Walker County, Georgia Queries
1st Quarter - 1997
Cities/Communities of Walker Co., GA: Chickamauga | LaFayette | Lookout Mountain | Rock Spring | Rossville
If the submitter's name is not an email link, then I have no valid email address for them - Sorry!
Diane Stacy Sat Jan 4 18:38:48 1997
Seeking information regarding Henry R. BURRESS/BURRIS, b. c1820. Known to have resided in Walker Co., GA 1860, Eagle Cleft, Chattanooga Dist. Spouse name Julia S. Burress/Burris, 8 children. It is possible that he left Walker Co. for Lawrence Co., AL. Any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
Michelle L. Moreland Orlando Wed Jan 8 12:44:16 1997
Researching the MORELAND family that lived in Walker Co., GA. Areas lived in:
Fricks Gap, Pond Springs, LaFayette, Lookout. Joseph MORELAND and wife Devine
Howard CARTER moved into area around 1840 from Hamilton Co., TN. Joseph from Surry
Co., NC. Their children were: William Richard, Nancy, John Henry, Carter M., Matilda
Jane, Jewell, Thomas M., Joseph (my GGrandfather). Family names they m. into in
left with his mother and his widowed sis.,Matilda J.BENTLEY and sons, Nancy and
Martin T. CHILDRESS in 1871. John Henry stayed and lived in LayFayette. My line
goes into AR and TX: Bastrop Co.(1874), Denton Co.(1879-1880), Spanish Ft., Montague
Co.(1880's-1900)TX. Will share what I have on this family line and other surnames
that m. into this family while living in Walker Co.
Neil E. Barber Wed, 08 Jan 15:14:03
My g-g-grandfather was Joseph Bagget AU, b. 1794, who lived in Rossville, Walker
Co., GA in the mid-1850s. He was m. to Maria Ursula BADER, though I do not know
if she survived to live in GA. Joseph, Sr., came to GA from Allmendshofen, Donaueschingen,
Baden, GER by way of NY and MI, with several (I believe) of his children namely,
Joseph, Jr., probably Herman and Rosa (my ggrandmother), and perhaps Emily and
Julia. Joseph, Jr., who was b. in Baden on 17 May 1836, d. in Rossville, GA on
19 Sep 1913. He was m. to Caroline Schudding (?), and they had a son named Leo.
Joseph, Jr. and his family are shown in the 1880 census for Walker Co. I believe
Joseph and his son were both farmers. Any information concerning this family would
be appreciated.
Claudia Prince Sun Jan 12 10:20:40 1997
I'm seeking information on my husband's ggrandfather, Hiram PRINCE (b.1820). He
and his family were in Pea Vine TWP of the 1850 Walker Co., GA census. Also in
his household was Mary PRINCE (b. 1791). He and Emeline GOODWIN were m. in Greene
Co., AL, 8 Nov 1838. Three of his sisters were also m. in Greene Co., AL. They
were Harrriet PRINCE m. Robert SMITH, 3 Apr 1837; Rebecca PRINCE m. Isaac GULLETT,
2 Mar 1839; and Julianna PRINCE m. Smith DAFFRON, 20 Feb 1841. All these families
were in the 1850 Walker Co., GA census, as well as Hiram's brother, William PRINCE
. In Rebecca GULLETT'S household in 1850 was John PRINCE, (b. 1768). Evidently
Hiram d. soon aft. 1850 and his wife, Emeline went back to KY where her parents
were and her will was recorded Dec 1857 in Caldwell, Co., KY. The only one of
Hiram's siblings who stayed in the Walker Co., GA area was Harriet SMITH. She
was in the 1860, 1870 and 1880 Catoosa Co., GA census. However, she seems to have
been m. to a Mr. Bevert in 1860 as his household shows, H. Bevert, age 44 and
SMITH children who seem to be Harriet's. She has her SMITH name back in 1870 and
1880. In her 1880 Catoosa Co. census household is Mary SMITH, age 91, listed as
Harriet's mother. If some of Harriet (PRINCE) SMITH'S descendants still live in
the Walker/Catoosa Counties area, maybe they can help. Thank you, Claudia Prince,
P. O. Box 97, Portales, New Mexico 88130.
Stevie Leigh Jones Mon Jan 13 00:03:47
I am looking for information about John MARTIN (1/4 or 1/2 Cherokee Indian) and
his family. He had one son, Joseph MARTIN that m. Mary E. HUNT. Joseph and Mary
(HUNT) MARTIN had at least the following children: Abigail "Abbie" b.abt 1820;
Sarah Adeline b.abt 1830; Dovey Susannah b.abt 1831; Joseph Walker b.abt 1835;
William Henry b.abt 1836-39; Ephram; Edmund and Betsie. In 1830 this family was
living in Macon Co. NC, in 1840 living in Murray Co. GA. Joseph MARTIN drowned
in the Chickamauga River in 1846. His widow Mary was still living in Murray Co
in 1850. Is any one researching this family?
Benton Fletcher Mon Jan 13 09:14:40 1997
Looking for Parents of Edom MOON, b: 1782 NC d: Oct 1879 in Walker Co., GA. m:
Obedience EDDINGS d: May 1863. Both are buried in Moon/Jones Cem., in Walker Co.
Need data on EDDINGS Family.
Linda(Townsend)Thompson Sun Jan 19 00:00:47
Researching Thomas H.Townsend. Trying to locate his siblings and parents. Thomas
m. Julia M. Kinsey. His birthdate is Sep 1858/60. Hers Nov 8, 1855. They were
living in Walker Co. in 1920. His mother was supposed to be a full bloodied Cherokee
Indian. They had 7 children: Samuel; Jesse; Sallie; Harvey; Georgie; Deedy: and
Kimsey. Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated.
Dick Keylon Sun Jan 26 16:09:46 1997
John B. GORDON was raised & went to school in Walker Co. 1840s. GA Governor 1886-1890.
Looking for parents? Siblings? Wife? Children?
Billy Thomas Brown Sun Feb 9 06:19:28 1997
Any on with info on Alvin D. Brown m. Martha Parthena Mcintyre and Burdell Austin
m. Nina Gray. They lived in the Summerville-Trion-Lafayette area.
Annette Richards Thu Feb 20 17:16:26 1997
Edward Benjamin FINLEY b. abt Jan 1872 in Rossville, Walker Co., GA.
Annette Herrington Fri Feb 21 22:12:42
Sarah Jane "Sally" PHELPS (b. 11 Dec 1936, GA, d. 24 Feb 1893, Floyd Co., GA)
came from the Villanow area of Walker Co. She possibly had Cherokee heritage,
but no positive proof exists. Her father was Thomas H. PHELPS and her mother was
Sarah; a sister, Elizabeth, was 3 years younger (wife of J.L. HILL) and she possibly
had a 7 year older sister named Fannie & brothers. Most of the family migrated
down to Floyd Co. during the later 1800s. Sarh Jane m. 1. Charles Franklin PHILLIPS,
son of Elkana PHILLIPS & Mary TREADAWAY of Walker Co. PHILLIPS was killed in the
Civil War. She m. 2, Rev. John Francis SHARP, a farmer & Baptist preacher. Further
info desired on any branch of this tree. Would like to exchange info with other
Helen Davis OR
Helen Davis Sat Feb 22 07:03:10 1997
PIKE-- Looking for my ggrandfather, Joseph P. PIKE. Federal census records indicate
that he most likely was the child of John B. PIKE and Marjam. Walker Co. Federal
Census for 1860 shows a Joseph P. age 7. Included are his siblings; Susan J.,
John, Harriet, James D., Henrietta, Franklin and Laura. Joseph in the 1870 Walker
Co. census is 18 yrs. of age living with parents. I see him next on 1910 census
in TN. I need proof of connection to what I think are his parents, John and Marjam
in Walker Co., GA
Patsy Waters Wed Feb 26 19:10:59 1997
My ggrandfather, James EVETT was b. in Walker Co., GA in 1840 and later moved
to Jackson Co., AL. His parents were Thompson EVETT and Nancy (Unknown) who moved
to Walker Co. from SC (place unknown). Any information concerning this family
would be greatly appreciated.
Derwood Johnson Wed Feb 26 07:08:14 1997
Seeking ancestry of KINSEY and PLEMONS families. Benjamin Franklin KINSEY (b.
6 Nov 1829 Hall Co., GA) m. 5 June 1853 in Walker Co. to Cynthia Caroline Plemmons
(b. 1834 in GA or NC). Ben was the son of Elisha KINSEY (b abt 1801 GA) and wife,
Elizabeth CLEMENTS (b 21 Jun 1798 in SC). Cynthia's mother's name was Rachel (b
abt 1794 in SC).
Wendy Jacobs Fri Feb 28 21:26:14 1997
Seeking descendants of the KIGHT family of Walker Co.,GA.
James Hixson Sat Mar 1 05:56:50 1997
I am trying to identify my grandfather's father. My grandfather's name was John
Thomas HAMES of Walker Co., Ga. He was b. in 1873 in either Walker or Gordon counties.
His mother was Elizabeth D. REAVES (REEVES) of Walker Co. John Thomas HAMES and
his wife, Nora Alice RICHARDSON were charter members of East Armuchee Baptist
Church in Walker Co. Apparently John Thomas Hames' father d. when he was only
two or three years old. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Tracy Rutherford Thallas Sat Mar 1 15:40:34
Am looking for information on the antecedents of William Andrew RUTHERFORD (b.
15 Feb 1853 d. 12 Nov 1925); Martha Rebecca (DEARING) (b. 7 Jul 1860, d. 1 May
1930), both bur. in Ami Cemetary; also John W. WOOD and his wife Carrie BOYLES,
about whom I have no other information.
Rodney Howard Thu Feb 13 21:11:19 1997
I am looking for any information reguarding my third ggrandfather, Spill B. DYER,
of the Dyers of the Chickamauga park area, who farmed that land prior to and during
the civil war in 1863. Mr. DYER joined the 37th TN Infantry in 1861, and served
as a 2nd lieutenant and POW until the wars end and remained in the Walker Co.
area until his death. Many descendants were and are located here at present.
Diane Stacy Fri Mar 7 14:27:30 1997
BURRIS/BURRESS-Seeking info regarding Henry R. BURRIS/BURRESS, b. c1820, Walker
Co., GA. Known to have moved to Lawrence Co., AL at a later date. Info regarding
Henry are limited, but am willing to share.
Kathleen Burnett Sun Mar 9 11:20:22
I am looking for others researching the following families in and around the Walker
Co., GA area. SMITH, WOODRUFF, STOUT. My 2nd ggrandparents James M. and Susan
SMITH were listed on the 1850 U.S. Census of Walker Co., GA. They were living
in the Lookout Mountain Area. The children living in the home at that time were:
William, Sally, Mary, Priscilla, Campbell, Nancy, Caroline C., Martha and Tennessee.
Priscilla m. a William M. STOUT from across the border in Hamilton Co., TN. Living
next to my grandparents was a family with head of household being Elisha WOODRUFF,
age 76 and his wife Mary age 66. Also living in his household was a Jeptha M.
SMITH and his family. I feel that this WOODRUFF family somehow ties in to the
SMITH family, but am not sure just how. Kathleen Burnett, PO Box 3334, Logan,
UT 84321
Pat McNeely Tue Mar 11 11:36:13 1997
Searching for James MCNEELY b. 1824 TN, wife Caroline b. 1824 TN, children Sarah
A. b. 1846 TN, Bethine b. 1851 TN, Merry b. 1853 Walker Co GA, John b. 1856, Walker
Co GA, Elizabeth b. 1859 Walker Co TN. This family was shown in Walker Co. for
the 1860 Census. They were gone by the 1870 Census. Can't find them in TN before
or after. I next find John McNeely in Greene Co., MO in 1886. Would appreciate
any information regarding this family.
Robert Hughes Wed Mar 12 13:19:41 1997
I'am looking for informent on a Elijah HUGHES b. in SC and move to Walker Co.
GA spoues name is Janet ? . Had thirteen kids according to the 1850 Census. All
kids was b. in Walker Co. Later move to AR but only three kids show up in AR and
Elijah HUGHES.
Cindy Brock Sat Mar 15 16:15:04 1997
Walker Co.--When checking the 1900 census for the family of Melvin MASSEY, m.
to Amanda DENTON, it stated the city/town as G.M. I was wondering if anyone would
know what this stood for.
Barbara Wilson Dooley Sat Mar 22
17:14:52 1997
I would like info on Richard and Jane BURK WILSON, listed in the 1850 Walker Co.,
GA, census. His occupation was given as Minister of Gospel, Missionary Bapt. Can
anyone give me an idea as to which church it might have been? Or a way to find
out? The post office listed in the census was E. Chickamauga. In 1860 he was listed
with a son and the son's family in Catoosa Co., in Ringgold. Because of the formation
of Catoosa Co., I'm not sure they actually moved. I would like to where his sons,
Joseph, and Benjamin after 1850, and his Richard after 1860. Richard and Jane
were my 2nd ggrandparents.
Apr-Jun 1997
Jul-Sep 1997
Oct-Dec 1997
This page was last modified 24 Jul 2011