History of Georgia

Colonial to 1900.

Chapter 1 - Missing
Chapter 2 - Missing
Chapter 3 - Missing
Chapter 4 - Missing
Chapter 5 - How the Colony Grew.
Chapter 6 - Trouble with the Spaniards. --- Oglethorpe Invades Florida.
Chapter 7 - The Spaniards Invade Georgia.
Chapter 8 - The Administration of President Stephens. --- The Labor Question. --- The Bosomworth Claim.
Chapter 9 - The Administration of President Henry Parker.
Chapter 10 - Administration of Governor Reynolds. --- The Great Seal.
Chapter 11 - Governor Henry Ellis. --- Affairs Preceding the Revolution.
Chapter 12 - Administration of Governor Wright.
Chapter 13 - How the People Treated the Demands of the Mother Country.
Chapter 14 - First Acts of Resistance.
Chapter 15 - The People Overthrow the Government of the King.
Chapter 16 - The Constitution of 1777 --- Permanent State Organization.
Chapter 17 - The British Over-run Georgia.
Chapter 18 - The Progress of the War in Georgia.
Chapter 19 - The Attack Upon Savannah.
Chapter 20 - Augusta Taken and Retaken.
Chapter 21 - Georgia Recognized as Free and Independent.
Chapter 22 - Georgia in the Confederation, 1783 - 1789.
Chapter 23 - Georgia Enters the Union of States.
Chapter 24 - Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin.
Chapter 25 - Yazoo Fraud.
Chapter 26 - Constitution of 1798.
Chapter 27 - The University Founded. --- Western Territory Ceded.
Chapter 28 - Land Lottery and Head Rights.
Chapter 29 - Internal Improvements.
Chapter 30 - The War of 1812. --- Indian Troubles.
Chapter 31 - The End of the War of 1812.
Chapter 32 - Progress of the State.
Chapter 33 - How they lived in Early Times.
Chapter 34 - Early Customs and Habits.
Chapter 35 - Crawford, Troup, and Clark.
Chapter 36 - Administration of Troup.
Chapter 37 - Treaty of 1825.
Chapter 38 - Georgia Defies the Federal Government.
Chapter 39 - Administration of Governor Gilmer.
Chapter 40 - Administration of Governor Lumpkin.
Chapter 41 - Removal of the Cherokees. --- Creek War.
Chapter 42 - Higher Education.
Chapter 43 - Our First Railroads.
Chapter 44 - Administration of McDonald.
Chapter 45 - Administration of Governor Crawford. --- Supreme Court Organized. --- Anaesthesia.
Chapter 46 - Georgia in the Mexican War.
Chapter 47 - Contest Over Slavery in the Territories.
Chapter 48 - Political Disturbances.
Chapter 49 - War Threatening.
Chapter 50 - Georgia Secedes.
Chapter 51 - The Beginning of the War.
Chapter 52 - Progress of the War.
Chapter 53 - From Chattanooga to Atlanta.
Chapter 54 - The March to the Sea.
Chapter 55 - The Federal Army Assumes Control of Georgia.
Chapter 56 - Georgia Excluded from the Union.
Chapter 57 - Under Military Governors.
Chapter 58 - The Return of Peace.
Chapter 59 - The Constitution of 1877.
Chapter 60 - The Progress of the State.
Chapter 61 - Administration of McDaniel.
Chapter 62 - Administration of Gordon.
Chapter 63 - Administration of Governor Northen.
Chapter 64 - Administration of Governor Atkinson.
Chapter 65 - Administration of Governor Candler.
Chapter 66 - Administration of Governor Terrell.
Georgia History
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