State Census Date June 1, 1855

Town Clerk Joseph H. Smith

Head of Family Males Females
Cleniel? Breese 5 3
Willis? P. Brees 3 3
? M. Lythas 6 1
William P. Higgins 4 5
David Bovee 3 2
Jacob Bremer 5 2
John Laws 2 5
Durfee Bovee 4 2
Amy Laws 2 2
James Howard 3 3
Thomas Snyder 1 6
John Klinger 4 3
Ephraim Alderman 4 3
Solomon Hall 1 1
?in Pointer 3 5
William Miller 1 2
Haslow Marks 2 3
John B. Owens 2 2
James Snyder 7 2
Jezababel? Miller 5 7
Joseph Montuth 2 5
Patrick Meehan 3 4
C. W. Huntington 4 4
William Bowen 2 2
William J. Bowen 2 1
Randor Brewer 2 2
Uriah Potch 7 2
John Waddel 5 3
Luman Thompson 2 2
Nelson Strong 3 4
John (H.) Price 2 3
Jackson A. Allister 2 1
Andy Harris 2 2
Daniel Macksel 2 3
Arron B. Thompson 5 5
? Royce 3 1
J. White 1 1
Amos Poff 3 1
Ira Andrews 4 6
Andrew P. Kinney 2 2
Wallis Joslin 2 2
M(enzie) P(helps) Manley 2 1
H. O. Cass 2 2
James H. Waggoner 1 2
J. W. Smith 3 2
George Marsh 7 3
William McKinney 4 3
Enoch Gray 4 1
Robert Dechey 6 2
William Campbell 3 3
Peter Fall 1 1
William Demmons 3 3
Jacob Reede 2 2
(None) Barton 4 4
Samuel Vanalstine 3 4
Robert Akins 4 3
Gardner Brewer 5 3
M. D. Hankins 3 2
? Erlywine 2 4
S. H. Austine 1 2
John Agin 1 0
S. Ronk 3 3
James Bondel 3 4
Celib Waggoner 5 1
Gideon Jones 3 1
?ehuim Wilcox 6 4
Hiram Welton 5 4
D. Sellers 5 2
Thomas Kinney 3 6
Mose Laws 3 2
Milton Langdon 3 4
James Holden 2 2
Charles Nelson 2 4
William S. Hazeltine 5 3
A(lfred) (S.) Neff 11 4
L. P. Clark 1 1
Alonso Decker 2 1
R. R. Hamilton 1 1
Thomas Whiteclift 3 2
J. F. Thompson 7 2
M. Corsaw 1 2
B(yron) F. Carpenter 1 1
H(ascal) Hazeltine 3 3
G(eorge) H. James 4 2
R. C. Hawkins 3 3
Mose Brown 1 1
B. A. Stowers 4 4
Aleck Berland 1 1
Sydney Rose 2 5
B. Hamilton 3 1
James Wilson Blank Blank
Ralph Neff 2 1
Jefferson Shores 2W,2B 4,4
Robert Monterthi 4 3
David Strickland 1 2
Peter (S) Brewers 5 2
James Ary 3 4
Isreal Janney 5 3
D(aniel) B(adger) Priest 2 2
Orin H. Northup 2 1
John Brown 2 1
E. Puola 11 3
John D. Runson 3 2
? Winless 2 1
Augustus Gaston 2 2
(Leroy.) D. Gage 2 2

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Last updated: 27 Dec 2023

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