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23 Sep 2017
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McIntosh County History |
Officially the county was organized on March 9, 1883. But those who lived in it at the time were trappers and hunters. The military route led from Fort Abercrombie on the Red River to Fort Yates on the west bank of the Missouri river. Orignainally McIntosh county was a part of Logan county. When the Dakota legislature decided to separate it from Logan county it got the name of E.H. McIntosh, a prominent member of the territorial Council. The governor of the Territory, Mr. Givert A. Pierce, appointed the following personas as commissioners of the county: W. Lilly, charled Morell, Charles V. Boyse. John H. Wishek was appointed County Secretary and Land Registrar. They completed the organization of the county on October 4, 1884. John Wishek was from Pennsylvania and of German decent. He was of great help to the German Russian immigrants and enjoyed their high esteem. During the first years the county was often in great distress, as also were its first settlers. There were terrible droughts and thus came the need of seed, even flour for the people and the simple necessities of life. Only after years of hardship did conditions improve. In the course of years the Germans from Russia who becae the majority of the county's population also managed the county. The first county seat was Hoskins. In November 1887 it moved to Ashley.
Army National Guard | Independent Order of Odd Fellows | Veterans List |
Goldenrod Rebekah Lodge | Churches | American Legion |
Legislators | Ashley Jubilee | Postmasters |
McIntosh County Families |
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Pioneer Biographies - ABELL - GIEDT | Pioneer Biographies - GOEBEL - KREIN, C | Pioneer Biographies - KREIN, J - SCHMALZ |
Pioneer Biographies - SCHMIDT - WOLFF | Spitzer Family | Timm Family |
Tribute to Wishek Pioneer Families |
Gedcom Files | Guestbook | Obituaries | Surname Registry |
McIntosh County Communities |
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1895 Map of McIntosh County | Wishek | Wishek Home Page 1 | Wishek Home Page 2 |
Ashley | Venturia | Zeeland | Lehr |
Important North Dakota Genealogy Sites |
The person responsible for McIntosh County is Tim Stowell. Please contact me, if you would like to contribute your information (surnames/lookup sources) to this page.
If you would like to do lookups for McIntosh County, ND, please volunteer. I'll list you on the appropriate page if you own resources and would be willing to help others via email or US mail.
There were 3068 visitors from 9 Feb 2006 to 11 Jul 2011. There were 21,722 visitors to the previous site from 15 May 1997 to 9 Feb 2006.
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2017
1997-2017, Copyright Tim Stowell