Chapter 28 - Town of Orion.

    The town of Orion lies in the southern tier of towns the second from the east line of the county, and is bounded on the north by Richland; on the east by Buena Vista; on the south by Iowa county, from which it is separated by the Wisconsin river, and on the west by Eagle. It embraces the territory of congressional township 9 north, range 1 east, except the eastern tier of sections; and also that portion of township 8 north, range 1 east, which lies north of the Wisconsin river. The surface of the town is rather broken and inclined to be hilly; yet there are many fine farms here and an abundance of natural timber. A large part of the town is upon the rich bottom lands of the Wisconsin river, and no finer scenery, nor more fertile, fruitful land can be found. The census of 1880 gave the town a population of 733. There are 102 farms here in a good state of cultivation.

Early Settlement.

    The first settlers within the limits now comprising the town of Orion were: John R Smith and his son-in-law, Thomas Mathews, the former a native of Kentucky, the later of Tennessee. They came from Grant county, in October, 1842, and claimed fraction No. 6, town 8, range 1 west, and fraction No. 5, town 8, range 1 east, entering the land two or three years later. After they had entered the land, they sold a half interest to Orrin E Barber, and laid out the village plat of the present village of Orion. The plat then laid upon fraction No. 5, town 8, range 1 east, and contained fourteen blocks of eight lots each. This was the initial step of founding the village. Its history is treated at length in the proper place.

    R J Darnall, a native of Kentucky, came in 1843, and located in Orion, entering land on section 19. He engaged in mercantile trade and also improved his farm. In 1856 he removed to the town of Forest, and for some years kept a hotel. He now lives in Illinois.

    William Thompson, a native of Kentucky, came here from Missouri, in 1846, and made a claim on sections 14 and 15. He did not prove up on this place, but entered land on section 2, where he erected a saw-mill. In 1858 he sold out and removed to Kansas. He now lives at Blue Rapids, Marshall Co., Kan., where he is engaged at farming.

    William Mathews, a native of Illinois, came at about the same time as did Mr. Thompson. He entered land on section 32, where he lived for several years. He now lives in Missouri.

    Green Mayfield, a native of Tennessee, came here from Iowa county in 1847, and made a claim on section 4, entering the land a few years later. He settled there in March, 1848, and still occupies the place.

    David Mayfield, also a native of Tennessee, came from Grant county in June, 1847, and entered land on sections 3 and 10. He improved the farm and made this his home until 1883, when he sold out; he now lives at Richland Center.

    Carlos Joslyn, a native of Vermont, came here from Mineral Point in 1847 and settled on the southeast quarter of section 9. In 1848 he sold this place and removed to the southwest quarter of section 10, remaining a resident of the town until 1853. He now lives with his son-in-law, L Renick, in the town of Henrietta.

    W H Joslyn, a son of Carlos Joslyn, came here in 1848, and was a resident of the town until 1852. He now lives in Richland Center. He has held many positions of public trust and responsibility, and is a prominent man in county affairs.

    In July, 1848, a party of Germans, consisting of Henry Sigrist and Henry and Frederick Scherman, came prospecting for land. After selecting land they returned and brought their families in August, of the same year. Henry Sigrist entered the south half of the southwest quarter of section 3. Henry Scherman selected land on sections 2 and 3, where he cleared a farm and lived until the time of his death. Frederick Scherman purchased land of Carlos Joslyn, on section 9, where he remained until the time of his death.

    Walter Gage, a native of the State of New York, came here in 1849 and entered fraction No. 2, on section 34. He started a ferry there which, in 1850, he traded to James Law. Mr. Law erected a large frame house upon the land, which at that time was the largest house in the county. The place took the name of "Law's Ferry," and for years this was a landmark to all settlers in this region.

    Levi Houts, a native of Indiana, came here in 1849 from Muscoda, and entered land on sections 3 and 10, town 9, range 1 west. He now lives on section 31, town 9, range 1 east.

    John Mainwaring, a native of Wales, in company with his two sons, Daniel and John, came here from England, in 1849. Daniel died in April, 1850. The son, John, bought a claim from John Mathews on the southeast quarter of section 33, and entered the land. He lived there two years, then returned to England. In 1865 he came back and bought land on section 27, where he now lives. The father settled on John's land, on section 33, where he lived until 1865 when he went to live with his son, where he died in 1876.

    Charles N Kneefe, a native of Germany, came here in 1849 and settled on sections 14 and 15, having entered the land previous to this time. He lived there for several years and is now a resident of Dane county.

    Alanson Hurd, a native of the State of New York, came at about the same time and settled on the northwest quarter of section 3. He lived there a short time and then removed to the southeast quarter of section 10. He now lives in Vernon county.

    Reason Barnes, a carpenter, by trade, came here in 1849, but in a short time removed to Boaz.

    Dr. Jacob Brimer, a native of the State of New York, came here in 1851 and located on section 21. His home is now on section 2.

    John Henry Demmer, a native of Germany, came here from Milwaukee in 1853 and purchased a claim of Alanson Hurd on section 3. He entered the land from the government and still makes it his home.

    Peter Bobb, a native of Maryland, came here from Pennsylvania in 1854 and purchased land on section 32, where he still lives.

    Hezekiah Jones, a native of Kentucky, came here from Indiana, in 1854. He selected land on section 10, where he still resides.

    In the spring of 1854 Abram Miller, a native of Kentucky, came from Indiana and bought land of the Joslyns, on section 10. He still occupies the place.

    Henry Wilson, a native of Butler Co., Ohio, came from Indiana in the spring of 1854 and bought land on section 9, where he still resides.

    Frederick Schmidt came from Germany in 1854 and bought land on section 16, where he lived until the time of his death.

    Simon S Blake, a native of Pennsylvania, came at about the same time and entered 120 acres of land on sections 17 and 18. He erected a log house on the latter section, improved a farm and still lives here.

    James Lewis, a native of Ohio, came in 1854 and located on section 7, where he still resides.

    John Bobb, a native of Pennsylvania, came here in the spring of 1855 and bought land on section 32, where he cleared a farm and erected a neat house and barn. When the war broke out, he enlisted, and died in the service. The only child he left, a son, now lives in Nebraska.

    John Hamilton, a native of Pennsylvania, came from there in the spring of 1855 and located in the village of Orion, where he still lives.

    After this time the settlement became more rapid, and the vacant land in the town was soon taken by an enterprising class of pioneers who have all done their share toward developing the natural resources of the town. Many of these are noticed elsewhere, so it will be unnecessary to make further reference to them in this connection.

First Things.

    The first birth in the town of Orion, as well as the first in the eastern portion of the county, was that of Mary Mathews. She was born Nov. 13, 1843, and was a daughter of Thomas and Catharine Mathews. She married Sanford Miller, and remained in Orion for a number of years, then removed to the town of Forest, where she died in 1870. She left three children, two of whom are now living at Reedsburg.

    The first child of German parentage born in the town, was Henry, a son of Henry and Caroline Sigrist, born April 24, 1849. He is now married, and is still a resident of the town.

    The first marriage in the town was that of Joseph Parrish to Catharine McClellan, the ceremony being performed by J R Smith, a justice of the peace. They were a runaway couple from Muscoda. They lived in Orion for a time, then moved to Muscoda. The husband finally died in the town of Eagle, where he had been keeping a saloon.

    One of the first deaths in the town was that of John Nipple, who died in about 1850. The remains were buried in the cemetery at Orion.


    The first school in district No. 1 was taught by Mrs. David Mayfield, at her house, in 1851. Mrs. Alanson Hurd taught the next term of school. In 1853 a log house was erected on section 10. This school house was in use for several years, and was then replaced by a neat frame building.

    The school house in district No. 4, which is located on section 8, was erected in 1858. David Wacker was one of the first teachers in this building.

    The first school in district No. 5 was taught in 1858 by Simon S Blake, in a frame building erected during the same year on the eastern part of section 19. During the war the organization of the district was abandoned and the territory was attached to other districts. In 1865 the district was re-organized and a hewn log school house was erected, in which Sarah Gaston was the first teacher. In the winter of 1881-2 a new building was erected in which Julia Thompson taught the first school.

    The first school in district No. 7 was taught by Lucita Law during the war. The district had purchased a building that had been erected for school purposes on section 34, but there were then but few settlers in the neighborhood, and they could not support a school, so the building was sold to district No. 7 to raise money to pay the teacher. The building was moved to the southwest quarter of section 32, where it was used for school purposes until 1880, when a neat frame building was erected a quarter of a mile east of the old site. Ada Bobb was the first teacher in the present house. Minnie Lawrence is the present teacher.


    The first religious services in the northern part of the town were held in the old log school house on section 10, by Rev. Mr. Pryor, but no organization was effected at that time.

    Rev. Josiah Burlingame preached in the same building and held protracted meetings in an early day. He organized a Methodist Episcopal class, among the first members of which were: Green Mayfield and wife; Alanson Hurd and wife; Charles Frye and wife and David Mayfield and wife. Charles Frye was chosen class leader. For a time the class met for worship in a building on section 4, which belonged to Green Mayfield, and later in the school house on section 8. Revs. Hall, Cook and Chase were among the pastors who served the class. During the war some of the members went into the service, while others moved away and, for a time, meetings were discontinued. Some years later Rev. Brakeman re-organized the class at a meeting held at the school house on section 8. The following were among the members who joined at that time: Simon S Blake and wife, Charles Bobb, Charles Frye and wife, Randolph Sandlin and wife, Andrew Crawford and wife and Andrew Shane and wife. Charles Bobb was chosen class leader. The class met for worship in the school house until 1871, when they erected a hewn log church edifice on the southeast quarter of section 7. Among the pastors who have filled the pulpit for the class are: Revs. Jackson, Smith, Crouch, Waldron, McGinley, Sackett, Burnett, Clifton and Med. The last named is the present pastor.

    At an early day a Sabbath school of this denomination was organized at the school house on section 8, of which Charles Frye was the first superintendent. J W Shane is the present superintendent.

    The first meetings of members of the German Evangelical Church were held at the house of Henry Sigrist, in about 1852. Rev. Riegel, from Sauk county, was the preacher. Rev. Schnake organized a class in the log school house, soon after it was built. Among the first members of the class were: Henry Sigrist and wife, Henry Scherman and wife, Charles Kneefe and wife, Fred Scherman and wife and William Scherman and wife. Henry Scherman was the first class leader. Meetings were afterward held in a vacant log house on section 3, which was purchased. In 1869 the frame building which they now occupy was erected on the old site. Rev. Nesh is the present pastor.

    A Sabbath school was organized at an early day, of which Henry Scherman was the first superintendent and held the position for many years. Henry Flemme is the present superintendent. The school meets every Sunday, and has a large attendance.

    There is also a cemetery under the management of this society, which is located near the church.

    The German Lutheran Church was organized in 1857, at the Ash creek log school house, by Rev. Rolock. Among the first members were: Philip Daniel Berger and wife, Henry Demmer and wife, and Frederick Smith and wife. Several others joined soon after the organization was effected, and services were held in the school house for a number of years. A substantial log church, however, has been erected, in which services are now held.


    In 1848 William Thompson erected a saw-mill on section 2. The power was derived from Ash creek, and the mill was equipped with an old fashioned "up and down saw." Machinery for grinding corn was soon added. It was a small affair, but was a great convenience to the settlers in those days. Caleb Merris, a resident of the town of Ithaca, once came to the mill to have some corn ground, and, on his return, he told the neighbors that it was the "smartest" mill he had ever seen. He said that "as soon as it got through with one kernel, it would go right to work on another." Mr. Thompson sold out in 1858 to Jacob Krouskop, who erected a carding mill, and in 1864 Jacob Brimer purchased the property.

Official Matters.

    The town of Orion was first called Richmond, the name being suggested by Thomas Mathews. In 1856 the name was changed to Orion.

    The first election in the town of Richmond was held at the house of Mathew Alexander in the fall of 1848.

    The town of Richmond was organized at a town meeting held at the house of Thomas Mathews in April, 1849, at which time the first officers of the town were elected. John R Smith, Myron Whitcomb and R J Darnall were chosen inspectors of the election. The following officers were elected: Supervisors, John R Smith, chairman, Adam Byrd and William Kincannon; clerk, John Nipple; collector, Stephen Finnell; assessor, Walter B Gage; superintendent of schools, Marvin White; justices of the peace, William Thompson, E H Dyer, B B Sutton and Mathew Alexander; constables, Nathaniel Green, William White and Daniel H Byrd; overseers of the highway, L B Palmer and William White.

    At the annual town meeting held at the school house in district No. 1, on the 3d of April, 1883, W M Brimer, Abram Miller and Christopher Ford were chosen inspectors, and Levi Houts and William H Dooley clerks of the election. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Supervisors, W M Brimer, chairman, Herman Bremmer and Henry Emshoff; clerk, Levi Houts; treasurer, W H Dooley; assessor, John Emshoff; justices, W H Palmer and John Flamme; constables, Chris Berger, Lewis Miller and Thomas Owens; sealer, W H Palmer. At this meeting it was voted that a town house be erected, but no money was appropriated for the purpose.

Village of Orion.

    The first settlers on the plat of the village were John R Smith and his son-in-law, Thomas Mathews; the former a native of Kentucky, the latter, of Tennessee. They came from Grant county in October, 1842, and claimed fraction No. 6, town 8, range 1 west; and fraction No. 5, town 8, range 1 east, entering the land a few years later. After they had entered the land they sold a half interest to Orrin E Barber, and they laid out the plat of the village of Richmond, now Orion. It was then located on fraction No. 5, town 8, range 1 east, and contained fourteen blocks of eight lots each. About one year later Mr. Barber sold his interest to Smith & Mathews, and shortly afterwards Thomas Mathews purchased his partner's interest and became sole proprietor. In the fall of 1842, Smith & Mathews started a ferry. The first boat was a platform on two canoes, and for some time the only business the ferry had was the transportation of hunters. When it was necessary to convey a team across the river, the horses were made to swim and the wagon was loaded on the boat.

    In 1843 they built a flat boat, and a number of years later, when travel increased, a more expensive boat was built by Mr. Mathews, which was run by horse power. He continued to operate the ferry until the bridge was built, in 1870.

    The first man to sell goods on the site of the village was Ephraim Dyer, who kept a small stock of groceries, notions and whisky; the latter being a staple article in those days. Mr. Dyer had in 1849 erected a one story frame building for the purpose --- the first store building in the village. He remained in trade about one year, when he sold his building and moved a small portion of his goods to Highland, Iowa county.

    Molbry Ripley and Dr. D L Downs purchased the Dyer building. They made an addition to it and put in a large stock of general merchandise, including groceries, dry-goods, hardware, crockery, glassware, drugs, and, in fact, everything in general use in this region at that time. They continued in business for a number of years. Dr. Downs now resides in Richland Center, and is probate judge of Richland county. Mr. Ripley after leaving Orion engaged in trade at Boaz and died there.

    The first building erected on the village plat was put up by Smith & Mathews in October, 1842. It was a log building about 16x18 feet in size and stood on fraction No. 6. Main street is now located over the site.

    The first frame dwelling house in the village was erected by Thomas J Dayton in 1847-8. He opened the first hotel in the village and kept it for a number of years. The building is still standing, having been greatly improved by additions, and has been run as a hotel the most of the time since its erection. Jefferson Miller is the present proprietor.

    The first blacksmith was John Nipple, who opened a shop in 1844. Thomas Mathews furnished him with a shop and the necessary tools. A few years later Nipple died and was succeeded by Thomas Palmer, who continued in business about two years, then sold out. Since that time there have been various parties here in this line, but at present the village is without a blacksmith.

    About 1854 William Roush started a tin shop. He remained in business until the war broke out, when he enlisted, and later settled in Iowa.

    The first school in the village was taught by Mary Melanthon (now Mrs. Joseph Elliott) in a log building erected for the purpose. The second school was taught by Levi Houts in the same building.

    The first religious services in the village were held at the house of Thomas Mathews, as early as 1845. The first preacher was Moses Darnell, a Baptist clergyman from Grant county. He preached here but a few times and was followed by a Methodist preacher from Pedlar's Creek. The first organization was effected by the Methodists.

    The inhabitants of Orion were at first supplied with mail from Muscoda until 1851, a messenger being employed to carry the mail and leave the same at Downs' & Ripley's store. In 1851 the postoffice was established with M Ripley as postmaster. The following have served as postmaster since that time: Messrs. Roush, Byrd, Sims, Miller, Clinginsmith and Dawson. The latter is the present postmaster.

    The village was first named Richmond, but when application for the establishment of a postoffice was made it was found that there was another postoffice of that name in the State, and the name of Orion, which was suggested by Judge A B Slaughter, was adopted.


    While the following personal sketches are not made up entirely of pioneers of this county, you will find among them some of the oldest settlers in the county.

    Capt. John Smith was born in Kentucky, about 1790, and there grew to man's estate. While yet a young man he moved to Illinois. He there enlisted in the Black Hawk War and served as captain. He was married to Elizabeth Holliday, who was also a native of Kentucky. He worked at his trade, which was that of millwright, in Illinois until 1838, when he moved to Wisconsin and located in Iowa county, and there engaged in the lead mines, remaining there until 1841, then removed to Grant county, and settled in Muscoda, where he worked at his trade. He was employed on the first mill ever erected in Richland county, on Mill creek, to which county he came in 1842, remaining here till the time of his death, which occurred in 1851. He left a wife and two children --- Catharine, the wife of Thomas Mathews, and Benjamin M, who now lives in the town of Forest. Mrs. Smith afterwards married K J Darnall, and died in the town of Forest.

    Thomas Mathews, son-in-law of J R Smith, and with him the pioneer settler of Orion, was born in Tennessee May 7, 1814. When he was three years of age, his parents moved to Illinois and settled in Montgomery county, where they remained but a short time, then removed to Morgan county, and thence to McDonough county. Thus, as will be seen, his younger days were spent in a new country, where the opportunities for acquiring an education were very limited, yet such as there were he improved, and, being naturally studious, improved his evenings, which he spent at home, and in that way acquired sufficient knowledge for practical purposes. He lived with his parents until 1836, then came to Wisconsin and worked in the lead mines in that part of Iowa now known as La Fayette county. He remained there two years, then to Platteville, Grant county, and engaged in mining one year, and from there to the Pickatonica diggings, Iowa county. In the year 1840 he was married to Catharine Smith, and moved to Muscoda. In company with J R Smith he took a contract to build a dam across Mill creek for Parish Mill. They continued to live at Muscoda till 1842, moving from there to Richland county, settling on the site of the present village of Orion, and built the first log cabin in the town. Their cabin, though an humble one, was where strangers ever found the 'latch string out,' and many procured food and shelter there. Mr. Mathews has been engaged in various enterprises. Among others he has kept a hotel for several years. He was the first white man to go up Pine river in a canoe as far as the natural bridge. He also, in company with J R Smith, cut the first road from the Wisconsin river to that place.

    William Dooley was one of the first explorers of the Pine river valley. This was in the spring of 1845 and he was engaged at Galena by one Coles, to come to Richland county and assist in building a mill. At this time he was but eighteen years old, and was thus starting out in life, full of vim and energy and bent on securing if possible a fortune, or at least a competence. He was promised $18 per month for his services, and faithfully performed his part for one year, when to his dismay he found himself cheated out of every dollar so honestly earned. This was discouraging for a beginning, but with characteristic pluck he commenced work in the woods getting out lumber and rafting down the river. By this sort of perseverance and with commendable economy under adverse circumstances, he succeeded in accumulating enough money, so that in 1848 he was able financially to enter some land, and at once sought a location, making selection on section 32, town 9, range 1 east, now known as town of Orion. He continued at work in the lumber regions until 1852. When Mr. Dooley first landed in this section of country, it was indeed a wilderness, inhabited by Indians and wild beasts of the forest. A man's life was not always considered safe, particularly when offense had been given the "noble red man." On one occasion the Indians concluded to go to Muscoda, and stealing a "dugout" at Orion, crossed the river. The whites followed to the town and got into a quarrel with them which resulted in the killing of two Indians and wounding three others. The shooting was done by the McLoud boys from Richland Center. Mr. Dooley received information immediately concerning this unfortunate occurrence, and well knowing the nature of the Indian, was troubled as to the best course to pursue. Every settler except Dooley and Petty left their homes and went to Muscoda, remaining four or five days. These two parties, not knowing what moment a return might be made, or what time the Indians might proceed to wreak vengeance by destroying life and burning property, bringing desolation and disaster to the settlement, were not in a desirable situation, yet they "held the fort," and came out all right. In 1849 the Swinehart's, Hazeltine's, Hesler's, Hawkins and Waters brothers came, which made quite an addition to the settlement, making life more safe and pleasant. Mr. Dooley was married June 9, 1852, to Sarah, daughter of James and Lucinda (Calhoun) Laws, and settling on his land, devoted his time to clearing and farming. The same season he purchased more land adjoining, located on section 5, town 8, range 1 east, which had been previously entered by John Nipple. He now has a large, well improved farm, a commodious frame house, a large frame barn, and is in the full enjoyment of a nice home, honestly and fairly gained. He was born in Madison Co., Ky.., May 9, 1827. When he was six years old his parents removed to Missouri, where he remained until his eighteenth year, when he went to Galena and spent two months in mining, then came to this county as before stated. Mr. Dooley is a man much respected by the community, and his reputation for honesty and integrity is second to none. Mr. and Mrs. Dooley are the parents of eight children --- William Henry, Lucinda, Mary Ella, Adella A, Eldred S, Ida A, Lu Etta and Gilbert E. Mary Ella is now the wife of Patrick Fay, a teacher in the schools at Richland Center. All the other children are still living at home.

    David Mayfield and wife, on the 20th day of June, 1845, located on the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 3, town 9 north, range 1 east. They had just removed from Platteville. The only neighbors they had on Ash creek at this time were William Thompson and family, but they had chosen this as their future home, and concluded to make the best of it. It being late in the season when they arrived in the county, they could not raise any crop but potatoes, but this was a very important crop to the pioneers, as it furnished them a goodly portion of their winter supply of food. In the fall of 1845 Green Mayfield and family, a brother of David Mayfield, arrived from Platteville and settled where he now resides but there was no further increase in the settlement until 1847 when the Joslin family arrived. Mr. Mayfield continued farming until 1883, when as he found himself advancing into old age he sold his farm of 164 acres for $2500, removed to Richland Center and retired from active life. David Mayfield was born near Nashville, Tenn., in August 1807. In 1811 the family removed to Indiana and one year later to Illinois where the mother died in 1818. The subject of this sketch then came to Wisconsin, and followed mining until 1834 then engaged in farming at Platteville. In 1837 he married Martha Arterbury, she died in 1841. He subsequently married Almira Woods and by this union five children have been born, two now living --- Rosa, now the wife of August Larson and Delia Mayfield, now in Nevada.

    Green Mayfield a representative man and early settler of Richland county began his pioneer life in infancy, his parents having emigrated to Illinois while he was quite young and when that was a new country. Here they remained but five years when they again took a journey westward locating in that part of the territory of Michigan since embraced in the State of Wisconsin and in Grant county, where he grew to manhood. In 1832 when he was fourteen years old he enlisted in the service of the United States and served through the Black Hawk War, returned to his home at the close of that conflict and engaged in mining. He was joined in marriage with Maria Keister Aug. 9, 1841. She was born in Posey Co., Ind., Nov. 9, 1823. They settled near Pedlar's creek and engaged in mining a few months, then moved to Bee town at which point he followed the same business, his wife assisting. Mining here not proving a remunerative enterprise they soon moved and settled on a claim he had previously made near Platteville. Here they were unfortunate in that both were attacked with fever and ague, and it took all their earnings to pay the doctor's bills, and he at last sold out to close up. In July, 1846, he came to Richland county in company with his brother David, being pleased with this section of the country he concluded to make a settlement and returned for his wife. The great trouble with him was a lack of money, and he hardly knew which way to turn to make necessary arrangements, finally he went to a merchant with whom he was acquainted in Platteville told him he was going to Richland county and wanted enough supplies to last him until fall when he would pay him with venison and honey. The merchant knowing him to be an honest man provided him with the necessaries of life and they started for a new home in Richland county, using his brother's team to move a few household goods, their only possessions. Arriving at the ferry kept by Mr. Mathews he told him he did not have any money to pay his way over, "Never mind" said Mathews, "I will put emigrants across for nothing for we want this country settled." They then made their way to his brother David's where they spent the summer. He made a claim on section 4, did not immediately move to it, but made their home with this brother until the following March, when having erected a small log cabin they moved into it on their own place. Meanwhile he had been successful in his hunting expeditions, and had paid up his store bill, but as yet had no money with which to enter his land; therefore he continued hunting, killed large numbers of deer and bear, and for them found a ready market at Platteville, the saddles of venison bringing two dollars and a half and the pelts from fifty cents to one dollar. He tanned and dressed deer skins with which he made clothing throughout --- coat, pants, cap and moccasins. Many incidents of thrilling interest are remembered in connection with the early experience here of Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield. Starting out one day for the purpose of killing a deer, his dogs started a large bear which ran up a hill the canines in close pursuit. When on the summit the dogs caught and furiously attacked "old bruin," and in the fight both bear and dogs came rolling down the hill together. At the bottom foothold was again secured and the bear and dogs seemed bent on getting away. Finally they drew near where Mayfield was standing, and one of the dogs caught the bear by the ear, when he raised up embraced the dog and began to hug as only a bear can. Finally they fell to the ground, when Mr. Mayfield approached and with a knife, having a blade twelve inches long, stabbed the bear on the opposite side, when he released his hold and started away with the knife in his side. The gun was empty and there was no other way than to use a club, which weapon was used with good effect, and securing the knife cut his throat putting an end to his existence. This is one among the many similar adventures of this pioneer. In the course of a few years he had accumulated money enough to enter his land, when he devoted more time to clearing a farm. In August, 1862, he enlisted and joined company B, 25th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. The principal battle in which he was engaged was at Kinston, North Carolina. While he was in the service of his country, his wife, assisted by her two daughters and a small son carried on the farm raising good crops. He was discharged with the regiment in June, 1865, and returned home. His industrious family, had already planted the farm in corn, and in the fall he gathered 1500 bushels. For some years he did not have a team of his own and used his brother's. At the present time we find him with a well stocked farm, comfortable frame house, large frame barn and 445 acres of land, besides other claims. He has always been enterprising, and among the first and most influential in establishing schools and Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield both joined the M E Church at the time of its organization in Orion. They are the parents of three children --- Sarah M, now the wife of Jeff. Wilson, who lives in Crawford county; Maria A, now the wife of Joseph McMillen and Elijah G. The latter was born in the town of Orion, Jan. 16, 1853, and was married in 1875 to Dreatz Powells, and two years later settled on his present farm on section 9. They have three children --- Cyrus L, Miles and one not named at this date.

    Frederick Sherman (deceased) a pioneer of Richland county, is a native of Germany, and was born upon the banks of the Rhine, May 11, 1812. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, spending his younger days in school. On attaining his majority he joined the army and served in the cavalry four years. He came to America in 1848; landed in New York and came directly to Milwaukee and was there married to Carolina Banner, who was also a native of Germany. He immediately started with his bride for their new home. He purchased eighty acres of land and entered another eighty on section 9, town 9, range 1 east, now known as Orion. Here they endured the hardships of pioneer life, and lived to clear a good farm and build a comfortable frame house. His death occurred in March, 1879. Mrs. Sherman died in 1856, leaving three children, two of whom are now living --- Louisa and Herman. He afterwards married Maria Rilling. She has one son --- August. Herman was born in the town of Orion, April 30, 1852. He received a common school education, and lived with his parents until 1870, when he enlisted in the 17th regiment, United States Infantry, and served on the frontier five years. He was in the campaign on the Big Horn river, in 1873. After his discharge from the service he returned home and resumed farming, and in 1876 was married to Leah Lewis, who was born in the town of Richland. He then settled upon his present farm, which is a portion of the old homestead. He has improved the place and built the frame house which they now occupy. They have one child --- Jennie.

    Henry Schuerman was born in Germany, upon the banks of the Rhine, March 22, 1818. His younger days were spent in school, where he acquired a liberal education, after which he engaged in farming. He came to America in 1848, landed at New York and came directly to Richland county, thus becoming one of its pioneers. He entered a large tract of land there on sections 2 and 3, town 9, range 1, town of Orion. In the spring of 1849 he went to Watertown and was there married to Sabilla Jorris, also a native of Germany, and started immediately with his bride for his new home in the wilderness, where he had already commenced clearing. The nearest point at which they could obtain provisions was in Iowa county, and also the nearest mill. He was obliged to cross the river in going there, and sometimes the water would rise while he was upon the other side, and he would be obliged to wait several days before he could cross to return home. At times the neighborhood would become short of breadstuff and they were obliged to grate corn to make it into meal. Mr. Schuerman was an industrious man, and cleared a large farm. His pioneer log cabin, which was sixteen feet square, he remodeled by building an addition to it, and weather-boarding and painting it, so that it has the appearance of a frame house. It is probably the oldest building used for a dwelling, in the county. He built a frame barn, 40x60 feet, with a stone basement, and planted an orchard, and was one of the few successful fruit growers in the county. His death occurred April 26, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Schuerman were the parents of six children --- Katie, Annie, Eliza, Emma, George and Henry. Mrs. Schuerman and her two sons now live at the homestead.

    Henry Sigrist was a pioneer of Richland county, coming here in 1848. He entered land on section 3, town 9, range 1 east, in what is now the town of Orion. He built a log cabin 16x32 feet in which he lived till 1862, when he built the frame house in which he lives at present. He is a Prussian by birth, born Oct. 12, 1823. He attended school until fifteen years of age, when he engaged in a wholesale house to learn the business, serving two and a half years, at the end of which he received a certificate, showing him to be a proficient clerk. He then secured a situation in that capacity at a town 200 miles distant, where he was employed two years, then was employed upon a farm two years after which he entered an agricultural school, which was under control of the government. He studied there for two years. In 1848 he was married to Caroline Shulte, a native of Prussia, and immediately sailed for America, landed in New York and came directly to Milwaukee. Here Mrs. Sigrist was taken ill. He took care of her until she was convalescent and then started forth in search of a suitable place to locate. On reaching Richland county, he made a selection of land and returned to Milwaukee for his wife who was sufficiently recovered to bear the journey, and they started for their new home in a wagon, and reached their destination at the end of five days. They have lived to witness a great change in the country. What was then a wilderness, is now a cultivated and prosperous neighborhood, occupied by an industrious and thrifty class of people. A good school house and church are close at hand. He at first built a log cabin, 16x32 feet. Sept. 28, 1861, he enlisted in the 6th Wisconsin Battery and the spring of 1862 went to the front. He took part in many of the most important engagements of the war. Among them were: Jackson, Champion Hills, Port Gibson, siege of Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge, and Corinth. He was honorably discharged at the expiration of the time for which he enlisted. During his absence his wife had the frame house, in which they now live, built. Mr. and Mrs. Sigrist are the parents of six children --- Henry, Eugene, Emma, William, Ida and Bertha. Since coming to America Mr. Sigrist has learned the English language and by extensive reading in that, as well as his own language, is enabled to keep posted upon all subjects.

    James Laws, for many years proprietor of the well known Laws' ferry, was born in North Carolina in 1801. When he was seventeen years old his parents removed to Illinois, and were early settlers in Richland Co., Ill. He was there married to Lucinda Calhoun, who was born in South Carolina and was a relative of John C Calhoun. Her parents moved to Kentucky when she was about one year old, and a few years later to Indiana, thence to Illinois. In 1845 Mr. Laws moved to Wisconsin and located in Iowa county, where he entered and improved land until 1849, when he traded it for the ferry he managed so long. His death occurred in April, 1865, while in Illinois on a visit. His wife died three years later at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Dooley. They were the parents of eleven children, six now living --- Sarah, Henrietta, Ida, Gilbert L, Lucetta and Caroline.

    John Mainwaring, one of the pioneers of Richland county, was born in the town of Swansea, Glamorganshire, South Wales, May 28, 1821. Here he attended the public schools until he was fourteen years of age, when his parents moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was sent to an advanced school for some time. His father, who was a stone mason by trade, and master of the art, was engaged upon the Edinburgh, New Haven and Leith railroad, then in process of construction, as superintendent of the mason work, and the subject of this sketch was called from school to assist his father in his work. He was employed there for two years, when his parents moved to Caermarthen, South Wales, where his father, by the death of an uncle, had fallen heir to property, consisting of a stock of marble, a shop and tools, his uncle having been a marble engraver. The father carried on the marble business for a while, then, having a call from a railroad company, left the business in charge of his son, who continued it till he was twenty-five years of age. He then joined his father, who had taken a contract to construct a piece of railroad, which they completed in 1848. In the spring of 1849, in company with his father and brother Daniel, he left his native land and came to America, coming directly to Wisconsin and entering land on section 33, town 9, range 1 east, now the town of Orion. After remaining here two years, he returned to his native land and remained till 1861, being there employed as road master on the railroad that he helped to construct. In 1861 he started on his return to his western home, crossing the Atlantic in the noted steamer, Great Eastern, and making the trip in nine days. He left England May 1 and arrived in Orion on the 15th. He lived upon his land on section 33 until 1865, when he sold it and purchased 160 acres on section 27, upon which were about twenty acres of cleared land and a log cabin. He immediately began clearing and putting out fruit trees, and otherwise improving. He has been successful as a farmer, has purchased adjoining land, and now has 320 acres, of which 125 are cleared. He has erected a frame barn and a commodious stone house. He was married June 4, 1854, to Eliza Rees, who was born in Caermarthen, South Wales, Dec. 13, 1831. Nine children have been born to them --- John, Lillian, Edward, Mary, William, Thomas, Frank, George and Laura Eva. The older four children were born in England. Mr. Mainwaring is a man of intelligence, well educated, and well informed upon all subjects.

    William Henry Dawson, the present postmaster of Orion, was a pioneer of the town of Eagle, where he settled in the woods in September, 1849, entering the northeast quarter of section 26. He was born in Switzerland Co., Ind., June 19, 1825. When he was four years of age his parents emigrated to Indiana and settled in Clinton county, where they were among the pioneers. Here his father purchased a tract of heavy timber land from the Government, with the intention of clearing a farm, but in one month after his arrival there he sickened and died, leaving a widow with five small children to maintain. She proved equal to the emergency, and, with the aid of her children, raised corn, wheat, oats and flax. The latter she spun and wove into cloth, selling what she did not need in her family. The subject of this sketch, as soon as he became old enough, assisted his mother in her laborious task. He took advantage of the time in winter by attending a subscription school, and acquired an education sufficient for the duties that have followed. His mother died when he was eighteen years of age. After that time he was engaged in the manufacture and sale of tobacco until the fall of 1849, when he was married to Sarah, daughter of William and Charlotte Miller. One week after marriage they started for their new home in Wisconsin with a pair of horses and wagon, taking with them household goods and provisions. They camped out by the way, and after arriving at their destination, lived in their wagon until a log cabin could be built. That being completed, he immediately commenced clearing a farm. The following winter, provisions being scarce, he took a job of chopping and splitting rails, and split 2000 for $10 and paid the whole sum for one-half of a hog, the whole hog weighing 200 pounds, obtained at Avoca, or the site where Avoca now stands. In July, 1861, he enlisted in the 11th regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, company D, and was mustered into the service as second lieutenant; went south and served nine months, then, on account of disability caused by an attack of pleurisy, he resigned and returned home and resumed farming. In 1865 he came to Orion, bought a small stock of drugs and commenced mercantile business. The following year he was appointed postmaster, and has held the office since that time. In 1873 he bought a store building 24x40 feet and two stories high, and having an ell 18x24 feet. The ell is used for a dwelling. He has greatly increased his stock of goods, and now keeps a stock of general merchandise. He still owns his farm in Eagle, which he rents. Mrs. Sarah Dawson was born in Kentucky, March 24, 1823, and died Jan. 13, 1880. He was again married in June, 1881, to Sarah Rebecca, daughter of Peter and Margaret Bobb.

    Henry Emshoff, an early settler of Richland county, is a native of Germany, born in Hanover, June 26, 1826. He was sent to school until he was fourteen years old, then was engaged in tilling the soil of his native land until the year 1852, when he emigrated to America, coming directly to Waukesha Co., Wis. Here he hired out to work upon a farm, and remained till 1854. In August of that year he started with his hard earned money to seek a home for himself, and coming to Richland county, purchased timber land on section 14, in that part of the town of Buena Vista now known as Ithaca. He then returned to Waukesha county, and was married on the 19th of August to Mary Handel, a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, born Dec. 7, 1836. They started for Richland county immediately, traveling by rail to Hanover, Ill., where they procured a team and finished their journey. He moved into a vacant log house, in which they lived till spring, then upon his own land he erected a booth, in which they lived while he built a log cabin. He cleared a portion of his land and lived there until 1865, when he sold out and purchased land on sections 14 and 15, town of Orion, where he has since lived. As a farmer he has been very successful. On his arrival here, his sole capital consisted of good health and willing hands. He now owns 400 acres of land, 150 acres of which are under cultivation, also a large stock of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs. He has built two frame barns and a neat frame house, and made other improvements, and is one of the most extensive farmers in the town of Orion. Mr. and Mrs. Emshoff have six children --- John H, William C, Emily L, Charles G, Henry A and Matilda M. Mr. Emshoff is a member of the town board, and has been twice re-elected. Their son, John H, is the present town assessor. He was born in the town of Ithaca Dec. 11, 1857. His younger days were spent in assisting his father upon the farm and in attending school. He was married in 1880 to Etta, daughter of Hezekiah and Sallie (Marsh) Jones, and settled at that time on his present farm on section 11. He has built a good frame house and has a pleasant home. They have one child.

    William A Hitchcock, son of Jason and Polly (Hurd) Hitchcock, was born in Boone Co., Ind., July 14, 1844. When he was but six years old his father died. He came to Richland county, with his mother, in 1853, and here grew to manhood. He lived with his grandparents, with the exception of one year, until 1860, when he went to Texas and was there engaged in railroading and blacksmithing till 1866. In that year he was married to Zizina Edwards, who was born on Galveston island Oct. 2, 1846, and returned to Orion with his bride. They lived upon his grandfather's place one year, then removed to his mother's farm on section 8, where he built a blacksmith shop and worked at the trade, and helped to carry on the farm. In 1874 he settled on his grandfather's place and has since made that his home. His farm is well improved and he has a good frame house and barn. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock are the parents of four children --- Nellie M, Myron L, Georgia E and Jason W.

    James Lewis, an early settler of Orion, was born in Preble Co., Ohio, May 9, 1820. His father was a native of Delaware and his mother of Kentucky. They were pioneers in Preble county. Here the subject of our sketch grew to manhood taking advantage of such opportunity as afforded in those days to acquire an education. His mother died when he was but fourteen years of age. Four years later his father married again and removed to Indiana, but he still remained in Preble county and was there joined in marriage to Anna E Nelson. She was born in Salem Co., NJ, March 14, 1824, but for several years lived in Philadelphia. They removed to Illinois and settled in Mason county where they remained until 1854, then came to Richland county and bought land on section 7, town 9, range 1 east, now known as the town of Orion. Game was at that time quite plenty and included deer and bear. He was quite a hunter and killed many deer. One morning his two sons, John and Joseph, went out to look for the oxen and run across seven bears, one of which took after them. Their father had told them that a bear could not climb a small tree and so they made for a sapling and both made quick time in climbing it. The bear came to the tree and gnawed the bark. The children called aloud for assistance but did not attract attention for some time as danger was not apprehended; but as their cries continued their mother called the dogs and started. At the approach of the dogs the bears left, the mother running up in season to see them in their retreat. The children then came down from their lofty retreat more scared than hurt. Mr. Lewis has since cleared a good farm, erected a good set of buildings and now has a comfortable home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are the parents of three children --- John M, Joseph W and Sarah E.

    Hezekiah Jones, one of the well known early settlers of the town of Orion, came here in the fall of 1854 and purchased land on section 10 of Carlos Joslin and his son William H. At this time there were two log cabins and a small clearing, which constituted the entire improvement. Since that time a great change has been wrought, a large farm has been cleared, a commodious frame house erected, a large frame barn built, and at this time Mr. Jones has one of the best improved farms in the town. He is a native of Kentucky, born in Harrison county, Sept. 26, 1815. When he was eighteen years old his parents emigrated to Indiana and located in Boone county, where in fact his pioneer life began. His father had purchased eighty acres of timber land on which they settled, but only remained there a short time when he purchased 160 acres near by and moved on to it. He made his home with his parents until of age, when he was married to Sallie Marsh, a native of Harrison Co., Ky. Her parents were also early settlers in Boone county. They settled on the land his father had first purchased. In 1849 he sold this farm and purchased improved land, consisting of eighty acres, upon which they made their home until 1854, when he sold out and started west with five horses and two wagons containing their household goods. They camped out on the way, and after three weeks on the road arrived in Richland county. They stopped with Robert Hurd a few days and then moved into a log cabin which was their home for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of thirteen children, eight of whom are now living --- Eliza J, Louisa A, Lorinda M, Martha E, Mary E, Melissa A, William Jasper and Jonathan P. Mr. Jones is not a politician in any sense, but votes the republican ticket when, in his judgment, good men are nominated.

    Abram Miller, an early settler of Orion, began his pioneer life in infancy. When he was but one year old his parents moved to Marion Co., Ind., where they were among the pioneers. Here his early life was spent, and as soon as large enough, he assisted his father in clearing a farm. He lived with his parents until 1854 when he came to Wisconsin to seek a home, and purchased land on section 10, town 9, range 1 east, now in the town of Orion. He commenced immediately to fell timber preparatory to clearing a farm. He was unmarried at the time, but in 1856 he was married to Louisa A, daughter of Hezekiah and Sallie (Marsh) Jones. He enlisted in 1862 in the 25th Wisconsin, company B, and went to the front, participating in many important battles. He was with Sherman in his "march to the sea," and through the Carolinas to Washington. He was twice wounded at the battle of Atlanta, on the 22d of July, 1864, and was honorably discharged with the regiment, June 7, 1865, when he returned to his home and resumed his work at farming. An humble log cabin was their home until 1871, when he built the commodious frame house now occupied by the family. He has been largely engaged in raising grain and stock. In 1883 he engaged largely in raising poultry, building a henery at a cost of $500 and enclosing a yard of four acres. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have four children --- Martha J, Mary E, Elizabeth A and Emma L. Mr. Miller always has been identified with the republican party.

    Simon S Blake, an early settler in the town of Orion, is a native of the Keystone State, having been born in that part of Bedford now known as Blair county. Until he was fourteen years old, his time was spent in school and on the farm. He then engaged with a merchant tailor to learn the trade, here he served three months, then part of the time went to school and part of the time worked with his brother at the blacksmith business until about seventeen, then enlisted in the service of the United States for the Mexican war. His parents was opposed to this and as their consent could not be obtained he was sent back. He then engaged with his cousin to learn the trade of ax-making and was thus employed until twenty-one years old, when he engaged in teaching. In the fall of 1852 he went to Ohio and spent the winter in Ironton and vicinity, then went to Arkansas and engaged in the lumbering business for seven months, and then returned to Pennsylvania, and taught a four months term of school during the winter. In the spring of 1854 he came to Richland county and entered 120 acres of land on sections 17 and 18 of the town of Orion, and went to the village of Orion where he engaged as clerk in a store. He was married Jan. 18, 1855, to Mary Ambrose. She was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn. He left the store in the fall of 1855, teaching a three months school at Pleasant Hill, town of Eagle. The following spring they settled on his land and commenced to clear a farm. He early paid attention to fruit culture and now has a fine apple orchard, consisting of Tolman sweets, Golden russetts, Snow apples and Red Astrachan. His farm is pleasantly located on Oak Ridge, and is well improved. He was a soldier in the Union army, having enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, in the 25th Wisconsin, company B, and going south spent his time in different places until May, 1864, when they joined Sherman at Resaca, Ga., and fought their way on to Atlanta. He was severely wounded at Decatur, Ga., the 22d of July, 1864, was sent to the field hospital and later to the Harvey hospital at Madison. He was discharged March 20, 1865, and returned home. He has been elected to offices of trust and honor, at different times; has been chairman of the board, at different times; has been chairman of the board, justice of the peace and was once elected assessor but refused to serve. He was United States census enumerator for the town of Orion in 1880.

    John Miller settled in Richland county in 1854. He took a homestead on section 31, town 10, range 1 east, in the present town of Richland. Here he cleared a farm and resided till 1874, when he sold out and moved to section 5, now Orion. He is a native of Germany, born in Mecklenburg Swerin, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. He came to America in 1847 and located in Waukesha county, where he remained till 1854, when he came to Richland county, as before stated. He has been twice married. His first wife was Helena Bonsash, who died in 1874 leaving three children --- Mary, Lewis and Sarah. Their son, Lewis, now owns and occupies a farm in Ash creek valley, section 6, town of Orion. He purchased the land in 1866. It was then heavily timbered, but he has now the greater part of it cleared and in a good state of cultivation. He built a large frame house which, with all its contents was burned in 1877. He then built another, two and a half story frame house, which is probably the largest house in the town. The family moved into this house July 4, 1878, and dedicated it with a party on that day. He was born in Mecklenburg Swein, April 18, 1841, and came to America with his parents, with whom he made his home until 1861. In August of that year he enlisted in the 6th Wisconsin Battery, and went south. He participated in the following engagements: Corinth, Jackson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. After serving three years and one month he returned home and resumed farming. He was joined in marriage in 1867 to Catharine, only daughter of John Henry and Eva Demmer. He first purchased land on section 31, of the town of Richland, but did not improve it as he soon sold it and bought his present farm, which is one of the best on Ash creek. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are the parents of seven living children --- Mary A E, George F, Dora E, Clara H, William H, Ella M and Jacob W.

    Frederick C Schmidt (deceased), was one of the pioneer settlers of Orion. He came here in 1854 and purchased land on section 16, and commenced clearing a farm, but his life was spared only a few years and he died on the 19th of April, 1860. He was a German by birth and was reared to agricultural pursuits. In his youth he learned the milling trade, which he followed for some years. He was married Feb. 13, 1835, to Christina Kruger. Four children have blessed this union --- Frederick C, August, Annie and Emily. Mrs. Schmidt occupied the homestead a few years, then moved to Richland Center where she bought property, and lived till the time of her death, May 28, 1883.

    John Henry Demmer, a pioneer of Ohio, was born in Germany in May, 1808. When a young man he learned the trade of ship builder, in which business he was engaged until 1848, when he left his native country and came to the United States. He first located in Milwaukee where he was employed as carpenter and joiner. In 1853 he came to Richland county and purchased a claim of Alanson Hurd on section 3, entered the land and immediately began clearing. He has since devoted the greater part of his time to his farm, working occasionally at his trade. He was married in 1833 to Eva Engleman. She died in 1870 leaving five children --- Herman, Frederick, Catharine, John and Jacob. Their oldest son, Herman, was born Nov. 14, 1835, and came to America with his parents and continued to live with them till 1861. That year he was joined in marriage to Annie, daughter of Frederick and Christiana Schmidt. He enlisted in September, 1861, in the 6th Wisconsin Battery, and served three years and one month. He participated in the following engagements: Corinth, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. After his discharge he returned home and settled on section 17, where he had purchased a tract of timber land. He cleared a farm and built a log house, which he weather-boarded and painted, giving it the appearance of a frame house. In 1882 he rented this farm and moved to his wife's parent's home on section 16, the place formerly owned by Frederick C Schmidt. Here he erected a fine frame house. Mr. and Mrs. Demmer are the parents of five children --- Emma, Henry, Frank A, Mary and Ada. Mr. Demmer has held the office of treasurer in his school district since 1867.

    Philip Daniel Berger, one of the early settlers of Orion, was born in West Baden, Germany, Aug. 24, 1815. He was united in marriage with Catharine Elizabeth Miller, in the year 1828. In 1848 they emigrated to America, and first settled in Wyoming Co., NY, and bought a farm in the town of Bennington, where they remained two years and then decided to remove farther west, so he sold his farm and came to Wisconsin, locating on Rock prairie, in Rock county. In 1855 he decided to make another change, and coming to Orion purchased land on section 10. On this place there was a log cabin, constructed after the most approved back woods fashion. The roof was covered with "shakes" fastened on with poles and withes, no nails being used. He cleared a farm and built a more substantial dwelling, and made this his home until his death, which occurred in 1871. Mrs. Berger died in 1867. They left seven children --- William, Phebe, Christian, Sophia, Henry, Mary and Margaret. William was born in West Baden, June 14, 1829. He came to America with his parents and made his home with them until 1860. In that year he was married to Euphemia Laing, a native of Scotland, and settled on land that he had previously purchased and where he has since resided. He has good frame buildings, including house, barn and granary. Christian also was born in West Baden, May 22, 1839. He was sent to school in Germany four years, and at nine years of age came to America with his parents, with whom he lived till 1861, when he enlisted September 9th, in the 6th Wisconsin Battery, which was stationed at Racine until February, 1862, when it moved south. Among the more important engagements in which he participated are the following: Riddle's Shop, Champion Hills, siege of Corinth and Vicksburg. At the siege of Corinth he was severely wounded in the knee and spent nearly six months in the hospital. He rejoined the regiment at Memphis. He was again wounded at Vicksburg, and in consequence suffered the amputation of his left arm and the thumb of his right hand. He was honorably discharged on the 29th of August, 1863, and returned home. In 1865 he was married to Elizabeth Brewer, a native of Highgate, Vt. Although unable to perform any manual labor, Mr. Berger has carefully and successfully managed the farm, and now has one of the finest improved places in the county. It is the homestead where his father first settled. He has built a nice frame house and a large frame barn. They have one child --- Letha Annie. Christian Berger politically belongs to the democratic party.

    John Flamme came to Orion in 1857. He purchased a tract of land on section 3, upon which there was a small clearing and a rude log cabin. Since that time he has cleared a large farm and erected a neat stone house and now has a comfortable home. He is a native of Prussia, born Feb. 3, 1823. He attended school until he was twelve years old, and was then apprenticed to a blacksmith to learn the trade; after serving three years he worked as journeyman till 1852, when he left the old country and came to America, and first located in Naperville, Ill., where he worked at his trade till 1857, when he came to Richland county. He was married in 1844 to Elizabeth Rassmiller. They have five children living --- Henry, Gertie, Daniel, Mary and Eliza. Henry was born in Prussia, March 4, 1849. While a boy he attended the district school and assisted his father in clearing his farm. When a young man he learned the carpenter trade, living with his parents until 1872, when he went to Nebraska, and worked at his trade for two years, then returned to Richland county. He was joined in marriage June 12, 1878, to Bertha Groth, and settled on the farm where he still resides, on section 2. From that time until 1883 he divided his time between the farm and his trade. Since that date he has devoted his whole time to the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Flamme have two children --- Charles and Lydia Amelia.

    Christian Burwitz is a native of Germany, born in Mecklenburg Swerin, May 20, 1829. He spent the time until the age of fourteen in attending school, and then assisted his father in herding his large flocks of cattle and sheep, which he continued to do until the year 1857, when he left his native home and came to America, landed at New York and came directly to Wisconsin and engaged in farming in Waukesha county for two years. He then moved to Milwaukee and bought stock two years, then returned to Waukesha and resumed farming. In March, 1865, he enlisted in company I, 48th Wisconsin Volunteers and went south. He was discharged in February, 1866, returned home and remained in Waukesha until the following April, when he came to Richland county. He was married in 1858 to Mary Niles, also a native of Mecklenburg. They have one child --- Richard. Mr. Burwitz's farm is pleasantly located in Ash creek valley. He has comfortable buildings and altogether a pleasant home.

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