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Walker County, Georgia

Surname Registry

P - Z

If the researcher column has a name that is not underlined it indicates that that researcher's email address is no longer valid. They will be maintained here for approximately 30 days and then will be deleted from the list. If you are one of these links you need to email the webmaster to supply a new email address.

PARHAM; 1830-now Ralph M. Parham
PARK; 1850-now Charline Bird Needham
PARK; 1840-now Rollie Taylor
PARRISH; 1776-now Linda Sue Hollingsworth
PARRISH; 1830-1880 Pat Worsham
PARTON; 18??-now Brenda E. (Parton) Glazier
PARTEN; 18??-now Brenda E. (Parton) Glazier
PATRICK; 1850-1920 Harrison E. Patrick
PEARCE; 1800-now Claudine Putnam
PERDUE; 1792-1833 Christina Madros
PETERSON; 1870-1900 Amy Vaughn
PETTYJOHN; 1830-now Trudy Heyen
PHILLIPS; 1840-now Julia Kedroff
PHILLIPS; 1830-1870 Mary Ann Kuebel
PHILLIPS; 1800-now Claudine Putnam
PIRKLE; 1745-now Linda Sue Hollingsworth
PITTS; 1880-1920 Barbara Ekiss
POE; 1870-??? Michelle Moreland Orlando
POE; 1700-now Donna Cook Freeman
PORTER; 1848-1952 Michael Baughn
POWELL; 1870s-1880s William R. Wills
POWELL; 1700-now Donna Cook Freeman
POYNOR ; 1808-1843 Rita Wood
PRYOR; 1860-now Denise Gilreath
QUINTON; 1850-?? Rosa & Bob Quinton
RANSOM; 1782-now Deborah McConnell Blackmon
READ; ???-1875 Jeanette Martin
REDMAN; 1800 - now Kathy Arnold
REDMON; 1800 - now Kathy Arnold
REDMOND; 1800 - now Kathy Arnold
REED; ???-1875 Jeanette Martin
REID; ???-1875 Jeanette Martin
RIDDELL;1865-now Othilla Heartsill Thompson
RIVES;1850-now Julia Kedroff
ROBERTSON; 1840-1855 Brenda Beyer
ROBINSON;1840-now Steve Robinson
ROBINSON;1860-1900 Amy Vaughn
ROGERS; 1800's Trudy Heyden
ROGERS; 1800-now Claudine Putnam
ROGERS; 1840-1896 Rebecca Robinson Morris
ROPER; 1800-now L. David Roper
ROWLAND; 1880-Present Glenda Rowland
ROWLETT(E); 1920-now Lori Rowlette
RUTLEDGE; 1850- now Mary Jane Yasui
SAMMONS; 1850-?? Sandy Simmons
SANDERS; 1800 Lebron Scheivelhud
SATTERFIELD; 1840-1900 Cindy Gardner
SATTERFIELD; 1800-now Betty Harbour
SATTERFIELD; 1840-1895 Julie Bradley
SCHMIDT; 1895-1913 Mary Anne Kuebel
SCHMITT; 1868-1939 Michael Baughn
SCHULZ, Walter E.; 1920-2004 Ann Hamilton
SELF; 1840-now Bryce W. Self
SELF; 1840-now Dan McCarthy
SETLIFF; 1800-1900 Jimmie S. Page
SHAVER; 1800-now Lebron Scheivelhud
SHAW;1815 to present
Marci Shaw Peralez
SHEILDS; 1850-now Lori Rowlette
SHEILDS; 183?-now Sherman Gibbs
SHIELDS; 1750-now Rose Brown
SHIELDS; 1835-1950 Patti
SHELTON; 1840-1855 Brenda Beyer
SHEPHERD; 1920-now Lori Rowlette
SHIRLEY; 1870-??? Missy Mayne
SILVER; 1800-now Betty Harbour
SINGLETARY; 1840-1860 Diane Bingham
SINGLETERRY; 1840-1860 Diane Bingham
SIPE; 1850-1880 Virginia White
SMITH; 1840-1860 Kathleen Burnett
SMITH; 1919-1923 Judy Franklin
SNOW; 1800-1900 Charles Lumpkin
SPARGER; 1858-now Mike Patterson
SPRAYBERRY; 1850-now Peggy Stanfield
STANFIELD; 1850-now Peggy Stanfield
STIFF; Susan Kendall
STOKER; 1870-now Missy Mayne
STOUT; 1850-1860 Kathleen Burnett
STRAIN; 1840-1870 Betty Strain Boggs
STUDDARD;1800-now Gayle Hassler
SUTTLE; 1838-1997 Carolyn E. Beach
SWEET;1833-1976 Dawn
TABB;1865-now Othilla Heartsill Thompson
TALLENT; 1850-now Bill Clody
TATUM; 1830's-1850 Randy Lewis
TATUM; early 1900's Trudy Heyden
TAYLOR; 1850-now Bill Dunn
TEMPLETON; 1800-now Ernest Nichols
TEMPLETON; 1850's-??? Leroy Dedmon
THOMAS; 1848-1880 Thomas McCahon
THORNTON; 1865-now Othilla Heartsill Thompson
THURMAN; 185?-now Sherman Gibbs
TIPTON; 1870-1920 Vince King
TIPTON; 1830-??? Patti
TOWNSEND; 1850-now Linda Townsend Thompson
TYNER; 1800-1860 Mary Ann Kuebel
TYNER; 1780-1850 Cindy Williams
UNDERWOOD; 1840-1900 Carolyn C Baugh
VAUGHN; 1820-1860 Herschel E. Vaughn, Jr.
WADE; 1840-now Leanne Dooley
WALKER; 1900-??? Leroy Dedmon
WALLACE; 1850-now Sharon Jung
WALLEN; 1840-now Kathleen Burnett
WALLIN; 1640-now Linda Sue Hollingsworth
WALLIN; 1840-now Kathleen Burnett
WALLIS; 1850-now Sharon Jung
WALSTON;1800-now Kathy Arnold
WARDLAW; 1840-now Louise (Bryant) Rogers
WEST; 1800-now Ernest Nichols
WEST; 1834-now Linda Sue Hollingsworth
WESTBROOK; 1850-now John Cannon
WESTBROOKS; 1850-now John Cannon
WHEELER; 1850-1870 Michelle Moreland Orlando
WHEELER; 1760-1850 Boyd Martin
WHITE; 1830-1850 Jeri Helms Fultz
WHITE; 1800-now Ellen Livell
WHITESIDE Mary McIntyre Hendijani
WHITLOW; 1860s-1870s William R. Wills
WILLIAMS; 1900-now Lori Rowlette
WILLIAMS; 1830-1850 J. Lancaster
WILLIAMS; 1890-1960 Mark Williams
WILLIAMSON; 1850-1880 Linda Rainey
WILLIAMSON; 1930-now David Williamson
WILSON; 1860-1920 Jan Wilson
WILSON; 1850-??? Barbara Wilson Dooley
WILSON; 1800-now Claudine Putnam
WISE; 1860-1891 Barbara Ribling
WITHROW; 1800's Ruth Byrne
WOODEN; 1860-now Gene Wooden
WOODRUFF; 1840-1850 Kathleen Burnett
WORLEY; 1850-now Sherry Hopkins
WORSHAM; 1800-1950 Betty Brown
WRIGHT; 1800-now Michael E. Cole



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Tim Stowell

Walker County, Georgia - GaGenWeb
Surname Registry A - H
Surname Registry I - O

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all rights reserved

This page was last modified 9 Jul 2011

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