Chapter 29 - Town of Richland.

Part 2

Personal Sketches.

    The subjects of the following personal sketches, are, for the larger portion, of those who came to the town and city of Richland at an early day, and have watched with tender care for many years the growth of their favorite town and city.

    James J Soule came to the county in June, 1848, and first stopped at Rockbridge, where he worked in a saw-mill. He also run lumber on the Pine river. About two years after settling in the county, in partnership with W H Joslin, he purchased of James Baxter a claim in town of Henrietta, and engaged in making shingles. Nov. 2, 1851, he married Fannie M Thompson, daughter of Aaron B and Lydia Thompson. On the 22d of the same month, they went to Henrietta and made a settlement with the nearest neighbor three miles distant. Two weeks later, they were driven away by the Indians, and removed to Rockbridge, where they lived until the following spring. Then in company with another family, they moved back to Henrietta, and resided there till the fall of 1852, then moved down Pine river. In 1855 they settled on Little Willow, and there lived for one year. Then removed to Yellow river, and a year later to Pine river valley, where the family has since resided. The farm is located on section 10, and consists of eighty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Soule are the parents of eight children --- Harriet E, David F, Emma A, Louisa E, George W, Mary E, Luella and William F. Mr. Soule was born in La Fayette Co., Wis., Feb. 1, 1828. He resided in his native county and in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., previous to coming to Richland. Politically he is a democrat. Mrs. Soule was born in St. Lawrence Co., NY, and accompanied her father to Richland county in May, 1851.

    Major W H Joslin was born in Ypsilanti, Mich., on the 5th day of September, 1829. He came with his parents to Wisconsin, but did not come to Richland county until 1848, which was one year after the family had settled on Ash creek. In 1852 he married Margaret M Gillan. She is a daughter of Charles and Clarinda Gillan, and was born in Illinois, but came with her parents to Wisconsin when two years of age. One year after marriage Mr. Joslin settled in the town of Henrietta, and engaged in farming until 1858, in which year he was elected county sheriff. He then removed to Richland Center and served the people one term, when he again resumed farming. He subsequently spent one year in Colorado, but his family did not leave the county. In August, 1862, enthused with the patriotism for his country, he raised a company of men of which he was chosen captain, and in September following, mustered into service as company B, of the 25th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. One year later Capt. Joslin was promoted to major, which rank he held until June, 1865, when he was mustered out of service and by brevet was given the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Returning from service he again engaged in farming, and in 1868 was elected county treasurer and served as such for two consecutive terms, then again returned to the farm, also followed milling at Bowen's mills. In 1880 he represented his district in the Assembly, and since January, 1882, has been assistant superintendent of public property at Madison. But his family resides at Richland Center. Thus it can be seen that Major Joslin has been prominently connected with the interests of the county for a quarter of a century. He was a brave soldier, an efficient officer, a good citizen and has a host of friends. In politics he has acted with the republican party since its organization. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the GAR and a Knight Templar. The children are --- Mary A, now the wife of John W Bowen; Frank W, James G, Henry C and Hattie C, twins, Susie B and May.

    Elisha Bovee, a minister in the United Brethren Church, was born in Boone Co., Ind., March 13, 1840, and was but nine years of age when his parents emigrated to Richland county. Here he grew to manhood, receiving his early education in the pioneer schools. At sixteen years of age he united with the United Brethren Church, and when eighteen years of age, commenced preaching. He remained at home with his parents until twenty years of age, assisting his father on the farm. In the meantime he was diligently pursuing his studies. When twenty-three years of age he was married to Victoria Potter. She was born near Toronto, Canada. When twenty years of age, with Elder Potts as his assistant, he associated on Rutland circuit in Dane, Green and Rock counties. In 1867 he and his wife entered Milton College where they studied three years. He then went to Elroy as missionary to build up a cause which was then in its infancy. His work there was in Monroe, Juneau and Vernon counties. He labored there three years; during that time the Elroy Seminary was established and Millard's Prairie church was also built. From Elroy Mr. and Mrs. Bovee entered Western College, in Iowa, and studied there one year. They returned to Richland county and he was appointed in charge of Richland Circuit for three years. During this time there were about 500 conversions made and about 300 of this number joined the United Brethren Churches of this circuit. He was then elected presiding elder of the east district Wisconsin Conference. He had charge of Bird's Creek circuit one year. Since that time he has been engaged as an evangelist with marked success; laboring in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. In his work he has been ably assisted by his wife. She is a lady of great natural endowment and refinement, well educated, is a graduate of Western College and of the Northwestern Business College. She is well known as an expert in penmanship and can show some of the finest specimens of ornamental flourishes and pen portraits ever produced in Richland county. While at Elroy she was, for one year, in charge of the commercial department of that school, and has served as a private tutor a great deal of the time. She is at present president of the Woman's Missionary Society for the United Brethren Church for the State of Wisconsin.

    William Schurman resides on section 36, and his real estate comprises 400 acres, with as good improvements as can be found in the county. He is engaged in dairying, and keeps about sixty cows. He manufactures creamery butter and Sap Sago. Mr. Schurman is a native of Germany, born in Duisburg on the river Rhine. In 1849 he married Caroline Weegmann, soon after emigrating to the United States and became one of the pioneers of Richland county. He first resided on Ash creek, but his brother had entered a part of section 36, town of Richland, sometime previous. Mr. Schurman also owns the only one-half share of Sextonville mills. It can truly be said that his life has been a success. Mr. and Mrs. Schurman have reared six children, five of whom are now living. Their eldest son, Henry, was killed in the Sextonville mill when about twenty-five years old. The family are members of the Evangelical Association. Two daughters have married clergymen, and one son is preaching the gospel.

    William Wulfing arrived in Richland county on the 25th day of May, 1849, and soon purchased the west half of the northwest quarter of section 16, town 9, range 1 east, of the 4th principal meridian. Here he erected a log cabin and commenced pioneer life and continued tilling the soil with considerable success until 1876, when he rented his farm to his son, removed to Richland Center and has since given his attention to the office of justice of the peace. He is a democrat in politics, and while a resident of Orion served as town treasurer nine years and several terms as justice of the peace. Mr. Wulfing was born near the river Rhine in Prussia, was bred to mercantile life, and April 16, 1844, married Constance Sigrist. In 1849 he emigrated to the United States and settled as above stated. Mr. and Mrs. Wulfing have reared twelve children, ten now living --- William, Eugene, Frank, Richard, George, Constance, now the wife of Charles Hoole; Mary, now the wife of M L Babb; Henrietta, now the wife of Clark Brown; Emily, now the wife of Norman Bennett, and Theodora.

    Durfee Bovee, to whom belongs the honor of being the first settler in the territory which now comprises the town of Richland, made his first visit here in 1848, and at that time entered eighty acres on the southeast quarter of section 34. He then returned to Boone Co., Ind., and in June, 1849, removed his family, wife and three children, to Wisconsin and took up their abode on the land which he had previously entered. It was covered with thick brush and timber and they had an extensive experience of pioneer life, before it was brought under cultivation, but Mr. Bovee was equal to the emergency, and persevered, until he now owns 240 acres, and a comfortable residence with good surroundings. Mr. Bovee was born in Rensselaer Co., NY, Feb. 27, 1812, and resided in his native State until 1836, when he emigrated to Indiana, when in 1837 he married Anna Duncan. He then followed farming in Boone county, until he came to this State. Mr. and Mrs. Bovee have reared five children, four of whom are now living --- Elisha, Mary, now the wife of D C Wood; Samuel and David W. Their religious connections are with the United Brethren Church.

    Hon. Ira S Haseltine was born July 13, 1821, at Andover, Windsor Co., Vt. His ancestors were of English origin. He received a common school and academic education. At the age of sixteen he removed with his parents to Waukesha Co., Wis. After one year upon his father's farm he taught school three years, then studied law in Milwaukee with D J A Upham. He taught school in Natchez, Miss., became a public lecturer upon scientific and reformatory subjects, and spent about ten years in this field of labor. He was married Jan. 1, 1846, to Augusta Thomas, in Waukesha Co., Wis. In 1850 he purchased land in Richland county where he surveyed and platted the village of Richland Center. In July, 1854, Mr. Haseltine was a delegate from Richland county to the first republican State convention held in the United States at Madison, Wis. In 1867 he was elected by the republican party to represent the county in the assembly. In the winter of 1870 he went south and located upon a farm near Springfield, Greene Co., Mo. His home is now at Dorchester, Mo. In 1876 Mr. Haseltine was a candidate for Congress on the Peter Cooper ticket and made the first canvass of the sixth congressional convention as a greenbacker. In 1880 he was made the nominee of the greenback convention at Carthage on the 27th of May, and was elected to the 47th Congress. In 1882 Mr. Haseltine was again a candidate for Congress and was defeated by Robert W Fyan, democrat.

    John Waddell was one of the first settlers in the northern part of Richland county, coming in 1850 to Richmond City, where he bought a lot and erected a small house and spent the first winter. In the spring of 1852 he moved to the site of his present farm on section 5, town of Richland, at that time an unbroken wilderness, built a log shanty, which he covered with bark, split puncheons for the floor, and furnished with home-made furniture. The bedstead was made of poles and a bed-cord manufactured out of bark. The first season he cleared a small tract of land and chopped in garden seeds, thus preparing for the winter. The first three or four years he had no team and his breaking was all done with a hoe, and the most of it by his wife and children, while he was away at work, earning money with which to pay for his land. His industry has been rewarded and he now has a good farm and a comfortable, well furnished frame house, and can spend the remainder of his life in ease and comfort. Mr. Waddell is a native of West Virginia, born in Pocahontas county, Feb. 20, 1811. When he was two years old his parents moved to Ohio and settled in Gallia county, which was at that time a new country. Thus the subject of this sketch became a pioneer in his infancy. He grew to manhood there and Sept. 26, 1833, was married to Sarah Hughes. She was born in Gallia Co., Ohio, Dec. 15, 1816. He had previously purchased land in Perry township, of that county, and there he settled at the time of his marriage, where he remained three years, then traded for a farm in Raccoon township. In 1848 he sold his property in Ohio, came to Wisconsin and claimed government land on Sauk prairie, Sauk county, where he lived one year, then went to Baraboo woods and made a claim and erected a house. One year later he traded this property for a small tract of land on Sauk prairie, built a house, which was burned a few weeks later with most of its contents. He then rented a house in which he lived until the fall of that year, 1850, when, as before stated, he came to Richland county. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell reared eleven children --- Myron, Jane, William A, Margaret, Virginia, George A, John H, Thomas, Charles H, Mary and Nathan. John H was born in Gallia Co., Ohio, in 1846. He enlisted in January, 1862, in the 19th Wisconsin and went south. At the battle of Fair Oaks he was taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison a while, then transferred to Salisbury, NC, was taken sick while in prison, and died at the Marine hospital, at Annapolis, soon after being exchanged. George was born in May, 1844. He enlisted in the fall of 1861 in the 11th Wisconsin, company B, and participated in seventeen engagements. He contracted disease while in the service from which he died in 1868. Sept. 26, 1883, was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Waddell. That day they were surprised by a large number of their friends, who assembled to celebrate their golden wedding, and congratulate them on account of such an extended and happy union, and wish them still a happy continued experience so much enjoyed. A celebration of their diamond wedding was a consummation devoutly to be wished. On this festive occasion were present forty children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The aged couple were the recipients of many valuable and useful gifts. A supper was served to which all did ample justice and the day will be long remembered by all present.

    Henry Collins, a native of Ohio, was born April 27, 1827. When five years old he removed with his parents to Tippecanoe Co., Ind. He served as a soldier in the Mexican War. He afterwards resided in Clinton Co., Ind., where he became acquainted with Mary Dawson, who, May 6, 1846, became his wife. In December, 1851, he came to Richland county and became a resident, living near Orion two years, then moved to the town of Dayton. In April, 1860, he went to Pike's Peak and remained until December, 1861, when he returned to his family. In the spring of 1862 he responded to the call of his country by enlisting, and was assigned to the 1st Missouri Light Artillery. At the battle of Corinth he was so injured as to be discharged, in October, 1862. He returned home and remained long enough to regain his health, then re-enlisted in company F, of the 43d Wisconsin regiment, and served till the close of the war, after which he lived upon his farm, but was unable to perform hard labor. He died Feb. 7, 1875. He was politically republican, and held the offices of justice of the peace and assessor. Mrs. Collins was born in Clinton Co., Ind. Her parents were Charles and Mary (Miller) Dawson. She married Mr. Collins, as before stated, and was his faithful companion through life. They were the parents of thirteen children, five of whom arrived at adult years. William F, John D, Calvin L and Mary May are now living. Charles M, the eldest, enlisted with his father, Sept. 4, 1864, being at the time only seventeen years old. He served as drummer, and died at Clarksville, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1865.

    Hon. George Krouskop, one of the pioneer settlers of Richland county, was born in Bellefontaine, Logan Co., Ohio, May 12, 1832. His parents were Jacob and Elizabeth (McCloud) Krouskop. He spent the early part of his life in Ohio, his father's family removing to Richland Co., Wis., in 1851. They located near the village of Sextonville, where his father built a grist and saw-mill, the grist-mill being the first one erected in the county. George Krouskop received a good education in the common schools of his native State, and supplemented this by a thorough academic course at the Geneva College in northern Ohio. His first trip to Richland county was in 1850, when only eighteen years of age. He spent the summer of that year prospecting in this region, but returning to his old home in Ohio in the fall, he became so favorably impressed with the apparent natural advantages and then undeveloped resources of Richland county, which was at that early date in its wild and uncultivated state, that he resolved to make it his future home. When the family came here in 1851 he returned with them. For a year or two he was engaged alternately in teaching school and running his father's saw-mill. In 1854 he embarked in the mercantile business, and laid the foundation for a successful business career by establishing a store on a small scale near the Sextonville mills. Shortly afterwards he purchased the mills, and continued these enterprises until 1865, when he removed to Richland Center, where he also engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years. In 1870 he opened a bank. Mr. Krouskop has always taken a leading part in all public enterprises and improvements which would advance or develop the material resources of the town and county, and has aided them liberally both by his influence and ample means. He was one of the originators and projectors, as well as one of the principal stockholders in the Pine River Valley & Stevens Point railroad, an enterprise that was built wholly by home capital. He was president of the company for several years. Politically, Mr. Krouskop is a democrat. He has served two terms as State Senator in the Wisconsin Legislature, representing the district composed of Richland and Crawford counties, and was each time elected by a handsome majority over his opponent, and in a district that usually gave a large republican majority. Mr. Krouskop was married Nov. 25, 1855, to Elizabeth Black. They have two children --- William E, unmarried, and Eliza A, who married J Robert Coumbe, of Excelsior, Richland Co., Wis.

    John Klingler, a native of Kentucky, born Nov. 28, 1810, came from Marion Co., Ind., and on the 23d day of June, 1852, settled on the southwest quarter of section 27, Richland, and there engaged in farming until his death, which occurred May 6, 1874. He left a wife and five children --- Orlow, Martha, now the wife of George W Miller; Rachel, Frank and John. Mrs. Klingler and her son Frank still reside at the homestead. Orlow Klingler, oldest son of the above, was born in Marion Co., Ind., Aug. 10, 1833. He came with his parents to Wisconsin, and on the 6th of September, 1855, was married to Rachel J Miller. Aug. 13, 1862, he enlisted in company B, 25th Wisconsin, and served until the regiment was mustered out of service. Since the war he has been engaged in general farming and now owns 235 acres, with first class improvements. Mr. Klingler votes the republican ticket, but takes little interest in political affairs. The only civic society of which he is a member, is the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. and Mrs. Klingler have one daughter --- Sarah I.

    John Fay is a native of Ireland, born in the town of Gort, county Galway, June 1, 1818, where his childhood and youth were spent. He came to America March 17, 1849, and first settled at Wyoming, Wyoming Co., NY. Then on the 16th day of February, 1851, he was united in marriage with Johanna Quinlin, born in Roscrea, county Tipperary, Ireland, June 21, 1823. On the 18th day of October, 1852, they emigrated to Wisconsin, and after living one year at Mineral Point, came to Richland county. On Feb. 16, 1854, Mr. Fay purchased the farm of John T Higgins, which contained eighty acres, and is located on section 22, Richland town, where he now resides. His farm now contains 120 acres. He is in comfortable circumstance and free from debt. Mr. Fay has spent his life in tilling the soil. He takes a great interest in the education of his children, and is known as an honorable citizen. There are five children living --- Thomas J, Francis, Mary B, Emma L and Josie M.

    Sidney Rose came to Richland Center in the fall of 1854, and purchased one-half of block 50, and one-half of block 51. There was a house upon this property, which was built by a Mr. Hyde, of whom he purchased it. Mr. Rose was a mason by trade, and did the mason work upon the first court house of Richland county. In 1861 he enlisted and served in the regimental band of the 6th Wisconsin regiment eleven months, when that organization disbanded. He has since followed his trade. He was born in Oneida Co., NY, Jan. 20, 1818, where he learned his trade, and in 1842 was married to Caroline S Hamilton, daughter of Fillery Hamilton. In 1844 they came to Wisconsin and lived in Rock county, from whence he came to this county. He now resides in Henrietta, where he owns a farm of 140 acres.

    D O Chandler, a prominent and representative man of Richland county, settled in the town of Willow in March, 1853, and was there engaged in farming until 1858. He then established a general mercantile business at Loyd, and carried on the same with marked success. In 1865 Mr. Chandler in order to increase his business removed to Richland Center, erected his present store building, and since 1867 has been engaged in the hardware trade. He also owns a one-half interest in the Park Hotel property, and considerable real estate in town lots and farming land. As a business man he has been energetic and enterprising, and these characteristics, coupled with good judgment, have caused him to make good investments, and thus his business career has proved successful. As a gentleman although blunt, and speaking his mind freely when occasion requires, he is pleasant, affable and agreeable, and has many friends. He is a native of the State of New York, born in Hamburg, Erie county, on the 10th day of April, 1828. He was educated to mercantile business, and in 1852 married Hannah Van Vlack of Cattaraugus county, and the year following emigrated to Wisconsin and settled in Richland county as before stated. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler have eight children --- Austin J, Eurotus M, Alice J, now Mrs. William Collins; Grace, now Mrs. F P Lawrence; Grant, Lola, May and Gay. Politically Mr. Chandler is a republican, with radical temperance principles. He has often been elected to local offices and always discharged his public duties with honor to himself and satisfaction to the people. He has always been a public spirited man, and a citizen such as benefits a town and county in which he resides. The only society of which he is a member is the Temple of Honor.

    Daniel Rice purchased property at Richland Center during the month of August, 1853, and the spring following removed his family from Logan Co., Ohio. For two years he was engaged in the manufacture of brick, then he dealt in live stock, making the first shipment from the county. He remained in this business until 1860, when he engaged in general mercantile trade, and pursued this avocation for twelve years, when he retired from active business life. Mr. Rice was born in France in 1822, but was brought to the United States by his parents when an infant. His early life was spent in Pennsylvania. In 1838 he went to Ohio and followed railroading, learning during his sojourn in that State the trade of machinist. In 1849 he was married to Delia Laden. They have one daughter --- Mollie, now the wife of F G Rodolf. Mrs. Rice was the first person to engage in the millinery business in Richland Center, an account of which appears in this volume elsewhere.

    William F Collins, son of Henry Collins, was born in the town of Dayton, Richland Co., July 13, 1854. He received a common school education. October 8, 1877, he married Lottie J Bryant. She died, leaving one child --- W H. He was again married, Nov. 29, 1882, to Alice J Chandler. His residence is just outside the village, on section 16, where he owns seventy acres. He is engaged in dairying and selling milk in the village. Mr. Collins is a member of the IOOF.

    J L McKee is numbered among the pioneers of 1854, having arrived in April of that year, at Richland City. He was then an unmarried man, and worked the first season for $14 per month. The next season he taught school for $25 per month. In 1855 he was married to Mary Simons, daughter of Col. Royal Simons. He then removed to Orion, and in February, 1856, came to Richland Center. In 1857 he engaged in general merchandising with J W Lybrand, sold out in 1859, and in 1860 was elected clerk of the circuit court and served two years, then as county treasurer two years. In 1865 he established a general mercantile trade and continued the same until 1878, when he closed out to A B Weigley, since which he has lived a retired life. Mr. McKee was born in Beaver Co, Penn., Sept. 3, 1829, and resided in his native State until he came to Wisconsin. His wife died Dec. 13, 1861. Nov. 19, 1863, he married Mrs. Kate Casebeer nee Laden, and they have had four children born to them, but one of whom is now living --- Frank W. Mr. McKee has been a member of the republican party since its organization. He is a Mason, and served as treasurer of Richland Lodge, No. 66, fifteen years. He was also treasurer of the company which owned the railroad before it was purchased by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company. He is a man of ability, and a good citizen.

    B C Hallin made his first visit to the county in the summer of 1852, and purchased 160 acres, located on sections 17 and 18, in what is now the town of Akan. He built a log cabin and returned to Millville, Jo Daviess Co., Ill., and followed his trade, stone cutter, until 1854. He then removed with his wife to this county and thus became the first permanent settler of the town of Akan. They experienced many of the hardships of pioneer life. Their log cabin was without a floor for eighteen months, and Mrs. Hallin did not see a white woman for the same period. Their principal food was game, of which there was an abundance. This state of affairs did not long continue, however, for they soon raised vegetables and grain. Mr. Hallin would go away from home and work at his trade, thus earning money to buy clothing for his wife and babies. In 1864 he enlisted in company A, 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, was wounded at the battle of Petersburg, June 18, 1864, and in consequence, had to suffer the amputation of his left arm at the shoulder. While still in the hospital he was nominated by the democratic party for the office of register of deeds, but was defeated with the remainder of the ticket. Returning home he was, however, elected to several town offices at one time, and thus did about all the public business of his town. In 1865 he sold his property and purchased 160 acres of land on section 18, Richland town, where he erected a neat stone residence and has good improvements. He spends most of his time in working at his trade. In 1880 he established a marble business at Richland Center. He is a famous joker, and on being asked how he could cut stone with but one arm, he replied, "I take the chisel in my teeth and strike my head with the mallet." Mr. Hallin was born July 15, 1826, in the county of Kerry, Ireland, on the same street on which the father of J L Sullivan was born. His father was a marble cutter. He was educated at Killarney, and at the age of seventeen emigrated to the United States and first followed his trade in the city of New York, for about five years. He subsequently went to Carrollton, Ind., where he assisted in building some large factories, and was married to Gwenny Davis, who was born in Wales, but came with her parents to America when only four years old. She is a woman of great courage and well adapted to the pioneer life which she has passed through. One example of her heroism is sufficient to illustrate her disposition. One day, while sitting in the door of the cabin, with her babe playing at her feet, she noticed a large bear drinking at the spring near the house. She at once bade her large New Foundland dog to "seek him," which he proceeded to do without delay, but the bear, being very powerful, was about to overcome the dog, when Mrs. Hallin seized an ax and buried its edge deep in the flesh of the ferocious creature, killing it instantly. Just at that moment, W H Joslin, the county sheriff, drove up, and skinned the bear and Mrs. Hallin soon had a nice piece of the meat over the fire to cook for their dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hallin have reared a family of twelve children, all of whom are living --- Thomas J, Kate, Owen E, Oscar, Harry Alice, John, Lucy, Bertha, Irene, Arthur and Emmett. Mr. Hallin is at present chairman of the town board and a member of the GAR.

    J C Stockton settled in Richland county in 1854 and engaged in farming on Willow creek. In 1857 he removed to section 26, Richland town, and continued farming until 1881, when he sold out, moved to Richland Center and is now living a retired life. Mr. Stockton is a native of Ross Co., Ohio, born Feb. 24, 1815. His father died when he was six years old, and his mother, with her children, removed to Tippecanoe Co., Ind. The subject of this sketch was married in 1840 to Martha Sippy, and in 1854 came to Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton are the parents of six children, three of whom are living --- A W, Lydia A and J W.

    F P Bowen came to this county with his brother, W J Bowen, in September, 1854. They purchased the saw mill and water power, which is now known as "Bowen's mill." In the fall of 1855 they rebuilt the mill, put in a circular saw, the first in Richland county, and operated the same until 1858, when F P Bowen sold his interest to his brother, and in 1859 succeeded Dr. H C Priest in the drug business. In 1861 he traded the drug business to D L Downs for his interest in the Richland Center Tannery. This property he sold about two years afterwards, and in 1865 purchased a half interest in the drug business of D L Downs, and owned the same until March, 1883. In 1867 Mr. Bowen re-purchased a half interest in the mill property and, with his brother, built the flouring and grist mill, known as "Bowen's mill," with which he was connected for five or six years. In 1871 he commenced dealing in live stock, in which business he is now extensively engaged. F P Bowen was born in Vermillion Co., Ill., April 5, 1835. In 1836 the family removed to Green Co., Wis. The parents, William and Electa (Phelps) Bowen, came to Richland county in 1855. The father died in 1858, and the mother in 1871. Mr. Bowen, in 1860, was married to Margaret Turner. She died in 1866, leaving two children --- Hellen and Mattie. In 1868 he was married to Mrs. J A Wait, nee Busby, and by this union there are six children, four of whom are living --- Charles F, Alice, Dwight and F P. Mr. Bowen took an active interest in building the railroad, as he does in all public enterprises. He is a republican in his politics, and a member of the AF&AM.

    W J Bowen, one of the prominent and representative men of Richland county, was born in Vermillion Co., Ill., July 8, 1825. He came with his parents to Wisconsin in 1836. In December, 1854, he was married to Mary Thorp, then of Green county, but a native of Pennsylvania. He then came to Richland county and purchased the property since known as Bowen's mills, and of which he is still the owner. A history of this mill and his connection with it appears elsewhere. Mr. Bowen has been an enterprising, successful business man, and now owns over 500 acres of land in one body, has a comfortable home and good improvements. He also has other property, among which are five dwelling houses occupied by tenants. Mr. Bowen is in politics a republican, and has held several local offices of trust, is a member of the AF&AM. The children now living are --- John W and Frank. Edward H died at the age of five months, in 1872. Mr. Bowen lived with his parents in Green county until 1850. In April of that year he started for California overland, and there remained until September, 1852, engaged in mining. Thence he went to Australia, where he landed in December, and remained about thirteen months, thence to Peru, South America, landing in the month of April, where he remained until the following August, exploring for gold, but did not find it. He then came to New York by way of Panama, and thence in fall of 1854 to the farm where he now lives.

    Jeduthan Jones is one of the early pioneers of Richland county. He settled at Richland Center in October, 1854, coming from the Western Reserve, Ohio, and was accompanied by his wife. He at once purchased 200 acres of land and commenced making improvements. He also worked at his trade, that of shoemaker. In 1857 he erected a small tannery, which he sold a few years later, and it was subsequently destroyed by fire. He continued work at his trade and resided in the village until 1865, when he removed to his farm, which is located on section 28, and has since given his undivided attention to farming. He now owns 120 acres, which are well improved. Jeduthan Jones is a native of Ohio, born Sept. 10, 1818. His parents resided on a farm. He was united in marriage in 1844 with Laura Graham, who was born in Onondaga Co., NY. They have reared two children --- Hattie and Fred. Hattie died at the age of twenty. Fred resides with his parents.

    Caleb Waggoner first became identified with the interests of Richland county in1854. In the spring of that year he came from Ohio to Richland Center, and located on the corner now owned and occupied by H T Bailey. He brought with him a small stock of goods, which he soon closed out, and then purchased the drug business of Dr. H C Priest, which he sold several years subsequently to D L Downs. He was then engaged in general merchandise with his sons as partners many years, and then dealt to a considerable extent in real estate. He was the fifth son of William and Sarah Waggoner, who were pioneers in eastern Ohio, and was born near the village of Richmond, in Jefferson county, Sept. 18, 1813. He had seven brothers and four sisters, nine of whom are yet living, four of them older than he was. He died Oct. 16, 1883, at the residence of his brother, Dr. Joseph Waggoner, in Ravenna, Ohio. He was among the best class of Richland county citizens, and the following, clipped from the Republican and Observer, is a brief account of his last days and death:

    "The ten children had participated in a family reunion at the old home farm on the 19th of September, and the deceased was extending his visit among his numerous relatives and friends at the time of his death --- reveling in the atmosphere of pure affection and pure friendships, from which he well knew he would soon be severed. He had not been in vigorous health for many years, and his friends observed with alarm his rapid decline the past two or three years. Only a short time before his departure for Ohio he suffered a severe and threatening illness, resulting from over anxiety and care for his unfortunate son, Joseph; but under the inspiration of once more greeting his brothers and sisters and other relatives at the old fireside and under the parental roof, he seemed to acquire a new lease of life, and none of the participants in that memorable occasion were more active or buoyant than he. Ninety-two of his kindred were there present, among whom were his son William J, and grand child Rena, of Viola, in this county, and his son James H, with his wife and two children, of Eau Claire. The latter had returned to their home, but the former were yet with their father, and William was at his bedside when he passed away. He complained first of distress about the heart and of being cold, but was soon relieved of uneasiness, slept well during the night, and was about as usual the following morning, but toward evening the messenger of death returned, and a little after midnight he breathed his last, among loving friends who did everything that could be done to prolong his earthly life. The immediate cause of his death was paralysis of the heart; but the ravages of time had prepared the frail body for the final summons, and his life went out calmly and peacefully as the sun recedes from sight. His mind was clear to the last moment, and his last words were characteristic of the earnest, honest and thoughtful man he was: 'I have no regrets or censures. The end must soon come, and I am ready. Let all live so that we may meet above.'

    "In the morning following his death his son at Eau Claire was telegraphed to meet friends who would accompany the remains to Chicago. This he did, and conveyed them home. A large number of the old friends and neighbors of the deceased had assembled at the depot, with carriages and hearse, to receive the body and convey it to the home on the hill side, in which he had spent the three last decades of his life. His funeral obsequies were in harmony with the tenor of his life --- void of ostentation or display, and remarked for their singular appropriateness. The services were conducted at his late residence by the Rev. H G Dennison, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this village, of which Mr. Waggoner was a ruling elder, and with which he was closely identified from the hour of its organization to the time of his death. By request of his friends the services were brief, but deeply impressive, and his remains were as quietly followed to the grave by many who had loved and esteemed him in life, and who would cherish his memory in death. From the moment of the announcement of his death to the hour of the performance of the last sad rites, his bereaved family were touchingly assured of the profound and almost sacred regard in which the husband and father had been held. Sympathy for the widowed was never more generously, yet delicately expressed, nor was it ever more sensibly appreciated. The survivors of the family of the deceased are the widow, to whom he was married on the 9th of February, 1839, and four sons --- William J, James H, Edwin B, and Joseph M all of whom are well known here, but are now residents of other parts of the State.

    "The life of the deceased, as a citizen of Richland Center, was like an open book, and he was personally known to nearly every citizen of the county. He came here when there were but a half dozen houses in the village, and when the population of the county was correspondingly small. Being a reticent, unassuming man, he was not always accorded the credit due him for promoting enterprises in which the public was interested, for he was ever generous and zealous in behalf of all of those interests which mark communities for moral worth and material prosperity. He was positive in his convictions, radical in his support or defense of them, and uncompromising with what he believed to be wrong. In all his relations with his fellow men he sustained the Christian character he professed, and left an example which will assert its influence for good upon the conduct of those who witnessed it, even to succeeding generations. The simplicity of his character was its grandeur. No epitaph could do mortal man greater honor than that. Truly a good man has gone from our midst, whose loss is reverently deplored, and who will not be forgotten so long as the sons and daughters of his friends and neighbors inhabit the earth. His rest in his eternal home should be all that his faith and hope had pictured --- the joys and peace of one whose greatest aim was to do right and win the crown. The loved ones he left behind do not doubt that a blessed rest awaited him."

    Thomas J Whitcraft was born in Stark Co., Ohio, March 26, 1828. He received a common school education, and resided with his parents on the farm until seventeen years of age. He then formed a partnership with Frank Paul, purchased 600 head of sheep, took them to Kane Co., Ill., where they sold, making a good profit out of the transaction. Mr. Whitcraft then returned to Ohio and dealt in live stock for a period of seven years, and accumulated several thousand dollars; but he also entered into a contract to furnish a large number of hogs, and in fulfilling his contract lost the fortune he had saved. He therefore came to Wisconsin and in 1854 purchased eighty acres of land in this county, located on section 27, town of Richland. He purchased the land on time, agreeing to pay $240 with twelve per cent interest, and thus commenced life anew. The land was unimproved, but he at once erected a log cabin and soon had his farm well under cultivation. Besides farming, he also dealt in horses, buying in this county and selling them in Minnesota. He now owns 260 acres and is in moderate circumstances. May 5, 1853, Mr. Whitcraft married Emma S Miller. She died Sept. 24, 1881, leaving four children --- Evangeline, Edward, Jasper B and Durell. Mr. Whitcraft is a republican, has held the office of town assessor, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

    Ammi Shireman was born in Virginia, in September, 1825. When a young man he went to Indiana and engaged in farming. In December, 1847, he married Jane Jones, daughter of John B Jones, Sr. In 1854 he came to Wisconsin and was engaged in farming until 1861, when he enlisted in company H, 5th Wisconsin, and served thirteen months, when he was discharged on account of physical disability, since which he has been a resident of Richland Center, and is at present engaged in the restaurant business. Mr. and Mrs. Shireman have five children --- John M, James M, Thomas A, Emma and Ella. J M Shireman, son of the above, was born in Indiana April 22, 1849, and came with his parents to Wisconsin. He learned the harness trade, and in 1873 established himself in business. In September, 1874, he was married to Harriet Durnford, daughter of Alfred Durnford, and they now have five children --- Minnie L, William H, Charles, Rollin and Percy.

    I J Wright settled in Richwood, town of Richwood, in 1855. He purchased about 300 acres of land and engaged in farming. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in the service and served as second lieutenant until mustered out. In about 1873 he sold his farm and removed to Muscoda. He afterwards spent three years in the State of Tennessee, when he again settled at Muscoda. Mr. Wright was ordained as a preacher of the Gospel in the United Brethren Church, and for some time served as a circuit preacher, but later in life he only preached on special occasions. He was an influential citizen and served as chairman of the town board for several years. He had considerable knowledge of law and often served his neighbors as a valuable counselor. Mr. Wright was married three times. First, to Miss Toney; she died, leaving three children. He next married Mrs. Catharine David nee Miller; she died, leaving two children --- Martha and J C. His third wife was Mrs. Martha Hamil nee Miller, she being a sister of his former wife.

    T M Hart was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, April 12, 1851. He is a son of John and Eleanor (Marshall) Hart. In 1854 the family came to Wisconsin and settled in the town of Marshall, Richland Co., Wis., and engaged in farming. Here the father died in 1876. The mother still lives on the homestead. Of the seven children, five are living --- Maria, now Mrs. James Truesdale, M Caroline, Georgiana, now Mrs. Frank Doudna, T M and M F. T M was educated in the common schools, also taught school. In April, 1874, he commenced keeping books for James Bros. and continued with them until the firm dissolved partnership, since which he has acted in a like capacity for N L James. Mr. Hart was married in 1875 to Abbie Draper, daughter of James Draper. She died in June, 1882, leaving one child --- Mirah.

    N L James, son of George H James, was born in Rockingham Co., NH, Nov. 29, 1840. He came with his parents to Richland county in 1855, since which he has been a resident. In 1861 he enlisted in company F, of the 16th Wisconsin. He assisted at the battle of Pittsburg Landing in carrying Col. Messmore from the field. The colonel then caused him to be detailed to go down the river where he was taken sick, and in the fall of 1862 was discharged on account of disability. Returning home, he entered partnership with his father and engaged in the hardware business, which he continued until November, 1881, when he sold to his brother, D G James. When the railroad was projected Mr. James was called upon to lend a helping hand, and in 1872 was elected to represent the district in the Assembly. Not being successful in getting the necessary legislation, he employed a civil engineer to make the survey for the road, and assisted in organizing a stock company and, as general manager, proceeded to build the road. He had charge of the enterprise until 1878, when he sold out his interest. In 1879 he sold the road, for the stockholders, to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company. In 1879 he put in a side track and has since been engaged in furnishing the railroad company with lumber, wood and ties. He is also engaged in the manufacture of wagons. Mr. James is the owner of the best herd of Shorthorn cattle in the county, and of a creamery on Bear creek. He was married in 1865 to Georgina Lane, daughter of David Lane. They have four children --- E L, H L, N L and Mabel L. Mr. James has served two terms in the Assembly. He is politically a republican and a Knight Templar. He is one of the most active and successful of the business men of the county, is enterprising and public spirited and generally liked throughout the county.

    John Winn, one of Richland's prosperous farmers, resides just west of the village limits of Richland Center, where he owns a farm of 160 acres. He purchased his farm in 1865, at which date it was but little improved, but he has now an excellent farm on which is a neat frame house and good barns. He is engaged in dairying and manufacturing creamery butter. His cows are all full blood, or high grade Shorthorns. Mr. Winn was born in York Co., Maine, and resided in his native State until nineteen years old. He then went to Massachusetts and worked in cotton mills, and for ten years was overseer in the weaving department of the Essex Corporation mills. At Newburyport, in 1848, he was married to Elizabeth J. McNeal, and it was on account of his wife's failing health that he came to Wisconsin. She died in 1856, leaving two children --- John S and Elizabeth J, now the wife of J W Houston. Mr. Winn after the death of his wife returned to New Hampshire, and there married Elizabeth J Fifield, and by this union there is one daughter --- Hattie A. Mr. Winn is one of the pioneers of the county as his residence dates from 1855, in fall the of which year he located on section 33, of Buena Vista, where he was engaged in farming until he settled on his present farm. He opened a fine stone quarry on his farm in 1866, from which large quantities of the best building stone are obtained. Mr. Winn is not a member of any civic society.

    David Goodrich James, son of George H and Louis E (Hurd) James, was born in Deerfield, Rockingham Co., NH, Aug. 3, 1843. He came with his parents to Richland county in 1855, where he helped to till the soil. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted as a private in company F, 16th Wisconsin Volunteers. In 1862 this regiment was consolidated into five companies and D G James was put into company C. July 22, 1864, at the battle of Bald Hill, near Atlanta, he was taken prisoner and kept as such at Andersonville and other prisons until the close of the war. He then again joined his regiment on their return in 1865, when he was mustered out of service with the rank of captain from date of capture by the rebels. Mr. James' weight was 168 pounds, and when mustered out of service, seventy-nine pounds. After the war he learned the tinners trade, and in 1866 became a partner in the firm of G H & N L James, and the name of the firm was changed to G H & N L James & Co. In November, 1881, he became sole proprietor, and now does the leading hardware business of Richland Center. He also deals in agricultural implements, machinery, wagons, harness, etc. In politics Mr. James is a republican. He has held various local offices, and since May, 1881, has been postmaster. He has been twice married; in 1868 to Ada Briggs, who died in November, 1869, leaving one son --- Oscar B; and again in 1872, to Laura Briggs, a sister of his former wife. By this union there are two daughters --- Ada and Beulah. Mr. James is an active and able business man. He was chief contractor in building the railroad to Richland Center, and has usually been identified with every public enterprise. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and commander of the W H Bennett Post of the GAR.

    George H James and his family were among the early settlers of Richland Center, having located here in 1855. In that year he purchased a large quantity of land in Richland and Vernon counties. He also purchased a large quantity of flour, and for several years supplied a large portion of the county with that necessary article. In 1862 he engaged in the hardware business, which he continued till 1881. He then withdrew from trade and followed farming until 1883, when he admitted N L James as a partner, and subsequently retired from active life. Mr. James was born in Deerfield, NH, Sept. 6, 1815, and in his youth learned the carpenter and joiner's trade, also worked as a wheel and mill-wright. He was married at Lowell, Mass., June 20, 1838, to Louis E Hurd, a native of Canada, born July 11, 1815. They have four children living and two dead. The living are --- Norman L, David G, William G and Lizzie, wife of George Strang. Mr. James is an energetic and industrious citizen, who does with all his might whatever he undertakes.

    W J Pickard was born in Queen's Landing, NY, July 24, 1847. His parents were Luke and Margaret (Gray) McGay. The family came to Wisconsin and settled near the Fox river, where, in 1849, the father was killed by a fall on the ice in crossing the river. This was in the pioneer days at that place, and the nearest white neighbor lived seven miles distant, but the Winnebago Indians, being friendly to the family, took the body and carried it upon poles to the white settlement, where it was buried. In 1853, as stated elsewhere in this book, Mrs. McGay became the wife of S W Pickard, and her son, the subject of this sketch, assumed the name he now bears. He came with the family to Richland county, and March 20, 1873, was united in marriage with Sarah E Richards, daughter of William and Mary Richards. They now have one daughter --- Ada L. Mr. Pickard still resides on the homestead, and his real estate now comprises 285 acres. He is a good farmer and his land is well improved. In politics he is a republican, and has been a member of the town board several years. He is a member of the M E Church and of the IOOF.

    Nathan Ford, a pioneer preacher of the town of Bloom, was born Jan. 6, 1823, in the State of New Jersey. When he was three years old his parents moved to Allen Co., Ohio. In 1837 they went to Montgomery county and remained three years, then went to Clinton Co., Ind., where the subject of this sketch attended the common school and engaged in farming until 1855. In that year he came to Richland county and settled in the town of Bloom, on section 18, where he purchased 160 acres of land, which he has lately sold. Since coming to this county Mr. Ford has been constantly engaged in farming, preaching and working at the joiner's trade. He was married in 1851 to Catharine Rodgers, who died in 1872, leaving seven children --- Almon, Sarah, Truman, John, George, Permelia and Charles. Mr. Ford again married, in 1874, Mrs. Sarah Scoles. Charles is now married to Harriet Kimble; John, to Margaret Shoemaker; George, to Mary Cook, and Sarah, to James Conar. Mr. Ford has held the office of chairman of the town board eight years, member of the side board four years, and justice of the peace twelve years.

    L E Brewer, of the firm of Fries & Brewer, tanners, was born in Franklin Co., Vt., April 16, 1849. He came with his parents to this county in 1855, and since 1856 has resided at Richland Center. He learned the tannery business and afterwards the harness maker's trade. In 1877 he helped rebuild the tannery at Richland Center, and is now owner of the manufactured stock. In 1874 he was united in marriage with Hannah Dorgan. They have one child --- Katie.

    P S Brewer, son of Peter E and Lucy Brewer, was born in Franklin Co., Vt., Jan. 28, 1847, and came with his parents to Richland Center in 1855. At the age of seventeen he learned the harness maker's trade, at which he worked thirteen years, since which he has been in business for himself. In 1869 he was married to Anna Rodefer, and they now have five sons --- Harry M, Earl J, Frank P, Jay and Buford. Mr. Brewer casts his vote with the democratic party, and is a member of the IOOF also of AOUW.

    A D Lane, the present sheriff of Richland county, is a son of David and Ann M Lane. He was born in the city of New York, June 6, 1853, and brought to this county by his parents at the age of two years. He helped till the soil until 1870, when he came to Richland Center and served in the employ of James Bros., until 1879. He then established a meat market, which he sold in 1883 to F P Bowen. He was elected to the office he now holds in the fall of 1882, and entered upon its duties Jan. 1, 1883. Sheriff Lane is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the IOOF and AOUW. His wife was formerly Flora Crumbacker. They have one daughter --- Minnie.

    H R Brewer is a son of Peter and Lucy Brewer. He was born in Franklin Co., Vt., Aug. 8, 1851, and came with his parents to Wisconsin, in 1855, since which he has been a resident of Richland county. At the age of eighteen he commenced work at harness making, which he followed about ten years. He is now in the employ of D G James, as clerk. He was married in 1875 to Maria Dorgan, and they have two children --- Josie and Lucy.

    Alfred Hyatt was born in Franklin Co., Va. His father died when he was five years old, when his grandfather took him to raise and removed to Madison Co., Ky., where he lived until twelve years old. His mother then married William Foster, and he accompanied them to Butler Co., Ohio, where his step-father died shortly after; he then moved with some friends to Henry Co., Ind., and lived two years with Samuel Turgerson. He then went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he learned the brick maker's trade, and in 1836 went to Carroll Co., Ind., and carried on the brick making business until 1838. He there met Christiana Clark, who afterwards became his wife. After marriage he resided in Indiana, from whence, in 1855, he came to Wisconsin and became a resident of Richland county. He first engaged in farming in the town of Bloom, where he also kept a small store. In 1858 he removed to Richland Center and manufactured brick. In 1861 he enlisted in company H, of the 5th Wisconsin, and served until discharged on account of physical disability. After regaining his health, he re-enlisted in the 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, Battery C, where he remained until the end of the war. Since the war he has not engaged in any particular business. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt reared five children, two of whom are now living --- S C and V G.

    S C Hyatt, son of Alfred Hyatt, was born in Carroll Co., Ind., Aug. 11, 1839, and came with his parents to Richland county in 1855, where he has since been a resident. In 1861 he enlisted in the United States service and served with a regimental band one year, when he was discharged. Returning home he commenced work at the printer's trade and afterward became part owner of the Richland County Observer. In 1864 he assisted Capt. Bailey to recruit company F, 41st Wisconsin regiment, and was commissioned orderly-sergeant and served as such until mustered out of service. Returning home he worked for a short time at printing, then took a course at the Chicago Commercial College and afterwards assisted his father in manufacturing brick. In 1867 he began keeping books for G & A H Krouskop, and continued until 1871, when he engaged in mercantile trade for two years, since which he has clerked for others. He was married in 1866 to Sarah C Carpenter, daughter of H C Carpenter. They have four children --- Charles H, Emory, Nealie and Josephine.

    J F Walker first came to the county in March, 1855, and purchased land in the town of Rockbridge, but did not become a permanent resident until the spring of 1856, when he settled on section 14, of the town of Rockbridge, and engaged in farming until 1873. In the fall of 1872 he was elected county treasurer and served one term, since then he has dealt, to a certain extent, in real estate. Mr. Walker was born in Erie Co., Penn., Nov. 15, 1831. He was educated in the common schools and resided in his native State until 1854, when he came to Wisconsin and first resided in Dane county. Dec. 24, 1856, he was married to Harriet F Austin, a native of Vermont. Two children have been born to them, but only one is now living --- Charles F. Mr. Walker is a member of the AF&AM.

    Daniel Storms in 1857 settled at Woodstock, where he opened the first blacksmith shop in that town. He also purchased land, which he changed from a wilderness to cultivated fields, and resided in that vicinity until 1874, when he removed to Richland Center. He is now a member of the firm of Storms, Son & Leasch. Mr. Storms, was born in Vermont, Jan. 25, 1825. His parents, John and Olive (Whitcomb) Storms, were natives of New England. About the year 1836 the family removed to Orleans Co., NY, where the subject of this sketch learned his trade, and in 1851 married Charlotte Angus. He then came to Wisconsin, first residing in Rock county, in 1856 coming from thence to Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Storms have two children --- Fred and Edd.

    S W Pickard was a native of the State of New York, born Sept. 24, 1795. On the 21st day of November, 1816, he was married to Effa Skeel, who was born Jan. 1, 1798, and reared a family of eleven children. They emigrated to Michigan, and thence to Stephenson Co., Ill. In 1853 he came to Wisconsin, and at Appleton, in 1854, married Mrs. Margaret C McGay, nee Gray. She had one son by her former marriage --- W J, who after her marriage to Mr. Pickard, assumed the name of W J Pickard, by which he is now known. Mr. and Mrs. Pickard had one son, born Dec. 17, 1855, who in the third year of his age was accidentally killed by the fall of a tree, cut by his father. The subject of this sketch came to Richland county in August, 1855, and settled on section 29, Richland town, where he had entered land a few years previously. He was engaged in farming until his death, which occurred Oct. 18, 1874, while he was attending services at the Presbyterian church at Richland Center. It was occasioned by apoplexy. Mrs. Pickard died of the same disease, Oct. 2, 1875, dropping dead while standing in the door-way of her home. Mr. Pickard, in politics, was an active republican, and an ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln. He had held the office of justice of the peace. He was a believer in the Christian religion, and at the time of his death a member of the United Brethren Church.

    A G James came to Wisconsin in 1855 and located land in Vernon county. He then returned to New Hampshire and in 1856 removed his family, consisting of a wife and three children, to Richland Center, and settled where he now resides. He followed his trade, shoemaking, and also dealt in boots and shoes until 1870, when he purchased a farm and has since devoted his attention to tilling the soil. Mr. James was born in Rockingham Co., NH, July 9, 1823. He learned his trade and in 1848 was married to Eliza Knowlton. They are the parents of six children --- A K, Emma, now the wife of F H Tuttle; Lewis, Charles F, Minnie and Anna Belle. Politically, Mr. James was at first a free soiler and since 1856 has voted with the republicans. On the temperance question he is a prohibitionist. He has been a member of the town board five years, and president of the village board two years.

    A large portion of the insurance business in and about Richland Center is transacted by Capt. W C S Barron, who took his first agency here in 1866, and now represents a number of companies, giving his entire attention to the business. He was born in Troy, NY, on the 3d day of August, 1830, his parents being Warren and Ruth (Purington) Barron. The family removed to Providence, RI, where the father died in 1834. The mother subsequently married Thaddeus Cook; she died in Massachusetts about 1869. The early life of Warren Clark Sherman Barron was spent on a farm, but he also learned both the trade of shoemaker and tailor. In 1850 at Billingham, Mass., he was married to Amanda Thayer, and was engaged in livery business until 1855, when he left the city and started for the western frontier, and soon arrived in Waukesha Co., Wis. In 1856 he came alone to Richland county, and in November of that year purchased the south half of the northwest quarter of section 35, in the town of Westford. Here during the summer of 1857 he had erected a log cabin, 18x20 feet, with a shake roof, removed his wife and child from Waukesha county, and on the 2d day of December commenced pioneer life in earnest in their new home. This was a disagreeable time of year to commence "roughing it." The house was comparatively not by any means a palace, and to one not accustomed to such surroundings, considerable pluck was necessary, an ingredient not lacking in the character of the subject of this sketch, and by dint of much stamping of feet and rubbing of hands he kept from freezing and came through all right. On the 12th day of August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in company B, 25th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Soon afterward he was appointed orderly, and on the 25th day of August, 1863, was commissioned second lieutenant, was promoted to the position of first lieutenant, and on the 20th day of December, 1864, became captain of the company, with which rank he was mustered out of the service on the 15th day of June, 1865. Capt. Barron participated in all the engagements of his regiment, was a brave soldier and always had the respect and confidence of his command. After these series of events he returned to Richland county, and since 1868 has resided at Richland Center. Politically he is a staunch republican, having voted with that party ever since its organization. In 1858 he was elected town superintendent of schools, which position he held until the office was abolished. In 1868 he represented his district in the Assembly, and from that date until January, 1883, was connected with the office of sheriff, having twice been elected, once appointed to fill a vacancy, and at different intervals acting as deputy; he has also been president of the village board. The subject of this sketch is a large, well built man of commanding appearance, courteous and affable to all, has a large acquaintance and many warm friends. He is a Royal Arch Mason and was master of Richland Lodge, No. 66, four years. He is chief patriarch of the IOOF in the State of Wisconsin; past-master in the AOUW and a member of the GAR. Mr. and Mrs. Barron have one son --- Frank O.

    H T Bailey, a prominent business man of Richland Center, had a good situation in the city of New York, which he left in 1857, and agreeable to the advice of Horace Greeley started west to seek his fortune and grow up with the country, and in a short time, made a pause at Richland Center; here he found that money did not grow on the bushes, and desirable situations were not found every day. He was not of that sort, however, to sit down and complain, but determined to do something, even if not so congenial to his tastes or advantageous to his pocket-book, he was bound to do something, even if it would pay nothing more than his board. Such persons are not long without employment of some kind, and his first position was that of "hostler" for Albert Neff. Having graduated here with honor to himself, he engaged in "sawing wood." In 1858 he concluded to return to his eastern home, and consequently started in that direction, but Milwaukee was the extent of his journey thither, for here he turned about and came again to Richland Center, and entered the employ of A B Weigley as clerk. Subsequently he held similar positions for different persons until 1869, when he formed a partnership with his brother, N W Bailey, purchased a small stock of goods of J L Brown and engaged in business. He became sole proprietor in 1878, and has since increased his trade to such an extent that he now carries one of the largest stock of goods in this part of the State. His present store building, erected in 1883, at a cost of $15,000, is one of the best in the county. The subject of this sketch, Henry Thompson Bailey, was born in Connecticut, Jan. 27, 1838, his parents being Alvin and Lury (Neff) Bailey. They were also natives of the same State. His early life was spent on the farm, but when sixteen years old, he went to the city of New York, and commenced mercantile life as clerk in a grocery and provision store, from whence he came westward as before stated. Mr. Bailey is very much of a gentleman, affable, courteous and pleasing to all, and one of the best business men in the State, as his record abundantly testifies. Politically he is a democrat. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Richland Lodge No. 66, the chapter and commandary at Boscobel, and consistory at Milwaukee; he is also a member of the IOOF. July 31, 1861, Mr. Bailey was married to Medora Huntington. She died Sept. 15, 1882, leaving two children --- Henry T and Milo H. Milo H. died Feb. 18, 1883.

    James Martin, an early settler in the town of Buena Vista, was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, Nov. 29, 1827. Here he grew to manhood, being reared to agricultural pursuits. In 1850 he went to California overland, with a party consisting of thirty-seven people and six teams. When about half way across the plains, the party divided in six squads. He remained with the party three days, when he, with two others, took a mule from the team, loaded their baggage on him, and thus finished their journey; having been on the road five months, and making the greater part of the way on foot. He engaged in mining until the following December, when he started on his return, this time by water and across the isthmus. After returning home he ran his father's farm for one year, then took a contract of quarrying stone for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. He was thus engaged about one year, when he took a contract to construct a portion of the road, which took about one and one-half years. He then went to Barnesville, in Belmont county, where he purchased a flouring and saw mill, which he operated until 1856, when he removed to Richland county and bought land of Nathaniel Wheeler, on section 28, town of Buena Vista. He occupied this farm twelve years, when he purchased land on section 29, same town, and made that his home until 1883, when he removed to Richland Center. He still owns and manages his large farm of 600 acres, and which is well stocked and equipped with a good set of buildings, including, besides a large frame house, a barn 30x80 feet, with a stone basement. Mr. Martin has for several years been extensively engaged in dealing in live stock as well as farming. He was married in 1854 to Hulda A Henderson, who was born in Belmont Co., Ohio. They have had four children --- James W, Nellie, Mack and Hattie, the latter now dead.

    H W Eastland is a son of H A and Isabelle A Eastland. He was born at Sextonville, this county, Oct. 5, 1856. He was educated at Richland Center. He spent one year in Dakota. In May, 1882, in partnership with F S Pennell, he established a grocery, provision and crockery business, in which he is engaged at the present time. In May, 1881, Katie Speidell became his wife.

    William Hice located at Richland Center in 1857, and followed his trade, cabinet maker, until 1861. He then enlisted in company D, 11th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, was commissioned first lieutenant, and served as such eighteen months, when he resigned on account of disability, returned to Richland Center and worked at the carpenter and joiner's trade until 1876. He then built a planing mill and machine shop, which he has since operated. Mr. Hice was born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Oct. 5, 1827. He learned his trade and followed the same in his native State until 1854. He then went to Milwaukee, from whence he came to Richland Center. He was married in 1850 to Margaret Schoonover, who died in October, 1861, leaving three children --- Mary (deceased), Maggie, now the wife of Charles Green, and Joseph W. In 1865 he was again married to Mrs. Sarah Williams, and they have one son --- Junius. Mr. Hice in politics is a republican.

    J W Lybrand is a native of Philadelphia, Penn., born Feb. 4, 1813. He removed with his parents to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, in 1823, spent his early life on a farm and in 1833 was married to Levina E Simons, a daughter of Col. Royal D Simons, who was in active service during the War of 1812. They had two sons --- George D and Franklin G, both now deceased. After his marriage, Mr. Lybrand engaged in general merchandising. In 1842 he changed to hotel business, continuing the same until 1848. He also served as county treasurer, four years. In May, 1857, he came to Richland Center, for the purpose of establishing his son in business, when he associated J L McKee as partner and established a general mercantile business. Mr. Lybrand did not intend to become a resident of the place, and for three years claimed Ohio as his home, but he soon became attached to the country, and in 1859 purchased his partner's interest, took in his son as partner, and the firm carried on a large jobbing trade, thereby supplying most of the stores in the northern part of the county. Mr. Lybrand also dealt largely in real estate. His son, George, accompanied him to Richland Center, in 1857. He was married to Maggie W Lybrand of Philadelphia. They had born to them, two children, a son and daughter --- Rollin C and Cornelia D Lybrand, both of whom are married and living in Richland Center. Rollin C, is engaged in the mercantile business and with John Echelberger (the present husband of Mrs. M W Lybrand), compose the firm of Echelberger & Lybrand. When the Civil War broke out G D Lybrand enlisted in the 5th Wisconsin, and J W Lybrand continued the business alone until 1866, when he sold out to George A and A H Krouskop, went to Chicago and engaged in commission business, and for a number of years his trade amounted to $1,000,000 annually. After the Chicago fire in 1871, his family returned to Richland Center, and in1873 Mr. Lybrand sold out and also returned. In 1878 he again engaged in general merchandise, and continued in the business until January, 1883, when he retired from active business life. When the railroad was built here Mr. Lybrand took stock to the amount of $1000, and afterwards became the principal stockholder. He was then chosen president and general manager, which position he held until the road was sold to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Company. Mr. Lybrand was formerly a democrat, but when the Civil War broke out he joined the republican ranks, and has since voted with that party. He has, however, taken but little interest in politics since coming to Wisconsin. He is an active temperance worker, and a member of the Temple of Honor. He has been successful as a business man, and is a gentleman of many good qualities. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade.

    W E Pratt was born in Jericho, Vt., July 31, 1848, and is the son of Edwin and Hannah (Hapgood) Pratt. About 1855 the family came to Wisconsin and resided two years at Beloit, then came to Richland county and engaged in farming in the town of Willow. The parents now reside at Sextonville. The subject of this sketch, at the age of eighteen, commenced work at the painters trade, and has since given his attention to the same, and is now a member of the firm of Pratt Bros. In March, 1878, he was married to Fannie Goodrich, daughter of Lorenzo Goodrich. They have two children --- Fred and Roy E.

    W D S Ross made a visit to this county in 1854, and selected his present farm, which was then owned by a man in Indiana. Mr. Ross soon returned to Marion Co., Ind., and after some correspondence succeeded in purchasing the land, which was the southwest quarter of section 28. In the spring of 1857 he removed his family to Wisconsin and commenced improving his property. He has since been engaged in general farming. He now owns 200 acres, a good frame house, and excellent barns. He also owns a half interest in the Park Hotel, at Richland Center, of which mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. Ross is a native of Fleming Co., Ky., born May 19, 1828. His parents were Alexander and Nancy (Arnold) Ross. In 1844 the family removed to Marion Co., Ind., where the parents died. April 25, 1850, the subject of this sketch was married to Rachel Jones. She died Jan. 4, 1877. They had reared eight children --- Samuel T, Robert A, James A, Alilia Jane, Elmer E (deceased), Virgil M, Ulysses Grant and Nora Ann. Aug. 28, 1878, Mr. Ross was married to Mrs. Indiana Wilson, nee McClelland, and by this union one son has been born --- John M. Mr. Ross is a republican in politics, and has been a member of the town board several terms.

    Joseph Knight was a native of England, born Sept. 29, 1828. April 11, 1851, he was married to Rose Anna Horan. They soon emigrated to the United States, and first settled in Altoona, Penn. He was there engaged in the construction of railroads. His faithful wife boarded men who worked with him. He continued this occupation at Altoona one year, then at Marietta, Ohio, three years, and at Roseville a short time. He came to Wisconsin in 1855, spent one summer at Elkhorn, the following winter at Madison, two years at Monroe, then went to Rosemount, Minn., from whence he returned to Wisconsin and settled on section 10, Richland, where he had previously purchased eighty acres of land. Here he spent the remainder of his life. He died Dec. 23, 1874. Mr. Knight was a firm believer in the Christian religion, and read his Bible daily. He took an active interest during the Civil War, and did all that was in his power to do by furnishing money to aid the cause, but did not enlist on account of his family of small children. He never sought worldly honor, and often refused to become a candidate for public offices. Mrs. Knight still resides at the homestead, and now owns 120 acres with good improvements. She reared eight children --- Frances (deceased), Mary Ann, Sarah Ann, Johanna, Susan, Rose Ann, George E (deceased) and Dora.

    Rev. John Walworth was born at Big Sodus Bay, Wayne Co., NY, on the 28th day of July, 1804. His ancestors emigrated from London, England, about the year 1765, some of whom located in Virginia and others in Herkimer Co., NY. From these latter originated all of the name in the State of New York. His father was a pioneer in the early settlement of western New York, and took a very active part in the military operations of the time with the Indians and commanded a regiment of volunteers at the battle of Fort Erie, in the War of 1812. At the age of seventeen John was sent to Norwich, in Chenango county, for the purpose of obtaining an education, where he remained about six years, and then returned to western New York, where he was for several years engaged in school teaching and other literary pursuits. During this time he was married to Sylvia Lambson, of Hampden Co., Mass. Soon after this, in company with a number of others, he emigrated to the then territory of Michigan, arriving there in time to take part in that ludicrous appeal to arms by the young Gov. Mason in calling out the militia of the territory to prevent the governor of Ohio from taking possession of a certain strip or piece of land lying along the Maumee river, which was subsequently named Lucas county, in honor of the governor of Ohio. Mr. Walworth chose the ministry as his profession. But in looking over the creeds and confessions of faith of the several denominations with a view of Church membership, he found it very difficult to reconcile them with each other, and still more difficult to reconcile them to the teachings of the Scriptures. His next effort was to find which of the creeds was the nearest or most like the Bible in its teachings. This earnest research for truth continued for several months and was quite perplexing for a while, but the question occurred, Upon what authority do these many confessions of faith stand? The answer was plain --- they are but the opinions of uninspired men, a mixture of truth and error, and claim the credence of the world only by virtue of the votes of synods or the decrees of councils. These votes can not change error into truth, nor truth into error. With the confessions and creeds of ten or more of the largest and leading denominations in this country, and in Europe, before him, the thought occurred, why not leave all these formulas of human opinion and take the Bible alone for your guide? There was something satisfying in the thought, which soon culminated in a resolution to take the Bible as the inspired word of God, as man's best and only safe rule of faith and practice, which teaches us that in every Nation, and every age, he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted by him. On this broad religious platform he commenced his ministerial labors and has continued them as health would permit for near fifty years. Mr. Walworth has never labored in the interest of any sectarian organization, but rather to lead and help men to lead an upright and pious life, and all true Christians to unite in charity and every good work. He has mostly lived and labored upon the frontiers, and endured the hardships of a pioneer life. As to the success or efficiency of his labors, the communities that have seen, and the thousands that have participated in them can best judge. In 1840 Mr. Walworth came to Illinois and traveled four years as a missionary, but the unavoidable exposure to cold and storm had so impaired his health that at the end of that service he was compelled to relinquish this arduous labor, and in 1846 he removed to Monroe, Green Co., Wis., when he subsequently became proprietor and editor of the Monroe Sentinel, a weekly county paper, of the democratic persuasion. By constant labor the Sentinel soon gained a large circulation, for that day of newspapers, in Green and the adjoining counties. At this time the encroachments of the slave power upon the courts of justice upon free territory, and the capture of both political parties in the enactment of the fugitive slave law, and the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, had thrust upon the people very grave questions in regard to the fate of freedom in this country, or under our government in the near future. The Sentinel was the first democratic paper in the State that came out emphatically against the aggressions of the slave power, and the legislation of both democrats and whigs in the interest of slavery. After consultation with many persons of all political parties it was agreed to publish a call for a people's convention, without respect to previous affiliation, to be held at the capitol in Madison, July 13, 1854. This call was published in the Sentinel and a good number of other papers, and was much more largely attended by leading men from nearly all parts of the State than had been anticipated. Mr. Walworth was chosen president of the convention, and though there was perfect freedom of speech and expression of individual opinion, it was orderly and for the most harmonious. The convention proceeded to the full organization of the republican party by the adoption of a platform of freedom, and appointment of a State central committee and other officers. About two years after this Mr. Walworth had so far regained his health that he accepted a call to a pastorate in the cities of Lewisburg and Northumberland, Penn., but a few months of pastoral labor brought on the former complaint, the bronchitis, which prevented his continued labor, and though very pleasantly situated, he found it necessary to relinquish his charge. In 1858 Mr. Walworth located at Richland Center, having purchased the office of the Richland County Observer, which brought him again into politics, in which he advocated the principles of the republican party with fidelity. He took a deep interest in the cause of temperance, frequently lecturing on the subject, and in 1860 he was elected G W Chaplain of the order of Good Templers of the State. In 1862 he was elected to the Legislature, also again elected in 1863. As the repeated calls came from the President for volunteers, many of our citizens left their homes and families to defend the Union, and it was not strange that one who had so long, and so successfully advocated the principles of human freedom should, though somewhat advanced in age, be willing to go to the field of contest, to help his fellow patriots in the defense of freedom should, though somewhat advanced in age, be willing to go to the field of contest, to help his fellow patriots in the defense of freedom, and our national existence, and at the organization of the 43d regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, in the fall of 1864, Mr. Walworth was elected chaplain of the regiment, and soon left the State for active service in the State of Tennessee. This regiment was first ordered on to Johnsonville on the Tennessee river, then to Clarksville on the Cumberland river, then after the battle of Nashville to Elk river and Deehard near the city of Winchester, at the foot of the Cumberland mountains, on the Chattanooga railroad. At this place they received the intelligence of the surrender of Gen. Lee, which caused great joy, but it was soon changed to sorrow by the news of the assassination of President Lincoln. The mingled emotions of the deep sorrow, and determination to avenge his death, though visible upon the countenances of both officers and soldiers, could not be expressed in words. Orders were received that at every regular post a funeral service should be held on the day of the President's burial. Arrangements were accordingly made, and at the appointed hour the regiment, with many other soldiers and citizens, marched to a convenient place prepared for the purpose, led by the band rendering a most pathetic funeral dirge, when the chaplain, Mr. Walworth, made a very appropriate address founded on 1st Samuel 20, 3. A most reverent solemnity prevailed in the large assemblage. This discourse was, by request of the citizens, repeated on the following Sabbath, to a large congregation of citizens and soldiers at the Presbyterian church in the city of Winchester. There were perhaps 1,000 colored people, freed slaves, within the lines for protection. These people requested of the commanding officer to have this discourse repeated to them, to which he kindly assented, and arrangements were made. The band gave good music, but they requested to sing one of their own funeral songs, which was sung in their own funeral songs, which was sung in their own peculiar style, to the great gratification of the soldiers. As the discourse drew near the conclusion, these poor homeless creatures gave unrestrained utterance to their grief, which, though somewhat ludicrous in form, still showed evidence of being most sincere and heart-felt. Frequent exclamations of sorrow, such as "Massa Lincum is dead, yes Massa Lincum is dead, he is our friend, de Lor sent him to free us," swinging their hands, and weeping like children. Since the close of the war Mr. Walworth has resided at Richland Center, except a few months devoted to a southern tour to Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. He has regularly supplied the pulpit of a congregation on the Sabbath, besides other frequent calls for his professional services. And now far advanced in age, and suffering from the effects of exposures and injuries received while in the army, is quietly endeavoring to fill up the remnant of a laborious and useful life, in hope of an honorable discharge, and the unfailing reward of fidelity to duty to God and his fellow man.

    J C Fries, of the firm of Fries & Brewer, tanners, is a son of Judge H W Fries, and was born in Union Co., Penn., Oct. 2, 1849, and came with his parents to Richland county in 1858, and soon commenced work in his father's tannery, and has since been connected with the same. In 1874 he was married to Helen Buchanan, who died in March, 1881, leaving two children --- Gerge A and Henry W. He was again married in April, 1882, to Amelia Zimmerman. Mr. Fries, in politics, is a democrat, and in religion, a believer in the Baptist faith.

    A S Fries, son of H W Fries, was born in Union Co., Penn., June 30, 1844. He came with his parents to Richland county, and has since been a resident. He learned the tanning business, and for several years was a member of the firm of Fries Bros. Since 1876 he has been farming. He was married to Flora Schneider in 1867. They are the parents of eight living children --- William, Nellie, Carrie, Eddie, Mary, Mark, Scott and Jennie. Emma is deceased. Mr. Fries, in politics, is a democrat, and a Presbyterian in his religion. He is a member of the AF&AM.

    J W Burnham, druggist, is a son of H L Burnham, and was born in Richland county, Nov. 7, 1858. He helped till the soil until he attained his majority, then engaged as clerk for Burnham Bros., with whom he served in that capacity for three years. He then engaged himself with Bowen & Allen until March, 1883, since which date he has been a member of the firm of Burnham & Burnham.

    C C Fries, son of Judge H W Fries, was born in Union Co., Penn., Dec. 14, 1852, and came with his parents to this county in 1858. He obtained his education in the schools at Richland Center, and in 1872 entered the employ of Parfrey & Pease as bookkeeper, with whom he remained four years, after which he served A H Krouskop in a like capacity, for two years. He is now bookkeeper and head clerk for H T Bailey. July 4, 1874, he was married to Miss G J Buchanan. They have two children living --- Jay C and Isoline.

    Capt. Henry Toms is a native of England, born Aug. 6, 1829. He resided in his native country till 1853, then emigrated to the United States and first stopped at Lyons, NY, where he worked at the cabinet trade. He subsequently removed to St. John's, Mich., from whence, in 1859, he came to Wisconsin and located at Richland Center. He was engaged in the manufacture of fanning mills until 1861, then enlisted in company D, of the 11th Wisconsin. He was at first commissioned corporal, but was soon promoted to the rank of captain, and served as such until the regiment was mustered out of service. Returning to Richland Center, Capt. Toms established the furniture business, which he has since conducted. He is the oldest cabinet maker and furniture dealer in the village. He is a member of the AF&AM, and a man who attends strictly to his own business, prompt in the fulfillment of his obligations and highly respected as a citizen. He was married in 1864 to Mary A Parfrey, and they have seven children --- Clara, Ada, Henry, Edwin, Josie, Emma and Arthur.

    H W Glasier, principal of the Sextonville High School, has been a resident of Richland county since 1859. He was born at Factory Point, Bennington Co., Vt., May 25, 1828. When but five years of age his parents removed to the town of Hebron, Washington Co., NY, and there resided for three years. They then removed to Ohio, making the trip overland. After three weeks' travel they arrived at Twinsburg, Summit county, where they located for one year, then removed to Franklin Mills, now called Kent, in Portage Co., Ohio. When fifteen years of age he accompanied his father and another man on a fruit tree grafting expedition to the south. They embarked on an Ohio river steamboat, and at Cincinnati took on board their scions, and then shipped for Mill's Point, Tenn., where they disembarked, and with a team that had been taken along, commenced the business part of their journey. They traveled through Nashville and Lexington; thence to Covington and Maysville (all in Kentucky), and from the latter point followed the Ohio river up to Wheeling, W. Va., where they crossed the river and drove toward Cleveland, ending their journey in June, after a profitable and pleasant trip. The following season the three duplicated the journey. In the fall after he was seventeen years of age, Mr. Glasier resolved to teach school, and started on foot in search of a situation. He walked twenty-three miles and made an engagement to teach in the town of Solon, Cuyahoga county, at $12 per month and "board around." He continued teaching until 1859, with the exception of one year in the marble business. In 1853 he was engaged as principal of the Bedford (Cuyahoga county) school. In the spring of 1859, after coming to Richland county at the solicitation of the citizens of Richland Center, he rented a room in that village, furnished it with the necessary apparatus, and opened a select school. This movement proved a complete success, and the school was continued until the fall of 1860. At that time he was visited by the school board from Sextonville, and engaged by them to teach in that village, and immediately transferred his school to that point. Since his removal he has taught twelve and a half years' school in Sextonville, and has also been professionally engaged at Lone Rock, Boscobel, Muscoda and Highland. Prof. Glasier believes that a man is never too old to learn, and for some years he has been a constant student. In April, 1851, he was married to Jane Elizabeth Bosworth, a native of New York. These parents have been blessed with nine children --- Willis H, Fannie E, Cora A, Charles J, Edwin S, Johnson J, Arthur B, Gilson G and Edith L.

    W W Baker was born in Ohio in 1840, and resided in his native State until twenty years of age, then came to Wisconsin and settled at Richland Center. Here he at first clerked and subsequently was engaged in business, being a member of the firm of Pease & Baker. In 1863 he married Vira L Pease. In 1868 he left Richland Center and engaged in the lightning-rod business at Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, New York, and still later at Chicago , where his death took place March 1, 1875. Mrs. Baker returned to Richland Center, and in the fall of 1879, in partnership with Mrs. Fidelia Pease, established a general mercantile business of which Mrs. Baker is now the sole proprietor, and is carrying on the same with marked success. Mrs. Baker is the mother of four children, two now living --- Rena V and W W.

    E Pease settled at Richland Center on the 11th day of April, 1860. He had just arrived from the State of Vermont where he had been engaged in dairy farming, and, as he had about $16,000 in cash, he loaned money, and for several years did quite a brokerage business. He now owns a large number of cows and sheep, which he has let on shares to farmers about Richland county. Mr. Pease was born in Bennington Co., Vt. in 1803, and in 1832 married Lucinda Glasier. He was a poor man but got a start in life by selling goods around Boston, and then engaged in dairy farming in Vermont, in which business he met with marked success. Mr. and Mrs. Pease have reared five children --- Dexter E, D G, Vira L, Myron C, deceased, and Clarence N, deceased.

    W F Doudna, of the firm of Strang & Doudna, was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, Feb. 22, 1854. His parents are Isaac and Martha Doudna. In 1861 the family came to Wisconsin and settled in Marshall, Richland county, where the parents still reside and are engaged in farming. In 1872 he entered the employ of James Bros., learned the tinners trade, and in 1875 engaged in hardware business at Viola. In 1878 he removed his stock to Richland Center, formed a partnership with George Strang, and has since continued the hardware business under the above firm name. Mr. Doudna was united in marriage in 1876 with Mary Brewer, daughter of James Brewer. They have two children --- Eddie and Oscar. Mr. Doudna is politically a democrat and is chairman of the democratic county committee. He is a member of the IOOF.

    A C Parfrey, proprietor of the Richland Center mills, is a son of Edward and Elizabeth (Crane) Parfrey. He was born in England, Jan. 31, 1839. He learned the milling business in his native country, and in 1857, with his parents, emigrated to the United States, and came to Richland county. In 1863 he became interested in the mills of which he is now the owner. In 1864, in partnership with J C Nichols, he built an upright saw-mill on the opposite side of the river from the grist-mill, and in 1865 changed it to a rotary mill, and has since operated the same, or had it leased to other parties. In 1865 he built a bedstead factory , which employed from sixteen to thirty-five hands, but discontinued the business in 1871. In 1871, with D E Pease as partner, he erected a stave factory and the present flouring mills which they operated with good success four years; they then discontinued the stave factory business on account of the scarcity of timber. Thus it can be seen that Mr. Parfrey has been one of Richland Center's most enterprising and wide awake citizens. Before the railroad was built to the village, Mr. Parfrey paid as high as $9,000 in a year for hauling freight, flour, lumber and bedsteads to Lone Rock, and his business amounted to $131,000 annually. He is unpretentious in his manners and a shrewd business man. In October, 1865, Margaret A Fries became his wife. She is a daughter of Judge H W Fries. They have had seven children born to them, six of whom are now living --- E H, Rena, Jennie, Maggie, Charles and Henry.

    Edward Parfrey came to this county in 1861, and leased the Richland Center grist-mill, and operated the same until 1863, when he removed to Dane county. In April, 1864, he returned to Richland county and purchased the Ithaca mill, which he operated until his death, which occurred in 1867. He left a wife and four children --- Mary Ann, now the wife of Henry Toms, A C, Youngs (deceased) and Fred. Mrs. Parfrey died in January, 1883. Mr. Parfrey was a native of England. He was a miller by trade, as was also his father. He married Elizabeth Crane. In 1857 they emigrated to the United States and spent the first winter in Milwaukee, then settled in Dane county, from whence they came to Richland Center.

    Obadiah Driskill was born in Cayuga Co., NY, Nov. 8, 1840. His mother died in 1844, and his father subsequently married again. In 1848 the family moved to Michigan. The subject of this sketch, however, did not remain there, but returned to his native State, and lived there until 1855, then went to Illinois, and at Chicago in 1861 enlisted with "Barker's Dragoons" for three months. At the expiration of that time, he enlisted in company B, 8th Illinois regiment. He was wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, and discharged from service, Aug. 2, 1862. In 1863 he came to Richland Co., Wis., and Jan. 18, 1864, enlisted in company A, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry, in which he served until April 15, 1866. Thus it can be seen that he was determined to serve his country to the best of his ability. Since the war he has been a resident of this county, and has been extensively engaged in dealing in live stock. For two years he carried on a general store. In 1883 he established a livery business at Richland Center, and now carries on the same. He was united in marriage, May 26, 1866, with Mary Reed. They have two children --- Luella and Benjamin. Mr. Driskill is a member of the democratic party, also of the IOOF.

    George E Bennett, clerk of the circuit court, is a native of Scotland, born Oct. 25, 1828. His father was a farmer and George E helped till the soil and resided in his native country until 1849, then emigrated to the United States, and first stopped in Washington Co., Penn. In 1852 he removed to Hickman, Ky., where he remained three years, then went to Henry Co., Tenn., manufacturing tobacco, and sometime subsequently to Memphis, where he was engaged in the commission business. He was commission clerk and tobacco inspector until October, 1863. He then came to Wisconsin, and in October settled near Lone Rock and engaged in farming, which he pursued until Jan. 3, 1881, when he entered upon the duties of his present office, and is now serving his second term. While a resident of Buena Vista he served as town clerk eleven years and justice of the peace two years. He is a republican in politics, a member of the IOOF, and a member of the Congregational Church, being deacon of the society at Lone Rock. Mr. Bennett has been twice married. In 1856 to Ellen Tully, a native of South Carolina. She died in March, 1858, leaving one son --- John E O, who now resides at Britt, Hancock Co., Iowa. In 1865 he married Mrs. Harriet Turner nee Clark. They have an adopted daughter --- Alice.

    Lee McMurtrey came to the county in 1864, and, in partnership with his brother, established a meat market. In 1868 he purchased his brother's interest and continued the business alone until 1874, since which he has continued his trade and now has charge of the meat market of F P Bowen. Mr. McMurtrey was born in La Fayette county, April 15, 1840, and has always been a resident of the State. In 1861 he enlisted in company H, of the 3d Wisconsin regiment, and served three years. Jan. 6, 1867, he was married to Maria J Lindley, and they have two children --- Amabelle Lurena and Marvin Lee. Mr. McMurtrey is a member of the AF&AM and GAR.

    M L Sherman was born in Wyoming Co., NY, Jan. 6, 1831. His early life was spent on a farm, and in 1844, he removed with his parents to Kane Co., Ill. At eighteen years of age he commenced work at the harness trade, and in 1852 went to the Pacific slope and remained six years. In 1861 he enlisted in company K, 52d Illinois and served three years. He then came to this county and has since been engaged in the harness business, and is now the oldest harness-maker in the place. In 1858 he married Miss C S Ellithorpe, a native of Vermont. They have seven children --- Estelle, Carrie, Herbert, Edith, Eugene, Katie and Bertha. Politically, Mr. Sherman is a democrat, and an earnest temperance worker, being a member of the Temple of Honor, also a member of the GAR.

    Jesse G Bunell was born in the village of Manlius, Onondaga Co., NY, Jan. 15, 1847. His parents were Jesse and Eliza (Crawley) Bunell. When three years of age his parents removed to New York city, where he resided with them until June, 1861, when he took up his home with his aunt in Middlesex Co., Canada, until April, 1862, when he came to Richland county, and in August of that year enlisted in company B, 25th regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the Rebellion. After his return he was engaged in agricultural pursuits in the town of Westford, in Richland county, until the fall of 1874, when he was elected county clerk and twice re-elected, his time expiring Jan. 1, 1881, since which time he has been employed as book-keeper and assistant postmaster by D G James, of Richland Center. He was married Oct. 20, 1867, to Sophronia Moody, daughter of Joseph Moody, of Westford, Wis., and they now have four children living --- Alice, Charles, Bessie and an infant daughter. Mr. Bunell is a member of Boscobel chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and at present master of Richland Lodge No. 66, AF&AM. He is a republican in politics and identified with the GAR.

    Major A M Crumbecker is not one of the pioneers but is one of the leading farmers in Richland county, having settled on section 34, Richland town, in the spring of 1865. He has given attention to tilling the soil and now owns 335 acres of land, with excellent improvements, and his location for a farm is one of the best in the county. Mr. Crumbecker was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, July 14, 1829. His parents, Isaac and Hannah Crumbecker, were natives of Maryland, but settled in Ohio many years ago and engaged in farming. The subject of this sketch, in 1853, was married to Mary C Eakin. She died, leaving one daughter --- Florence. In 1859 he was married to Hannah Pennock, and by this union five children have been born --- Lenora, Estella, Mary, Harry and Winifred. In August, 1861, A M Crumbacker enlisted as a private in company A, 32d, Ohio Infantry. He was at once commissioned first lieutenant, and a few months later promoted to the rank of captain. In the spring of 1863 he became major of the regiment and served in that capacity until October, 1864, at which time a portion of the regiment re-enlisted, and Major Crumbecker, having served the full term of his enlistment, resigned his commission, after having participated in all the battles, marches and skirmishes of the regiment. He then returned to his home, and in 1865 came to Wisconsin, as before stated. He always votes the republican ticket, takes an interest in the welfare of the party, but does not aspire to office. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and highly respected as a citizen. During the war Major Crumbecker was a good soldier, and had the confidence and respect of his command. He was among those who enlisted purely from a love of country and the right, and has always been actuated and governed in his intercourse with his fellow-men by honest and commendable convictions, and he is a worthy representative of the best class of Richland county citizens.

    George L Spangler, city marshal, was born in Adams Co., Ind., Feb. 11, 1853. His father died in 1857, and he then lived in the family of his uncle, James Essex, with whom, in March, 1866, he came to Wisconsin and settled in the town of Bloom. In 1873 Mr. Essex removed to Kansas. In the spring of 1872 the subject of this sketch was married to Eliza Allbaugh. He then purchased eighty acres of land and engaged in farming. He spent one season lumbering on the Mississippi river, and for several years operated a clover huller. This latter enterprise proved a great misfortune, for, on the 30th of January, 1880, while feeding the machine, his right hand came in contact with the cylinder and was so badly mangled that amputation above the wrist was necessary. After meeting with this misfortune Mr. Spangler left the farm and removed to Richland Center and for two years served as deputy sheriff. He has been city marshal since 1881, and is a member of the encampment of the IOOF. Mr. and Mrs. Spangler have two children --- Etta Lenora and Ira Leonard.

    James Dove is proprietor of the oldest blacksmith business in Richland Center, having established the same in 1866. He is also a member of the firm of Dove Bros., dealers in furniture, etc. Mr. Dove was born in St. Lawrence Co., NY, Oct. 13, 1825. His parents being Charles and Mary Dove. He learned the trade of blacksmith and in 1854 came west, residing in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin until 1866, when as before stated, he came to Richland Center. In October, 1864, he was married to Anna Johnson, and they have one daughter --- Hattie. Mr. Dove is a man who attends strictly to his own business and is respected as a citizen.

    Fred P Lawrence was born at Bear Creek in the town of Ithaca, Richland county, March 4, 1860. His parents were C A and Maria (Carpenter) Lawrence; his father at that time being engaged in farming. In 1867 the family removed to Richland Center. Fred P attended school at Bear Creek one year, and upon moving the county seat, continued in school until sixteen years of age. In 1876 he commenced work for A H Krouskop, and continued with him for three years when he went into the hardware business, which he still follows, now being in the employ of Strang & Doudna, at Richland Center. Mr. Lawrence was married on the 16th of February, 1882, to Grace A Chandler, daughter of D O Chandler, of Richland Center. They have one child --- Myra, born Feb. 7, 1883.

    F D Fowler, in April, 1867, settled on section 36, town of Richland, having purchased the land in 1865. Here he resided (with his exception of three years when he rented his farm) until 1882. He however worked most of the time at his trade, carpenter and joiner. In 1882 he removed to Richland Center, where in 1883 he built for himself a spacious dwelling house, and is now well situated to enjoy life. He still owns his farm which contains 160 acres. Mr. Fowler was born in Herkimer Co., NY, Jan. 3, 1825. His father was a tanner but also owned a small farm on which the family resided. In 1841 the subject of this sketch left home and followed a sea-faring life until 1848, sailing on the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans and visiting ports in all parts of the globe. Returning to his native State, he attended school and also taught school, and learned his trade. He was married in 1852 to Maria A Cole, who was a native of Jefferson Co., NY. In 1855 they came to Wisconsin and resided in Dodge county until they came to Richland. In 1862 Mr. Fowler enlisted in company A, 24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro and disabled from service. He was honorably discharged in June, 1863. Returning to Dodge county, he sold his property, went back to New York and in July, 1864, enlisted in company E, 20th New York Cavalry, and served until mustered out of service at the close of the war. He then came again to Wisconsin and lived in Dodge county until 1867. Mr. Fowler has been identified with the republican party since its organization. In his religious views he is liberal. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have had five children born to them, four of whom are now living --- Frank, Edgar E, Irwin S and Chester A.

    Frank Sanford came to Richland county in 1867, and purchased a tannery located west of Richland Center, and operated the same about three years, since which time it has been idle. Mr. Sanford was not engaged in any regular business until 1878, when he built a livery and feed barn and established a livery business, which he sold out in February, 1879, and re-purchased in 1881, and has since carried on an extensive livery business besides operating the stage lines between Richland Center and Viola, West Lima and Cazenovia. Mr. Sanford was born in Mercer Co., Penn., Dec. 14, 1830. The family in 1833 removed to Michigan, where the father died in 1845, and as the family were left in moderate circumstances, the subject of this sketch worked at various employments during the summer seasons, and attended school winters. He went to Galena, Ill., in 1848, and in 1851 came to Wisconsin and had charge of a lead furnace until 1856, when on account of failing eyesight, he spent a season in St. Louis. In 1857 he returned to Mineral Point and engaged in the livery business. In 1862 he went to Idaho and worked at mining four years, then again returned to Mineral Point, where he was employed in the tanning business, coming from thence to this county in 1867, as before stated. He was married in 1858 to Caroline Clems; they have five children --- George, Lewis, Ella, Caroline and Anna. Mr. Sanford is a Royal Arch Mason.

    J D Harring was born in Waukesha county, Jan. 6, 1847. His parents were J G and Jane C (Butler) Harring. His mother died in 1852, and his father then, with his children, emigrated to Michigan, where he married Mary E Merrett. He returned to Wisconsin and in 1868 came to Richland county. The subject of this sketch was married in 1873 to Miss C A Derrickson, and now resides on section 12, town of Richland, where he now owns 200 acres. His farm at the time of his purchase was unimproved, and covered with timber. Mr. Harring is politically a republican, and has been a member of the town board, four years, and chairman one year. Mr. and Mrs. Harring are the parents of three children --- Ismay, Nellie and J G. Mr. Harring's parents now live in Juneau county.

    George H Strang was born in Janesville, Rock Co., Wis., Sept. 7, 1850. He is a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Spoon) Strang. In 1854 the family removed to Sauk county and engaged in farming. In 1883 the parents emigrated to Charles City, Iowa, where they now reside. George H Strang came to Richland Center in 1868, entered the employ of James Bros., and learned the tinner trade. In 1878 he went in partnership with W F Doudna, and has since been engaged in the hardware business, the name of the firm being Strang & Doudna. Mr. Strang was married in 1873 to Lizzie E James, daughter of George H James. They have three sons --- Bert, Rupert and Scott. Mr. Strang is a republican in his politics, and has held local office.

    J A Cleveland established his present drug business, in May, 1881. His residence, in the east part of the village, is one of the best in town. Mr. Cleveland was born in Chenango Co., NY, in November, 1846, and resided in his native State, until twenty years of age. He then went to Story Co., Iowa, from whence he came to Wisconsin. He was married in 1872 to Minnie J Benbow, daughter of Benjamin Benbow, of Ithaca. They have one son --- Frank. Mr. Cleveland is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a shrewd business man, and a good citizen.

    August Larson was born in Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2, 1842. He learned his trade, (cabinet maker) and resided in his native city, until 1866. He then emigrated to the United States and first stopped at New York city, where he worked at his trade about eighteen months. He then worked one year in Chicago. He subsequently, at different intervals, worked at St. Paul, Minn., La Crosse, Ontario, and Milwaukee, Wis., Buffalo, NY, Windsor, Canada, and Detroit, Mich. He then returned to Ontario, Wis., from whence, in 1873, he came to Richland Center. Here he entered the employ of Capt. Henry Toms, whom he served (with the exception of six months spent in Dakota) until 1880. He established himself in the furniture business, July 1, 1881, in which he is meeting with marked success. Mr. Larson is a first-class mechanic, and a man who attends strictly to his own business. On Nov. 19, 1874, he was married to Rosa Mayfield, daughter of David Mayfield, and they now have one son --- Albert, born Feb. 18, 1882.

    Oliver G Munson was born in Howard Co., Iowa, March 2, 1856. His parents being C M and M R (Taft) Munson. He was educated in the common schools, and in 1871 commenced newspaper work in the Plain Dealer office at Cresco, Iowa. He was subsequently in the Times office at said place. He served in every capacity, sweeping the office, setting type, doing job work and writing editorials, thus becoming a practical printer. In 1876 he came to Richland Center, and soon afterwards became associated as partner with W M Fogo in the publication of the Republican, afterward changed to Republican and Observer. Mr. Munson was married Dec. 15, 1881, to Josie C Downs, daughter of W H Downs, and they now have one daughter. He is a member of the AF&AM, the IOOF and the Temple of Honor.

    R N McKay was born in Ireland, Oct. 22, 1851. His parents were William and Margaret McKay. The family emigrated to the United States in 1852, and first settled in Ozaukee Co., Wis., and engaged in farming. They afterward moved to Dodge county, where the father died in 1860. The mother now resides in Richland county. Six of the children are still living --- Agnes, W J, James, R N, Sarah and Mary. R N McKay was married in 1875 to Laura Davis, a daughter of J L Davis, of Vernon county. In 1877 he came to Richland Center. He had charge of the county poor farm for two years, and was engaged in farming until 1880, since which time he has been engaged in a grocery, provision and crockery trade. Mr. and Mrs. McKay have two children --- Alice and Roxey.

    B N Smith was born in Pennsylvania, March 20, 1838. In 1852 the family removed to Cattaraugus Co., NY. He there commenced work at his trade, that of blacksmith. In 1856 he went to Missouri, where he followed his trade, taught school and studied medicine. In 1859-60 he attended the medical department of the State University, at Keokuk, Iowa. In 1861 he enlisted in company B, 29th Ohio, was afterwards commissioned second lieutenant of company K, and still later was on the brigade staff of the second division of the 12th Army Corps. He was mustered out in 1864, but was in the quartermaster's department until 1865. After the war he spent some time, as well as money, in the oil regions of Pennsylvania, kept hotel in Ohio, constructed five miles of railroad in Illinois, manufactured mining tools in Indiana, and was subsequently in Chicago, from whence he came to Wisconsin. He is now engaged in a general blacksmith business at Richland Center. Mr. Smith is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

    Whitney Smith is not an old resident of the county, but there are so many historical incidents connected with the history of his parents that a short sketch will prove of interest to all. Whitney Smith was born in the town of Wilkes-Barre, Wyoming Valley, Penn., July 14, 1804, his parents being Jonathan and Anna (Truesdale) Smith. His grandfather, William Smith, was a native of Connecticut, and a ship builder by occupation. He accumulated quite a fortune, married and reared a family of children, and then removed to Wyoming Valley, where he purchased property and soon had good improvements. But alas, one day they were surprised by the Indians, compelled to flee from their home, and before they were out of sight the buildings were in flames. The family suffered terribly, as it was obliged to pass through the swamp known as the "Shades of Death," and travel a distance of sixty miles before reaching a white settlement. They returned to Connecticut, where they resided until peace again prevailed in Wyoming Valley, when they again removed thither, but no sooner had they become nicely settled than the Indians again drove them from their homes and destroyed the property. None of the family were killed, but forty prisoners were taken, and among the number was Jonathan Smith, who was then a boy of fifteen years. The Indians soon commenced killing the prisoners, and as young Smith did not choose to be shot down like a dog, he started to run down the hillside, but he soon saw himself surrounded by Indians and so halted. Thrice the savages threw tomahawks at him, but he dodged the weapons. At last the chief of the tribe appeared, and stated that as the boy had been shot at three times, a gun snapped three times, and a tomahawk thrown at him three times, it was plain to be seen that he was protected by the Great Spirit, and it would surely be death to any Indian who would take his life. He was then taken with the tribe, and at last, on account of his bravery, was adopted as the chief's son. He remained with the tribe five years and six months, and the manner of his escape was thus: The Indians were about to hold a war dance, and on such occasions they partook freely of whisky, and it was their usual custom to kill a prisoner; therefore, as young Smith was the only captive, he was somewhat afraid that, notwithstanding his being a great favorite of the tribe, in a fit of drunkenness they might kill him, so he asked permission of his mother, the chief's wife, to go to Montreal, near which place the tribe was encamped, until the war dance was over, and was granted the permission. He went to said city, dressed and painted in true savage style, and passed along the streets without any one taking any particular notice of him. At last he met a negro, to whom he related his experience. The negro informed an officer, who at once laid plans to release Smith from his bondage. He accordingly had Smith appear sick, and when the chief's wife came after him, Smith pretended to be very sick and in great agony, whereupon the officer told her that the boy was sure to die, and that she had better make what she could out of him. She at last consented to release her claims for two gallons of whisky, which was granted her, and Smith returned to his friends, and afterwards again resided in the valley where he was taken prisoner. Whitney Smith served an apprenticeship at the tanning trade, and then engaged in the business. He subsequently carried on a mercantile business in his native town, where he was married. In 1836 he emigrated to Illinois, and settled in what is now Stark county. He gave the name to the town of Wyoming, in that county, and was postmaster at that place for several years. In 1844 he came to Wisconsin and located at Mineral Point, was at first engaged in mercantile, and afterward in tanning business. In the fall of 1876 he removed to Chicago, and in the spring of 1878 came to Richland Center, where he is now living a retired life. Mr. Smith has been twice married, the second time, Feb. 28, 1849, to Anna Maria Clemes. She is a native of England. They have reared four children, only one of whom is living --- Frank C, who is now assistant professor of chemistry and mineralogy in the university at Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. Smith is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is one of the elders. William Smith and family were driven from their home in Wyoming Valley by the Indians three times. The family twice returned to Connecticut, and upon their return William Smith died before the Indians made the last raid.

    H B Allen, druggist, bookseller and grocer, is a son of Harvey and Fannie E Allen, and was born in Walworth Co., Wis., Dec. 20, 1846. He commenced mercantile life as clerk at the age of thirteen, and in 1862 went to Beloit, where he learned the drug business. In October, 1879, he came to Richland Center and purchased a half interest in the business of F P Bowen. In March, 1883, he became sole proprietor, and is now doing a leading business. In 1869 he was married to Neatie Shue, daughter of Ira T Shue, of Beloit. They have two children --- Frank H and Lottie G. Mr. Allen is an enterprising citizen, a republican in politics, a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity, and a member of the IOOF.

    L W Baxter represents the profession of dentistry at Richland Center. He located here May 18, 1880, at which date he opened his office in the Krouskop block, where he remained until the same was destroyed by fire. His office is now pleasantly located on the second floor of the Pier block, and is supplied with all conveniences to do first-class work. Dr. Baxter was born in Waukesha Co., Wis., June 15, 1853. He received a good common school education, and assisted his father in tilling the soil until 1879. In that year he commenced the study and practice of his profession under the guidance of Dr. G A Sinclair, of New Lisbon, with whom he continued until he came to Richland Center. He was married Jan. 8, 1882, to Alice Burnham, daughter of H L Burnham.

    W J Hillman is permanently located and engaged in photography in Richland Center. He established this business in October, 1881. Mr. Hillman was born in the State of New York, April 17, 1849. The family soon removed to Massachusetts, and in 1856 went to Cannon Falls, Minn., where the mother still resides. The father died in 1861. Mr. Hillman enlisted at St. Paul, Minn., April 3, 1865, being scarcely sixteen years of age, and was assigned to the 2d Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, going south April 12 and joining the regiment at Washington. He was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 14, the war being over. He then returned to Minnesota, and spent the time in farming and going to school until twenty years of age, teaching school two terms. Since that time he has devoted his attention principally to the art of photography. He is a skilled artist and successful in his business. He was married in 1871 to Caro W Barnes. They have two children --- Mabel, born June 6, 1875, and Charles, born Aug. 14, 1878.

    C W Slocum, the former landlord of the Park Hotel, became connected with the same in January, 1882, and served as its clerk until the following October. He then had charge of a hotel at Owatonna, Minn., four months, when he again returned to the "Park", and in May, 1883, became proprietor. Mr. Slocum was born in Windham Co., Vt., Oct. 22, 1857. He is the son of James and Margette (Robinson) Slocum. In 1856 the family emigrated to Wisconsin and settled at Mazomanie, where the parents still reside, and here the subject of this sketch helped till the soil until he embarked in the hotel business. He is courteous and accommodating, and under his management the "Park" became a favorite with the traveling public. His connection with said hotel ceased about Nov. 1, 1883, when he removed to Ipswich, Dak., and is there engaged in the same business.

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