NOTE 2: This transcription was downloaded from the Internet. Changes have been made in the format, but the content has been left intact unless it was not logical, or contained typographical errors. It might seem strange that the captions for some pictures are included. This was done with the intention of someday getting copies of these pictures so they might be included in this copy. Ronald W. Whitney, December 27, 1996.
A half century ago the place where the City of Ashley now flourishes was wind swept prairie. There were no trees, no houses, no fences, no telephones, no roads. Wild buffalo, deer and antelope and sly Redskins roamed over the roadless prairies, where we now find prosperous looking homes and fields of golden grain. From the few small homes and business places, which marked the beginning of Ashley, a fine city has grown and prospered.
This historical book has been compiled that the present generation may know the joys and sorrows experienced by our forefathers through the years of famine and the years of plenty; that we may realize the courage, the patience, the fortitude and the faith in God which was embodied in all pioneers who came and saw, and in seeing, remained and conquered. The high ideals of those early pioneers have endured through the years and now shine forth in the fine men, women and children who are the citizens of Ashley and McIntosh County.
Information for this book has been furnished by some of the pioneers and by others in sympathy with the project. All pioneers and their descendants were invited, through a questionnaire published in the local weekly paper, to contribute biographies of all early settlers. Much valuable material was gathered in this way. It cannot be said that all statements, stories and dates are entirely correct. Many who furnished data had no written record and gave the information from memory.
Should mistakes be made, and no doubt there are many both in grammatical construction and authenticity of material, please be kind, and know that the amateur writers doing the work builded as best they could with the material furnished.
The histories of many early settlers do not appear as no information concerning them was available. From those included in the book the reader may get a comprehensive idea of pioneer life in the Dakota prairies. To those who so generously purchase advertising space, to those who furnished pictures and information, and to McIntosh County pioneers themselves we say, sincerely: Thank you. You have made this publication possible.
Dedication - 2
Officers, Directors, Chairmen - 2
Various Committees - 2 - 3
Jubilee Committee - 4 - 5
Memorial to Pioneers of McIntosh County - 5
Ashley Council of Officers - 5
Court House Employees and Officers - 6
History of Ashley, McIntosh County and Other Communities - 6 - 15
Early Settlement - 15 - 16
County Officials - 16 - 17
Contrasts of Time - 17 - 18
Agricultural - 19 - 20
Ashley School, Library, Band, Baseball - 20 - 25
American Legion - 25 - 26
Jubliee Dames - 26 - 28
Woman's Club - 28 - 29
Camp Fire Girls - 29 -30
Girl Scouts - 30
Pioneer Memorial - 30 - 31
Fire Department - 31 - 32
Better Ashley Association - 32
Reglious Organizations and Societies - 32 - 43
GAR - 43
County Fair - 43 - 44
Postoffices - 44
Basket Ball - 44 - 45
Boy Scouts - 45 - 46
Modern Woodmen - 46 - 47
American Red Cross - 47
County Bar - 47 - 48
Ashley Commerical Club - 49
IOOF - 49
Lions Club - 49 - 50
Business Establishments - 177 - 190.
There were 1812 visitors from 9 Feb 2006 to 11 Jul 2011. There were 1510 visitors to the previous site from 18 Jul 2001 to 9 Feb 2006.
© Tim Stowell 2001-2017
Email: Tim Stowell
Last updated: 19 May 2017