Christina Thu Jul 1 22:40:14 1999
If anyone has these families in their research, i have much to share! My family immigrated from BOH/Czezeh and entered Hillsboro. Some left in covered wagaons to Iowa.
I am desperate to find my people! I will share all family history!
If not my famly, can someone help with obits/cemetery info?
Naperville, IL
GLORIA OLSON Thu Jul 15 21:27:50 1999
I am seeking info. on Wm. or Bill Montgomery who married Lillian Curtis.Lillian had a nephew,Elmer Curtis, who lived in Richland Center.William's grandfather Archibald Montgomery married Silent ? Silent might have been Native American.
Sandy Sun Jul 18 08:13:15 1999
All the information I have was told years ago from my husband grandfather and I don't know how acuate it may be. Looking for information on Clarence Miller's parents Clarence I believe to of been born in Richland Twp. Richland Co. WI . Feb . 20, 1874, parent believed to be James Miller and Harriet Ireland I would dearly love to find any information out on these peolpe in census,marrige, birth records etc.
Thanks so much for any help Sandy
Doug--CRANSTON Sat Jul 31 18:28:30 1999
I am looking for record of marriage for Claude Earl CRANSTON and Ellen Theresa LAVIN in 1912. I have paid the Wisconsin Vital Records for info,but they have no record of a marriage.
Being they were of different faiths,I assume there is a church record in Wisconsin,Michigan or Minnesota as Ellen was born in Ironwood,MI. If someone can help,I would be in their debt as I have all but run out of ideas.If I lived in area or could afford a professional search,it would be much easier.Thanks, Doug-- in Southern California > email
Kim Tinkham Sat Jul 31 20:47:40 1999
I am looking for any information on Elijah Williams born 1804? in Westmoreland Co,Pa. His children were Mariah, Jesse,Mary,James,all born in PA, Samantha, Nancy born in Ohio,and Emanuel,Orange,and Martha born in Ind. He was married twice, first to a ?? Dunbar (possible last name) then to Elizabeth, Willing to share info with anyone.
Thank you
HILDA A [FERGUSON]ODEGAARD Mon Aug 2 10:54:38 1999
GRANMOTHER, MINA FERGUSON WAS BORN TO JAMES AND FLORENCE MCKINNEY in november of 1877. She was adopted by Joel and Mary Stevens if my information is correct.Can you put me on the right track to finding my roots? Thanks for any help you can give. Hilda Odegaard
Dee Gustaf Sun Aug 8 12:51:11 1999
I am looking for Osters from Wi. This info was taken from an 1885 census in ND, Richland County or Dakota Territory. I am looking for any info related to a George Oster about 50 yrs old in 1885. He was born in Luxemborg, Germany, his wife, Mary, age 44, born in Wi. They had five daughters, born in Wi. and 2 daughters born in Dakota. They had 2 sons born in Wis. It lists a son, John, 24, born in Wis., married to Mary, 22. Both born in Wis. I am thinking John must be George's son. Both George and family and John and his wife, Mary, were listed as farmers at this time in Dakota. There is no more record of this family so I'm thinking they maybe moved back to Wis. My grandparents homesteaded in Richland County, ND., in the same area as the George Oster family. My grandparents stayed wirh relatives in Wis. when they first came to the US. I am quite sure that my grandfather, Simon Oster, and George Oster must have been brothers. If anyone has any info on the Oster family, please contact me at;
Thanks So Much, Dee
Kathy Dale Thu Aug 12 19:30:10 1999
SMITH, John M.born in Sauk Co. 1/20/1879. Was married to STANCZIK, Catherine My mother is searching for any information regarding her grandfather, and his family. Also for her grandmother's family. Her grandmother came from Poland in 1878 at age 1. The lived and died in Richland Center, WI. Hie diend 1/17/45. She died 8/12/43. My mother's name is Mary Kathryn Yahnke Dale.
She remembers that Luenschloss-Hansen Funeral Home in RC was in charge of the service.
She also remembers being taken to the cememtary by her grandparents to visit a grave there, but doesn't remember what the tombstone said.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kathy Dale
Darrin R. Fouke Fri Aug 13 21:03:39 1999
I am interested in researching a 100 year old family mystery which may have its roots in Excelsior and Richland Center,WI. It concerns a man and woman who married and had children together.The woman was Cora Alice SOLARD,and her husband was William Denton FOUKE,aka Wm. David MAHONEY,or MALONEY.
Possibly Cora had some kind of a job as a manager in Richland county.The time frame would be from @1896-1900.Supposedly Denton was suspected of a murder around this time.The couple were married in the county as Mr. and Mrs. MAHONEY in 1896.They had a son named Veota Ralph FOU(L)KE born this year,maybe at Rockford,IL. Denton later (1900) was suspected of a double murder and robbery,and subsequently disappeared.
Can anyone help us learn more about Denton and Cora,and their activities @1896-1900?
Thank you! Darrin R. Fouke
Charles Smith Sun Aug 15 19:07:00 1999
I continue to search for anyone with information on where the OELKE family came from in Mecklenburg. Immigration to Richland County from Mecklenburg was about 1880.
Chris Angell Thu Aug 19 21:54:45 1999
I'm looking for any information on an ANGELL family that lived in Richland County around 1910. My great-grandfather Ross ANGELL (Son of Cora NEWBERRY and John MARKLEY) was given up for adoption very early and was taken in by the ANGELLs.
Also looking for information on the HILLS and DILLON families. My great-grandmother Madeline DILLON was born in Richland County in 1903, daughter of Martin DILLON and Vira ARMSTRONG (who died in Richland County in 1912). Martin was the son of William DILLON (Born County Cork, Ireland) and Hannah ???. Vira was the daughter of Levi ARMSTRONG and Susan LEWIS.
Thank you very much for any information you can offer.
Bonnie Fri Aug 20 23:18:18 1999
I am looking for any information on my g g grandfather, Thomas Hamilton ENDICOTT. He was in the 1860 census in Dayton twp, Richland County, Wisconsin, and in the 1870 census in Akan twp, Richland Co., Wisc., and in the 1880 census in Eagle twp, Richland Co., Wisc. He was in Richland Co., for 30 years. Does anyone have any information on him?? Any relatives still living in the Richland Co., area?? If so, and would like to contact me, please email me at
Thank you so much.
John Mason Thu Aug 26 18:36:12 1999
Rueben SELBY married Lydia MASON in April 22, 1839, Edwards Co. IL. Moved to Richland Co. WI about 1850-60. Children are: Sarah, William, Thomas, Hannah, Nicholas, John, Mary, and Martha. We are researching the MASON family and would appreciate any information on the above people. Lydia was a sister to the Thomas MASON of Richland Co. WI a Methodist Circuit Rider who enlisted in the Civil War and was killed at the Battle of Corinth.
Winnie Goette Mon Aug 30 17:10:42 1999
I am looking for information on my grandmothers side of the family. Her father was Henry KLOCK, mother Elizabeth (COPENHEFER). She lived with her Aunt & Uncle George & Harriet (COPENHEFER) MARSHALL. Her name is Winifred Pearl (KLOCK) Ferguson. Her grandparents were Jacob & Martha KLOCK and John Martin & Elizabeth (CROLL) COPENHEFER. Most of them lived in and around Bloom City, Richland Co., WI. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dick Chroninger Wed Sep 1 06:11:04 1999
Is there a book/listing of obituaries available for Richland and Vernon counties? In the Richland County Death Index their are several people with my surnames but to order certificates would be rather expensive. I would rather pay someone to copy obituaries available at the library. Thanks
Carol-Jean Boevers Mon Sep 6 17:47:01 1999
Levi J. EMERSON married Lois BURHITE in Adams Co. 18 Feb 1866. He was born in PA and resided in Richland county. I am researching the Burhite family.
Jeannette Schuenemann Sat Sep 18 13:53:38 1999
greatgrandmother Nancy Jane Barto Miller buried at Gillingham cemetary in Richland Co. Wisconsin(near Richland Center,Wi)
Bill Hoskins Sat Sep 18 19:13:56 1999
I've recently found two deeds in Richland County that indicate the complete name of Augustus Hoskins, a Richland county pioneer, was actually Daniel Augustus HOSKINS. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Kim Sheehy Mon Sep 27 11:05:49 1999
I am searching for Sheehy ancestors. Immigrated to Wisc. in early 1850's. There is a death record for a JAMES W. SHEAHY who died 7-22-1893. Three sons migrated to Montana in the 1860's. Sisters believed to have stayed and married. One sister it is believed married a McWILLIAMS. Does anyone have a Mcwilliams / Sheehy connection?
Duane Eggleston Mon Sep 27 12:46:33 1999
My gggrandmother Fannie Helena Stowell was born 2/27/1866 in Herrietta Township, Richland Co. Her parents were Anson Stowell and Martha Rachel Carpenter who were married in Madison Co., NY. Would like any info available on Anson & Martha.
Judith E (Bender) Unruh Mon Oct 4 09:24:25 1999
I am currently searching for Benders. Information I have includes pictures of 6 siblings (Martha, Rachel, Laura, Fred, Dave, and Jesse). Have recently learned that Jesse was the youngest, and that there were 7 other siblings (some of which may have died shortly after birth). One additional sibling name has been added since I came across the picture which is available at is one Sarah. Sarah was married and died in Los Angeles CA. We are trying to get the information necessary so that it can be entered into the Family Bible. Jesse was married to Marie Stehn, and she is buried somewhere near Richland Center. These Benders may have been the children of Jonas C. Bender, this is a detail that I am trying to confirm. If you have any information regarding this family I would be most appreciative. One other detail I can offer with some confidence is that Laura was married to a man by the name of Frank Westoff. TIA. Jude Unruh.
Peggy Melichar Stenberg Tue Oct 5 10:28:29 1999
Researching STOUT-Joseph b. 1805, d, 1860, m. Sarah ?? b. 1807, d. 1880, he came from NJ in 1855 and settled on section 10, according to the "Crawford & Richland County History book 1884". His children were Merit b. 1838 d 1906, m. Pamelia ??, and Jonathan b. 1847 d. 1910, m. 1868 Codelia WILDERMUTH b. 1847 d. 1926. (Children; Eldora & Ethel) Her parents were David WILDERMUTH and Annie NEWKIRK who came to Richland Co. in 1856. Cyrus FRY b. 1850 d. 1933 1st m. 1868 Emmoline HINEMAN, 2nd m. Emme Ella GARNER(married name)b. 1851 d. 1904. (Children: Newton E., Plen F., Nellie, Chester, Margaret, Daniel. Newton E. m. Eldora STOUT in 1894.
A newspaper clipping reports that Cyrus Fry was the owner of the "Richland Center Bottling Works" in the early 1900's where he bottled pop. If anyone has info on any of these families please notify me. Thanks :)
Jeannette Schuenemann Tue Oct 5 23:42:02 1999
My greatgrandmother Nancy Jane Barto was born in 1854 She married Alfred Miller in 1881 Most people in the family say she was an American indian. I am very proud if she were,but cannot find anything that confirms this. Help is needed and Thank you very much Jan
Gerald W. Davis Fri Oct 8 20:22:43 1999
I am seeking information about John Cook DAVIS and Margaret J. HORN DAVIS who lived in Richland County about 1860. My gr-grandfather Seth E. "Squire" DAVIS, their son born in Boaz Jun 10, 1860. I'm relatively certain that there were other sibblings, one of which was Harvey born Oct 19, 1869 in Richland County. Any information on other sibblings or on the HORN Family would appreciated.
Dorothy Henson Tue Oct 12 22:18:25 1999
I am looking for information on the Reuben Smith family that came to Richland Center, Richland County, WI about 1852 and had the following children. Levi married Sarah Bartholomew - Fen L Smith married Nancy Jane Brink - Mary E married Samuel Stainbrook - Lousia married Philander Witherel and Alice Augusta married Solomon David Stainbrook and Reuben married Amanda ? and then Estella Nimocks. Any information will be greatly appreicated and I will share information that I have on these families.
Thank you
Donna Flees Sat Oct 16 10:14:33 1999
I'm interested in sharing any information you may have on the listed surnames. Thanks!.
Sandy Freeland Fri Oct 22 18:04:20 1999
Looking for information on Thomas M Freeland and Louise H Wingate, George Henry's parents (son was Frank E.) and the Family of Zeralda Batty Henry Dame.
DUANE I. DEVOE Sat Oct 23 19:16:44 1999
Want to exchange info with anyone related to Richland Co. DEVOEs
SDorgan Fri Nov 5 17:09:01 1999
Looking for information on DORGAN from Richland WI. John DORGAN, Mary, James, Susan, William, Patt, Ellen, Timothy, Margt, John Jr.
Justine Miller Sat Nov 13 11:03:45 1999
I am looking for descendants of Levi H. REHBUCK or RABUCK and his wife Olive Rebecca WARNER REHBUCK (RABUCK). Their known children were Harry, Mary, Leroy, and Sarah. I hope to determine the correct spelling of the name. Also have much information on Olive Rebecca's family of origin I am willing to share, and I have self-published a book of old letters written by the Warner family. Olive Rebecca Warner was raised by the "Brown" family.
Thank you.
Justine Miller
P. O. Box 2062
DeSoto, Texas 75123-2062
Lynne Alvord Sun Nov 14 19:20:11 1999
I am searching for information on the family of Alanson HURD and his wife Jerusha SPRINGER HURD. They were married in Indiana and moved to Richland Co., Wisc before 1850. They eventually moved to Vernon Co., Wisc and then to South Dakota. Their children were Robert Foote, Juliet Elizabeth, Susan Polly, Horace Greely, Harriet Maria, Mary Sophia Varney, Millie Malvina and Samuel Alanson. If you have any information on this family please contact me.
Carolyn McKinzie Sun Nov 14 20:08:46 1999
I am looking for any information on Samuel Annear, son of Joseph and Jenifred Annear. Samuel married Bernetta Sanders. Would appreciate any information.
Dale Richard Crandell Mon Nov 15 05:24:44 1999
I am looking for information on CRANDALL brothers that served in the civil war and are buried in the COUMBS CEMETERY. Also looking for information on the units theyserved with. Co. B 25 Reg, Co H 44 Reg.
Thanks for your Help
cari bass Fri Nov 19 09:32:56 1999
I am looking for any information on ZELPHA WILLIAMS. she marries abner gochenaur from viola area. born 1883 d 1948.
Also any information on Lois Fowell. She married Floyd Lieurance. Lois was born 1900 d. 1952. her father was George Wilson Fowell and her mother was alba bailey. Would like info on the FOWELL line.
Also... I am looking for information on NETTIE BEST. She was born 1879 d. 1967. She married william lieurance.
all of the above are buried in the VIOLA cemetary in Viola WI
Grace L. Boman Sat Nov 20 12:43:33 1999
I note there are several KEPLER families in Richland Co., Is there a possibility, they have cousins in neighbor Crawford Co.
I am looking for info for Daniel KEPLER, who left with the gold rush in the 1860's and never returned.
Thank You
CAROL MCBAIN Sat Nov 20 15:37:30 1999
I am looking for information about my grandfather William Henry McBAIN, who died in 1947 in Black River Falls, WI. I'm trying to find some of his relatives, nieces and nephews who still may be living. He worked on the GreenBay - Northern Railroad in WI, and worked out of Millston, WI. He had 6 sons and 2 daughters. Please e-mail to about address.
tracy Sun Nov 21 17:10:07 1999
Helen Wilson Sun Nov 28 12:32:50 1999
Am looking for information on ancestor John H. Crandell. Was a Baptist Minster and moved to Bloom in 1855. His wife was Rhoda, and they had the first child born in Bloom..
Helen Wilson Thu Dec 2 09:09:30 1999
Looking for family members of JOHN H. CRANDELL and RHODA LITTLE lived in this area in 1854. Believed to be a preacher ..
Trudy Spanier Fri Dec 3 19:25:14 1999
WILLIAM PRICE b. 8-3-1813 NJ and wife RACHEL BUNKER b. 1819 Indiana lived in West River Twp, Randolph Co, IN until after 1853 when their last child was born... They may have been living in the Quaker area around Westford or Richland on the 1860 census. Is there anyone with access to this Richland County, WI 1860 census that might tell me if there is William Price, wife Rachel Price, sons John Wesley Price, William Nelson Price, Francis Marion Price, and daughter Sarah Emaline (aka Emma Price) on this census? They may have had a farm near the border of Richland and Sauk Counties. Thanks.
Marshall McCoy Tue Dec 7 10:42:07 1999
Seek desc. of Samson Sutton (born c. 1832) who md. Hannah.... had at least Evington, Malissa, Marion; also of his brother Aaron (born c. 1836) who md. Adeline... at at least Mary and Josephus. Res. at one time in Richland County, WI
Kevin Shores Sun Dec 12 01:27:47 1999
My gr grandfather Joseph H. SHORES b.1866 in d. 1948 grew up in Richwood. He married Anna M. Grimshaw b. 1875 in Dayton and d. 1945. Any clues as to their family I would greatly appreciate.
Sandy Sun Dec 12 22:19:54 1999
Dawn KnauftTue Dec 21 10:47:29 1999
terry b. wilson or terry b. wilson Fri Dec 24 12:04:48 1999 There were 1471 visitors from 10 Feb 2006 to 31 Jul 2011 and 1867 visitors from 8 Feb 2000 to 10 Feb 2006.
Edmund Burke LOOKER (1811-1896) m. 1833 (1) Martha RUSSELL (1811-1860), (2) Margaret ROBER (?-1870), and (3) Mrs. Margaret WENTLING Grasshopper. Children of first marriage: Charles, James K., David, Skyles Woodburn, Eliza, Nancy & Mary. Edmund was b. in NJ or NY, apprenticed as a shoemaker in NJ and moved to Cumberland Co., PA ca. 1832 where he practiced his trade for 20 years. Then, ca. 1853 he moved his family to Fulton Co., OH where he ran a sawmill. After his first wife died in Jan. 1860, he moved to Adams Co., IN where he married Margaret ROBER. While there he ran a sorghum mill. Margaret died in Apr 1870. Several of his sons migrated to Richland Co., Wis. in the early 1870s. It was there in 1872 that he married his third wife. Interested in corresponding with others researching these families..
I'm looking for picture of west lima up to 1975. I'm am also interested in history related to west lima and the WALLACE and WILSON family of west lima. My great grandmother is a DIETER. I am also interested in DIETER history. e-mail me at either or
If you have resources for Richland County or would like to volunteer to help with look-ups, please e-mail Tim Stowell
since 31 Jul 2011 -- thanks for stopping by!
Last updated: 31 Jul 2011
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