JOHN L. VAN ALSTYNE, M.D., has been a resident and prominent physician of Binghamton, N. Y., since July of 1873. He was born in Richmondville, Schoharie County, N. Y., October 8, 1840, son of Dr. Thomas B. and Eliza (Gyle) Van Alstyne. His mother was from Vermont. His father was born in Columbia County, N. Y., and, after graduating as a physician, settled in Richmondville in 1825. The ancestral Van Alstynes came from Holland. For a number of years the elder Dr. Van Alstyne was a Supervisor, and at one time a nominee for Congress. He retired from practice at the age of fifty-five, and removed to Albany, N. Y., but died at Richmondville. The family were all Episcopalians.
The subject of this brief biography received his education in elementary schools in Schoharie County and at Hartwick Seminary. He read medicine first with his brother, Sylvester M., of Richmondville, and then with Dr. Swinburne, of Albany, remaining with him for three years, afterward graduating from the Albany Medical College in 1862. The Civil War was then raging; and, animated with the patriotic spirit which filled the hearts of the young men of that day, he joined the Third New York Cavalry as Assistant Surgeon. It was not long before his superior attainments and skill won him promotion to the post of Surgeon of the regiment. He was with the regiment in North Carolina, and came back to Virginia, where he soon received the appointment of Brigade Surgeon of the First Brigade, and from January 1, 1862, until the close of the war, was Surgeon-in-Chief of his district in Eastern Virginia. The First Brigade participated in all of the engagements around Richmond, and Dr. Van Alstyne witnessed many heart-rending scenes on battlefields and in the hospitals. When peace was declared, he returned to Richmondville, and practised there until 1872. He then spent one year in the hospitals and colleges of New York City, finally locating his office in the city of Binghamton, N. Y., in the year 1873. Here he has built up a lucrative practice, and made hosts of friends.
Dr. Van Alstyne married Miss Carrie A. Shults, of Troy, N. Y.; and two children have been born to them: Bessie, wife of Gilbert E. Rogers, of Binghamton; and T. Butler, the only son. The family reside at No. 100 Hawley Street, in a pleasant and tasteful home.
In the Masonic Order Dr. Van Alstyne is a member of Cobleskill Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He is naturally a great friend of the war veteran, and is associated with Watrous Post, No. 30, Grand Army of the Republic, holding the office of Post Surgeon. He is a member of the Broome County Medical Society and the Binghamton Academy of Medicine, and devotes his whole time to his profession and its interests. Dr. Van Alstyne stands high among the medical practitioners of Binghamton, his years of service in the war and his experience in the hospitals having been of inestimable value to him. Kind and courteous to all, it is in the sickroom that he appears at his best. Sympathizing and gentle to the suffering patient, watchful for every change, his presence is a tower of strength and reliance to the anxious relatives; and his cool and clam touch soothes the most nervous sufferer.
Source: pages 698-699.
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© Tim Stowell 2007-2011
All biographies are from Biographical Review - The Leading Citizens of Broome County, New York
Boston - Biographical Review Publishing Company - 1894
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Last updated: 30 Jul 2011
Email: Tim Stowell