1883 this factory manufactured into cheese the milk from 400 cows. The following is a statement of its product for three consecutive years:
1881 --- Cheese, 100,000 pounds, value $10,500; butter, 3000 pounds, value $900; total, $11,400.
1882 --- Cheese, 120,000 pounds, value $12,800; butter, 4000 pounds, value $1200; total, $14,000.
1883 --- Cheese, 160,000 pounds, value $17,000; butter, 5000 pounds, value $1500; total, $18,500.
The Eaton cheese factory was erected, in 1871, by H L Eaton. During the first year the factory used the milk of about 200 cows. The establishment now has a capacity of manufacturing 700 pounds per day. An unlimited amount of cold spring water runs through the factory from a spring a few rods distant. In the spring of 1878 the factory was purchased by J M Thomas. During the years 1882 and 1883 the milk from about 500 cows was regularly consumed. At present the greatest number of cows furnished by any one patron is sixty. They are kept on the factory farm. There are nine patrons who furnish from twenty-five to forty cows each. These are Messrs. Brace, Fredrickson, Van Arnan, Burnham, Ellsworth, Winterburn, Greenback, Wade and Thomas. Five patrons furnish from fifteen to twenty-five cows each --- Runyan, Webley, Brainard, Dixon and Southard.
During the winter of 1848-49, the town of Buena Vista was organized by an act of the Legislature, and on the first Tuesday in April, 1849, the electors of the town met at the house of I H Wallace in Richland City, and organized by choosing J W Coffinberry moderator and C W Morris, clerk. The polls were opened and twenty votes were cast. The following officers were elected: Supervisors, J W Coffinberry, chairman, Israel Janney and Jonathan Ingram; clerk, C W Morris; assessor, Phineas Janney; treasurer, Samuel Long; justices of the Peace, N Wheeler, J W Coffinberry, O L Britton and J W Briggs; inspector of Schools, E B Beason. The returns were taken to Mineral Point, Iowa county.
The town officers of Buena Vista in 1883 were as follows: Supervisors, J Q Black, chairman, William Krelmer and J W Southard; clerk, R R Eldred; treasurer, William Furguson; assessor, C E Brace; justices of the Peace, J W Fuller, L D Goodrich and W E Lewis; constable, A S Lee.
The village of Richland City --- once of considerable importance --- is located on the southeast quarter of section 31, town 9, range 2 east. The original proprietors of the village plat were Isaac Wallace and Garwood Greene, who laid out the village in 1849. In 1851 A C Daley became an equal partner with Wallace and Greene in an addition that was made that year. This addition was laid out on the north side of the original plat, and was known as Wallace, Greene and Daley's addition to Richland City.
Wallace made the original claim as government land, and had erected a log house on the plat. Garwood Greene erected a house in the fall of 1849, which was purchased and occupied by Henry Clayman in the spring of 1850. Mr. Clayman used this as a dwelling house and a shoe shop, he being the first shoemaker in the village. Ezekiel McIntyre was the first merchant. D Osborne was the second. The latter coming here with a very small stock of goods. He was quite successful and built up an extensive trade. He is now in Tennessee. Mr. McIntyre kept the first store in the log house that Wallace had built, previous to the laying out of the village. He began in the fall of 1849. In 1852 he built the store building now occupied by D P Nichols as a store and postoffice.
Peter Haskins was the first blacksmith in the village.
The first physician was Dr. Hartshorn. Other physicians were C B Pierson and L H Nichols.
Samuel Tyler was the first wagon maker. He has long since died. Other early mechanics were Chester Goodwin, cabinet maker; John Hooper, blacksmith; Christian Spidel, now of Richland Center, was the first jeweler; Capt. Henry Dillon and John Wyker were the first tailors.
The school house in the village was erected in 1853.
In 1853 an academy was established at Richland City, Professor Silsby being the proprietor of the enterprise. The people assisted materially in the erection of a substantial building and were to receive their recompense in tuition. This school was in operation for about four years. The building has since been moved to Spring Green where it is now used for school purposes.
The postoffice at Richland City was the first in the town; it was established in 1854. Postmasters have been as follows: John Rutan, Dr. Pearson, Dr. Hadder, Mrs. Bangham, W F Lewis, Henry Eddy, T E Lewis and the present incumbent, D P Nichols.
The first hotel was kept in a log building, by Bangham & Co. This house was burned in 1855. Jacob Hauxhaurst built a hotel on the site of the log hotel burned. This building was erected in 1856, and was called the Valley House. It was afterward removed to Lone Rock where it is now known as the Haskell House. J W Coffinberry also erected a hotel here about 1855. This was afterward used as a boarding house for the academy. It is now used as a farm house near Spring Green. Another hotel was erected at about the same time by Joshua Simpson, which is also a dwelling house at Spring Green.
The first mill was a steam saw-mill erected in 1855 by Ephraim Brown. William Ketchum soon afterward bought one-half interest. They ran the mill for a number of years. It was afterward conducted by other parties but its use was discontinued in 1870. The pine timber which was used was rafted down the river from the pineries above, and an extensive business was done. This mill supplied the surrounding country, for a radius of many miles, with lath and lumber. The mill also was used to manufacture into lumber the oak and other timbers in the vicinity. A steam grist and flouring mill was erected in 1854 by Henry Rowell. This mill contained four run of stone and did an extensive business for a number of years. Rowell owned the mill for about a year, when it went into the hands of other parties. This mill proved to be of too great magnitude to be profitable in this location, and was finally removed to Milwaukee.
Richland City was for a number of years an important point. Until the completion of the Prairie du Chien branch of the C, M & St. P. Railroad, in 1856, steam-boats plied the Wisconsin river as far up as Portage, and Richland City was the most important landing on the route. But the completion of the railroad put an end to the traffic on the river, and from that time business in the village rapidly diminished.
Among the men who were engaged in business here, from 1849 to 1856, the following may be mentioned: G Greene, land dealer and merchant; William Ketchum, milling and merchandising; Daniel Osborne, general merchant; J C Clark, general merchant; George Rowell, merchandising and milling; William F Lewis, Horace Thompson, Thomas Lewis, William Carl and others. Some of the above, however, were engaged in business later than 1856. At present, the business of the village is represented by D P Nichols, merchant and postmaster, and H M Bock, wholesale liquor dealer.
The village of Lone Rock had its origin in the advent of the Prairie du Chien branch of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, and the decision of the railroad company to establish a station at this point. The railroad was completed to this place in October, 1856. The name of Lone Rock was given to the station because of the remarkable pile or mound of sandstone rock located just south of the eastern part of village, on section 13. It is not known positively by whom the name was first applied to this mound of Rock, but it was probably first so called by the early raftsmen on the Wisconsin river, who, impressed by the singularity of the lonely rock on the prairie, gave it the name to designate a point on the stream down which they floated, the rock being but a short distance from the left bank of the Wisconsin river.
In the fall of 1856 what is known as Lone Rock City was laid out by Ray, Dean, Burrell and Cook. This plat comprised the southeast quarter of section 12, town 8, range 2 east. At about the same time, what is known as Lone Rock village, consisting of eighty acres adjoining Lone Rock City on the north, was laid out by Dr. J N Cassell. Two other additions were made at about the same time --- one of forty acres by A C Daley, on the west of Lone Rock City; the other by Daniel B Allen, of forty acres joining Lone Rock village on the east. The latter is in Sauk county. At the time Lone Rock was laid out there was but one building upon the plat. This was a log house in what became Lone Rock village, occupied later by Mr. Calder, the first blacksmith. A number of buildings were erected in the fall of 1856.
J O Phelps, the first merchant of Lone Rock, erected a store building on the corner of Richland and Oak streets. This building, though remodeled, is now owned and occupied by J C Bancroft as a general store. Mr. Phelps is regarded as the first merchant of Lone Rock, although Joseph Wade kept a few groceries for sale before Mr. Phelps had completed his building. J O Phelps was a native of Seneca Falls, NY. Before locating here he had been to California, where he had acquired some means. He kept a good general store, was an active, wide-awake business man, and generally liked, although somewhat eccentric. He removed from here to Sauk county, and died at Spring Green a few years ago.
During the same fall, 1856, Lorenzo Boroughs kept a store for A C Daley, in Daley's addition.
Samuel F Honn was another merchant who started in 1856. He died at Boscobel a number of years ago.
Several new buildings were erected during that fall, and a number were moved from Hurst's Ferry.
Henry Paddleford opened the first hotel, in a building which he brought from the ferry. This was called the Union House. It was kept successively by Mr. Paddleford, J W Brooks and S F Honn. The building is now occupied as a dwelling house. Mr. Paddleford is now in Texas. In the early history of the village, hotels were also kept by Joseph Wade and Garrett Cruson; the latter kept what was known as the City Inn.
M. Waters built one of the early hotels here. He purchased a building erected by Flanders for a lumber office, to which he made an addition, and opened it to the public as the American House. He ran it for some time, and then sold it to Mr. Mullen and O Malley, who ran the hotel for several years.
The present hotels are the Haskell House, the Commercial House and the Sherman House. The Haskell House was brought here from Richland City, in 1865. It was known at that place as the Valley House. It was built at Richland City in the early history of that village, by a man named Hauxhaurst. It was purchased, taken to pieces, brought here and re-erected by Eaton and Craig, and called by them the Sheridan House. It was run by Platt & Putnam, for some time and then by H Brainard. It was also conducted at different times by Messrs. Page, Bell, Corbin, McDonald and Dyke. It was finally purchased by the Towsley Brothers, and by them run as the Towsley House. H W Haskell rented the hotel for a time, then purchased it and gave his name to the hotel, by which it is at present known. The present landlord of the Haskell House is A B Hill, late of the Commercial House.
The building used as the Commercial House was built at Point Boss. It was bought a few years since and removed to its present location. It was first used as a hotel by A B Hill, now of the Haskell House. It is still owned by A M Woodbury, who purchased and brought it to the village.
The Sherman House was built in the fall of 1856. The building is now owned and kept as a hotel by Mrs. Dudgeon.
The first school in the village was taught by Ellen M Wesley, in the upper part of the building erected by Dr. J N Cassell, for a drug store. The school began in the fall of 1856 and continued for five months. Miss Wesley is now the wife of J W Fuller, of Lone Rock.
Garrett Cruson was the first carpenter. A number of others came at about the same time. Mr. Cruson now lives at what was Hurst's Ferry.
The first physician in the village was Dr. J N Cassell, who came in 1856. He remained here a number of years, when he removed to Chicago, where he died. His remains were brought here for burial. The second physician was Dr. R L Telfair, who is still a resident. Other physicians who have practiced here in the past are: Dr. McKinnon, Dr. Dodge, Dr. Stoddard, Dr. Pinkerton, Dr. Charles E Houghman and others.
The first drug store was kept by Dr. J N Cassell. Dr. R L Telfair opened the second drug store in 1857, and has been in the business most of the time since.
In 1857 Dr. R L Telfair erected the first warehouse in the village. At about the same time Charles Putnam, from Boston, erected a warehouse and commenced dealing in grain. He was in trade for several years, and then removed to Chicago.
The first jeweler was H A Harrison. The present one is Lorenzo Borroughs.
But few of the business men of Lone Rock, who started with the growth of the town in 1856-7, are still in trade. The following are the names of men and firms who have been in business here, but now removed or retired: Phelps Bros., Platt Bros., S F Honn, Daniel Osborn, Saul Hirstine, William Shafer, J L R McCollum, John Litle, J M McDonald, W G James, David Dudgeon, who died here, and others.
The business of Lone Rock in 1883 was represented as follows:
Fuller & Foster, --- general merchants.
John Wallace, --- general merchant.
McWilliams & Martin, represented by J C Bancroft, --- general merchants.
Tyler & Southard, --- hardware dealers.
A Wolf, --- postmaster and druggist.
R L Telfair, --- physician and druggist.
A B Hill, --- proprietor Haskell House.
Mrs. D W Dudgeon. --- proprietress Sherman House.
Guy P Towsley, --- proprietor livery stable.
Fuller, Foster & Runyan, --- lumber dealers.
J F Beardsley, --- farm machinery.
D T Beebe, --- broom manufacturer.
John Frank, --- meat market.
E J Aldrich, --- blacksmith and machine shop.
J L Richison, --- blacksmith and machine shop.
James Gilson, --- saloon.
A M Woodbury, --- saloon.
L G Thomas, --- grain and produce dealer.
John Smith, --- proprietor of Lone Rock & Ironton stage line.
W W Garrison, --- dentist.
Laura Burnham, --- millinery.
D Hardenburgh, --- surveyor and civil engineer.
A W Towsley, --- agent C, M & St. P Ry.
J W Fuller, --- justice of peace.
L Burroughs, --- jeweler.
M Schlouch, --- harness and saddle dealer.
A S Lee, --- insurance agent.
J K Fries, --- billiard room and confectionery.
A Ray & Co., --- hardware.
The Lone Rock grist mill is located on Bear creek, on the northeast quarter of section 3. The mill site was originally owned by J W Briggs. In 1857 Henry Rowell purchased it and erected the mill in 1858. The mill is an important institution of the town and has done a large business for many years. It is a frame structure, three stories in height above the basement. It was run by Henry Rowell and his brother Daniel until 1863 when they sold to B and G Harter who conducted it until 1877 when it went into the hands of Mr. Miller, of Madison. The mill still does an extensive business and is noted for the excellence of its work.
The postoffice at Lone Rock was established in the fall of 1856, with Henry Paddleford as the first postmaster. He held the office about one year and was succeeded by Zebulon W Green, who held the office for several years, and was succeeded by R S Eldred; after Mr. Eldred came Dr. R L Telfair who held the office for several years. R S Eldred then again was postmaster and was succeeded by J C Bancroft early in 1869. In the fall of 1869 Abraham Wolf was appointed and has held the office since that time. The office was made a money order office in July, 1874. The first order, for $8.50, was drawn by C E Brace. The first two orders were paid to Harriet Jenkins; amount of first order drawn, $5.
The first school house in the village was erected in 1857. It was a frame building and is still standing, in use by the primary departments of the school. In 1864 a much larger building was put up at a cost of about $2500. It was two stories high, 34x52 feet in size. On April 1, 1865, when the house was about completed, it was struck by lightning and entirely consumed by fire. In the spring of 1866 another building, somewhat larger than the one burned, was ready for occupancy. This, with the first house erected, afford the school building accommodations at the present time.
The school was graded in 1866 when the new building was first occupied.
In 1875, in accordance with the law then recently passed for the establishment of schools of a higher grade, a high school was established. The first principal of the high school was H W Hewett, who remained one year. Mr. Hewett's successors were: I A Sabin, who was here one year; Mr. Hill, one year; Thomas Morrow, three years; W S Sweet, the present county superintendent; and A Wood, who succeeded Mr. Sweet in 1882. For a number of years the high school was a decided success and secured a high reputation for its excellence, but the expense of supporting so high a grade of school proved to be too great a burden on the people and it was abandoned in 1882.
The present principal of the graded school is L H Bancroft. The present number of pupils is 116.
There are four fraternal organizations at Lone Rock: The Masonic, IOOF, Good Templars and GAR.
Palestine Lodge, AF&AM was instituted by dispensation at Richland City, Jan. 18, 1859. The first regular meeting was held Feb. 2, 1859. The first officers were --- Ira Curtis, WM; D B Young, SW; W F Lewis, JW; A C Tracy, SD; O Stowell, JD; G L Sargent, tyler; Henry Dillon, secretary. A charter was granted the lodge June 14, 1859, and it was duly constituted under the charter July 28, following, by M L Young, special deputy grand master. At a special meeting held the same day, the following officers were duly installed: Ira Curtis, WM; D B Long, SW; W F Lewis, JW; G W P Hadder, secretary; S Spidle, treasurer; A C Tracy, SD; O Stowell, JD; D R Phillips, tyler. The following are the names of the worshipful masters who have presided over the lodge: Ira Curtis, W C Wright, H L Eaton, A C Tracy, H L Eaton, J M Thomas, J C Bancroft, J M Thomas, J C Bancroft, and J M Thomas. The present membership of the lodge is forty-three. Regular communications are held on Wednesday preceding the full moon in each month. Communications were held at Richland City until 1861, when the lodge was removed to Lone Rock.
Langworthy lodge, No. 102, Odd Fellows. This lodge was instituted in 1860, as Cascade lodge, No. 102, by Z W Green, J C Bancroft, Daniel Platt, R L Telfair and Henry Dillon. The lodge flourished for a time, but became so depleted during the war, from enlistments and other causes, that it was discontinued. It was resuscitated Jan. 17, 1868, by T W Fuller, J C Bancroft, Edward Cruson, James Finn, John Wallace, Timothy Maroney and C C Line. The above are the names that appear on the new charter, granted in 1868. Of the first organization, Z W Green was the first noble grand; and the first noble grand of the second organization was J W Fuller. The present officers are Edward Cruson, NG; Wm. Cramer, VG; L H Lee, RS; A Wolf, T. The present membership is about thirty-five.
The Henry Dillon Post, No. 24, GAR, was organized March 1, 1882, by Phil. Cheek, Jr., of Baraboo, Wis. Twenty-two comrades were mustered at its organization. The following officers were elected: N B Hood, commander; A Wolf, SVC; J M Bowers, JVC; W A Garrison, adjutant; J W Reyma, officer of the day; A J Harrison, surgeon; Wm. Knapp, chaplain; E J Burdick, officer of the guard; C H Pierce, quartermaster. The post is now in a flourishing condition, and numbers sixty-three members. It meets every Saturday night. The post was named in honor of Capt. Henry Dillon, late Capt. of 6th Wisconsin Battery.
Among the following personal sketches will be found those of the most prominent and representative citizens of the town of Buena Vista:
One of the earliest settlers of the town of Buena Vista is Samuel Long; his settlement dating from August, 1848. Mr. Long's residence is on section 29. He was born in Indiana Oct. 9, 1816, but was reared in Illinois, where his parents, Jacob and Katharine Long, removed when he was a child.
His father came here in 1853 and settled on section 20 where he lived till his decease in 1863; his mother died seven years later. The parents of Mr. Long had four children; one son, John, died in Illinois. There are two daughters, Elizabeth and Anna; the former is Mrs. Green McCaim, a widow who resides in Iowa. Anna is the wife of Alfred Kuykendall of this town. Samuel married Francis Ballew a native of Kentucky. They have four children --- Katharine, wife of William B Brown, Charles M, graduated at Rush Medical College in the class of 1878; he is now practicing medicine at Osakis, Douglass county, Minn. Albert is a student at the State University, and Alice lives at home. Mr. Long's farm contains 160 acres.
Leonard Button is one of the early settlers of this town, the date of settlement being July, 1849. He located on section 34, his present home. By energy and industry he has secured a good home.
D P Nichols was one of the early settlers of Richland City, and is the present merchant and postmaster of that once active and important village. He came here in 1850, a short time after the village was platted. He was born in Essex Co., NY, in 1827. His father, Amasa Nichols, removed with his family to Richland Co., Ohio, in 1835, where he resided till his decease. Mr. Nichols learned the trade of tanner and currier, which occupation he followed for five years. He afterwards engaged in the business of carpentry, which he followed for some time after he came to Richland county. He run the Richland City ferry for eight years, and afterwards engaged in the grocery business. He enlisted in 1862, in the 19th regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, in which he served eleven months, when he was discharged for disability. He re-enlisted in 1864 in the 4th Wisconsin Battery, light artillery, in which he served till the close of the war. After the war, he was variously engaged till 1880. In May of that year he engaged in mercantile business. He was appointed postmaster, Oct. 2, 1883. Mr. Nichols has been twice married. His first wife, Mary Clayman, was born in Ohio and died here in 1865. His present wife was Sarah Bills. He has three children by his first marriage --- Orilla, Bell and Nellie.
James D Keyes has been a resident of the town of Buena Vista since May, 1851. He has resided where he now lives, on section 16, since the spring of 1856. He has 330 acres of land, most of which was school land, which he obtained from the State. He was born in Bedford Co., Va., in 1825, but removed to Ohio with his parents, when ten years old, where his father died soon afterward. Mr. Keyes was married in Ohio to Maria B Miller, a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Miller. Her father died in Ohio, and her mother afterward married Jacob Krouskop, one of the well known early settlers of Richland county. Mrs. Krouskop is still living at an advanced age. Mrs. Keyes is a niece of the noted pioneers, Robert and William McCloud. She was born in Logan Co., Ohio, in 1822. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes have had seven children, four of whom are living --- William McCloud, Charles B, James M and Eliza A. Philip died in 1861, Jacob in 1854, and George D in 1868.
William Krouskop resides on section 20, town of Buena Vista. He is a son of Jacob Krouskop, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work. Mr. Krouskop was born in Logan Co., Ohio, in 1836, and came to this county with his father in 1851. His farm was entered by Philip Miller, whose death was the first that occurred in the town. It was purchased of Robert McCloud by the father of the present owner, Jacob Krouskop, in 1848, several years before the latter settled in the county. William Krouskop has owned the farm since 1857. It formerly contained 160 acres, but now has 310 acres. Mr. Krouskop now has an excellent place, and his improvements are among the best in the town. He is engaged quite extensively in feeding and shipping stock. He learned the trade of miller at his father's mill at Sextonville, and followed milling for a number of years. His wife was formerly Amanda Black, a native of Virginia. Mr. Krouskop possesses the necessary qualifications for a successful business man, has accumulated a competence, and has a good reputation among his fellow men.
John Wallace, merchant at Lone Rock, came to Richland county in the spring of 1849, and has been a permanent resident since 1851, when he helped erect a mill at Richland City, which was the first mill built at that point. In 1854 he settled on his land in the town of Ithica, which he had entered in 1849. He has lived at Lone Rock since May, 1861.
Alfred Kuykendall settled on section 20, in 1853, where he still lives. He is a native of Illinois. His wife was Anna Long, a sister of Samuel Long of this town. They have four children --- John, Mary C, Jacob and Elizabeth. John enlisted Aug. 9, 1864, in company I, 38th regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Captain H H Coleman, and served until the close of the war. He participated in several important engagements in the vicinity of Petersburg, Va. From the spring of 1865, until the close of the war, he was on detached duty and was honorably discharged in July, 1865. John Kuykendall owns a farm on section 13, where he now resides.
Henry J Morrison lives on section 17, town 9, range 2 east, where he settled in 1853, purchasing his farm of eighty acres of Israel Janney. He at once commenced improvements, breaking twenty-seven and one-half acres that season, and erecting a log house, in which he lived with his family during the summer of 1853; but he returned to Morrow Co., Ohio, in the fall of that year, where he taught school the following winter, returning in the fall of 1854. Mr. Morrison was born in Knox, now Morrow Co., Ohio, in 1824, where he was reared. He received a primary education at the common school, after which he attended the Martinsburg Academy, in Knox county, and was for a time a student of the Miami University, in Butler county. Much of his life has been spent in teaching, which he began in 1849, and taught one term in his native State, before coming west four terms in Illinois. He has taught eleven terms of school in the town of Buena Vista, and six terms in other parts of the county, four in Waukesha county, one in Ozaukee county. In 1850 Mr. Morrison came to Richland county and spent some weeks, but felt that he should not like the place for a home. He wished to go to Bloomington, Ill., but on arriving at Hanover, Jo Daviess Co., Ill., his team gave out so he could go no farther. He then rented a small farm near Hanover, and took the village school for the winter, farmed in the summer, taught a six months' term the next fall and winter. He again visited Richland county in the spring of 1852, and seeing the great improvements that had been made in the meantime, and getting pretty well over the "blues" from which he suffered very much in 1850, he thought this county would do for a new home; so he returned in 1853, and purchased as before stated. He has added an eighty, and again a forty, and the farm now consists of 200 acres. In 1874 Mr. Morrison rented his farm and removed to Waukesha, for the purpose of giving his children the advantages of the school of Carroll College, of that city, where he lived with his family three and one-half years, and where four of his children graduated. He was married in June, 1848, in Ohio, to Sally Ann Fox, who was born near Mansfield, in that State. They have seven children, all of whom are well educated and promise to be useful and respected members of society. They have all gone out into the world from the paternal roof. The names of the children are --- Walter L, Thomas G, Mary C, Robert T, Emma E, William H and Ella J, five of who are now teaching school.
Alfred Kuydendall resides on section 20, town 9, range 2 east, where he located April 20, 1853. He was born in Vigo Co., Ind., Dec. 20, 1823. He lived in his native county and in Clark Co., Ill., until thirty years old. He was engaged for a number of years boating on the Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He came to Richland county as before stated in 1853. He went first to the State of Iowa in search of a location, visiting what is now some of the finest parts of that State, but finally came here and bought his first land, eighty acres, of Jacob Long. Like most of the early settlers he was poor when he came here. He soon erected a frame dwelling, which he still occupies. His farm at present contains 120 acres, nearly all of which is improved. His wife was Anna Long, daughter of Jacob Long, who was born in Clark Co., Ill., Dec. 19, 1822. They have four children, two sons and two daughters --- John, Mary, wife of David Henry; Jacob and Elizabeth, wife of Milo Beckwith. Mr. Kuykendall's father died in Vigo Co., Ind., in 1834. His ancestors were from Holland. He removed to Indiana from Kentucky.
George J Carswell has been a resident of the town of Buena Vista since 1853. In March of that year he bought of E M Sexton 160 acres of land on section 26, town 9, range 2 east, where he settled with his family the following September. Mr. Carswell was born in the town of Exeter, Otsego Co., NY, Dec. 5, 1823. He was a resident of the State of New York until he came to Richland county. His father, Benjamin Carswell, was a native of Massachusetts and died when his son was four years of age. Mr. Carswell married Louisa Matteson, born in Otsego Co., NY. She is a sister of Delos Matteson, one of the well known pioneers of Richland county. He settled in the town of Buena Vista in 1848 and died in 1857. His widow now lives at Lone Rock. Few among the pioneers of Richland county have been more successful than Mr. Carswell. He began life poor, and by energy and industry has secured a competence. His farm contains 400 acres of excellent land, and his improvements are not excelled in the town of Buena Vista. Socially he is a genial, intelligent gentleman; he has an excellent memory and is well informed on the early and later history of Richland county. Mr. Carswell was elected town supervisor in the spring of 1855; he assessed the town at an early day; was chairman of the board for the years 1866-7 and again in 1879. For a number of years Mr. Carswell has given much attention to the subject of draining. For the past twenty years he has been engaged in raising the Devon breed of cattle. He has now a herd of 100 cows, sixty of which are thoroughbred Devons. Probably a finer herd of cows cannot be found in the State than is possessed by Mr. Carswell. Mr. and Mrs. Carswell have three children, all of who were born in this town --- John A, born Oct. 29, 1854, Fred E, born February, 1861, and George A, born March, 1867.
James A Bills resides on the northeast corner of section 30, where he settled in 1853. He came to Richland City the previous autumn, where he resided with his family the following winter. He purchased eighty acres of his farm from Jonah Seaman; eighty acres from A C Daley, and forty acres from C C Woodman. His farm now contains 210 acres. He was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1819. When a boy, he removed with his parents to Genesee Co., NY, and thence to the State of Pennsylvania. He was married in Erie county, of the latter State, to Permelia Emerson. After his marriage, he removed with his family to Kane Co., Ill., where he lived seven years, coming here from that county. Like many other settlers, Mr. Bills came into the county a poor man, but by industry and economy, has secured a pleasant home and a competency. Mr. and Mrs. Bills have had twelve children, four sons and eight daughters. One son and seven daughters are still living --- Alonzo, born in Illinois in 1846; Mary, wife of Wesley Southard; Emma, wife of Foster Teeples; Jane, wife of Philip Bixler; Clarissa, wife of William Gewald; Ellen, wife of E Davis, in Colorado; Etta and Hattie. They lost one son, William, in the army during the War of the Rebellion. He was born Feb. 28, 1848. He enlisted in company A, 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and was killed at Cold Harbor, Va. He was but sixteen years old at the time of his death, and although so young had already proved himself a brave soldier on the field of battle. He was killed by a confederate sharp-shooter, while conveying water to his comrades.
Abijah S Davis came to Buena Vista in the fall of 1853, where he purchased a quarter section of land of Mr. Coffinberry. He was born in Canada, Aug. 2, 1824, where he lived until he was sixteen years old, when he left his home and came to the then territory of Wisconsin, locating in Dane county, where he lived many years. He purchased and improved a farm in Sun Prairie, in that county, which he afterwards sold, and located in the town of Berry, in the same county. He went to California in the early days of the gold fever in that State, where he engaged in mining, and was quite successful. He came to Richland county soon after his return from the land of gold. Mr. Davis is one of the successful farmers in the town of Buena Vista. He was married to Thankful A Bresse, a native of Canada. They have had four children --- W H, A S, deceased; Walter J and Sallie A, also deceased. Walter J Davis, who now owns the homestead where his father settled in 1853, was born on the old homestead in 1854. His wife was Lizzie Winterburn. They have two children --- Benjamin U and Abijah N.
William McNurlen resides on section 18, where he settled in 1854, purchasing his farm of George Mathews, upon which he has since made all the improvements. He was born in Greene Co.., Penn., in 1814, where he lived until twenty years old, when he went to Richland Co.., Ohio, thence to this county in 1854, during the month of July. He was married in Ohio to Willomine Trumbo, born in Tuscarawas county. They have had twelve children, eight of whom are now living --- Rebecca J, Thomas J, Hannah J, William Allen, Wilson S, Lewis C, Chapman and Preston. They lost two sons, John and Andrew, in the army during the War of the Rebellion. The former was a member of the 19th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and died at Norfolk, Va., in 1862. The latter belonged to the 36th Wisconsin, and died of starvation in the confederate prison at Saulsburg, NC, in 1865. Thomas also served in the army during the Rebellion, in the 19th Wisconsin. Mr. McNurlen's farm now contains 200 acres.
John A Carswell is the son of George J Carswell, and was born at the homestead in this town Nov. 29, 1854. He resides on section 26. Forty acres of his farm was entered by E M Sexton and purchased by G J Carswell. He purchased eighty acres of his farm from N Carswell, and 100 acres from Harry Pier, having, altogether, 220 acres. Like a number of successful farmers of Bear river valley, Mr. Carswell is giving his attention to dairying, and like his father, possesses a fine herd of Devon cows. He is a practical dairyman, having learned thoroughly the business of cheese manufacture. He was educated at the high school at Lone Rock, which, for a number of years, was an institution of high merit. After leaving school he had charge of his father's farm for five years. He settled on his present place in 1878. He was married to Abigail, daughter of V Brainard. She was born in Virginia. Her father formerly resided on section 26 of this town, but has returned to Virginia.
Levi Runyan resides on section 13, town 9, range 2 east, where he settled in April, 1855. He was born in Otsego Co., NY, but was reared in Herkimer county, and brought up to the business of agriculture. He has made nearly all the improvements on his present farm. His father, John Runyan, was born in Otsego county, and came to Richland county with Levi in 1855. They purchased 160 acres and settled on the west eighty. The father died in Buena Vista, Dec. 24, 1874. His wife, the mother of the subject of this sketch, died in New York. There were six children of the family who came to Richland county, only three of whom are now residents. Mr. Runyan was married in New York to Maria Lane, who died in Herkimer county. They had one child --- Alice. His second wife was Susanna Shontz, a native of Pennsylvania, who died in Crawford county in 1863. They also had one child --- John S. Mr. Runyan's farm now contains eighty acres.
L G Thomas, one of the well known settlers of the town of Buena Vista, is a native of Jefferson Co., NY, where he was born in 1807, but was reared in Otsego county, that State. He was brought up to agricultural pursuits, but previous to coming west was engaged in the mercantile business for a period of seventeen years. He has been a resident of Buena Vista since 1856, coming here directly from the Empire State. He purchased the farm on section 35, where he now resides, of A C Daley. Mr. Thomas was the pioneer in the business of cheese making, which has now become an important industry in Richland county. He began the manufacture of cheese in 1865, with the milk of about 100 cows, including those of his own and neighboring farmers. He continued the business for about ten years, increasing the amount of milk manufactured into cheese to the product of 200 cows, manufacturing during the last of his continuance in the business, an average of 40,000 pounds a year. His factory was the first cheese manufactory erected in the State. Another industry in which Mr. Thomas has been largely engaged for many years, is the raising of broom corn and the manufacture of brooms, which he still continues. He is also engaged in grain buying at Lone Rock. Mrs. Thomas, formerly Dolly Catlin, is a native of Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have had four children, two of whom are living --- Henry C and L G Jr. The former resides in Sauk county. The latter, who resides with his father, was born in the town of Winfield, Herkimer Co., NY, in 1839. Including his farm in Sauk county, Mr. Thomas has about 390 acres of land.
William F Lewis has been a resident of Richland City since 1856. He was born in Rush Co., Ind., in 1824. His father, A T Lewis, removed to Vigo county in that State in 1828, where our subject enlisted June 12, 1847, in the 4th regiment, Indiana Volunteers, and served through the Mexican war; was discharged from the service in August, 1848. Mr. Lewis was married in 1850 to Miss E B Dufre and they came to Richland county, as before stated, in 1856. His wife died Aug. 31, 1881. He has two children --- Mary E and Frank E. His oldest son, John A, died in Brookings, Dakota, Sept. 9, 1881. Mr. Lewis has ever been highly esteemed as an upright citizen and a Christian gentleman. He has long been prominently identified with the M E Church of Richland City. After his removal to Richland county, he was elected a justice of the peace, and has served continuously for twenty-two years, and in 1884 was still in office.
Joseph H Rhodes resides on section 17, where he settled in 1856, purchasing his farm of Israel Janney. He was born in the State of Virginia, where he lived until nine years old, then moved with his parents to Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mr. Rhodes owns 120 acres of land, upon which he has made a large part of the improvements. He was married in Ohio, to Sarah Jane Casebolt. They have six children, --- Laura A, wife of J N Moore; Mary, wife of E B Taylor, of Topeka, Kan.; Isadora, wife of R J Miller, of Lincoln, Neb.; William G at Topeka, Kan.; Earl E and Bertha A. These children were all born in Buena Vista, except Isadora, who was born in Baraboo, where Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes were residing temporarily.
J C Bancroft, general merchant at Lone Rock, is a settler of 1857, coming here in January of that year. He was born in Chenango Co., NY, Oct. 5, 1829. When fifteen years old he removed with his parents to the town of Willet, Cortland county. When a young man he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which business he followed for a number of years. He erected a number of the early buildings of Lone Rock including the present residence of A H Tyler, also rebuilt the store of G W Platt which was afterwards occupied by Platt brothers, merchants, who were in business at this place a number of years. They were formerly from Scranton, Vt., and are now in Iowa. Mr. Bancroft has been twice married; his first wife was a native of Marathon, Cortland Co., NY, and died in the village of Marathon, Cortland Co., NY. His present wife was Delia A Reynolds, a daughter of F C Reynolds, who came to Wisconsin in 1846. They have one daughter, Grace Elvira, born in August, 1866. Mr. Bancroft has had considerable experience in the mercantile business, having engaged in that trade in 1862. For a number of years he was traveling salesman for Warren Hewett & Co., wholesale grocers of Milwaukee.
Jacob Bennett resides on section 33, town 9, range 2 east. He has been a resident of Buena Vista since March 13, 1857. He was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, Nov. 29, 1836, and came to the United States with his father, John Bennett, in July, 1851. The family settled in Washington Co., Penn. In 1854 Mr. Bennett went to Ohio, and came to Richland county in 1857, as stated. His farm contains 110 acres. His father came here from Pennsylvania in 1858, and died in 1868. His mother died in Scotland. Mr. Bennett married Mercy Ann Moore, a daughter of James Moore. She was born in Dane Co., Wis., in 1846. They have six children --- Albert Henry, John N, Hettie Ann, Jane E, Lillie May and George F.
R S Eldred has been a resident of this county since 1853. He is a native of Madison Co., NY, where he was born in 1819. He came to Richland county from Ohio, where he went with his parents when a boy. His first residence here was in what is now the town of Ithaca. In 1855 he removed to Richland City. He has lived in Lone Rock since the fall of 1859.
Andrew Harter resides on section 28. His farm contains 390 acres on sections 27 and 28. Amos Mercer made his first improvement on this place. A part of the farm was entered as early as 1846. Mr. Harter purchased the farm from Edwin H Randall in 1876. It is a fine place for stock, and to that branch of farming Mr. Harter has given considerable attention. He has a bountiful supply of pure water conducted in iron pipes a distance of 273 rods to his farm yard. The spring farm which the water is derived is about fifty feet above the place of issue. Mr. Harter is a native of Germany, was born in Baden in 1846. He came to the United States when but fourteen years old. He has been a resident of this county since 1863. His wife was a daughter of Leonard Button. She died in 1881. He has one daughter --- Emma, born in 1876.
John H Carswell has been a permanent resident of Buena Vista since the spring of 1864, but was in the county as early as Christmas, 1853. He is a native of Otsego Co., NY, where he was born in October, 1815. He was reared, in his native State, to agricultural pursuits. Mr. Carswell is one of the solid men of the town of Buena Vista. He was for four years president of the agricultural society of Richland county, and has done much toward promoting the interests of agriculture by his advocacy and support of advanced methods in farming. Mr. Carswell is a man of positive opinions, and is always found on the side which he believes to be right. Politically, he was an abolitionist, of the Gerrett Smith school, and knew well that advocate of universal freedom. He was also personally acquainted with John Brown, and was at the convention at Syracuse, in 1859, where, with Gerrett Smith and others, he contributed to a fund for the purchase of arms for John Brown and his sons to enable them to defend themselves against the border ruffians of Kansas. He has lived to see the extreme views he advocated on the slavery question, prevail. He is as strong a foe to temperance as he was to the institution of human slavery. His father died when he was twelve years of age, and he resided for many years with his mother and the younger children of the family; marrying quite late in life, Mary Lutin, a native of Germany. They have two children --- Nathaniel and Elizabeth. Mr. Carswell's farm contains 240 acres.
A L Holcomb resides on section 26. His farm is on sections 26 and 27. He settled here in 1867. He made his first purchase, a quarter section, of George Paine, of Madison. His farm includes altogether 240 acres, upon which he has a fine brick residence and other valuable improvements, which he has put thereon. Like most of the farmers of Bear creek valley, he is engaged in dairying, keeping from thirty to thirty-five cows. Mr. Holcomb was born in Litchfield, Herkimer Co., NY. He is of New England ancestry, his grandfather being a native of Litchfield, Conn. His father, Albern Holcomb, was born in Litchfield, NY. Mr. Holcomb came to Richland county directly from the Empire State. He is the only one of his father's family who has emigrated to Wisconsin. His wife was formerly Cordelia D Fish, born in the same town as her husband.
J W Haney resides on section 34. His farm, lying on sections 34 and 27, contains 227 acres. This farm includes the location of Delos Matteson, one of the pioneers of Richland county. Mr. Matteson settled upon eighty acres, but afterwards sold seventeen acres to Leonard Button. He came to Buena Vista in 1848, and resided here till his decease. Mr. Haney was born in Auglaize Co., Ohio, in 1846. He is the only member of his father's family living in Richland county. His father died in Ohio. He came to Buena Vista in 1867, and purchased his farm in 1876. Mrs. Haney is a daughter of Delos Matteson, and came to this county with her parents. She was born, in 1845, in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Haney are the parents of four children --- Nellie, Orville A, Bertha I and Nina A. There were no improvements upon the farm at the time of his purchase, except upon that part owned by Mr. Matteson. Mr. Haney is engaged in dairying, to which his farm is well adapted.
Jefferson J Reynolds resides on section 35, town 9, range 2 east, where he settled in the spring of 1867, purchasing his farm of George Green. He was born in Herkimer Co., NY, and came here with his parents. His mother is now dead, and his father is still living, with his son. Mr. Reynolds has been twice married. His first wife was a native of New York. His present wife, M Octavia Carr, was born in Palmyra, Jefferson Co., Wis. He had a daughter by his first wife --- Mary, wife of J Q Black, of this town, and a son by his second wife --- Orin C. His farm contains 160 acres, and he has upon it among the best improvements in the town of Buena Vista.
A W Towsley, station agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company at Lone Rock, has occupied the position since October, 1868. The road was completed to this place in the fall of 1856, when a small frame depot was built, to which, in 1866, quite an extensive addition was made, and all was burned in 1881, having caught fire from the sparks of an engine. The present depot building was commenced immediately and is one of the finest on the road. It is a frame structure, veneered with Watertown brick. But two agents have been in charge here since the completion of the road to this point; the first was William Craig, who remained until 1868, when he was succeeded by Mr. Towsley, who has been a resident of Wisconsin since 1835, when his father settled at what was then Southport, now Kenosha. Mr. Towsley's railroad experience commenced on this road in 1860. He began as brakeman, and in the fall of 1861 attained the position of conductor, in which capacity he acted until he assumed the duties of his present position in 1868.
Curtis E Brace resides on section 23, where he settled in 1868. His present farm is on sections 23 and 24. He purchased eighty acres of Harry Eaton and 120 of Horatio Giles, and forty of Mr. Bacon. His farm now contains 300 acres. Mr. Brace was born in Herkimer Co., NY, in 1831, where his youth was spent. He is the only son of his father's family who settled in this county. His father, Eleazer, is dead. Curtis Brace was married in the State of New York, to Maria Thomas, of the town of Columbia, Herkimer county. She died in July, 1870. His present wife was Mrs. Susan (Brace) Rork. He has one son by his first wife --- Henry, born in the State of New York. Mrs. Brace has one son by her former marriage --- Henry J. Mr. Brace has made many improvements on his farm since he purchased it. Like most farmers of Bear valley, he is engaged in dairying, and has a herd of the grade Holstein breed of cows.
Dr. R S Moore resides on section 34, town 9, range 2 east, where he settled in 1869. He purchased his farm of J C Foote. The land was entered by Israel Janney. He was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, in 1825. When twenty-two years old he directed his attention to the study of medicine, which he practiced for twenty-two years in his native State, his residence being in the town of Antram, Guernsey county. Since coming to Wisconsin, he has been engaged chiefly in agricultural pursuits, although he has practiced medicine to some extent. His farm contains 250 acres, and is very pleasantly located. His father died here, at the residence of his son, in 1882, at the age of eighty-seven years. He was a native of Maryland. Dr. Moore was married to Margaret McCartney. They have nine children --- Dickson R P, Galen, William H, Sarah I, George B McClellan, Robert Edson, Charles B, Frank and Mattie.
Abraham Wolf, proprietor of drug store, and postmaster at Lone Rock, was born at Wurtemberg, Germany, in June, 1844. When he was three years old, his father, Michael Wolf, emigrated to the United States with his family, and settled in the State of Michigan, where his wife died in 1850. He removed the same year with his family to Dane Co., Wis., and in 1857 came to Richland county. Abraham did not come to Richland county with his father, as at the age of eight years he was bound out to a man by the name of J G Walbridge, in whose family he was to reside till eighteen years of age. On Oct. 18, 1861, before he had attained that age, he enlisted in company G, 11th regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He continued in the army till March, 1863, when he was discharged for disability, occasioned by sickness. While in the service, he marched through southern Missouri and Arkansas, participated in the battle of Cotton Plant, July 7, 1862; was with the regiment at Helena, and at Oldtown Landing, on the Mississippi river, where so many of our troops sickened and died. Here he was taken sick, but returned with the regiment to Ironton, Mo., where he was sent to the hospital, and discharged March 24, 1863. He returned from the army to the town of Ithaca, where his father had settled in 1857. Recovering his health, he re-enlisted Aug. 24, 1864, in company I, 38th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, joined the army at City Point, Va., and was in the trenches in front of Petersburg during the following winter. On April 2, 1865, he took part with the regiment in the charge on Fort Mahone, where he was severely wounded, losing his left leg and the index finger of his right hand. He was discharged in the hospital at Washington, Sept. 6, 1865. After his return to his father's, in the fall of 1865, he attended school at Sextonville three terms. He then engaged in teaching school, taught five terms. In the fall of 1869 he was appointed postmaster at Lone Rock. In connection with the postoffice, he kept a book and stationery store. In 1877 he purchased the drug stock of Dr. R L Telfair. He was married April 21, 1872, to Helen A Aldrich, daughter of A A and Helen C Aldrich. They have five children --- Helen M, Lois C, Annie Rosa, Howard A and Ruby D.
Hugo M Bock, wholesale dealer in foreign and domestic liquors, established business at Richland City in the fall of 1869, where he has quite an extensive trade, amounting to upwards of $30,000 annually. Of the stock sold, about two thirds is shipped from his store in Richland City, and the balance including principally the cheaper grades of goods are shipped to his customers directly from the distillers. He keeps constantly on hand a large stock of the best class of liquors, and handles a large amount of California wines. He also manufactures a very fine wine from the common wild grape. So extensive is his trade in this particular line of goods, that the amount manufactured depends only upon the amount of supply of grapes. When the season is favorable, he obtains a sufficiency to make from 1500 to 3000 gallons annually. This wine, on account of its actual intrinsic worth and purity, is obtaining quite a reputation, and is unquestionably a very fine article, and compares favorably with the very best California productions. Mr. Bock is making improvements in his business facilities as the growth of his trade demands. He has a fine residence, erected in 1879 at a cost of $3500. He is a lover of fine horses and has some excellent specimens of the Hamiltonian breed, of which family he makes a specialty. He is a native of the city of New York. When a young man, he went to the city of New Orleans, where he was engaged as a bookkeeper. His experience in his present business began in the south. He had charge for a time of a distillery at New Orleans and also at Mobile. His father was a tobacconist in the city of New York, and in early life, Mr. Bock learned that business, but going south he finally drifted into the liquor trade. His wife is a native of Mobile, Ala. They have five children --- Edward, who is in Colorado; Joseph, at home; Hugo, a student at Prairie du Chien College; Sidney, at home, and one daughter, Mary, at home.
Wallace and Eli Ellsworth reside on section 10. The farm is owned by the former, and contains 295 acres. It was purchased by their father, Loring D Ellsworth, in the spring of 1867, and by him sold to Wallace. Loring D Ellsworth now resides at Spring Green, Sauk county. Wallace was born in Herkimer Co., NY, in 1852. He came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1874. He married Eva Perkins, a native of Herkimer county, who died Oct. 3, 1880. Eli E Ellsworth was born in Herkimer county, in 1857. He came to Wisconsin in the summer of 1874, and was for some time engaged as clerk, and afterwards as express messenger for the American Express Company, by whom he was employed until December, 1882. He married Alice Case, daughter of Mariner Case. She is a native of Connecticut.
George L Sargent, of Richland City, was born at Charlestown, NH, April 30, 1828. He removed when a child to Rochester, Sangamon Co., Ill., and came to what is now Lafayette Co., Wis., in 1840. He was one of the early engineers on the upper Mississippi; in fact he may be said to have followed that occupation on the upper Mississippi river and its navigable branches from 1845 to 1875. He put in the machinery of the steam flouring mill, which was erected in Richland City in 1854, for Henry Rowell. In 1876 Mr. Sargent went to Colorado and engaged in mining and erecting machinery. He returned in December, 1882. He is a thorough practical engineer of large experience. But few engineers are now living who navigated the upper Mississippi as he did nearly forty years ago. His wife was Sarah C Robinson, born in Morrow Co., Ohio. She was a daughter of Hiram Robinson and a step-daughter of Henry Clayman. Her mother, Hannah (Ward) Clayman, lives with Mr. Sargent. She has reached the mature age of eighty-three years. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent have one daughter --- Viola E, wife of William A McNurlen.
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